Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 559 - This Bonus is Too Much for This Meeting

Chapter 559 This Bonus is Too Much for This Meeting

Since Shen Mo invited her in person, Xia Yu decided to go and see what he was going to say. Shen Mo was indeed famous as Director Cold of S city because he directly chucked Xia Yu a contract.

“This is?” Xia Yu opened it and found it was a contract of catering. Shen Mo had an ambition. He wanted to cooperate with Ruyi Tower to make a monopoly of the catering market in S city.

“I talked it to Shen Yan earlier. He said he would think about it.” Shen Mo said in his typical tone.

“I know you always want to expand your business. Why not think about cooperating with me? Rather than wasting time and strength looking for finance and investment, which you have to shoulder the loss and give them extra dividends, we can work together, without any loss, to have dividends of….” Li Dachang was raising three fingers.

Seeing the three fingers, Xia Yu felt like laughing, “Isn’t there one billion on the contract?”

“3 to 7, you have 3 while I have 7.”

“Is this the principle between you and Shen Yan?”

Shen Mo withdrew his fingers and took a sip of tea at his ease, “He has no right to ask for 30%. We have to have 80%”

“Then why should you be willing to give me a bonus?”

“People do have discrepancies. You’re cleverer than him and more sensible. It’s more comfortable for me to work with a sensible person. I think you deserve 3 and the extra is the bonus to you for our meeting, which shows my sincerity in our first cooperation.”

Xia Yu kept smiling with the corner of her mouth lifted, “So I’m supposed to thank Young Master Mo for your trust. 1 is a hundred million. This bonus is too much for this meeting!”

“Don’t say that. Many things can’t be calculated by money. I always admire your pluck but I was hesitant to tell you considering your relationship with Shen Yan.” Shen Mo apparently wanted to bribe her.

Xia Yu knocked on the table twice with her fingers, “Thank Young Master Mo for your appreciation. However, I’m wondering whether I may ask you a question?”

“I was once fired by you. Why should you think of cooperating with me?” Xia Yu was astonished by the olive branch offered by Shen Mo.

Xia Yu knew well in her heart that she was by no means appreciated by Shen Mo.

Shen Mo probably had expected this question from her so he snorted with a calm expression, “Actually, I don’t have to hide it from you. You know that I was forced by Zeng Family to get engaged to Zeng Mina. They wouldn’t let a beautiful secretary stay at my side.”

Xia Yu now certainly knew that Zeng Family once threatened Shen Mo. What a shame that the honorable Director Cold was once threatened? That was why he was so resolute to take over Zeng Group.

Xia Yu, touching the cup, gave an indifferent smile again, “Young Master Mo, don’t you fear that Shen Yan might know that you make such a speech in front of me?”

“I don’t care. We are all businessmen. If he were clever enough, he would be supposed to be sensible. Now, it all depends on your attitude,” After he said so, Shen Mo blew the tea leaves floating in the cup and took a deep sip, “but you don’t have to answer me now. I give you three days. You give me your answer until then!”

Zhang Hanyu stood at the door of the private room and waited. In the hallway, customers and waitresses couldn’t help casting a look at him while walking past me.

Inside, the light was still on. The two people had talked for more than half an hour.

These years Shen Mo favored Zhang Hanyu, gave him a promotion and trusted him. This time Shen Mo only brought him to meet Xia Yu. Certainly, he had another purpose that Zhang Hanyu was Xia Yu’s former immediate boss.

Thinking that the meeting wouldn’t end very soon, Zhang Hanyu wanted to walk a bit away to smoke. When he was about to take out his cigarette case, his phone began to ring. He took a glance and got it through.

“Miss Zeng, hello?”

On the other side, Zeng Mina answered hastily and asked directly, “Where’s Young Master Mo? Why didn’t he answer my phone?”

Zhang Hanyu glanced again at the door of the private room, in which the light was on, “Young Master Mo is talking business with someone outside.”

“Of what? Why should he turn off his phone?” Zeng Mina asked.

“I don’t know. When Young Master Mo finishes it, I’ll tell him to reply to you.” After Zhang Hanyu said so, he hung up at once. Zhang Hanyu always looked down upon Zeng Mina so he was indifferent to her.

Zeng Mina was so provoked that she kept stamping her foot in anger and couldn’t stop scolding, “Bastard, how dare you treat me like that!”

But she knew that she had no position to inquire in front of Zhang Hanyu. So she looked back at Ali and said, “Go and do a search into whom Shen Mo is going to meet, so formal.”

“Yes!” Ali replied and went out.

On the other side, Zhang Hanyu put back his phone and decided to go to the other side of the hallway. Before he moved, he heard that the wooden door was pushed open suddenly. Shen Mo went out angrily.

“Unworthy fool. Hanyu, let’s move!”

Zhang Hanyu followed him at once. When he turned around, he cast another look into the private room, in which Xia Yu was sitting on a square armchair under the bright light, one hand touching the edge of the cup, the other resting on the back of the chair, with a specious smile on the corner of her mouth.

Shen Mo nearly walked fast to his car all the way. Zhang Hanyu closed the car door for him and then paid attention to the man on the backseat, who looked dark and gloomy, a bit out of breath as if he were provoked seriously.

Zhang Hanyu asked, “Go back now?”

Shen Mo looked up to glance at the private room behind, “Go back!”

There was dead silence in the car. After all, he was a man who had experienced ups and downs. His anger only lasted for about ten minutes and he became calm soon, his finger clicking on his knee randomly.

Zhang Hanyu asked while driving, “She won’t agree?”

Shen Mo snorted, “Men are greedy while women are stubborn!” The sentence implied that Xia Yu didn’t agree.

“Shall I find her and have another try?”

Shen Mo sneered, “It’s unnecessary.” He squinted into the outside. The night was foggy and dim.

“Xia Yu is not easy-going either. Leave it. Leave it!”

The anger in Shen Mo’s eyes became more and more obvious at last. Shen Yan’s greed these years was beyond Shen Mo’s tolerance so he wanted to use Xia Yu to act as a balance to Shen Yan. However, he didn’t expect Xia Yu would refuse such a large bonus, which Shen Mo couldn’t understand.

“What an unworthy fool! Why should I once appreciate her pluck in trick affairs? It turns out she is a coward in nature!” The man on the backseat began raging at her again. He seldom took the initiative to cooperate with others, let alone Xia Yu. He had expected that she would have agreed but she refused him without giving a second thought.

At that moment, what did Xia Yu say? He was sitting there, playing with the cup in his hand at his ease. His expression was calm and indifferent.

“I’ve said that thank Young Master Mo for your appreciation. But I’m not interested in your business of this kind. I’ll enjoy tea while you’d better turn to others!” Then she drank up the tea in her cup, bluntly refusing Shen Mo’s “well-intended kindness”. To put it in an unpleasant way, his warm face stuck her cold ass. Shen Mo couldn’t bear it.

Zhang Hanyu observed his expression while driving, “Then what are you going to do?”

Shen Mo smiled with the corner of his mouth lifted. His eyes wandered over the wasteland outside the window.

“What to do? I’m always the ruler of the game. I mean well to invite her to play together. Since she doesn’t appreciate my offer, don’t blame me for turning a cold face to her!” After he said so, he clenched his fingers.

Outside the window, the cold wind started to blow. Zhang Hanyu withdrew his eyes and looked straight ahead silently.

At this moment, Ali got to know whom Shen Mo was going to see, “Miss Zeng, Shen Mo was to meet Xia Yu.”

“He couldn’t wait! Well, very well! Tell this to Shen Qiang.” Zeng Mina’s eyes glowed.

When Shen Qiang called Xia Yu, she was about to go home. Since he called, why not have lunch together? So she made an appointment with Shen Qiang.

After the meal, the two walked from inside. Xia Yu couldn’t help shivering with cold. The weather was fine just now but it became very windy very soon. Now there were few people on the street and some of them wrapped themselves in clothes, heading for home.

They were looking for restaurants just now so they parked their car at the roadside and walked. Now they had to walk back from the hotpot restaurant.

“It becomes windy.”

“The weather forecast predicts tomorrow is rainy!”

Xia Yu and Shen Qiang walked on the street side by side. In the wind, she was used to holding her arm by one hand. Seeing this situation, Shen Qiang took off his sweater coat to wrap Xia Yu’s shoulders.

“No, thanks.” Xia Yu tried to decline but Shen Qiang circled her shoulder to fasten the sweater.

“Wrap it, don’t get a cold.”

Under such a circumstance, Xia Yu didn’t want to appear affected so she said “thanks” and followed him, walking to the car. In another car in a distance from them, Liu Sijie followed them at a tortoise-like speed. He saw it that Shen Qiang took off his coat to wrap Xia Yu’s shoulders while Xia Yu chatted with him with a smile. He also saw them walk side-by-side on the street. How harmonious. Just like a couple in a crush!

“Young Master Yan, shall we go to say hi?” Liu Sijie couldn’t help asking.

The man on the backseat kept silent and wore a gloomy face. After a long while, he lifted his finger, “No, turn around at the corner ahead.”

Liu Sijie, “…”

That night Shen Yan didn’t sleep well. The next day, he brought a cup of strong coffee to his office. When Liu Sijie came to see him, he found Shen Yan’s face lack of vigor.

“What happened? Your dark circles make you look like a giant panda!” Liu Sijie couldn’t help teasing him.

Shen Yan rubbed his temples, “Not sleep well!”


“Too stressed because of the project?”

“But I don’t think so. Why? Didn’t Secretary Xia take good care of you?” Liu Sijie asked at his ease.

Shen Yan, who was reading documents in the chair, began laughing after hearing his words. So he threw the documents over, “Don’t nag. Go. Inform others of the meeting!”

“Meeting, will you start now?” Liu Sijie picked up the documents, put them on the table and added some water into the cup, “You calm down first. Don’t lose your temper later.”

“Did I lose temper frequently these days?” Shen Yan caressed his chin with his hand as if he were pondering alone or asking Liu Sijie.

“You do lose temper, very badly.” Liu Sijie said in an affirmative sentence. His eyes looked into the direction of Xia Yu’s office. He thought something must have happened between the two.

He wondered he had to find a chance to persuade them. Otherwise, they might all live unhappily.

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