Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 589: Did you Step on Dog Poop Today?

Chapter 589: Did you Step on Dog Poop Today?

Reaching her hands out towards HK, she asked "Give me the Blueprint"

Opening the blueprint of the villa on his cellphone, HK immediately passed it to Sia.

After a brief look, Sia pointed at one area and said "This place doesn't look right. Let's check this place"

"This is.... The servant room I guess? But we did not find them anywhere there" HK responded.

"Let's check it out first," Sia said before marching towards the villa.

Not long after, Sia and HK arrived at the location. One look and Sia immediately found the problem. "The size of the room doesn't seem right. According to the blueprint, the size of this room should be much bigger" Sia analyzed. Scanning the room, she suddenly pointed at the cupboard and said "Move that Cupboard"

Turning to the two officers following behind, HK motioned with his chin.

As soon as the two officers moved the cupboard, they saw a door behind it. Walking forward, as Sia pushed the door open, she saw another space inside which seemed to be the extended area of the servant room. Inside the room, a few bodyguards were tied up and lying on the floor motionless.

Peeking his head from behind, HK asked "So they were here? But why were they locked up in such a hidden space?"

Walking forward, Sia checked the pulse of a few and said "They are alive. But just

unconscious. Send them to the hospital, they must have been given some coma-inducing drugs to make them fall into deep sleep"

Standing up, Sia turned to look at HK and responded "Because they did want to take a chance. Just in case if the bodyguard woke up, and if in case they were powerful enough, these bodyguards could pose a threat to the hijackers. Also, the door can only be opened from the outside but not from the inside. The only way to open it from inside is by using some control mechanism"

"But why would the villa need such a mechanism? Especially for the servant's room?" HK asked looking bewildered

Unlike HK who had a look of relief, Sia's brow furrowed further. Ignoring HK's banter, she said "No, this doesn't seem right"

"Huh? What?"

Raising her foot, Sia suddenly stamped on the floor where the vase had just fallen "This sound"

"What's wrong with the sound? Isn't it the same?" HK said as he raised his foot and stamped on the floor but it sounded different from the sound made by Sia. "I guess it sounds different because of the difference in a person's strength and wait. Let me check"

Moving over, HK raised his foot and stomped the place where the vase had fallen and was suddenly stunned. Raising his foot again, he stomped another place and suddenly turned to Sia "It does seem different" Taking his leg back, he asked with a frown "Do you think there is

something beneath?"

"There must be"

"Should we dig it then?" HK asked

Shaking her head, Sia responded "No, I think there seems to be a mechanism to open it. Look, the tiles of this area and the rest are the same and they also look a little old. So I guess there must be some mechanism to open this region"

"Huh, what mechanism could there be?" HK scorned as he leaned against the wall intending to take some rest. But the next moment he suddenly heard a click and the floor suddenly

seemed to move.

Stunned, HK watched the scene unfold in disbelief.

Looking down at the floor that suddenly opened, Sia turned to look at the stunned HK and asked him scornfully "Did you step on Dog Poop today?"

HK responded while still looking stupified "I Must have stepped on plenty of them today"

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