Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Arc 2 start – Separate ways

***Three days ago***


“Requesting a situation report, Captain; over!”

The sound of heavy gunfire rang out through the radio, followed by the captain’s response.

“Moving towards the hanger! ETA sixty seconds; over!”

The freighter commander slumped back in his chair, sweating profusely and shuddering as the gunfire crackled through the radio. His fingers drummed against the armrest. 

“Radio in when you get there; over.”

“With all due respect, Erron, I can't do my fucking job when you ask me to babysit the mic. Let me concentrate, please. Over.

There was an awkward pause, followed by more gunshots.

“Understood. Proceed as you please. Over.”

The guard captain slipped the radio back into its holster, then raised his massive rifle to his shoulder and fired several solid rounds down the corridor. Slugs the size of a human fist erupted from the barrel in a gout of flame and burst through the approaching Slaves, churning their torsos into a chunky meat slurry as the rounds penetrated them, and thudded into the wall behind.

Safely sealed within his mechanised armour, the guard captain led the way, heavy boots clumping against the metal flooring and his squad following closely behind, their weapons raised and armed, tactically firing at their corrupted attackers. So far the journey had been smooth, the squad encountering little that they couldn't quickly shoot down.

He raised his hand, signalling for the team to stop. The scanner in his visor was informing him about an unusual electrical signal coming from one of the rooms nearby, something that didn't match the ship’s standard profile. They took the next left, and headed through the main doors and to the lunch room. The place had been absolutely wrecked and there were clear signs of a fight; not the tactical combat of a well-trained squad, but a bitter last stand, people desperately using anything on hand to defend themselves. Blood stained cutlery and trays littered the floor, corpses were strewn about overturned tables and chairs, and most of the furniture had been smashed and shoved aside. Broken glass and blood mixed into the still hot soups that bubbled gently in their heated containers.

“This is gonna be a pricey clean-up, huh lads?” The guard captain chuckled, checking his scan signals and moving on. They left out the other side of the room and continued down the next corridor.

“I think we found our mole... Wait, isn’t that Lamp's room?!” The guard captain growled a little as he spoke. Cautiously, the team approached, and paused outside the cabin door. The guard captain raised his first, and the squad burst through the door, barging into the room with their weapons raised… But it was empty, aside from a human corpse splayed out in the middle of the carpet.

“What in the stars happened to him?! His head’s fuckin' mush! Awh, that's gross.” One of the guards turned away from the body, heaving.

Lamp's private dorm was off to the side, with the door still closed. Within the living room, a laptop sat open, hastily jury-rigged up to the wall with far more wires than a normal laptop should require. A trail of unidentified black liquid oozed down its screen and keyboard.

“She hacked our fuckin' cameras?!” The realisation made the guard captain swell with anger. “That is the last straw – I've fuckin' had it with this creepy little shit-stain. If she's survived this crap, she's off the ship forever. Ban her ass. Enough is enoug-”

“Boss! You gotta see this!”

One of the guards had pushed open the door to Lamp's room, which was no more than an oversized cupboard, with a bed and an on-suite wetroom. The same black goo was plastered thickly all over the room, coating its walls and bare furnishings, dripping from its ceiling. The bed was heavily damaged, and had another green fluid pooled around the middle of it. The place was a complete wreck.

“I'm getting weird readings from this oily goo shit, boss. We'll need to decontaminate when we get back.” The squad’s techie chimed in, holding his arm out and scanning the room, various blue lasers shining out from the optics on his gauntlet. “There was some sort of struggle in here too. There are tracks in the goo, over the walls... I can't tell what made them though...”

“We'll deal with whatever the hell happened here later, Veigar. Get the laptop and clean it up, we need to know how much information has been transmitted. The rest of you, with me. Let's get this ship off the ground.” The guard captain ordered, checking his ammo and armour condition quickly.

Veigar nodded and went back into the other room, looking over the laptop as the others marched back into the corridor. The thudding of their armoured boots and the hissing of their power armour echoed down the empty hallway of the ship as they strode towards their objective.

Veigar briefly scanned the laptop, took some quick photos of the setup, and then unplugged it from the wall. As he did so, he heard a noise from over his shoulder; just a slight rustle, but he spun around immediately, drawing his pistol.

Behind him stood a frail looking woman, covered in the black goo. Her hands were gripping something tightly in front of her chest, too smothered in goo to be identified.

“Is that you, Lamp?” Veigar asked, cautiously. The woman lurched forward.


The girl's body dropped to the floor with a thump, going limp as the bullet punched through her skull.

The object in her hands rolled towards him, and began to bleep as her hands parted. The techie's eyes bolted open as he recognised the lights, blinking through the goo.


A thunderous explosion rattled the corridor, shaking the remainder of the squad in their armour. They immediately turned back and charged into the room, only to find its interior completely decimated. Even the metal walls were bent out of shape after the force of the grenade. In the remains of the office, the broken form of Veigar lay dead, his armour destroyed.

Before anyone could collect their thoughts however, the guts of the ship suddenly bellowed with the angry roar of the horde, as they massed into the corridors nearby. Their shuffling feet could be heard from every direction, and they were closing in on the team. The squad raised their weapons as one, prepared to weather the oncoming storm.

***Present day***

Diego stumbled out of the captain’s quarters dressed in a loose white shirt and cargo shorts, airy and light. His thick mane of hair had a beautiful, glossy sheen to it that complimented his rather happy expression as he propped himself up against the metal walls of the ship, and made his way towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he took a couple minutes to steady himself, leaning against the work surface and catching his breath. I could get used to this... He quickly glanced around the counters, peeked into the fridge, the cupboards, and ran his fingers over the spice rack, plucking out whatever caught his fancy. Something simple and sweet was on the menu today, a nice treat. He scrubbed his hands, wrists and arms thoroughly in the sink before getting started.

As he began to cut up some fruit and heat a pan, Oxyi peeked around the corner, knocking against the wall as she entered the kitchen.

“Hey! Diego!” Her face lit up upon seeing him “I was hoping to catch you! What are you making?” He cooks too?! There anything this guy doesn’t do?

Like his own, Oxyi’s attire was casual and comfortable; in a dark hoodie and some combat slacks. He flashed a small smile and gestured for her to come over.

“Oxyi! Grab a stool! You fancy some fried simonfruit?”

“You can fry simonfruit?” She pulled up a stool at the breakfast bar and sat opposite him.

“Yeah, but you gotta be quick, fry for too long and the juices degrade. There's a trick to retaining the flavour and caramelising the outside.” Diego had a sway to his body and a remarkably cute smile as he cut up the fruit, and added a splash of oil to the frying pan.

“Caramel-what-now? Eh, it doesn’t matter, you seem to know what you're doing! Sure, I'll have some if you're offering... you seem in a good mood! Did ya' do something with your hair?” Oxyi had caught a glimpse of some multi-coloured marks on his neck, but she couldn't quite make out what they were.

“I'm in a wonderful mood! I'm feeling hopeful and things are looking bright!”

“That’s good! I did want to talk to you about something, though.” She paused and angled herself to see down his shirt a little better as he sliced the fruit into several smaller pieces, and gathered them up in his hands. There were definitely some glistening purple and sapphire marks, just slightly visible under his collar, on his sable skin. “Erm… Sorry! So, what is the plan? We've been away from all that hell for a few days now and whilst we're all very glad to be away from it, I wanted to know a little more about what we're actually going to do now? You said before that you might be able to call in some help?”

Diego nodded and dropped the fruit into the pan. The sound of sizzling oil and the sweet aroma of the fruit filled the room.

“I have some friends within the Warlocks of Detromus that owe me a favour, when I explain the situation I imagine they'll jump at the chance to help. I reckon I can wrangle half an army at least now that we know what we're dealing with.”

You know the Warlocks of Detremus?!” Oxyi’s jaw dropped.“T-that would do it! Could we get some Witch Gunners?! Or Wisps?! Mage knights?!?”

“Hell yeah we could. We'll need to find an outpost though, and speak to someone in person. They’re a bit old fashioned, refusing to take the risk of answering calls with all the imposter tech out there these days. So, here's my plan. The nearest outpost is about three weeks away at our current pace. I propose we make some short pit-stops at the nomad stations in between to warn them about the corrupting threat, and the lost freighter. Let’s ensure people are informed as we go, and then we head straight for the outpost. It'll take a few days on top of our travel time for the Warlocks to get forces down here, so hopefully Leech and Moltezz don't get up to too much trouble during that time.”

“I'm guessing those are the other czarite's responsible for… this? Leech and... Meltezz? Metnezz? Mehellnez?”

“Moltezz.” Diego corrected, flipping the fruit in the pan. “And yeah. They... weren't too keen to change what they were doing. So, they're our enemy right now.”

The two heard footsteps in the corridor outside and Plasia appeared in the doorway briefly. Her glassy orb-like eyes looked at the pair and she gave Diego a shy wave, gently biting her thumb as she hid her mouth behind her hand. Oxyi watched the two closely, as Diego shifted ever so subtly towards Plasia’s figure, as though drawn to her. The huge sapphire creature quickly moved on though, seemingly towards the shower room.

Just from this interaction, Oxyi was burning with questions, but before she could ask any, Diego finished the first batch of fruit, removed the pan from the heat and served the gently seared fruit onto a plate, drizzling thick sauce over the top. He pushed the plate and a spoon towards Oxyi, then re-oiled the pan and began to prepare another.

“Oh damn, that smells goooood!” She grabbed the spoon and took a large mouthful… and immediately began to flap her arms and breathe rapidly through her mouth as she attempted to chew, realising that it was still extremely hot.

Without missing a beat, Diego grabbed a glass, filled it with water and slid it over to her, prompting a thumbs up from the lioness as she downed it. As she flapped about and tried to cool her mouth down, another set of footsteps thudded down the corridor, and the huge amethyst form of Seeth appeared, ducking under the doorway and politely making her way over to the bar.

She was wearing a dressing gown that was far too small for her, the bottom barely touching her knee caps. Around her midsection, the belt was tied tight but still struggled to contain the body within, but she was covered at the very least.

“Hi, Oxyi.” Seeth took a seat a little away from the lioness.

“Seeth.” Oxyi's pleasant demeanour chilled off somewhat.

“I… I'm sorry again about what happened in your flat. Is your neck doing okay?” Seeth sounded genuine, leaning forward slightly and trying to shrink her form.

For a moment, the only sound in the room was the fresh sizzling of fruit.

“It's fine, Seeth. I told ya', no need to keep apologising. Long as you intend to help us put it right. Besides, I think half my friends and family have tried to kill me at some point!”

Seeth turned in her seat to face Oxyi, and looked at her sincerely.

“This is no act, Oxyi. Me and Plasia are going to make amends, as much as we can.” She paused for a second. “My god, that does smell good. What do I need to do to get some of that?”

“It's on the house.” Diego smiled again and served the fruit in the same fashion as before, bringing a plate over to her.

She raised a spoonful to her face and blew on it rather seductively for a few seconds, pursing her glossy violet lips, and then taking the fruit into her maw.

“Goodness, Diego... that's delicious! A crisp coating and rich body flavour, juicy despite the heat and you kept the delicate flavour through-out my palette! Incredible! My tongue is tingling!” She licked the spoon and went for another mouthful. Next to her, Oxyi looked mortified.

“I - I think it's awesome too! MHMMMM!” She went for another spoonful and forgot yet again that it was still too hot, and immediately began to breathe and chew at the same time, sucking air into her mouth loudly to try and cool it down. “So… *harash-rash-rash-rash* …So good!” She cried out, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Diego quickly provided her another glass of water, which she gratefully drank.

“That's quite an intense way of eating, Oxyi. Most people would slow down to avoid burning themselves.” Seeth said, holding back a smirk.

“Yup, not me though! I got no time to waste! Apparently...” Oxyi sighed in a defeated fashion and stared down at the fruit on her plate. Suddenly, Tivy came bounding into the room, full of energy. She leapt up onto the work surfaces and stared at Seeth intensely.

The room fell into an odd silence.. Diego turned and frowned at the bare feet standing on the worktop. Seeth and Oxyi were both looking at Tivy, rather confused, and Tivy continued to stare down Seeth, in confusion herself.

“Is... everything okay, Tivy?” Diego asked. “You shouldn't be standing where food is being prepared...”

“Shush! A moment!” Tivy commanded, her eyes never once leaving Seeth. “Most odd...” Suddenly her demeanour changed and she relaxed. “Nevermind! Ohhhh! Simonfruit?! Smells good!”

“Have some of mine if you like, Tivy?” Seeth offered, eyeing Diego as he began to wipe the worktop around the little bug’s feet. 

“Or mine, Tivy? Be careful though, it's hot!” Oxyi bounced a little on her stool, and Tivy sauntered over to the lioness’s plate. She grabbed a slice off the plate and hopped off the counter, popping it into her maw and running out of the kitchen as fast as she had arrived.

“AHHHHHHH! SO GOOD! SO HOT! AAAAHHHH! THANK YOU, DADDY DIEGO!” Her voice faded as she scampered down the corridor into the bowels of the ship once more.

The three in the kitchen looked at one-another, Seeth snickering, Oxyi perplexed, and Diego absolutely abashed.

“D-did she just call me 'Daddy Diego'?!? I think I'm gonna be sick...”

“Any idea what that was about?” Seeth asked, taking another slice of fruit from her plate.

“In the little time I've known Tivy, I've come to the conclusion that she's... a wee bit different. Maybe you offended her with your choice of clothing or something?” As she spoke, Oxyi's eyes drifted back to Seeth's body, noticing how even sat on the chair and leaning over, her chest was pressing against the worktop. Oxyi's cheeks began to flush red... I-is that what he likes?! Those are gigantic!

“Maybe! She's welcome to come talk to me if I've offended her somehow. I'll put it right.” Seeth looked at Diego and the two shared a warm smile.

“Could be anything with Tivy. Breast not to think about it.” Oxyi bolted upright in the stool, covering her mouth. “Oh tits! AHH! NOTHING! I better go! T-thank you for the fruit, Diego!”

In less than a second, the lioness had bolted from the chair and departed from the room. 

“Oxyi! It’s fine, come back!” Seeth tried to call after her, but the lioness was gone, leaving Diego and Seeth together in the kitchen. He served himself up a final batch of simonfruit, then saw Seeth beckoning him over with a single finger.

He slid over and felt the coolness of her soft hand rubbing against his cheek, gently pulling him in. She leaned over and gave him a wet kiss on the side of his face, leaving an amethyst coloured mark on his skin, and making the man blush madly.

“How titillating...” She giggled to herself, scooping more fruit onto the spoon and popping it straight into her mouth, unphased by the heat.

Diego tilted his head; the fruit was still piping hot.

“You... didn't need to cool it down at all, did you?”

Seeth shook her head.

“I didn't want to show her up... I know it's hardly a thing to brag about but...”

“You joking? That'll be the talk of the ship – iron mouth Seeth can eat fruit at any temperature. What a skill!”

“Pfft! Yeah, alright Daddy Diego. I can eat a lot more than just fruit.”

“I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY SHE SAID THAT! SEETH, HELP ME UNDERSTAND! PLEASE!” He buried his face in hands and shook his head. “That better not catch on.”

Seeing his discomfort, Seeth didn't press any further.

“I think she just sees how you try to take care of people. Myself included. I think she meant it in a nice way, you sweet thing. I'm going to go lounge about in the bedroom for a few hours, keep the weight off my legs. You're welcome to join if you want, but no offence taken if you need a break.” She winked at him and finished off the last of the fruit, eyeing up what was left on Oxyi's plate. “Think she'll want the rest of that? You're a really good cook, shame to waste it!”

Back in the corridor, Oxyi quickly made her way to the other end of the ship, going straight for the cockpit where Geralt was sitting in the large captain's chair, looking rather alarmed as he swivelled around on it. He was looking around at the various different screens surrounding him, although they all appeared normal to her.

“Hey Geralt, something up?”

“Yeah, I think there is...” He continued to stare at the screens, watching all of them closely.

“Can I give you a hand? Did you spot something?” The lioness suddenly felt a lot more comfortable; dealing with security problems was something she could actually handle.

“I think something may have spotted us. No word of a lie, I was just relaxing here when every single screen blinked on at the same time, black screen with a single blue line in the centre of it, looked a bit like an eye. Just for a split second, then it stopped, and I can't get it to come back... Nothing has changed on our auto-pilot and the sensors aren't showing anything close to us, but fuck me, it’s shit me up a bit.”

“Huh...” She tapped on the console closest to her and scrolled through the settings; nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “Wonder what that could be?”

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