Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 13 – Deal with the Devil – Part 1

“As heartwarming as this little reunion is, I’m afraid we’re going to have to end it here.” Moltezz's eyes narrowed and she flourished her chains, igniting the air around her, flames enveloping her voluptuous body.


“I agree.” Diego muttered, removing his hand from Seeth's cheek and turning to face Moltezz, drawing his blade. As the air around him turned from a pleasant warmth to an acrid heat, he thumped his hand against his chest, erupting a series of electrical crackles over his body to reinforce his psyonic plating. The sparks also jumped over Seeth, protecting her too.


Diego and Moltezz began to circle one another, slowly, chains on one side, sword on the other.  


“I'm hesitant to admit it, Moltezz, but those fire psyonics of yours are very impressive. Most people can only contain a few hundred joules worth of energy in their souls, and yet here you are, cooking masonry and metal like it's nothing...” Diego kept his eyes firmly on Moltezz’s weapons and stance as he spoke, although she appeared rather calm, despite the fiery appearance.


“I must say the same! Defensive psyonics are difficult to master and yet, you stand unfazed, Diego. We needn't fight. We shouldn't, in fact. I admit I am shocked you came back - shocked, but pleased.”


“You're… pleased?” Diego raised an eyebrow.


“Of course I am! How is your return a bad thing? You've shown determination and grit in ways very few could, or would for that matter! Not only are you the first to ever escape this place, you're the first to actively return, on your own free will! You've only cemented my opinion that we need you involved.”


“I-Involved?” Diego gripped his sword tighter, but kept his face calm. He couldn't help it, her words had piqued his curiosity. His opponent before him continued to look relaxed, almost rather happy in a way, although the menacing clinking of her chains was a constant reminder of her ultimate goal.


“I want you to be honest with me, Diego, and in return, I will be honest with you.” Moltezz leaned forward a little, showing off the slightest slither of crimson cleavage between her armour plates. “You like us, don't you...?” She leaned forward a little more, teasing him further. “I know that, in some part, you've returned out of conviction to help Seeth, because you think she's able to... I don't know, redeem herself? But you've also returned because you like her. I can smell the lust on you now, despite the danger and adrenaline coursing through your body, you want to rut with her - you want to rut with me, don't you, Diego?” She watched him intently, pushing out her breasts, eyes admiring his features and muscles.


“You want the truth?” Diego stood, unwavering, and stared right back at her. His swept-back onyx locks waved gently behind him in the humid air.


“Yes! I want your thoughts, your feelings, Diego. I'm sure we can resolve all this without needing these...” She gestured to her chains, shaking them gently. “Unless, you like that sort of thing - ”


“- I am deeply attracted to your kind, Moltezz. And to you.”


The alien's eyes lit up. She stepped forward, listening carefully.


“Ever since my first night with Seeth, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her, or any of you. I can’t explain it, I don’t know what she’s done to me, but the pleasure, the sheer euphoria I feel when I'm with her… I've known people sacrifice their lives for highs half the strength of that, I know of no equal and I'm in awe, quite frankly, of you all. And that's just from our physical interaction! That sort of pleasure is all consuming, and the idea I could get it on demand, from one of the most eager, gorgeous, and pleasurable species, probably in the known world… Well, it’s certainly an enticing one.” 


A satisfied grin erupted over Moltezz's face. A different type of warmth flushed through her body as Diego continued to share his feelings.


“I - I want to try everything, with all of you. Every inch of me is aching to get close to you, my body is obsessed with your touch. There’s this dark part of me that would happily spend the rest of my days here, experiencing that over and over again - and I'm ageless, so that's a hell of a long time. So yes, Moltezz, I think you're attractive, I wouldn't deny it for a second. But I can't, and I won't be a part of this sickness you have. The sex, sure... but what about the thousands of people you kill and strip of their dignity in the process? You think I can just sit back and be okay with the twisted bullshit that's all around us?! You said you'd tell me the truth, so tell me; what's the ratio? How many people turn into Slaves, how many to Nodes, and how many are immune like me?”


“It’s… roughly ninety, to nine, to one. Slaves to Nodes to Marks. The Mark percentage varies a lot though, and Leech is still looking into it. “ Moltezz rolled her eyes and continued to pace around the lizard, somewhat disappointed in the direction he’d taken their conversation. Just when it was getting so exciting…


“Holy - so for every one hundred people you abduct, ninety end up essentially dead?! I mean, the life of a Node doesn't look much better, but at least they’re still cognitive, they can still function and talk like a living being! But the Slaves! The Slaves are fucking dead, Moltezz!


“That is… technically correct, Diego. I don't see it that way myself, but I'm getting the feeling that you won't be convinced of my way of thinking...”


“You're damn right I won't.”


“Oh, please.” Moltezz huffed. “Even the mightiest armour softens with the right amount of heat... So let me sweeten the deal.” She bit her lip slightly, looking up and down Diego’s body hungrily. “You cease this little game of yours and come join me, be my dark prince to your filthy queen, and I'll even forget about Seeth's little mutiny, and I'll make her your personal play thing... She'll do whatever you want, Diego, whenever you want and you'll have me, Plasia, Leech and whoever else we pick up along the way. You said it yourself; you want us, your body wants us - why not just indulge it? I will look after you, my prince. Your every need and desire will be met.” Her words were followed with a subtle flourish of her significant sexual assets, a slight twist of the hips, ruby skin glistening in the fiery warm light of the chamber.


“Why do you want me so badly!?” Diego shouted, suddenly losing his patience. “I don't understand! You've got hundreds of people locked up here! What's so special about me?!”


“Oh come off it, Diego. You don't think I see past that heroic... rather scrumptious... exterior of yours? I see a man who has been wronged by the world, someone who has suffered at the hands of fate and the actions of others. I feel the anger in your soul and the fire in your heart; the universe has treated you badly.” Moltezz inched forward as she spoke, gesturing grandly to emphasise her words. “You have been wronged.” She repeated. “Undeniably so. I am not asking you to commit atrocities, I'm simply suggesting that you take a back seat in the righting of the universe's misdoings, and enjoy the ride that’s being offered. You deserve a break.”


Diego paused, looking across the room, and then he laughed to himself.


“I'll accept your offer - under one circumstance.”


“Name it!” Moltezz's eyes flared.


“You stop corrupting people. You're done. One planet conquered is enough. If however many thousand people taken here isn't enough for you, then I’d figure that the entire world wouldn't be big enough for you. So you stop this, be happy with what you've taken already, and I'll stay.”


Moltezz stopped, confusion sweeping over face, and she paused in deep thought.


Diego gripped and twisted his sword, watching her every movement and expression closely.


A menacing grin crept across Moltezz's ruby lips.


“So... What will it be? Me, or your twisted empire?”


“Why would I pick just one of those things… when I can have both!” Moltezz laughed with glee. “You're still putting the universe's needs above your own, Diego. It’s clear you're not ready to join me yet, but don't worry, I'll break you into your role, and I'll fulfil my side of the bargain too. Seeth will still be your play thing.” She cracked a chain through the air. “Last chance my dark prince. Come willingly, or I will make you come.


Diego raised his sword into a defensive stance, psionic energy crackling through his hands.


En garde, you evil cunt.”




“B-B-B-But I've done like ninety-five percent of the work! We’ve just got one more stop, and then I'm done!”


“It's late. You’re always late. Enough is enough.”


“B-But I've done it correctly! And it wasn't even my fault! We had a Devil’s Meltdown a few stops back and the freighter had to pick more people up! It's just one more next stop! I just need a few more hours!”


“I don't care. You're fired.”


“WHAT?! I... I need this money! I've got nothing left, I spent it all on this trip!”


“Not my problem!”


“I can send you what I've done - L-Look! See!” She tapped furiously on her computer and sent the mostly completed report over.


“That's fantastic. Still not paying you. Goodbye.”


The connection cut off abruptly.


Staring at her screen open mouthed with a mixture of despair and disbelief, the czarite sat in silence in her compact, rented, long-stay room. She was only a little thing; a nomad czarite, standing around four foot nine, her skin an unappealing grey, as was her carapace which gave her an overall dusty appearance. She had large bright yellow eyes that stood out amongst her monochrome complexion like the headlights of a car, which were only emphasised further by her round, thick-rimmed glasses. Her jelly dreadlocks were a similar concrete colour to the rest of her figure, that dulled at their tips. She was gangly and small with thin limbs and a petite body structure, eyes slightly sunken into her head from many late nights of tapping away at her laptop for that fucking report...


Reaching out with a shaky hand, she grabbed her cane and eased herself off of her creaky chair. Dressed in a dirty looking T-shirt decorated with a cute but faded cartoon octopus on the chest pocket, and a pair of worker’s trousers, she made her way into the living area. Her breathing became louder and laboured from the short journey as she shuffled in, and was greeted by a young human child staring at her angrily.


“Why are you so ugly?!” There was a genuine twinge of hurt in his voice as he spoke.


She paused for a second as confusion and disbelief washed over her.


“Wha-What? What do you mean?”


“My dad got so excited when he said we'd be sharing a room with a czarite, he said they're always so pretty and colourful! I was going to have a new mummy! Instead we got you! My daddy says he doesn't think you're pretty, there's no way he would marry you! You can't even walk or breathe properly! My daddy says czarites don't get ill, so you must be a freak! Why couldn't you be like those other czarite’s on the ship?!” The child spilled out his pent-up thoughts one after the other with little regard for the girl’s feelings. His words stung.


“I-I can't afford my medication! None of this is my fault!” She snapped. “And besides…” She leaned down and whispered into his ear. “Why would I ever want to marry a fat, ugly disgusting man like your father, and become a mother to a selfish snotty sprog like you!”  


“Leave us alone!” The child pouted and crossed his arms, but seemed otherwise unfazed by her words.


“Y-You spoke to me! You leave me alone! Everyone, just leave me alone!” It’s too much. It’s all just too fucking much. She hobbled with as much speed as she could muster towards the front door and closed it behind her. She leant against it for a few seconds, taking in some air when her stomach grumbled loudly; she had just about enough money left in her bank account to get a meal from the canteen, and she decided that it would be money well spent.


Still hurting, she limped down the corridor, sulking to herself with a wobbly lower lip and glassy eyes. The metalwork of the freighter was well crafted and heavy, with solid metal walls down the various corridors, but with some exposed piping lining its interiors, giving it a dank industrial feeling with its dim lighting. The canteen was only a couple of corridors away, and she was feeling the effects of not eating for a couple days quite badly. Upon hearing a couple sets of footsteps coming down the corridor towards her, she quickly quietened her sniffling and replaced it with the only other emotion she could muster; disappointment. 


“Morning, Lamp! That's quite the frown you’re wearing!” The guards chuckled as they walked past her. “You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror again?”


She didn't respond. A small cry escaped from her lips for just a split second, before she stifled it and continued to frown, shuffling her way to the canteen as the laughs from the guards faded away.


“One day... I'll make them pay...” She grumbled under her breath. 


The canteen was packed with people as she turned the corner and joined the queue. She waited patiently in line amongst the refugees. The queue took about an hour or so to actually reach the till, which was staffed by an overworked and burnt-out-looking freighter member of staff. With the last of her money, Lamp looked at the neon-lit menus on the display boards above her, ran some sums on her fingers and ordered herself a full main meal, plus a couple sandwiches for later. That would have to be it until she could rustle up more money from somewhere... She pressed her card against the till to initiate payment and felt relief wash over her as the payment went through.


It was another short walk across to the serving table, where more workers were furiously shovelling spoonfuls of requested food onto peoples trays. There was a whirlwind of staff delivering fresh meals to the serving tables and restocking supplies, but they seemed to be coping, somewhat. Lamp licked her lips, her eyes lighting up as she spied some of her favourites.


Actually getting some food provided quite the challenge though, as all the taller, louder people crowded around her took all the attention of the staff. She was eventually served after tapping her cane on the floor loudly enough for someone to see her, and finally she got her meal - a decent portion too! She turned to go find a place to sit, tray in one hand, cane in the other, and immediately walked into a towering figure who was passing by, splattering her food all over the floor and over his impressive armour. Her tray clattered loudly to the ground.


“Oh, are you okay?” The figure turned, and his face rapidly changed from a look of concern to disappointment. “Oh for fuck’s sake, its you, Lamp. What have I told you? I don't want to see your creepy ass in here whilst I'm about. If I catch you spying on my guys again I'll have you removed from the freighter, you understand? It's only cuz those other czarites were so accommodating to my needs that I’ve let you stay on board this long.”


“S-Sorry, Captain... I-I just used the last of  my mone-”


“I really don't give a fuck.” The guard captain was an intimidating guy; tiger breed, brown eyes with some slight greying around his chin and whiskers, seven feet tall, shoulders as wide as the doors on the ship, clad in massive Orion armour, a huge rifle strapped to his back that fired rounds as large as soda-cans, and a power fist built into his armour on his right hand side. The guard captain was escorted by several other guards who were dressed and armed similarly, none quite as big as him though. “You're a weird, creepy little fucker and I don't want to see your face, Lamp.”


“My name isn’t -”


Your name is Lamp, because you look like a fuckin' lamp. Big head, small body, yellow eyes - Lamp. Now, clean it.” He ordered, pointing at his armour. Someone threw a towel into Lamp’s lap.


Swallowing her pride, she wiped the pasted food off of his thigh armour and stared up at him, barely containing her bitterness. Her breathing was laboured from her near perpetual exhaustion. She went to grab a still intact sandwich from the floor, but the guard captain stood on it with his armoured boot before she could reach it.


“Shameful. Are you out of breath from just wiping something up, Lamp? God that's pathetic. I don't need this right now, I got serious shit to deal with. On me lads, we've got an actual job to do.” He turned on his way and continued across the canteen, the other guards following suit and laughing to themselves, leaving Lamp standing at the front of the canteen with hundreds of eyes staring at her. She awkwardly kneeled down, peeling off a squished sandwich from the floor, looking back at the canteen workers hopefully.


“No refunds!” The staff at the till called out loudly.


“B-But I-”


“No refunds! Get to the back of the queue!”


Gripping her cane and wrecked sandwich with all of her might, she stormed out of the canteen, whimpering loudly as her upset bubbled over, too much to contain. She hobbled all the way back to her room, pushing the front door open and slamming it shut in anger, making her way into her private quarters. It was nothing more than a bed and an on-suite toilet, but it was hers. She slammed her door shut, throwing the sandwich onto her bedside table and herself onto the bed, curling around a pillow and burying her face into it as the tears rolled down her cheeks.


“I'm not a lamp... I'm not a lamp... I'm not a lamp...” She told herself over and over again... None of it was fair. It was never fair. Story of my life. She was used to dealing with this sort of crap from people, but today was really taking a heavy toll on her. As she wheezed and cried loudly into the slightly itchy, over-washed fabric, a loud thump on the door scared her.


“Ayo, can you shut the fuck up in there? I'm trying to watch these adverts on the TV and all I can hear is your ugly-ass crying.” A slightly muffled voice called out; it was the father of the boy from earlier.


Just leave me alone! You bully!” She yelled back, as loudly as she could. She heard the figure shuffling a little but he didn't reply; perhaps there was some small victory today after all.


For a few minutes things remained quiet, just her and her sobbing.


But there was something else, creeping in the background.


She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something was wrong; there was a sudden tension in the air.


She heard the man outside her door walk towards the window in their living room. They’d been lucky enough to have a room with a low view of their surroundings, through the plasma glass on the exterior of the ship.


He gasped loudly, stumbling backwards in the room.


“Bobby, get your stuff, we gotta go!” He yelled out.


“Dad? What’s -”




Lamp heard the two furiously shoving things into bags, and within seconds they’d left the room, slamming the front door behind them. There were people charging up and down the corridor outside her quarters, people sounded alarmed, there was lots of shouting and audible confusion. She rolled off the bed, grabbing her cane to support her and plodding over to her door, sighing loudly, before locking it shut. She needed to be alone right now. She went back to her bed again, hanging her cane up and pulling the sheets over her as she laid down, pride wounded and money drained, nibbling meekly at a very flat, dirty sandwich.


Things continued to intensify outside her quarters, so she grabbed her headphones from the bedside table and placed them over her ears, playing some low quality, fuzzy music through the cheap headset to mask the noise. She had no idea that the shouts outside had already turned into screams...




Sharp metallic clanks rang out as Moltezz’s chains whipped forward, then parried expertly by Diego’s sword, The shuddering impact sent painful vibrations up his arms with each block, and hot acrid air filled the chamber as Moltezz flexed her psyonic mastery once more.

“I'd have thought those hits would have turned your arms to jelly, Diego. Most impressive psyonics!” She laughed, advancing towards him. He ducked past another chain whip and charged towards her, but she flicked her hands out and a massive surge of heat sent him stumbling backwards. “As impressed as I am, I’m afraid you don't stand a chance. Bare your rear, and submit to me!”


Diego quickly regained his footing and reached out into the air. Balls of coursing yellow energy formed around his fists and he threw them across the room directly at Moltezz, each impacting their target with significant concussive force and exploding with a shuddering bang, causing the malicious mistress to reel backwards.


“Fine. You want to play, my prince? Let’s play.


Seeth's still dripping blood fizzled and burnt as it impacted the ground, although her body was protected from the blistering heat by Diego's warcry. 


Moltezz growled loudly, heat intensifying around her and causing the stone under her feet to glow bright amber. The chains in her hands red hot once more, she dropped one to the floor and prepared a handful of firebolts, which she slung around the room in a scattered fashion, each bouncing off the walls erratically and leaving molten marks as they bounced. 


Diego avoided most of the firebolts and used his sword to deflect the last one away with a sharp ping, sending it right into Moltezz's face. This, however, did little but piss her off further. He threw another concussion orb at her, but she whipped it out of the air and continued to advance aggressively towards him. His eyes narrowed and he prepared a volley instead, throwing multiple orbs at her body. She managed to knock away a couple, but the others impacted directly, sending her skidding backwards and onto her ass.


Moltezz stood and dropped her second whip, snarling with every breath she took. The chain began to sink into the floor as the stone became soft. Above her, the ceiling creaked and groaned as the support columns sagged. She placed her hands together and formed a large bright red orb. A second later, a tremendous blast shook the entire dungeon and a massive lance of molten energy pierced through the room, melting a man-sized hole straight through multiple of the dungeon walls and narrowly missing Diego. The stonework was completely annihilated, leaving nothing but dripping metal and hissing ruins deep into the earth. The building shook.




“W-Was that a nova lance?!” Diego stammered, seeing the devastation unleashed. “Holy hell, Moltezz! You're going to kill everyone!”


She prepared another orb between her hands, but Diego flung his arm forward and produced his own energy whip which connected to the orb, and began draining its power. Upon feeling her heat leaving her orb, Moltezz raised one hand from it and prepared another load of fire bolts, but the orb became unstable and energy leaked from her palm, causing a series of smaller lances to pour out and scorch holes across the walls and mores. She flung the firebolts across the room to distract the lizard as the chamber filled with more bouncing fire bolts and bright red beams that burned through the foundations of the room.


Diego's whip pulsed with power as it lashed out and swiped one of the bolts away from him. As the bolt made contact, suddenly there was bright white light that went off in Diego’s face like a flash-bang, stunning him for a couple of seconds as the orb was neutralised.


Focusing back into the fight, he turned to see her standing in the middle of the room with multiple of those large orbs now floating around her. There was another loud screech as the room continued to melt and sag from the sheer heat of her being.




He shook his head in disbelief.


“Okay, OKAY! I... will submit... I’m stubborn, but I’m not stupid… just one of those things could take a ship out of the sky...”


He held his hands up in surrender, dropping his blade to the ground. 


“I… surrender.”


YOU LIE!” Moltezz screeched, her orbs floating menacingly around her, bombs ready to go off.


“I'm not! How can I prove it to you?”




He nodded slowly and picked up his sword, throwing it over to her calmly. She snatched the blade out of the air and power surged into her hands. The blade rapidly liquefied in her grip, its once mighty form now reduced to a searing puddle that joined the many others on the floor.


A cocktail of emotions flickered across the lizard's face for just the briefest of seconds. Panic and concern, followed by a forced stoicism, then determination, and just, just the slightest hint of solace.


GOOD! Good! Good...” One by one, the orbs around her shrunk, collapsing in on themselves and fading out of existence. The fiery alien's fight slipped away and she extinguished her flames. The room rapidly cooled as the source of the heat stopped. It was still blisteringly hot, but no longer actively melting the stonework. 


“That was... scary... and incredibly impressive, Moltezz.” Diego stared at her in awe for several long seconds, tongue hanging out slightly between his teeth as he panted, and despite everything that had just happened between the two of them, his cheeks flushed red with arousal.


“You… you’re incredible. Do you… maybe wanna blow off some of that steam with me?” He didn't even wait for her to respond, he started unclipping his shoulder armour. “There’s nothing like a good fuck to break the tension between two very… passionate individuals.”


Moltezz watched him closely, very suspicious.


“Yes, well... I told you... What are you doing?” Moltezz watched him suspiciously, but licked her lips subconsciously, eyeing his body. The lizard pressed harder, sensing her unease, running his hands over his strong abs and playing with his hair. 


“What, don’t you want me now, Moltezz?” He pouted. “Come on, you said you would make me know my place... where would that be, exactly...? Under you, perhaps?” He fluttered his eyes at her, and desire gripped the alien her tightly. She took a deep breath and focused hard on cooling her body down, before strutting over to the lizard, eyeing him up. “You're so pretty up close, Moltezz... Your eyes, they’re like bright, fiery rubies. I can't wait to look into them as you… fuck me...”


“I wish you had started with that Diego, instead of making me blast my chamber into pieces...”


“I thought you’d like a show… I… I needed to make sure my queen was worthy of her position.” Diego flirted relentlessly in the smouldering ruins of her kingdom. He could feel Moltezz dropping her guard. “May your prince make one humble request of his beautiful queen?”


“Perhaps. Name it.” Moltezz tried hard to play it cool, but she was loving everything that she was hearing.


“Kneel down and kiss me. Please. I need to feel your heat, your passion.


The alien grinned, kneeling down slowly to bring her face to his. He gently took hold of her neck and cheeks with his hands, and pressed a kiss against her soft garnet lips. She sunk into his lips and kissed him back, her hands running up his body and over every inch of his skin. After a few seconds, they broke apart, the saliva on their separated lips hissing as it evaporated into the air.


“Mmm... you're a gorgeous kisser, Diego, we're going to smoulder togethe- what are you doin- DIEGO?!” She felt a sudden surge in power from him, his skin flushed red and an aura of strength blasted out from his being. Moltezz went to defend herself but she was too slow, and the lizard punched her square in the face, his fist cracking her painfully between the eyes. Her head snapped backwards and she fell, collapsing against the floor with a heavy thump – she was out cold.


“There… That should keep her out for a while!” Breathing heavily, Diego centred himself once more, his aura fading out. “I hope so anyway, don't think I can do that again today...” He quickly turned to check on Moltezz, ensuring she was down, then immediately ran to Seeth, who was still hanging weakly in the middle of the gigantic chamber.


He stopped and checked Seeth over once more. She couldn't take her eyes off him the entire time.


“Hey, you!” He smiled warmly at her. “I'm running low on psyonic power, so we gotta go! I don't think she'll fall for that again...”


“You're insane, you know that?” Seeth laughed painfully, the two locking eyes again. “You should get out of here... she won't go easy on you next time...”


“We. We should get out of here.” He replied.


“I don't deserve that, Diego... You know I've corrupted people, right? My ledger is stained... I should burn for what I've done, what I’ve allowed to happen!”




“No, I don't deserve your help Diego, I never did. You're a good guy, and you deserve so much better than me...” Her eyes welled up with tears once again and she let her head hang limp in shame.


“I...” Diego sighed and placed his hands on her cheeks. “Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself, Seeth. And I’m not the good guy that you think I am. I don't have time to explain now, but trust me, I've done my fair share of terrible things... but dying doesn't absolve you of your wrong doings. It just passes the torch on for someone else to bear.”


Seeth looked up at him again.


“It takes a monster to beat a monster.” He continued. “Right now, you are the most qualified person in existence to stop all of this, so don't give me that I'm better off dead nonsense; we'll put this right, together. It's not about forgiveness, It's about fixing your mistakes. So come with me, and we'll fix this together.”


“A-And then what?” Seeth whispered desperately, her eyes lighting up at his words.


“Then... maybe you just... stay with me...? We can be two terrible people who travel the stars together, and try to help those who deserve it... You can't undo what you've done, but maybe we can end up doing more good than harm in the end, you know?”


Seeth broke into a heartfelt cry, tears pouring down her face as she winced in pain and attempted to stand on her feet, but her legs kept giving way, shaking under her as she pushed herself towards him.


“That all sounds wonderful... but Diego... I can't walk…” She let out a laugh in between her sobs. “I want that more than anything, I want to be with you! But Moltezz tore my legs to pieces... I'm going to get you captured if you stay, so you need to leave! Please! Save yourself, for god's sake! I'm pleading with you!” Seeth was shaking from head to toe as she stared into his pristine amethyst eyes, her body still oozing from her deep wounds.


Diego grabbed the shackles around her wrists and he surged psyonic power, shattering the metal. Now free, Seeth collapsed to the ground and tried desperately to move her legs, but there was no chance they were going to take her weight. Before she could say anything, though, the lizard heaved her up with all of his strength, wrestling her massive frame onto his shoulders with some significant strain. She was tremendously heavy and more than twice his size, even with chunks of her legs missing.


“I am not leaving you here. And that's that.” He said stubbornly.


Diego grunted loudly as he took Seeth’s weight as his own, and slowly began to make his way towards the exit of Moltezz's chambers. With Seeth draped weakly over his shoulders, he took one shaky step, then another, towards his freedom once more.

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