Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 25 – Trade Secrets – Part 2

***Several Hours Later***

Back inside her office, the evening lighting of the Spire had kicked in and casted a fading amber glow over its exterior, shining through the crystal clear windows. Zhali hummed quietly as she flicked through the freshly printed pages of Ink’s results, the paper still warm from the heat press. Her team of HR goblins all stood in a row, heels tapping together as they awaited her thoughts eagerly. All of the team, bar one, seemed incredibly excited.


“Jeez. She’s… quite well equipped isn’t she? Very strong mental arithmetic, good customer service knowledge… Decent at maintenance and tech too. Fuck! Look at those physical results!” Zhali gawped at the graphs and numbers on the page.


The tallest goblin of the pack nodded excitedly, her figure more muscular than the others.


“She actually broke some of our testing machines! Those tentacles have incredible PSI! She capped out our machine at two thousand PSI, so we don’t actually know her upper limit but… she’s a walking hydraulic press!”


“That’s insane!” Zhali shook her head in disbelief.


“We also don’t know her upper strength limit for her body either. She lifted the heaviest weights we had, made some of the boys down there mighty jealous. Donnavon was absolutely miffed, his record demolished by a newcomer! We opted not to keep adding weights on, point was proved before then, ya know? She’s strong. Strong enough.”


“Noted. Loomer sized folks are often weaker than people think, square cubed law and all that, but not for this czarite, apparently!” Zhali continued onto the next page. “Her endurance is good too, no energy problems or anything of the sort. Excellent. We’ve had some heart problems with the few other loomers on file but she’s clear of that… Wait. You detected two heartbeats?!”


The tallest goblin spoke up again. “Indeed! We’re not sure what that means, czarites as a species have a mono vascular system, like most of us. Could have been an implant maybe? Maybe the DA did something to her? Either way, her vitals are strong. Beefy. Real thick… erm… vitals.” The goblin seemed to lose focus towards the end of her rambling.


“That's… odd. What kind of infection causes the need for a second heart..? What about her psyke report?”


The eyes of the room turned to view the most nervous looking of the bunch, who cleared her throat before stepping forward.


“I-I have concerns.”


“Please, Ira, speak.” Zhali smiled warmly.


“E-Everyone seems to be quite the fan of our new colleague, but I have some reservations…” Ira cleared her throat again before flapping her copy of the report out in front of her. “My report initially showed mostly positive signs and a balanced personality profile, leaning towards dominance, but her answers show signs of active manipulation.”


“She was amending her answers to give you what she thought you wanted?” Zhali asked, raising an eyebrow and leaning back in her chair.


“Yes. I conducted a couple of other tests without telling her what they were for and cross-referenced the results with her earlier answers. I believe there is a potential we could be dealing with a manipulative narcissist. It wasn’t conclusive but there were flags.”


A tense silence filled the office as Ira stepped back and lowered her report, staring up at Zhali intently, nothing but the sound of her shoes quietly tapping on the shiny black tiles of tigress’s office in their ears.


“Could be troubling, but understandable. If she’s telling the truth about her condition and her past, it might explain why those results were flagged up. If I was her, I'd be saying almost anything to get the job here too.”


“I-I would state, ma’am, these personality tests aren’t able to confirm whether or not someone is lying or if an event actually happened. But yes, she might be lying - sorry, embellishing to impress us because she wants the job.”


“Mivnie, what were her tox-screen results?”


A punky looking goblin with a pair of goggles fixed to her forehead stepped forward.


“Partially clean, Zhali. I ran a full suite of tests on samples she provided. No drugs, no toxins, nothing that matched anything on our database. But we did find multiple things we didn’t understand. Her genetic structure isn’t like that of a typical czarite. In all honesty, our in-house team didn’t really understand what they were looking at.”




“Well, I've referred it onto the Universal Council and asked them to review, but they haven’t responded yet. You know the UC, probs won’t hear back until next week. I don’t know what to think if I'm honest.” Mivnie seemed to stumble at the end of her sentence, catching the CEO’s attention immediately. 


“You can speak your mind, Mivnie. Please, I'd like to hear it.”


“If she’s telling the truth, Zhali…. I’m just guessing here, but I think she might have been a super soldier experiment. Lines up with her enhanced vitals and size, but I've got zero proof of that. We should just keep her away from other czarites, of course, just in case. She said she can transmit whatever she has to them, although that might not even be a bad thing. I… uh… I went to see what this gal looked like before her accident, and… well, the difference is night and day.” 


“We’re agreed on that. Although I would note her eyes are very distinctive and are very similar, pre and post change. Right now, I'm still inclined to believe her.”


“Mhm. I could see erm… old her getting abducted by the DA for sure, limping on that cane and all? New her? Not so much. Anyways, I suppose what matters is her future, not her past.” The goblin concluded, shrugging and rejoining her team.


“True! I’m confident Darkpaw is the right place for her to be. But that's not really the question…”


The boss is gonna get laid!” Mivnie called out, causing a round of laughs from all but one of the HR crew. Zhali blushed furiously, attempting to hide her face.


“Shut up you lot! Honestly! I don’t even know if… I don’t -”


“Oh shush your mouth, boss. Honestly. The girl has the hots for you, she can barely take her eyes off you!”


“You’re supposed to be my HR department! What have I enabled!” Zhali laughed, still blushing but taking it in her stride. “No, the question I had was, what department should we put her in?”


“You could ask her?” Ira suggested genuinely. “Her skills could be of use anywhere, would be a shame to stick her in with the muscle though, I think she would be more valuable to Darkpaw if we developed her mental skills and business acumen, rather than getting her to move heavy stuff.”


“Nah, Ira just wants to -” Mivnie pushed her tongue against the inside of her cheek, miming a blowjob in front of everyone, causing another round of laughs from the crew. 


“Okay, okay. I get it. Go on you lot, sign off for the night and send her in. And no peeping, I'll be locking the door.”


The pack all ‘aww-ed!’ together in disappointment but quickly laughed it off, saying their goodnights to Zhali and making their way out of the office, pushing through the tall double doors on the other end of the room. Zhali leaned back in her chair for just a brief moment before jumping to her feet as the doors gently opened again and Ink’s bright eyes appeared between them.


“Ink? Please come in! Been a busy day for you, huh?”


“It has.” She replied coolly, ducking under the door. Still dressed in the grey gym clothes given to her earlier, the doors closed behind her with a soft click, a gentle red glow just barely visible around their edges.


“So… Did I pass?”


The czarite stepped forward, making her way towards the seat on the other side of the desk. Try as she might, in the duller, evening lighting of the spire, the brightest thing in the room was Ink’s all seeing eyes, and Zhali couldn’t pull her gaze from them.


“Y-You did. Please, have a seat. Can I get you a drink or anything?”


“Whatever you’re having.” Ink winked back, sitting herself down. 


Zhali quickly spun around and fetched a couple of glasses from a cabinet behind her, placing both down on the desk with a quiet tap of glass on wood. 


“Ninety-Nine Red, one of my favourites.”


She produced a chunky looking black glass bottle, stamped with thick red wax that read “99 RED” in bold letters, flicking the cork off, she poured a healthy portion into both of the glasses and recorked the bottle, placing it down on the desk.


“I’ve not had this before. Is it nice?” Ink asked genuinely, almost innocently, raising the glass and flicking her tongue towards it.


“It's deliciously dark, sweet and very moorish.” Zhali smiled, swilling the glass around in her hand. Kinda like you. She thought, but wouldn’t dare say. Not yet. “Ink, listen. You’ve performed… very well today. I’m impressed.”


“Good. It seems I'm more together than I thought.” Ink grinned, her fangs on full display, but her expression soured slightly as she noticed Zhali deep in thought. 


“Yes, absolutely. But I have something I need to address with you.”


A pang of worry shot through Ink, her tentacles curling tighter around her back.


“Go on?”


“It has come to light in the personality tests that you may have been… dishonest in one of them. Not to any terrible degree, but I just wanted to check if you felt comfortable?” Zhali swallowed audibly, still swilling the drink around in her hands. “I mean, I would get it. You want the job, you say what you think we want to hear. I’m more than happy to hire you, but I believe in honesty-”


“-Does it matter?” Ink flicked her tongue at the glass again, raising it to her lips and staring Zhali right in the eyes. “I did lie on those personality tests, I hate them. Feels like a waste of time. I just said whatever I thought would work, like you said. Personality tests always felt so… forced. I don’t know. I don’t always like opening up to people. Historically it hasn’t gone well for me. But I would love to be proven wrong.” She knocked the whole glass back in a single gulp and gently placed it back down on the desk.


“If it's what you would love, I will prove you wrong.” Zhali said confidently, mimicking Ink and downing her entire glass. “You know, one of my girls thinks you might be a super soldier project of some sort, you had most of the HR ladies thirsting after you. I was worried this would be too much for you, but you’ve taken it all in your stride.”


Ink relaxed back in the chair as Zhali moved on with their conversation. Her tentacles unfurled and spread over the back of the chair, almost like she was hugging it.


“So, do I get the job?”


“You do! Welcome to Darkpaw, Ink! We’re not sure where to put you yet, you have multiple departments who want you. It seems you’re in high demand!” She poured another round of Ninety-Nine Red. “But you don’t need to worry about that tonight. We have a room prepared for you on the spire, you’re welcome to stay here indefinitely but we can arrange alternative accommodation if this one isn’t to your liking. Maybe a little closer to my office?” The slow simmering blush on Zhali’s face dramatically intensified as she finished her sentence.


“I would like that.” Ink grinned, sitting forward in her chair. “But do you know what I would like more?”


A stronger, sweeter smell filled Zhali’s nose, making the Ninety-Nine Red feel weak in comparison, a surge of desire coursed through her body and straight into her loins.


“Me?” She asked, doing her best to conceal her beaming smile.


Ink didn’t even hesitate.


She immediately stood and pulled her hoodie off, exposing her bare body underneath. A rippling set of muscular, chocolate coloured abs, barely glistening with sweat. Above them, a gigantic, heaving set of cushy, brown tits with a small golden bar pierced through each of her nipples.


Her tentacles wrapped around her body, pushing her breasts together and offering them forward towards Zhali, who sat back in her chair, her throat croaking, lost for words.


“T-Those… Fuck! Ink, those are massive! I could grate cheese on those abs! No wonder you smashed our strength records!” Zhali took a moment to compose herself, fanning her face frantically before standing from her chair confidently. “Well, I won’t be one-upped in my own office, even if I can’t match… those!”


She tugged at her own top, popping the buttons on her shirt and throwing her jacket behind her. Cupped in a lacey black bra, she revealed a perky, large set of fluffy breasts. These were no Rewritten hyper-sized breasts, but by any normal person's standards, she was swinging a hefty set of her own. Buried under the shirt was also a small, ornate black collar, latched closely around her neck. Upon it, hung a small but distinctive purple intersex symbol.


Standing up from her chair to meet Ink, she approached the alien, buzzing with excitement, her face flush with arousal.


For just a split second, Ink’s mind hesitated.


Zhali wasn’t immune. 


Almost no-one she’d encountered at Darkpaw was.


This woman had shown her nothing but love and patience, trying to right the wrongs of Ink’s past life. And Ink was about to tread all over her, willingly.


Was she really going to do this to her? Why couldn’t this have happened before she met Leech?


The doubt only lingered for a second though. Barely a blip in her resolve.


This would never have happened before she met Leech. Lamp wouldn’t have made it this far. But Ink? She did this herself. And she would own every second of it, willingly.


She surged forward and snatched Zhali by the waist, lifting her off the ground, pulling her close and pressing their breasts together. Her tentacles closed in around the tigress who merely giggled in response, utterly infatuated by her.


Yes. She was going to do this. The line had already been crossed, smudged and worn into the ground. Barely a blur at this point. Zhali would be hers. Then? She would rinse Darkpaw for all its worth.


*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level RED \\\-/// Caution Advised***


As Ink pulled her in, their substantial breasts squeezed together, Zhali’s own pair still holding their own despite being significantly dwarfed by Ink’s mountainous pair. She felt the tigress’s nipples harden and softly poke her, begging for attention from the alien.


Ink grinned down at her willful victim gleefully, fangs showing behind plump, glossy lips. 


Her tentacles slowly, carefully, curled around the tigress’s limbs, constricting her movement and gently, the giantess completely lifted her from the floor. She pulled her arms out above her head and kept her legs together, bound and locked, looking over her much like a fisherman would appraise a fine catch. Another tentacle unlatched her bra from behind and plucked it free from her.


“I-I would say be gentle…” Zhali moaned, her cheeks flushed a fierce pink. “But I don’t think you need to…”


Hanging in the alien’s grasp, bathed in sunset orange pouring in from the windows, an excited moan escaped the tigress as Ink suddenly pulled her close again and wrapped her soft lips straight onto the tigress’s waiting bosom. As she did so, the Controller’s tentacles began to secrete a thick black goo, smothering Zhali’s fur.


Ink’s slick tongue traced circles around her nipple before quickly wrapping around the body of her tit and squeezing it tightly. A tentacle curled around the CEO’s neck, like a snake curling around prey, and its tip teased her mouth, tracing the outline of her lips and leaving a gooey black trail as the alien sucked and teased her breast.


Zhali relaxed in her grip further, accepting the intruder into her mouth with a breathless sigh. It started slow at first, just a flexible, soft tip in her mouth, but quickly gave way to more of the appenditch’s mass, pushing inside her maw gleefully as she sucked on its sweet tasting body.


Stuck firmly in Ink’s grip, the alien suddenly tore at the tigress’s remaining clothes, ripping her free of what remained and the alien took a moment to admire her catch once again. The CEO struck a gorgeous balance of both curvy and strong, with a shapely, strong body that was highly attractive. Although she hid it well, she was packing a cock of her own, now completely erect and throbbing. It matched the onyx colouration of her lips and nipples and stood at an impressive size for someone not corrupted…




Seeing the erect cock in front of her, Ink decided to indulge the tigress a little first, before unleashing her own titanic girth upon her. It only seemed fair, after all.


She lifted the tigress up, directly up and above her, power pressing her with her arms, whilst her tentacles kept her limbs constricted and mouth full. Positioning the girl face down towards her, she let the CEO’s cock hang above her waiting maw, tantalisingly. Hovering its tip just inches away from her mouth.


Holding her proudly, Ink teased her prey, licking the very tip of Zhali’s crow-coloured cock. The tigress shivered in her constriction, still lost on indulging the soft tentacle plugging her mouth but desperate for more.


Slowly, Ink lowered her, plunging her cock straight into Ink’s waiting maw. Her tongue wrapped around its shaft, squeezing its heft in distinct looping motions. The entire length sunk straight into the alien’s mouth and throat, without the controller so much as batting an eye, allowing the thick cock to slip right to the tip of her lips, and then down as far as it could go, until Ink’s face pressed up against the girl’s tummy, her lips pressing a kiss right against the base of her dick.


Zhali moaned into the tentacle, drinking down its secretions with glee as it coated her face and began to run down her neck. She filled with anticipation as the tentacles locked onto her arms and legs pulsed in delight, thickening around her. They were soft on her body but overwhelmingly strong, doing as they pleased but with a tender, gooey touch. Ink’s mouth felt incredible, her tongue was working the length of Zhali’s throbbing rod, but the pressure of Ink’s mouth was something else - it was sucking the cum straight out of the girl, begging for her seed… Feeling so trapped and helpless in the alien’s grip was enchanting, Zhali quivered in pleasure again, her cock leaking copious amounts of pre-cum into Ink’s throat. But as she hung in the alien’s grasp, she caught sight of Ink’s own cock, rapidly hardening. 


A mixture of fear and excitement coursed through her.


It was absolutely colossal, with a fat purple head that was bobbing threateningly in time with Ink pressing the girl up and down, easily larger than Zhali’s fist. The idea of that going in her…? She felt a deep hunger within, it was a mighty challenge. One that needed to be conquered.


Suddenly, she felt a wet slither behind her, between her legs. A teasing pull of the tentacles forcibly spread the tigress’s legs. Ink had one free tentacle remaining and it was slithering between the Zhali’s legs and pressing against her ass, teasing her hole and staining her body.


The CEO moaned louder in response, completely lost in the moment, as the tentacle pressed against her pucker, ramping up the pressure in unison with the alien’s slurping around her dick. With a satisfied moan, the tentacle pushed into her, disappearing between the tigress’s asscheeks in one smooth, slick motion.


Ink could feel every motion, every throb, every shudder of the tigress, now completely owned by her. The tentacle pushing into Zhali’s ass began to pulse and undulate, slowly swelling its girth with every passing second, stretching her butt out tight as it gently pumped within her, claiming her. All Zhali could do was whimper into the tentacle pushing into her throat, stretching her jaw wide in the same fashion.


Thick trails of black goo oozed down from her mouth, pattering over the tiled floor of the office as the tentacle invasion began to intensify.


Pinned between the two tentacles, the tigress clenched hard, accidentally biting onto her gag and began to pump a thick, gooey load straight into Ink’s waiting maw, aided by the alien’s curling tongue, still working her length relentlessly. Ink drank every drop with an audible gulp, still pumping both holes of Zhali for everything they were worth.


Carefully, Ink raised her up once more until the girl’s still pulsing cock popped free of her mouth, still dribbling thick milky cum from its tip, drooling over Ink’s neck and breasts. The alien shifted Zhali’s weight to her tentacles and grasped the cock firmly with one of her hands and pumped its length strongly, working it from the base, her other hand squeezing the tigress’s balls to ensure every drop was taken. A few more shots of milky white cum roped out from her, each one accompanied by a desperate muffled moan, landing on Ink’s outstretched tongue and licked up with a sweet sense of satisfaction and pride at her work.


Delicately, Zhali was brought down in front of Ink, handled entirely by her tentacles. The girl was a mess, her face coated in black goo but blushing furiously under it, her make-up running down her pretty face as the tentacle continued to push further inside her, now visibly bulging her throat. She briefly retracted it, giving the tigress a desperate gasp of air for just a few tender moments, before plunging it straight back in her mouth once more. The whole time, the tigress’ ass was worked hard, the gooey, thick chocolate brown body of Ink’s appenditch thrust deep into her, throbbing with thickness and stretching her out, causing more sticky cum to seep from the tip of Zhali’s cock.


“My turn.” Ink grinned, licking the cum off her lips.


She handled Zhali expertly once again, raising her up flat in front of her, suspended entirely by her tentacles at Ink’s waist height.


The tentacle buried in the girls ass finally pulled itself free with a wet *pop* and slithered around the throbbing, overstimulated cock of Zhali, squeezing it tightly and pumping it as Ink brought the fat, heavy head of her own cock against the girl's ass.


Even with the pre-fuck of the tentacle, it was an impossibly tight squeeze. The tigress clenched and cried into her mouth-gag, desperately sucking in air through her nose as Ink pressed just the tip of her immense dick into her and with a lip-biting moan from the alien, it was forced in.


Zhali’s legs clenched around Ink’s waist, squeezing her muscular frame as inch by inch, the alien sunk her plump, oversized length into the tigress’s clenching body, watching dribbles of cum shoot into the air from Zhali’s relentlessly milked length.


Ink watched in utter delight as her entire length slowly sunk into Zhali, visible from the cock-shaped mound pressing through the girl's abs. She felt her victim’s body squeeze around her, hungry for more, desperate to be stretched, used and bred.


“I want to hear you scream.” Ink grinned, pulling her tentacle out of the girl's throat and opting to wrap it around the girl’s breasts instead, squeezing the two of them tightly.


FUCK- FUUUUCK- OH MY GOD-D-don’t stop…!


Zhali could only continue to swear and scream from the very base of her throat as her body tried to adjust for the gigantic intruder pressed deep into her. Slowly, the alien began to thrust her length within her, opting for short, rough thrusts, shaking the tigress caught in her grip as orgasm after orgasm was forcibly pushed through her.


The alien pressed her cock in as far as it would go, feeling her huge, soft balls press up against the buttcheeks of the tigress and watching yet another weak dribble of cum ooze out of Zhali’s cock with an evil grin as she finally bottomed out. The alien’s pretty face flushed red, glistening with sweat as she stared down at the scene. A gorgeous, curvy tigress impaled on her cock, tensing up and shooting load after load onto her, dribbling over her pulsing tentacles, all bathed in the evening light pouring in through the office windows.


What a sight.


Her tentacles pulled the tigress in close, wrapping her legs around Ink’s hips and she brought the girl upright, as if she were sitting on the immense length instead. One hand clamped onto the girl's soft ass, another clamped around her throat and in one powerful motion, Ink began to thrust into her.


The tigress’s goo and make-up stained face tensed up, her eyes rolling back and biting her lip as she felt another insane wave of bliss rock her body, her cock dribbling out yet another rope of cum, this one landing on the underside of Ink’s fat tits as the intruder began to change her.


Thrust after earth-shaking thrust, Zhali’s vision blurred, her goo splattered body quivering and weak, drowning in pleasure.


She lost track of time, the pleasure too intense, the feeling too overwhelming. Before she knew it, there was a rush of clarifying warmth within her. She weakly glanced down at her body, still bending to Ink’s insane girth and felt her body swell. Over the sound of her ass being rammed full, she could hear more fluid splashing over the floor, spilling out from her. She focused with everything she had, just enough to bring her gaze back to Ink’s. Their eyes met as Ink continued to hold her by the throat, still thrusting into her battered, goo splattered ass. Her perfect eyes, golden and gorgeous… This girl was… perfect…


It felt incredible, beyond anything she’d ever experienced before, time began to blur as the alien pistoned her hips up and down, sending god knows how much lubed up alien cock straight inside her, she stayed as lucid as she could, mesmerised by Ink’s beautiful, endless stare as the void closed in on her...


*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level RED \\\-/// Advisory End***


…It was far too much to bear… Zhali fell unconscious, helpless in Ink’s overwhelming grip as her body began to change. Her belly now plump and full of Ink’s corrupting seed. 


The urge was sated, temporarily. Ink pulled herself free and laid Zhali down on the sofa positioned just under the windows and stared down at the tigress with curiosity as the transformation began. She’d never watched it happen before, there wasn’t much else to do until Zhali was finished… Node or Slave, she needed control of her.


So, Ink snatched the bottle of Ninety-Nine Red, pulled her chair close and sat straight in front of the unconscious tigress, watching closely as the corruption began to work into her.


It was slow at first, barely noticeable. Starting with her skin and fur, they began to desaturate, like a wilting plant. From head to toe, her goo slathered body was drained of its initial hue. It was quiet, almost peaceful… Like a personal autumn. But the peace didn’t last.


Her body began to quiver, moving on its own accord. A sickening crack played out from deep within her. Followed by another. And another. And another.


Her body contorted, cracking and creaking, her skin pulled tight and painful as it stretched over her limbs which were beginning to elongate. Her legs were gentle, accompanied with a slow, wood-like groan of an ageing tree as they grew in size. But for her arms, it was sudden and violent, growing in sporadic bursts. Her breasts began to expand, pumping up in size several cup sizes, along with a thickening of her cock and balls, to something more… Rewritten sized. These were both smooth transitions, growing in size evenly compared to her limbs which were growing at different rates.


There was another loud crack and her torso shifted, her spine expanding several inches within her back. Her skin and fur had not accommodated the changes very well however, stretched and bleeding in places- until a purple gloss gleaned over it, like someone had plunged her into a shimmering vat of dye, darkening it several shades and twisting the colour of her fur. But by the end, all the stretch marks, tears and bleeding were completely gone, as if her original skin had never existed. A pair of black and purple horns pushed out from her forehead, only short but surprisingly cute.


Ink’s gaze remained fixed to her the whole time, her curiosity too great to leave unsated, when suddenly, the door to the girl's mind opened to her.


Although still unconscious, Ink felt Zhali join the hierclasty, her body and brain now fully accessible.


And she couldn’t resist.


Zhali’s body lurched up from the sofa and stood in front of Ink awkwardly. Her mouth agape and dripping with black goo, running down her new body in thick streams. Ink’s grin grew wide as she made her new toy pose for her, squeezing her breasts together, pressing her claws into the fluid coating her body. She considered making the tigress submit to her again, but the idea didn’t linger for long.


That was far more delectable an idea for when the tigress was awake again.


Suppose I need to start making the most of this. She thought to herself, her satisfied grin still wide.


She made the tigress clomp across the office towards her computer, leaving several oozing trails of goo across the already messy tiles as her body was plucked up and awkwardly made to walk. But as the tigress practically collapsed onto her chair, Ink rolled her eyes at herself.


I don’t need her computer, she knows everything. Duh. Silly me.


She plunged into the thoughts of the tigress, crawling through hours of meetings, numbers and notes until something caught her interest.


Darkpaw was in trouble. Serious trouble.


Ink squinted and scratched her chin as she mulled over the information.


Enigma was coming, it was only a matter of time. They would force her to sell Darkpaw to them, or they’d take it by force. Zhali was terrified of them, even through the hierclasty, Ink could feel it. It was looming over her, Darkpaw’s impending death. 


She had told her employees that something was coming and they needed to leave, but no one else knew it was Enigma.


Leave… What does she mean by ‘leave’? 


Ink’s prying moved onto Zhali’s solution. A few months ago, they had discovered a ship long since abandoned. A ship big enough to take their operations on-board.


The entire operation.


Zhali was going to convert this ship into a mobile headquarters, allowing her to keep Darkpaw on the move, evade Enigma and take the fight to GLYPH directly.


That sounds useful…


Before she could spend any longer digesting the girl’s plans, a loud cough and gasp behind her made Ink spin to face her victim, all the happier for seeing the girl's confused eyes scanning the room.


“Welcome back.” Ink grinned, offering her a hand.


“I’m… I’m…” Zhali stuttered, glancing around in the room in confusion. “What did you do?”


“I made you mine.” Ink clarified with a toothy, menacing grin.


“I-I’m- What is this feeling?!” Zhali pleaded, Ink recognising the desperate look in her eyes immediately.


Hunger. Order your staff up here. And we’ll feed on them together”


The tigress paused for a second, still unsure of what was going on.. She pushed herself up off the chair, feeling herself stand taller than before, she felt all over her body, she was bigger than before… Stronger. More present and more capable than ever, her blood hot, her spit sweet, her skin tingling…


She stopped for a brief moment, feeling the goo still plastered around her chin and mouth from Ink and felt her stomach fill with butterflies again. Still adjusting to her new legs, she carefully made her way over to her desk and pressed her claws onto the intercom button.


“Girls, I need you in my office, now.”


***Two Days Later***


Tyler sat within his cell, sighing loudly. Little more than a bench within a sealed cube, with one wall being super thick security glass.


The guards had been disappearing one by one over the last day, seemingly responding to a call of some sort and now, there was no one left in the corridor or the prison wing. Normally this would have been nice, not to be glared at by the guards, but no one had fed him this morning… Tyler got the feeling that this wasn’t the usual drill… 


He pressed up against the glass and tried to look down the corridor, his belly rumbling loudly.


“Where the hell is the breakfast?!”


Suddenly, he picked up on movement -someone was running down the corridor.


He heard them approaching, their feet hammering on the metal panelling that lined the prison wing with some urgency.


“About time, asshole. Just because I'm a dick doesn’t mean I don’t have rights… Hey! HEY! Wait! Where are you going?!”


The person sprinted straight past his cell, he barely had time to catch sight of them as they hurried past, running with every ounce of strength they had. It was difficult to see, but he swore they were dripping with some kind of black goo, leaving a trail of it down the corridor.


“Was he… naked…? What the hell is going on?”


He thumped on the glass with the base of his fist a few times, calling out but no one responded.


A spike of anxiety shot through his heart and he tried to get a better look at the black trail left over but couldn’t tell what it was, but as he examined the substance, the wing suddenly filled with harsh red light and a blaring alarm filled his ears.


“What the fuck? That sounds like a station wide alert…?”


An hour drifted by, slowly, painfully. With nothing but the alarm in his ears and the bleaching red of the emergency lights until he felt thumping under his feet, shaking the very glass of the cell. 


Pressing his face to the glass again, he could see two figures making their way down the corridor towards his cell.


Both were huge, their details hard to make out but they filled the corridor and he could just about make out two bright yellow eyes through the red haze.


The thumping intensified as the pair approached, almost in time with the alarm. Ticking together, thumping closer. One step at a time.


As they approached, he thumped on the glass again, feeling his heart pounding in his chest, telling him to get away and hide, but what option did he have?


“Hey! Can you let me out of here? I think I’ve been forgotten about…”


Finally, the figures arrived in front of the glass. A massive czarite and… Zhali? No, it couldn’t have been…


“You have NOT been forgotten, Tyler.” The alien snarled. “Not even close.”


“Sorry little thing, isn’t he?” Zhali smiled.


“Oh, he will be.” Ink grinned, cracking her neck to each side.


“Are you going to corrupt him?”


“No.” Ink growled, her muscles tensing across her body. “He doesn’t get our gift.”


“Wha-what are you talking about?! Zhali, is that you?! What are you doing?!” Tyler panicked, backing away from the glass as the alien’s eyes bore right through him, her gaze locked straight onto his throat.


“You go, have fun. We still have plenty of staff to go through.” Ink waved Zhali away. “Leave this… scum to me. I want to be alone with him.”


And with that, the tigress nodded and made her way out, leaving Ink alone with her ex-boss, only separated by the thick prison glass between them.


“W-Who are you?”


Ink waited until Zhali was clear of the prison wing before responding.


“Someone you should have treated better.” She snarled, licking her lips.


Ink plunged her fist through the glass, smashing through it in a single, cell shaking, violent hit.


Tyler yelped and pressed himself against the far well, quivering in fear from head to toe as the controller stepped into the cell, spreading her tentacles out to block any route of escape.


“I dreamt of putting a grenade under your pillow as you slept, ‘boss’. I dreamt of humiliating you in front of everyone. I dreamt of beating you to death with my cane. I dreamt of so many things I wanted to do to you.” The alien began to shake with anger, her face curling into a furious snarl. “And now, after three years of barely making enough to eat - I finally get my due.”


She stamped forwards him, forcing him into the corner of the cell, but not laying a hand on him quite yet as Tyler screamed, shaking and terrified, unable to bring another word to his quivering mouth.


“Tell me you are sorry.” Ink demanded, bringing her face down to his. 


But Tyler remained silent, too scared shitless to even begin processing her request.


“TELL ME TYLER!” She screamed, snatching him up in her tentacles, one curling around each of his limbs and pinning him to the wall. “I WANT TO HEAR THE WORDS FROM YOUR MOUTH!”


But he didn’t. He couldn’t. A trickle of fluid ran down the wall from under him, like a deer in the headlights, he was completely trapped and helpless. 


Ink’s tongue briefly flickered out and her fury turned into a smug, almost understanding grin.


“Now you get it. What it feels like to be trapped and helpless.” She chuckled briefly, but the brief reprieve didn’t last and she tightened her grip on his limbs.


Her tentacles pulsed and tightened, tightening further and further around his wrists and ankles until they cracked and broke, splintering like dry firewood, the flesh around them reduced to nought but paste. 


“My only request, Tyler? Don’t die immediately. Suffer for me. Please.”


And in the blaring red light of the prison wing. She turned him into what he made her feel…



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