Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 3 – Hold them close

The electricity crackling around his power fist was dying. The arcing current faded and left him with only the retractable blades, held within the armoured gauntlet. All around, he could hear the rumble of the horde, down every dark corridor, from every direction.

Reactor was holding steady. His armour had plenty of strength left in its synthetic muscles. Spinning on the spot he thrust his power fist out and a pair of scissor like retractable blades erupted from it, skewering a slave, with two sizeable metal blades through the neck.

He retracted the blades and pulled his fist back in one smooth motion, causing his aggressor to drop to the floor, blood pooling beneath it and dripping through the floor’s grating. His radio played nothing but static as he ran down corridor after corridor. The mission had changed; there was no one left to save, no one left to defend but themselves. The moments leading up to this played over and over in his brain; the sound of metal being ripped apart, creaking, groaning, like the ship itself was crying out in pain.

He needed to focus. His squad was gone, precisely decimated one by one. Reactor had watched the horde suddenly surge forward, flowing like a river down the steel corridors and push Zaunder off his feet. They had power tools looted from the techie’s quarters, empty eyes and hungry hands as the buzzing saw blades were brought to bear, cutting his armour to pieces with him still in it.

Reactor had watched as the larger Nodes teamed up and took down his left hand man, Dennis. They whipped at him with bright purple energy whips, then restrained him whilst another ran up behind and pulled his helm off with her bare hands, ripping through the clasps, with little effort. He lasted mere seconds after that, at most.

The last squad member, Arga, was gunned down by his squad's own weapons, looted by the Nodes from his fallen comrades. No matter what move they made, the intruders had an answer, working together like clockwork. Reactor had never seen anyone move in such a manner, it was as if someone were controlling them, manipulating them into place.

What worried him now though, was that he wasn't being pursued by the horde anymore. He was back on the lower deck, where the fighting had been the most intense, but now, there wasn't a soul to be seen from either side. The corpses had been removed already, leaving bloody streaks and bullet holes on the wrecked innards of the ship. Aside from the occasional roaming slave, the horde of hungry faces he'd seen tearing his squad to pieces was no where to be seen.

Reactor paused for a few seconds and rested against one of the bloody walls, checking his ammo and status..

I'm not letting this beat me. I can still make it out. I deserve that at least.

His break was cut short as something grabbed his attention. This corridor ran half the length of the ship, and he was able to see more than a kilometre unobstructed. Down the far end of the corridor, someone was coming. It looked like two sets of flash-lights, shining out at him. The two bright, level orbs were visible for just a moment, before they flickered away. He couldn't make out anything else in the gloom, and the sweat that was accumulating on the inside of his visor reduced his visibility even further, but despite his slightly blurry sight, he knew what he saw.

I've got no time for light signals. You're on your own. If I can make it to the techie's den, I can get out via the maintenance exit, but I'll have to ditch my armour… Or I can try my chances at the hanger and keep my protection... I'll go wherever the resistance is weakest. Hanger first I think, I don't want to ditch this gear if I can avoid it, not on this planet...

He gathered his bearings and started to make his way towards the hanger, sticking as much as possible to the narrow maintenance tunnels, trying his best to avoid anywhere he thought the horde might be. The rest of the ship had long fallen, and he had lost access to the live feeds, so he had to rely on his senses alone to guide him.

The first few minutes were quiet, aside from the occasional groan of the ship’s piping, or a distant scream. The horde was nowhere to be seen. He felt a pit in his stomach though; something was following him, he was sure.

Reactor was now under the main corridor leading towards the ship's hanger. His plan was to exit through one of the main hatches, as the hanger wasn't directly accessible from here. At the end of the tunnel, as he went to climb the metal ladder bolted into the wall, he heard thumping. It sounded exactly like the sound on Romeo’s broadcast, before he went dark.

It was loud and heavy but fast, approaching him rapidly. Reactor guessed, hoped, it was in the main corridor above. He held still, knowing he was defenceless within this tight shaft, and waited.

The thumping approached, louder and louder, but just as it sounded directly above him, it carried on, likely into the hanger he was heading for. A quick ammo check on his helm and visor advised him he had only three magazines left for his main rifle, and decided to take his chances. He waited a few seconds, and then ascended the ladder.

He pushed the thick metal hatch open slowly and peaked out. He found the corridor quiet, with more of that thick black goo coating the walls. It looked fresh. Rifle raised and ready to fire, Reactor approached the blast doors that separated him from the back rooms of the hanger, and pressed on the panel to open them up.

The doors hissed open and parted slowly, revealing yet another battle-stained but otherwise empty room. It was a wide, somewhat open space with a set of workbenches in the middle and some cargo crates on the far side. The edges of the room were lined with empty tool racks but otherwise, all seemed clear.

He took a step through the doors and listened closely with baited breath. As he surveyed the room, black fluid dripped onto his shoulder from above and spatted onto his helm, trickling down his plating and staining it. Without thinking, Reactor aimed his rifle high and fired several rounds directly above, not taking any chances on the risk of an ambush.

Ceiling tiles and piping fell from above, crumbling to the floor. He paused and squinted in the gloom to look closer - he could see nothing but a black stain and several gaping bullet holes.

They must know I'm here... where the hell are they?! Fuck it, I'm charging straight for the hang-

A huge black hand erupted from the floor and grabbed Reactor’s thigh. It pushed and knockered him away as, from the new hole in the floor, emerged a massive czarite. She rose from the ground and lifted the guard captain up with ease, throwing him off his feet and directly into the wall behind him. His rifle was knocked out of his grip.

He rose to his feet, deploying his arm blades and charging forward with a cry. Fist met fist with a shuddering impact and his blades punctured right through the alien's hand, but she appeared unphased. Reactor’s eyes flickered upwards as he took in the monstrosity before him. His met hers; she was staring intently at him with bright, unblinking, eyes.

She was a towering, murky obelisk of a creature, well-built with muscle that lined her dark, curvaceous figure. Oily umber-coloured skin coated her monstrous form, covered only by a thick, charcoal carapace around her head, neck, shoulders, and hips. The carapace sat on her shoulders with massive curved spikes on her shoulders, like a demonic headpiece.

. Although somewhat dwarfed by her mountainous sexual assets, her limbs were powerful and solid with highly tort muscle. From her back protruded a set of six thick, identical tentacles, oozing with that viscous tar-like fluid that stained everything it touched. 

Her eyes, like two amber spotlights, were bright and sparkled with malicious intellect and intent, glaring down at the guard captain with an unblinking death stare. A single, faintly glowing amber jewel sat within the crown of her carapace on her head, centred squarely in the middle of her forehead, like a third eye. Large violet jelly dreadlocks erupted from the back of her head, glimmering faintly from the silver specks contained within them. Thick glossy black lips and a menacing set of large, bone-crunching teeth gave her face, with its bright eyes and pretty golden freckles, a twisted, unique appearance.

Reactor shuddered as he took in the creature before him, first from stultifying fear, and then to creeping realisation.

“L-Lamp...? Is that you?!”

Her smile grew wider and she twisted her wrist, which was currently locked against the guard captain's blades. The metal snapped cleanly with a loud clink and one of her tentacles pulled the blades free from her skin in a smooth motion. Deep brown goo oozed from the wound, but it was already beginning to heal over.

“Captain.” Her voice curled around his throat, eerily familiar and yet completely alien at the same time, with an almost synth-like bass to it.

“W-what happened to you?!? Y-you're huge!”

“You should be more concerned with what's about to happen to you.” She shunted him backwards with tremendous force, throwing him across the room. He slammed back into an empty tool rack. Before he had a chance to stand, she was upon him again, tentacles wrapping around his limbs and binding them tightly.

“L-Lamp! Stop! We can talk about this!”

“I'm sure we could, Captain. We could talk. We could do a lot of things here, couldn't we?” Her eyes remained fixed on him, staring through his visor and deep into his own.

She placed a large hand on his helm and danced her fingers over the metal, claws etching into the plating as she did so.

“Lamp! We can -”

“I'm going to rip you out of that armour, Captain. Then, I'm going to tear you into pieces, slowly.”

Before he could respond, she slammed him into the wall again, knocking the air out of his lungs, then let him fall to the floor. Reactor went to roll away, but she pounced on his back and began to tear sections of his armour away, piece by piece. He struggled and tried to fight back but her strength was overwhelming. His limbs were locked down. The scrapping sound of her hands getting closer to his body as they burrowed through the metal shook him to his very core.

He felt air on his back as his skin was exposed; the seal had been broken. She became more ravenous as the sound of screeching metal and hissing circuits filled the room. In one swift motion, he felt her hands on his back and shoulders and she yanked him half way out of the armour. His limbs were caught as he held onto the internals of his suit with all his might. but it wasn't enough. She gripped his limbs tightly and pulled hard again, plucking him from his protection entirely. His skin and fur had been cut and sliced in the process.

She pinned him against the wall, and held him at eye-level. His legs thrashed about, high above the floor.

She was growling with every breath she took, a snarl escaping her lips as she stared down his quivering form.

“Good fucking god, look at you!” The intense, familiar voice of Leech called out from the hanger from behind the two, staring at her new czarite with awe. “Absolutely gorgeous! Oh, we're gonna have some fun later... Is this the douche-bag in charge of the guards?” She approached them quickly, eyes darting between Lamp and the guard captain.

“Yes. Yes it is. I'm going to pull all his limbs off, and watch him bleed to death.” As she said it aloud, a smile broke and stretched across her face.

“That does sound fun, but I have a better idea; you want this guy to suffer, right?”

The guard captain remained motionless, watching the two huge aliens in bewilderment and horror as they discussed his fate.

“I do. More than anything.” Lamp replied, licking her teeth and lips.

“Then don't just go tearing his limbs off haphazardly. Start at the base and work your way up, slowly. That's all good nerve real estate ripe and ready for inflicting pain, you tear the limb off immediately and you're just losing out. Make sure you lock down the wound too once you've finished with the limb or he'll bleed out before you can get to the others.” She paused for a second, looking closely at the tentacles binding the man's limbs. “Those tentacles of yours have hydraulic action?”

Lamp nodded, listening to Leech carefully.

“Then you could use those to prevent him bleeding out in a pinch. Every inch of skin has a thousand odd nerve endings you can squeeze suffering out of. Flay the fucker.

“YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME WITH HER?!? PLEASE?!” The guard captain suddenly jerked and struggled, as if from a daze. He looked at Leech desperately, pleading with her to do something. 

“You hear that, Lamp? He's so desperate that he's asking the person giving you torture tips for mercy.” She chuckled loudly and patted Lamp on the shoulder. “You wouldn't fare any better with me, pal. For what you've done to my friend here, I'd make your life hell. Be thankful she's granting you death.” Her eyes narrowed as she spoke, and her attention turned back to Lamp. “We're nearly done here though, we have three fresh czarites to corrupt, but Moltezz wants them for herself. I think she's earned that, so I'm not going to argue with her. I'll introduce you to her later, but for now, have fun with your new toy, gorgeous.” She gave Lamp a cheeky wink before turning around and leaving them alone once more.

“L-Lamp... I'm sorry...” The guard captain spoke meekly, going weak in her steel grip.

“I know.” Her voice went soft.

“Please... I had my reasons, you know this! I didn't immediately treat you badly! I helped you onto the ship and you screwed me over!”

“I know.”

“Then why are you doing this to me?! Why did you kill my men?!”

“Shhh...” She pressed a finger against his lips. “Enough talk from you. You do what I say now.” She pulled him off the wall, still suspended in the air by her tentacles and brought him close to her. She wrapped her arms around him for a tight hug, and pressed a wet kiss onto his forehead. Her black saliva stained his marmalade fur.

“You were only doing what came naturally to you, Captain. I understand.” She sounded calm.

Reactor was helpless, trapped between her enormous bust, bound by her tentacles and embraced in her arms.

“Y-you do...?”

“I do. I just wonder if you’ll have that same understanding, when I do to you what comes naturally to me.”

He felt the grip around his body tighten.

“Nature is cruel, Captain. Let's rebalance the scales, shall we?”

***Present Day***

“You’re not leaving, Diego. We've barely started.” Seeth's eyes narrowed as she spoke.

“Maybe you should learn how to take “no” for an answer.” He replied, fists clenching slowly.

“I’m not gonna just let you walk out of here. You want out? Earn it.” She stood up straight, staring down at him from across the bedroom.

“You'd really do that to me?”

“I would... Daddy-Diego.” A sly grin spread across her face as the words left her mouth.

“Scandalous wench!” Diego recoiled dramatically. “I'll make you pay for that!”

Both naked and posing in a sensational manner, Diego charged across the room and leapt at Seeth, landing neatly in her arms. She spun him around and slammed him on the bed playfully, pouncing on top of him.

Both giggling loudly, he “landed” several fake punches to her stomach, causing her to feign injury and roll off him.

“Such power! I'm reeling!”

He sprung to his feet, grabbing a pillow and jumping back at her, thumping it against her midsection as she flailed weakly.

“Fear the feathers, harlot! Bear hug!”

After a few more pillow slaps, Diego leapt on her and grappled around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly. Seeth let out a loud, satisfied moan as she felt him clutch her close, causing him to blush bright red and drop his guard for just a second, enough for her to break loose and reverse the grab, hugging him tightly from behind. Her gargantuan breasts pressed tightly against his back.

“Not so mighty now, hero! Do you yield?!” Their struggle continued, Diego failing to wiggle his way out of her steel grip. Suddenly, he had a thought.

“No, I do not!” He snaked his tail between her legs and whipped her butt cheek with as much force as he could muster from that somewhat awkward angle. It wasn’t much, but it was enough.

“No! My one weak point! How did you know?!” Seeth let her man go and flopped down on the bed, raising her rear up into the air as she collapsed. “Oh no! I've fallen and I can't get up! What will my hero do?! Will he -”


The noise echoed around the room loudly, Seeth slowly craned her head around to see Diego, stifling a giggle as best as he could.

“Did… Did you just spank my ass so hard it clapped?!”

“It was a round of applause for bringing you down. I'll do it again too.”

“I beg you, do the other cheek, otherwise I'll feel weird.”

Diego wound up another slap and delivered a huge arcing swat at her exposed amethyst ass. Another ear splitting smack rang out. Seeth dropped to the bed and let out a defeated cry.

“I am vanquished!”

“I-I think I left some handprints on your butt. Maybe I went a bit hard there...” Diego’s laughing trailed off as eyed the pink handprints he’d left behind.

Pfft! I’m a big girl, I can take it. Stung a little, perhaps, but it wasn't painful.”

“So, I didn't hurt you?”

“Hell no! I kinda liked it actually... You wanna grab a bite to eat though? I could go for a munch.” She stood from the bed and turned towards him, another sly grin spreading over her face. “Wanna be my bra? Only for a minute! No one should be up anyway but just in case.”

“Hell yes to both! I think there's some chocolate for us in the fridge!” 

Blushing but feeling mad with excitement, Seeth knelt down to give her hero a kiss, and then picked him up again, draping him over her shoulder as one would a gym towel. She guided his hands down to grab over her nipples, covering them both and allowing her male grab handfuls of her soft, beautiful breasts as well. He couldn’t help but give them a little squeeze.

“Behave you! Or we won't make it out of this bedroom!” Seeth laughed, adoring the feel of his body and his skin against hers. Her blood rushed to the surface of her skin wherever his body made contact with hers.

“Fine, fine! Just holding, no squeezing... for now.”

“These girls will drown you once we're back, don't you worry.”

Seeth tied a towel around her waist and headed for the door, Diego hanging over her one shoulder, arms reaching down to censor her nipples from anyone who might be walking the ship as they headed towards the kitchen. He was grinning ear to ear at his new role, and the two made their way into the corridor, both warm with lust and love as they giggled to themselves.

The door slid open and Seeth padded out of the room, taking only a few paces before stopping in her tracks, as a mortified Oxyi appeared at the other end of the corridor.

“HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THOSE THINGS!” Oxyi staggered a little on the spot, staring at Seeth's man-censored bust in open-mouthed shock. Tivy popped out from behind her leg, confused at first and then grinning from ear to ear at the sight.

“Ohhhh! We finally walked in on you! I was wonderin’ how long it’d take!” Tivy began a happy little dance on the spot, shuffling in front of Oxyi.

“W-walked in on them?! Tivy, they're coming at us!” Oxyi's voice cracked as she spoke, her eyes darting from Seeth's tits, to Diego's mortified face and back to Tivy's gleeful hopping.

“Sorry guys, we, uh, got carried away, you don't need to see this...” Diego tried desperately to calm the situation down, but Tivy was anything but upset. Slowly, a smile crept over Oxyi's face too. Seeing Diego slung over Seeth's shoulder, clinging onto her breasts for dear life, staring like a deer in the headlights, she couldn't help but break into a stifled laugh.

This is him, isn't it? He's daft, but hell is he fun. Fukkin' cutie.

“Well, I uh... Just wanted to give you both heads up that we're landing in about ten hours on a nomad station. Plasia's found some salvage onboard for us to sell so we can stock up on supplies… We'll leave you to it! Have fun!” Oxyi gave the pair an awkward but genuine smile, and gave Tivy a little nudge to leave them alone too.

“T-thanks! Sorry again!”

Seeth hurried into the kitchen and quickly zoomed back out after only a few seconds. Oxyi and Tivy caught a glimpse of two lizard sized hand-prints on her bum cheeks as her towel whipped passed them, and the two had to stifle another laugh. Seeth and Diego ducked back into their room.

“I bet they have crazy sex.” Tivy said, continuing her happy dance.

“Tivy! You can’t just blurt that out!” Cried Oxyi, her face looking like a fresh cherry. “I don’t quite get the physics behind those- those monsters though. I don’t think I could stand if my breasts were even half that size!”

Mhmm milky milky big fat alien tats! Thiccie lizard dick too! Gimme gimme gimme!” Tivy sung her sex brained sentence, closing her eyes and mimicking squeezing various body parts with her hands.

“Fuckin' hell Tivy, you horny little thing. You see one pair of admittedly massive boobs and you're practically drooling!”

“I can't help mahself, Oxyi! You try being locked up for a half a year in a sex dungeon! It gets into your braaaaaain!

“Hmm… I suppose? Cmon, lets go check on the guys -”

“IT HAPPENED AGAIN!” Geralt yelled suddenly from the cockpit. “THE FUCKING BLUE EYE THING! ALL THE SCREENS!”

The girls looked at one another and rolled their eyes, laughing lightly but as they approached. Trent emerged from the cockpit, looking worried.

“He's not lying... I saw it this time, too. We need to tell Diego.”

“Oh... He's a little uhm...”

“He's getting' his cheeks clapped!” Tivy announced.

“Yeah. He's- wait, what?! He's getting his cheeks clapped?!”

Trent and Tivy both turned to face Oxyi, as she tried to process what she’s just heard.

“Ayup... Well, we don't know that, maybe she lets him... you know.”

“Just when I thought I had it figured out, she's got a dick too?!

“You didn't know that?” Tivy paused, tilting her head.

“No! No, I didn't! I guess I never thought about it! I just -”


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