Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 8 – Disrespected

Authors note -

Hey peeps, just an upfront warning on this one because i'm all about that transparency.

This is the first chapter is the series that features a LEVEL BLACK sex scene which is reserved for outright weird fetishes and potentially offensive content. In this instance, we're going weird. Its fully warning'd up and has the details as you approach. Feel free to skip if you hate the sound of it but otherwise, I'd advise giving it a look, I've had surprisingly good feedback. I don't want to be spoilery but I also don't want to ambush readers with stuff they might find repulsive. Gotta find the balance. Anyway, enjoy!




“Twenty minutes ago, every Node and Slave on the station seized up and collapsed. Every single one of them experienced the exact same phenomenon.” Moltezz was pacing back and forth within the  softly dimmed meeting room, with a stern expression to match her stern, strong voice. Her shoulders were unusually tense. Sat around the heavy, round table, Leech, Ink, Cherry, Plum and Bubblegum all watched her closely. Every face held a different expression; some were wearing their thoughts clearly, others, not quite so much. 


“Plasia screamed inside their heads.” Moltezz continued. “She begged for help. While I have an increasing number of questions regarding this… interaction, the only one that really matters is this; do we respond?”


Currently situated on the uppermost deck of Barru X, the Controllers had ordered every Mark and Node off the floor, leaving the six of them alone. Surrounded by comfy, if undersized chairs, they had a clear view of the surrounding stars through the thick pains of glass surrounding them, all of which felt like just a hand’s reach away to Moltezz.


“I.. think we should help her.” Plum spoke up softly, rubbing her hands against her thighs. “I know that most of us here have never even met her but… more Controllers are better than less. And it’d be nice to have more of us about.”


“Pfft! Leave her!” Ink’s lip curled into a snarl as she instantly snapped back. “She was given our gift, and she squandered it. She should be strong enough to look after herself. If she can’t, she’s already a liability.” The monstrous Controller's vision was glued to Moltezz, although she seemed unfazed by Ink’s intense glare and was staring thoughtfully out at the stars. Upon hearing her words however, Moltezz’s stare instantly snapped to Ink, the fury captured perfectly in her twisting face.


As quickly as her temper rose, it fell, and with a brief flicker of visible confusion, her anger was quenched. She cleared her throat gently.


“...Harsh, Ink. But understandable. What about the rest of you?”


“Never thought I'd agree with the big-ass tentacle creep, but I kinda do.” Cherry said. Immediately, she felt both Bubblegum and Plum smack her back in protest. “What? I do! Plasia should be fending for herself!”


Bubblegum’s usually happy-go-lucky demeanour had slipped dramatically off of her face, and she shook her head in disgust at Cherry’s comment.


Cherry! Asshole! If we don’t look after our own, who will?! Controllers should stick together!”

“I’m surprised you didn’t respond to the ‘creep’ comment, Ink.” Moltezz mused, listening as the Trio bickered amongst themselves.


“Why would I care what a second-hand weakling thinks of me?” Ink smirked, flicking her dreadlocks dismissively.


“EXCUSE ME?!” Cherry stood from her chair, furious. “Who the fuck you calling a weakling?!”


Enough.” Moltezz snapped her fingers, and the two settled down immediately without protest, however Cherry continued to shoot daggers at Ink from across the table. 


“So, Plum and Bubblegum both vote to assist her…” Her gaze rested on Leech, who was deep in thought, gently biting on her fingernails and staring off into space. “You’re being unusually quiet, Leech. Share your thoughts.”


“I know where she is. Down to the sector.”


“You do…?”


“She’s in DA territory. I KNEW those fuckers had a hand in it.” Leech growled, her hands curling into fists.


“The DA?” Plum repeated in surprise. “Haven’t we spent the last few weeks working out how to avoid DA territory?”


“Indeed, we have.” Moltezz murmured thoughtfully, her eyes focused on the teal-green alien, trying to read her every moment, every blink, every shift of her feet and flick of her wrists. “Continue, Leech.” 


“Well… I’m not sure exactly how she did it, but it looks like Plasia was able to break through the restrictions and physical limits, into the hierclasty. We shouldn’t have ever been able to hear her, or reach her; the Nodes certainly can’t now, she’s too far away. When Plasia sent her message, it had pin-point accurate direction encoded within it but not distance. So, every Node, in their own unique placement, felt a pull towards the same point, but from minutely different directions. I just… trawled through the sensory data of enough Nodes until each line intersected at a certain point; that’s where Plasia is. I’m still figuring out this sensory sharing and decoding stuff, but it is bloody accurate.”


“That is… impressive. But you still have not answered what I asked you.” Moltezz frowned. “Although, I suppose it does answer for you, if you’re thinking about where she is.”


Leech clicked her tongue and stood sharply from her seat, pushing it back with a screech.


“I… think we should go get her.”


A smirk graced Moltezz’s face as she watched Leech walk slowly to the window. She stared out through the thick glass panes, past her reflection, past the stars, to the point where the lines intersect. 


“Do go on. I’m sure there’s an incredibly complex and compelling reason just bubbling away in that brain of yours.”


“Controller numbers are small, and even if you count our Slaves, Nodes and Marks, our place and impact on the universe is a small one. We’re not even a faction yet, we’re just not numerous enough. Two Controllers have already deserted us, and one of them is captured. That’s not a good look for someone currently trying to put themselves on the map.” Leech spoke carefully, slowly, feeling the words roll off her tongue. “I’m concerned about us looking weak in the face of our enemies. We are the strongest part of the Rewritten; the Controllers. We should be feared and respected. If something is happening to Plasia, it could reflect badly on us, reveal a potential weakness, even. Do you want Plasia to be the face of the Rewritten, Moltezz?”


Moltezz’s smirk intensified into a mocking grin. A tense silence fell over the room as the remaining Controllers observed with a cautious interest.


Slowly, Moltezz approached Leech, with heavy, thudding footsteps, and slapped a hand onto her shoulder.


“I’m not worried about looking weak, my dear. Anyone who has the audacity to think that will quickly find the heat too hot to bear. Rumours can be quickly dispatched by a scolding brand. Moreover, you really shouldn’t lie to me, Leech. It's unbecoming of you.” She whispered teasingly, leaning in close, her breath wickedly hot on Leech’s skin. 


Leech went to respond, but Moltezz pressed a single finger against her lips.


“To lie to yourself however... Unfit behaviour.” She pulled her finger away slowly, caressing Leech’s cheek as she did so. “I can tell you care about Plasia, Leech. You needn’t hide that. I would imagine you feel somewhat responsible for her, after all.”


Leech took a sharp breath in, but held her tongue. A few more tense seconds ached by until, eventually, the molten mistress turned away, and addressed the room again.


Nevertheless, I think I agree with you. It's time for a show of force. United we stand a better chance, we’re about to brush shoulders with some heavier players. Recovering her alive would bolster us again, providing Leech can keep her under control. Would be good to have my concubine back, too.” Moltezz nodded firmly and relaxed her shoulders a little. “I will leave the station in the capable hands of the Trio. Ink, you’re coming with me and Leech. Gear up, we’re leaving in the morning. And for goodness sake, do something about that before then.” Moltezz cast an almost disgusted look down at Leech’s crotch, where a bulging semi had been pressing against her tight trousers ever since she and Ink had entered the room, and hadn’t shown any signs of going away any time soon. “I know the two of you are just desperate for some alone time, some, ugh… milking.” Moltezz grimaced as she mimicked Leech’s dialect. “I am astounded that you’re happy to be treated like cattle, Ink - a girl of your calibre!”

“It's not all bad!” Bubblegum cheeped in the background. “Leech runs a tight ship in her lab! Plenty of fun to be had!”


She tried to hide it, but a proud grin etched its way onto Leech’s face at Bubblegum’s testimony, and she winked at the girl cheekily, who poked her tongue out in response, showing off her bright silver stud for just a second. To their side, Ink’s tentacles flicked in annoyance as she watched the pair’s interaction, but her glare at Bubblegum was intercepted by Cherry, who slid in between the two and pointed her fingers at her eyes, and then at Ink, a clear message of ‘I’m watching you’ conveyed by her fierce scowl.


“UGH! Whatever!” Moltezz snapped. “I don’t want to know. If your deal is glass, tubes and machines then so let it be, but I will burn that place to the ground before you attach anything to my body. My passion cannot be farmed. If Leech knows where Plasia is, we’ll take the Radon and leave in the morning. Any objections?”


The others all shook their heads, but the scowl on Ink’s face remained heavy as the Controllers stood to leave. It eased slightly, only as she felt the caress of Leech’s touch on her shoulder beside her. 


“Good. Have your fun, prep your stuff. Bring your armaments too, we’ll be fighting the DA on their home turf and I anticipate they’ll be using pryst plasma weapons, so bring the best shields we have; unlike me, you’re not plasma proof.” Moltezz mocked in a teasing fashion. “See you in a few.”


She and the Trio left the room, and after only a few seconds, Ink and Leech were left alone, together. Once they were sure that the others were out on ear-shot, Leech leaned over and gave the pouting giant a kiss on the neck.


“Oh, don’t look like that. You got out-voted, so what? It happens. Besides, this will be fun!”


“Hmm. If you say so. But I told you! Moltezz doesn’t like me. Did you see the way she looked at me when I spoke my thoughts?”


“Yeah… I have to admit, that was strange… I’ve not seen her react like that before…” Leech shook her head suddenly and squeezed Ink’s shoulder tight. “ANYWAY, WHO GIVES A SHIT! LET'S GET YOU TO THE LAB!”


An intense blush filled Ink’s cheeks. One of her tentacles began to fan her freshly warmed face.




“Fuck yeah. We’ve been flirting up a storm all day! My balls are fucking aching, aren’t yours?”


Leech waltzed behind Ink, who was still sitting in her chair, and placed both her hands on the girl's neck, rubbing her muscles teasingly. Just as Ink relaxed into the shoulder rub, she felt the tip of one of her tentacles slip into Leech’s mouth.


The blush over her face intensified as she felt Leech’s soft lips suck the tip teasingly, akin to how one might enjoy a cool ice lolly. The titan bolted upright in the seat, a growing bulge visible through her clothes.


Leech wrapped her arms around the Ink’s muscular midsection and hugged her from behind, and the curling embrace of Ink’s tentacles pulled her closer.


“See? All it takes is a little tenta-suck and you’re like putty in my hands. Muscular, fuckable putty - I gotta stop doing this. Why do I do this?! I called Diego a fuckable bomb not thirty minutes ago and still - LETS JUST GO, C’MON, GET YOUR FAT BOOTY INTO MY LAB!” Leech pushed against the giant from behind and the two eagerly made their way through the station's deck to Leech’s labs, located not too far from the ship maintenance facility.


Similar to her dungeon-based facility but much more expansive now, Leech’s laboratories were a half-clinical, half-kinky array of whirring equipment, scribble-covered white boards, humming computers and racks of brilliant silver tools. The blend between industrial equipment and sex toys was hard to define, the two almost blending seamlessly, with spotless bone saws and knives laid next to sets of beads and anal plugs.


Ink glanced around the room in fascination as Leech led her straight to her private quarters, her eyes landing on a slave housed in a glass chamber in one of the rooms they passed through. Metal equipment was grafted cleanly to her body, including an antenna of some kind. But there was little time to observe as Leech pulled her by the hand, already undressing on route to their playroom for the next few hours.

*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level BLACK \\\-/// Caution Advised***

***Potentially hazardous content identified - Humiliation and Urethral play - Proceed with humility***


By the time they reached her room, both of the czarites had stripped off to nothing, leaving their full sexual packages on display for the other to enjoy. Both of them were sexual powerhouses, dominating any room they happened to be in.


Leech’s quarters were a clinical affair, lined with white tiles and various adjustable tables and racks against the walls, which were packed to the brim with various toys. For a moment however, the two just stood in the middle of the room, staring at one another with a fierce hunger.


Leech’s figure had an almost elegant look to it, with long legs and thick thighs that were begging to be wrapped around someone's face. Her tits were certainly heavy and full-looking, but smaller than perhaps Seeth’s or Plasia’s. The potential elegance of her figure was halted quite abruptly however, by the massive cock that bobbed threateningly in the air, bright emerald in colour, dripping with her numbing lube-slime that dulled the pain of those it slathered, perfect for making that ego-ending, monstrous weapon of a dick squeeze into people…


Opposite her, Ink’s muscular, powerful form was also standing to attention, with breasts so heavy and large they could kill a lesser person, if not handled correctly. The deep chocolate brown of her skin was complimented nicely by the dainty golden bar piercings through her large nipples. Her intoxicating figure was every bit as shapely and muscular as Leech’s, and just that bit more too. It was as though someone had given her a little extra in every department. The star of the show had even Leech stood, licking her lips; despite her own girth and length she’d been gifted with, Leech stood short of Ink’s behemoth.


The length of Ink’s penis had a series of tantalising ridges, stopping just short of the bulbous, super-thick head that wouldn’t look out of place if it was breaching a castle's gates. It faded from the rich walnut brown to a teasing violet at its tip, not that the colour change made it look any less threatening… Thick black goo had already begun to seep from its tip, dribbling down its mighty length and over her plush, watermelon-sized testicles.


Their breath was rapidly warming the room, both of them buzzing with anticipation, jolts of excitement shooting through their bodies.


There was a silent understanding between the two; they both knew what to do.


Ink stood in the middle of the room, reaching towards the ceiling and grabbing onto a bar that was hanging there just for her, leaving her towering body exposed and her legs apart, allowing her dominatrix full access.


Leech strode towards her and pressed their heavy dicks together, tip to tip, vibrating with excitement as far, far too many ideas hit her all at once. She rubbed their heads together, watching every bead of slime mix and drip between them. A breathy gasp escaped from Ink’s mouth as a teasing, pleasant tingle followed every movement Leech made.


“It's not fair, Ink. Chance gave you a dick this big… but its not big enough for me to fuck.” Her words were followed by a spit, right onto the heavy head of Ink’s cock, which she rubbed over it, in a half-loving, half-pissed fashion.


Ink’s tentacles reached up and curled around the extra ceiling supports that were provided. She stood there, quiet and willing, happy for Leech to use her as she pleased.


Voluntary bondage.


“I fancy some humiliation play today.” Leech stated firmly, a wicked grin spreading wide over pretty, toxic-coloured face. Her eyes were intense and focused. Ink raised an eyebrow, concerned but excited.


In a flurry of activity, a set of pumps were pulled out from the dark corners of the room - breast pumps to be exact. Leech showed them off briefly to her willing victim before licking around the rims of the cups with her slender, black tongue, coating them thickly with her saliva. She wasted no time and immediately pressed the cups to Ink’s nipples, which were only barely able to cover her areola. The glass was cold on her skin but within seconds, a pleasant, unending, rhythmic suction played with her nipples, teasing them out further and forcefully. Each mechanically enforced suction would tug on her nipples, visibly drawing them out for just a split second.


It was a pleasant feeling for the giantess; another black bead of precum oozed from the tip of her dick. 


Another machine was brought in front of her; she’d seen this one before; it was some sort of fuck machine, custom designed to piston a toy back and forth with unending, mechanical precision, currently not equipped with anything. But Leech had never brought it in front of her before... Ink felt a weird pang of excitement vibrate through her body. For every part of this that was belittling and weird, in the presence of Leech, it was deeply, deeply enticing.


The toxic dominatrix suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Ink again, carrying a rack of various coloured dildos. She placed them down and fell to her knees in front of Ink’s erect, fat cock. She immediately sunk her soft, emerald lips over its bulbous head and sucked on it strongly, prompting more drips of delicious, dark chocolate-flavoured goo into her maw. A pleased growl escaped from Ink’s throat as Leech grabbed the base of her cock and squeezed it tightly, hungrily. Ink only continued to hum with delight, her cock pulsing in Leech’s mouth, stretching the girl's jaw wide to accommodate for its absurd girth. Even for a nearly nine-foot tall Controller like Leech, Ink’s cock was just gigantic.


Then, a new feeling graced Ink, one that made her shiver unexpectedly. Leech’s nimble tongue teased the tip of her dick, licking her urethra and pushing its way slightly inside of it. It wasn’t pain she felt exactly, but it was a surreal sensation.


Their gazes met. Ink stared down into Leech’s venomous eyes, eyes that said ‘we're only just getting started.’


Her slim tongue pushed deeper, coating the inside of Ink’s dick with saliva, meeting with the drips of pre that were slowly leaking out. The inside gripped tightly around her tongue, only prompting further excitement from Leech. A warmth filled the massive cock, and it felt oddly pleasant, but just as the giant began to moan in pleasure, Leech pulled off and stood up in front of her, grinning with pure satisfaction.


“Promise me, Ink, that you’ll only let me do this to you. I want this to be our special thing.” Leech murmured seductively, her hand stroking the metal rack by her side.


“If anyone else tried this, I would snap them in half.” Ink panted back. “But I’ll do Anything for you.”


“Good. Now then…” Leech’s grin intensified, showing her fangs. “Who is fucking your cock?”


Ink’s eyes widened, suddenly realising what was about to unfold. A weird cocktail of feelings spiralled through her, but she remained where she was, curious as to what Leech would do, and only a little apprehensive.


Leech’s fingers ran over the hanging dildos of various colours, some small and thin, others heavier and thicker in their girth. Some were curved and sharp, others ridged and… unusually shaped.  Her hands found their way to a distinctly plum coloured dildo, it was heavy and thick with almost bead-like thickness variations, larger than most men's arms but smaller than the two real dicks in the room.


She plucked it off the rack and placed the head of it against Ink’s, comparing the size. Although Ink made the huge dildo look modest, a brief frot and push confirmed Leech’s suspicions; the thick purple dildo merely rubbed and slipped against the tip of Ink’s dick, too large to fit. The feeling on the cold rubber pressing against the lips of her cock was still enough to make Ink shiver.


“No… Plum’s too big. She would be a punisher, not a starter… You’ve been too well behaved for me to start with that…


She replaced the dildo on the rack and continued to dance her fingers across the rest, her fingers landing on a much smaller dildo, something more normally sized… It was the smallest one on the rack with a dark grey tint, being thickest at the tip, still reasonably sized for any ordinary person but looking rather humble compared to everyone else’s.


Venter? Ohhh, now that would be something. Imagine my little lab assistant fucking your cock! Hah!”

She held the base tightly and pressed the tip up against the smooth, lip-like urethral opening of Ink’s dick, watching her tense up as the dildo barely pressed inside her. A deep, unusual pleasure tingled through Ink’s body… and yet, Leech retracted it, only teasing the entrance of her cock further by gently stroking the dildo up and down, as if she were teasing a pussy rather than a dick. The dildo looked tiny compared to Ink’s meat, almost in danger of getting lost.


“No. Too small. As much as I'd love to see him actually do this to you, I wouldn’t want you to snap him in half…” Leech stroked her chin thoughtfully for a couple of seconds, before her eyes suddenly lit up. “Ohhh, I know…!”


She replaced the grey dildo and reached for a cherry red one at the end of the rack, caught between the previous two dildos in terms of size. Lengthy and thick without being too large, its red surface had a sparkling shimmer to it and it was thicker in the middle than at the tip, like an elongated barrel.


“I think you know who this is….”


Once again, Leech seized it at the base and brought herself down to Ink’s cock level, kneeling and bringing her face to the side as she aimed the tip of the synthetic dick at Ink’s much larger member. Gently, she pushed them tip to tip, feeling her own cock throb in elation as gradually, Ink’s dick caved in and slowly began to swallow the smaller dildo. The head slipped inside her cock in one smooth, satisfying motion and one slightly worried moan.

Ink’s tentacles tightened around the bars above her as pain and pleasure mixed. The weirdly erotic feeling of her dick being breached and used as a cock-sleeve by the only person she’d ever let treat her in such a manner caused a panicked blush to spread over her face.


Leech continued to gently work the dildo in with great care and precision, her own dick oozing fiercely as she watched the thicker midsection of the dildo push against the sides of Ink’s urethra, stretching it out in a fashion that Leech found absolutely irresistible, like watching your favourite porn star’s pussy get worked in by some irresistible stud.


She worked it back and forth a few times, keeping the same pace as the breast pumps still securely locked onto Ink’s heaving rack, her free hand stroking up and down the length of Ink’s dick as if to say, ‘good girl.’ She placed several heartfelt kisses on the side of it, still gliding the dildo back and forth.


She continued to work Ink, keeping the dildo moving in her lubed up cock-hole and showering the heavy body of Ink’s cock with soft, loving attention, gently groping her balls, giving her love bites, wrapping her tongue around its girth. It was a soft, tender approach, gently coaxing the giant’s seed from her pent up nuts, but the softness had an underlying determination: Leech would get this girl to cum, one way or another


More kisses were given, more tender strokes, slowly pumping the overweight length of Ink’s fat cock until after a few minutes of attention, Ink gasped loudly, her abs visibly clenching. Leech pulled the dildo out smoothly to see Ink fire several large loads of jet black cum over the floor, barely missing the fuck machine in front of her.


Oh, good girl… Does the thought of Cherry using your dick like a fuck-hole turn you on? It turns me on. You like turning me on, don’t you?”


Ink nodded gently, briefly stretching her hands out before firmly clamping them back onto the grips above her.


“Good. But it’s time to milk you now. I didn’t wheel this stuff out just to tease you with it, bitch.”


Leech stood from her position and wheeled the fuck-machine to Ink’s front, adjusting it so that the arm lined up perfectly with Ink’s dick.


“This is gonna be fun. Can you hold this position, with your legs open?”


Ink nodded again, staring at the machine with a mix of fear and excitement.


Quickly, Leech attached the now dripping dildo onto the front of the machine’s arm and brought it to the tip of Ink’s dick, fighting with the giantess' cock to bring it horizontal to the machine. The grin on her face intensified as she heard Ink gasp. A light collar was fixed tightly around Ink’s cock, just behind its head, and attached to the machine via a rigid pole to ensure it remained level. 


Leech quickly bent over and planted a sloppy, warm kiss on the side of Ink’s dick head, leaving a bright emerald kiss mark.


“I want you to stare at that kiss on your dick and imagine that Cherry is about to fuck the ever living shit out of your cock-hole. Your dick is now her plaything, and you’re powerless and weak.”


Leech stood and wandered, carefree but alluringly around to Ink’s rear, roughly pumping her own thick, rock hard cock with one hand and tracing a finger across her back with the other. She lined herself up against Ink’s slightly purple asshole.


“And, I want you to imagine that this thick cock pumping inside your asshole is Bubblegum’s. You are their plaything, nothing more.”


Leech spanked Ink’s shapely ass hard as the girl growled in response, but remained fixed, nodding slowly as she panted a furiously hot breath.


“Good. Have fun!”


With the words uttered, the machine in front of her whirred to life, gently but firmly pushing the cherry red dildo into her trapped cock. The two dicks met with a firm kiss, before the smaller one slipped neatly but snugly into the larger one. Her cock pulsed, squeezing tightly against the collar and threatening to break free, but the bondage held, leaving her oversized cock at the mercy of the machine.


From behind, Leech grabbed handfuls of Ink’s dangling hair and pushed her thick, lubed-up cock deep into Ink’s hot ass, squealing with delight as the giant moaned and clenched around her, feeling Leech’s girthy monster of a manhood make short work of breaching her tight little asshole and begin milking the pleasure out of her. Leech knew how to work her hips; despite the brutish nature of her cock, it was obvious that she was an expert at manoeuvring it, and making the most of its many inches.


The dildo at her front pushed in deep until the entire thing was inside her cock, stretching its new fuck-hole wide, her cock gripping tightly onto the intruder. Its barrel-like shape forcing Ink’s pecker wide open in an invasive, demanding way, fitting for the roleplay.


“Such a massive dick you have, Ink. Perfect as a sleeve for another, much better dick.” Leech teased, listening to the heavy, breathy moans escaping her toy. “You’ve joked that your dick is big enough to eat the other dicks, seems like you should choose your words more carefully.”


The machine retracted and with it, a flood of pleasure hit her. The insane feeling of ‘Cherry’s’ dick invading her, the humiliation of being humbled by a much smaller, weaker cock, using her as nothing more than a cum dump, whilst ‘Bubblegum’ filled her ass to the brim, packing two foot of super thick, warm, slimed up cock deep in her... She felt Leech’s balls slap against her as the dominatrix pistoned her giant dick in and out, from tip to hilt, causing Ink’s tits to shake on her chest, still being fruitlessly milked by the cups that were only really there for Leech’s pleasure. She rammed every pleasure centre Ink had, filling the giant's ass with a plump, rock hard meat that seemed made to break the minds and wills of others.


The cock-fucking in front picked up in pace, going from a slow, gentle thrust to a more deliberate fuck, pistoning in and out with a forceful, semi-aggressive nature to it. The dildo would now peak out barely from her cock-hole, breaking the seal and pushing back in fresh each time, but a delicious, seeping ooze of black cum would now leak out every time it did, only able to leave Ink’s abused cock when her dick-hole was left briefly empty, before being plugged back up again, every time.


Leech grabbed handfuls of Ink’s ass and buried her pulsing cock as deep as she could into the captive giant, the feeling of Ink’s hot, tight, and deep pucker able to take Leech’s cock had her howling in pleasure as her balls churned and she dumped several massive lashes of green-goo cum deep into Ink’s body, causing the girl’s once chiselled abs forcefully bloat and stretch, now featuring a small, plump mound. A proud present from the still thrusting Leech who only took more glee from the act, feeling around the girl’s mid-section to her new cum-tummy.


“A proud, expecting mummy, are you? That's all you’re good for, after all. Being someone else's breeding bitch. If you could get pregnant, you’d be Cherry’s little whore, wouldn’t you?” Leech laughed, squeezing the cum hump and continuing to drive her meat deep into Ink, losing herself in ecstasy.


A pissed growl shook the room, but it was quickly cut off by a shuddering moan as Ink came, hard. The feeling of ‘Cherry’ abusing her once prideful cock and ‘Bubblegum’ dominating her was only made palpable by Leech’s infectious personality but the sweeping waves of pleasure made the experience bizarrely tolerable, even if Ink’s cock was being misused.


The dildo making a whore out of her cock was getting thoroughly soaked in her cum, every time it pulled out of her worked urethra, a gush of black love seed would spew out, soaking both it and the machine, but it did not stop, it would once again sink deep into her cock, plugging the hole tightly and stretching the sides of her dick out until it was again, pulled free and followed by another torrent of fluid, every time, without fail.


Her shuddering, constant orgasm threatened to topple the giant but Leech grabbed around her waist and held her steady, still pumping her fat, aching, thick cock into her the girl’s used asshole without mercy. Leech’s own oversized nuts were rocking back and forth, slapping into Ink’s and tenderising them from behind, adding yet another note of sexual control. The soft slap of their juicy balls added to the music of the room, which was mostly dominated by the plunging of Leech’s huge cock in and out of Ink’s ass, followed by the purr of the fuck machine which almost sounded like it was enjoying its job of pumping and plugging Ink’s cock.


Leech reached up and pushed Ink’s massive tits together, squeezing them tightly.


“You gonna be a good little mummy and give us some milk today? Hmm? C’mon! How are you gonna feed Cherry’s litter if you can’t lactate?” Leech taunted, aggressively groping at Ink’s tits.

She kneaded the giant's breasts roughly, pushing them together and feeling all over their massive, soft surface, the cups on her breasts still relentlessly sucking away but much to Leech’s annoyance, they did not yield so much as a drop. Despite the frustration, every suctioned pull on the giant's nipples was music to Leech’s sex addled brain.


Pathetic. You’re better off as a giant cock sleeve anyway. A urethra that big and plump is just begging for someone to put things in it. I’m surprised your nipples aren’t fuckable, you giant, cock-addicted, useless whore.”


Leech groped her breasts aggressively again, digging her fingers into the velvet-feeling tits before eventually pulling off and slapping Ink’s ass again, the cum still flowing freely from her everytime it was allowed to exit.


She pulled on Ink’s hair once again, yanking her head back as the machine purred away even faster, now pumping the completely cum covered dildo with relentless speed, making Ink’s once proud dick truly feel like a used fuck-toy. The dildo slipped out and pushed back in a smooth, satisfying manner, completely lubed up by Ink’s own cum. 


Suddenly, the brief pause she had to ejaculate was stolen from her. The machine pushed in deeper, fully sealing her as it stuffed her distainted cock-hole with lubed up silicon. She clenched tightly as she felt the corrupting seed attempt to leave her body, but was unable to pass by the intruder. Her dick clung tightly to the invading cock in protest and bulged against the collar pinning it down, the fabric creaking loudly as it strained against the immense surface of Ink’s wang.


Leech pistoned her fist-thick cock from tip to hilt into her ass over and over again, watching as the chubby, stout head of her manhood was eaten up swiftly by Ink’s willing pucker. She dropped the dirty talk and began to relentlessly pound every single inch of cock she had into the giant, with an addiction-induced desire.


The pleasure from Ink’s stuffed ass combined with the pressure from her front. That feeling of her own gooey cum being built up, unable to break free, her balls felt full, ready to burst. Just when she thought they couldn’t feel any more pent up, they got a little worse, a little more full. The collar creaked again, straining against the seemingly swelling body, but it refused to yield, keeping Ink’s cock locked in place to continue being fucked relentlessly by the dildo pistoning into its soft, fuckable slit.


Leech was working herself now, refusing to cum, edging herself to build up her own pent up climax. She would pull her dick out, panting heavily and wait for a few, endless seconds, before driving her meat straight back in and pounding Ink again, only to stop and repeat the process whenever she neared climax.


Ink panted furiously, clenching her teeth as the pressure in her cock and balls continued to build. She was being blue-balled by that dildo that was still treating her cock like a pussy. A little more full, a little more full, it just kept building until -


Leech pulled her cock free one final time, and rushed round to the front of Ink. In one smooth, calculated motion, she pulled the machine and the dildo away from Ink, a loud *pop* sounding out as the dildo’s seal was broken. Then, she pushed the tips of their dicks together and frantically jerked both herself and Ink off.


Leech’s fat cock was far too large to penetrate Ink’s still tight hole, so the two massive alien cocks pressed tightly against one-another instead, sharing a cum spewing ‘kiss’ as both girls finally let their loads loose, absolutely soaking one-another in a state of overloaded bliss. Ink unleashed a massive, furious torrent of pent up seed, Leech continued to smear and rub the tip of her dick against Ink as she painted her thighs and stomach with her seed.


Finally, after a solid minute of ejaculating over one-other in thick lashes, they started to come down from their insane sex high, panting furiously. Slowly, Ink released her grip on the bars above her, allowing her trembling body to relax. She stumbled back and leant heavily against the wall, which felt cold on her prickling skin.

The floor was absolutely soaked, practically flooded in their ooze, but it was already starting to drain away; although Leech loved watching Venter clean up after her escapades, he’d have little time for anything else if she didn’t at least put some thought into the practical design of her sex chambers.


As Leech’s breathing finally started to return to normal and the shivers running down her body lessened, she turned her toxic-green gaze over to her toy, now all used up and messy. A cheeky and satisfied grin spread across her face.


 “So… what do you think? You enjoy that?” She asked softly, almost teasingly.


“Yeah… it turns out, dicks can kiss.” Ink breathed, still slumping in her state of euphoria.


Leech rolled her eyes, but laughed. “I think they can do a lot more than just that!”

*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level BLACK \\\-/// Advisory End***


“You’re fucking obsessed, you know that? If I was him, I'd star-hop for the rest of my life to get away from you.”


“Mhm. You can keep your little observations regarding my personality to yourself, Venom.” Moltezz sighed, staring at the display in front of her.


A pained whimper echoed from behind her.

On the screen, two Controllers were visible, currently sitting in a cushy-looking lounge room of a night club. Despite the dim nature of the lighting, Moltezz could see several slumped figures in the background, curled over seats and draped over tables.


The one was an androgynous, relatively monochrome Controller who struck a cutting edge between handsome and pretty, with a sharp ashen carapace crowning her copper dreadlocks. The other was a highly feminine and colourful teal-blue Controller, with a petal-like arcing carapace around her face. Soft, glossy, pursing lips and piercing midnight lilac eyes and hair, with heavenly freckles lining her cheeks giving her a breathtaking, irresistible gaze.


“Stop back-chatting me and tell me what you’ve found. Rio, anything? Seeing as Venom is just mouthing off.” Moltezz demanded, the orange halos of her eyes intensifying the moody darkness of her private chambers.


“She’s only mouthing off because she has nothing else to say.” The teal Controller spoke softly. “Sassy is Venom’s default attitude.”


“Another sassy Controller? Fantastic. As if Cherry and Ink weren’t enough.” Moltezz frowned. The moaning behind her broke into a soft cry.


“Your man hasn’t eloped into this area of space. He has been here previously though. The people who have encountered him speak remarkably highly of him. Something of a local hero.”


“Hit and miss.” Venom smirked. “All of those who get to know him, either love him or become his enemies.”


“Enemies?!” Moltezz stood from her seat. “Who?!”


Venom broke into a hearty laugh. Rio next to her managed to stifle hers, but a smile creased the corners of her lips.


“Not like that. They’re mostly husbands.”


“Either you two are terrible at explaining, or I'm missing something. Explain!”


Venom shook her head dismissively. “It's mostly the husbands of women who fell for the guy, idiot! And some upstaged local mercs who had their reputation demolished by him. Turns out, half-a-job looks pretty awful compared to someone who actually gets shit done.”


“It would appear your goody-two-shoes love obsession has drawn the ire of those who are jealous of him, and the hatred of those who’s significant others prefer him over them.” Rio added.


“How often has that happened?”


“Well, he’s kept a mostly low profile, he’s not a super celebrity or anything, but where he is known, feelings over him are strong. Astoundingly strong. He leaves one hell of an impression, apparently. Mostly positive.”


Moltezz ground her teeth in her jaw, her eyes narrowing.


“Oh, you’re acting so pathetic right now, it feels like a teen drama up in here.” Venom rolled her eyes. “The guy can have a few ex’s before you, Molty. Besides, he kept it pretty professional. No unattended offspring and no actual wife-stealing.”


Moltezz relaxed a little and nodded subtly. Behind her, a figure crawled into view on the floor, curled up in a ball away from her, trying to reach the door at the back of the room. The smell of burnt fur was filling the room.


“I’m surprised your man kept it together. Some of the vixens pining after him were pretty attractive. He doesn’t seem to want to settle down though, either he’s running from something or trying to make amends; that's my bet.” Rio’s eyes glanced towards the figure on the floor behind Moltezz briefly.


Were attractive?” Moltezz questioned.


“We didn’t stay to watch the aftermath.”


Behind Moltezz, the figure collapsed onto his back, showing a massive, black, still smouldering hand-print on the centre of his chest, smoke still rising from the acrid smelling skin. He cried out in pain again, feeling weakly over his chest and wincing as his fingers fumbled over the deep burn.


“Right. But no sign of him at all?” Moltezz continued, ignoring the figure behind her.


“None. He didn’t come this way. Trail went cold at the station. Anyway, you said Plasia has reached out?” Rio raised an eyebrow, nibbling on the corner of her lip. Behind her, one of the figures slumped over a table began to convulse violently, eventually sliding off the table with a bang and continuing to shake on the floor.


“Yes. I fail to see how that's related.”


“It’s not. But if you find her, thank her. We’ve been thoroughly enjoying the use of her gift.”


“Fine. Next time I call you, I expect a sharper response. You -”


The connection dropped, terminated by Venom quite obviously, leaving Moltezz frowning and holding her hands out in front of her.


“Such little respect.” She sighed loudly and stood from her chair, turning to face the whimpering male in the middle of the room. “It's not right. I let them prowl the galaxy as they please and this is how they talk to me? I really wish people wouldn’t force me to get so heated with them. It only makes things worse for everyone else. Now, where were we?”


Her hands rippled with searing heat, making the air around them wavy and distorted. To her left, a barred off, makeshift cell contained the many horrified faces of imprisoned Marks, all of whom were watching with wide-eyed, frozen horror as Moltezz approached the collapsed, isolated figure.


“Look at your exemplar, people. There is a lesson charred into his skin, one you should heed closely.”


She strode towards him in her usual, confident manner, shaking the room with her presence. Her hand fixed around his neck and she hauled his naked, quivering body up effortlessly.


“Don’t you ever, EVER tell anyone that you’re my favourite. I bestow that title. Me. You speak only for yourself, Mark. Never for me. NEVER!”


Through the searing pain, he nodded frantically, fighting his instincts to reach for the ruby hand clasped around his throat.


“Say you understand.”


“I-I understand! I s-speak for myself!” His voice cracked repeatedly, his legs kicking as he dangled from her iron grip.


“Good. Because if it happens again…”


The room continued to watch with bated breath as she moved her free arm under him.


He felt a sudden warmth underneath his exposed manhood, rising in intensity. Within a matter of seconds, it went from a pleasant tingle to a near scolding pain. Moltezz held her palm flat underneath his pride, amber flames dancing on her hand, mere inches from licking his flesh.


“I will be forced to take more drastic action.”


He squealed in horror and clenched his eyes shut as Moltezz’s strength shifted. A tremendous pressure gripped his testicles, squeezing them tightly, her claws pressing slightly into his skin. His brain took a moment to process the situation, his nerves still catching up with his frantic panting. She’d extinguished her flames,  leaving her palm hot, but not scalding. Although it was enough to renew the smell of smouldering skin in his nose.


Sweat dripped from the Mark’s forehead as he breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The molten mistress simply squeezed his genitals, before slowly letting go. She gently placed him back onto his trembling feet, staring down at him with fierce eyes.


“I will get you medical aid for your burn; I think you have learned your lesson. But I swear, I will cook your testicles and make you eat them if you disrespect me in my own chambers again.”


She huffed loudly as a couple of Nodes marched into the room with medical gear strapped to their back, turning her attention back to the other Marks in the room.


“Tomorrow cannot come quickly enough. I need to find out if Plasia knows anything.” She paused for a second as her eyes danced over the captives, and disappointment slowly crept over her face. 



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