Sweetness Drowning: Callous Boss and Awkward Wife

Chapter 3 - Bring Me the Medicine

Chapter 3: Bring Me the Medicine

Translator: Cai Mengyuan

Proofread by Peter Gong

Just this morning, she still helped him to wear the tie with a smile…

Ko Chen can’t help exerting himself. “Where is she? Where did she go?”

“A… A man suddenly rushed out to save her. They should go to the hospital now.” The driver shivers as he looks at the man who looks fiercer than him.

Hospital? Was she hurt?

He can’t think more. He lets go of the driver and calls the woman, but the line is busy all the time.

His mind goes blank. Now, his heart is full of the woman who may be lying in the hospital with blood all over her and the baby who hasn’t seen the world!

“Mr. Ko, maybe it’s not madam; don’t worry too much,” Uncle Zhang comes up hastily, “Your body can’t bear emotional fluctuation.”

“Hospital, go to the hospital,” Ko Chen points to the direction of the hospital not far away, and his consciousness is gradually scattering, but he knows that it is not the time to fall down, “Bring me the medicine.”

Uncle Zhang looks at Ko Chen in shock. The doctor’s words are still in his ears.

“This is a specific hereditary disease. At present, there is no successfully cured case, and even few cases are found. When it attacks, there will be a feeling of dizziness and severe pain. It is best to control his emotion to suppress the disease. Once medicine is used, it will be lifelong, and it does great damage to the body functions!”

Uncle Zhang shakes his head; just in case of the worse situation, he took the medicine at that time, but now…

“No, Mr. Ko, I’ll send you home right now. Your family doctor must have a way. There’s no need to take the medicine!”

Uncle Zhang takes him to the car, but Ko Chen resists and says, “Uncle Zhang, I may not have much time, so I don’t want to be gone with regret.”

Instantly, Uncle Zhang bursts into tears. He watched Ko Chen grow up, and the boy is cold in appearance but warm in heart. He thought Ko would never learn to love, but surprisingly, madam rushed into Ko’s life!

Uncle Zhang looks at Ko’s firm eyes and has to take out the medicine and hands it to him.

Running to the hospital in panic, with no clue from reception, Ko Chen could only search blindly the consulting rooms one by one for fear of missing any detail. He even dare not take the elevator. Having searched every corner of the hospital, he didn’t find the woman.

In the hope of having a try, he stands in the hall and dials Yu Fei’s number again. He feels the sky and earth are spinning round as the mechanical voice comes out of the phone again. Ko Chen clutches his hair in despair.

Suddenly, on the bench of the corridor in gynecology and obstetrics department, a familiar red figure comes into his sight. Feeling relieved in an instant and putting on a smile on his face, he observes that the woman is all right. He strides over.

While from the opposite consulting room comes a man in suit with a medical report in his hand. He sits close to Yu Fei and even puts his hand on her back.

Ko Chen gradually stops as the smile fades away. He glares coldly at what is happening in front of him, and his gloom seems to make the temperature around drop a lot.

It is getting late and fewer people are in the hospital. Ko Chen stands in the corner of the obstetrics and gynecology department and can hear clearly the dialogue between them.

“The baby is okay temporarily, but you have signs of miscarriage and need to stay in hospital for observation. The doctor told you to be careful and take good care of your body,” Gu Yi puts the medical report on Yu Fei’s hand and points to a spot, “Look, that’s your baby, and it must be beautiful as you in the future.”

A tear falls on Gu Yi’s finger. He looks at her in panic. Then, he sees tears on Yu Fei’s face. He quickly holds her tight and wipes the tears off her face, “Don’t cry, it hurts you and the baby.”

“But when he is born, he is destined to have no father. Gu Yi, when he grows up, how can I tell him the cruel truth?” Yu Fei grips his clothes sadly. On the way here, she told him the story intermittently, but Gu Yi understands it clearly. He wipes off her tears with slender fingers and lifts her jaw to make her look at him.

“Yu Fei, would you believe me?”

Yu Fei is caught off guard by a sudden question from the man. She stops crying and stares at the man in front of her blankly, “… H’m.”

“I’ve liked you since we were in college, but at that time I was not good enough to protect you. Now that I’m back, would you like to accept me?”

Gu Yi stares at Yu Yin with firm eyes. “If you like, I will protect you henceforth. I will love your baby as my own. I will never let you feel so sad again.”

His hand touches her cheek, and his voice contains some bewitchment, which makes Yu Fei unable to get over the shock for a long time.

Now, Ko Chen, standing in the corner, clenches his fist and veins jump on his forehead. The surging blood constantly challenges his nerves in his throat. He must not let the man prevail!

With eyes sweeping behind her, Gu Yi just sees Ko Chen’s frustrated back. He is astonished.

“Gu Yi,” Yu’s trembling voice arises, “Thanks, but you know, Ko Chen and I… I can’t…”

“I see,” he interrupts, “I’m willing to wait for you, no matter how long!”


Yu Fei has no alternative, since whether the marriage between her and Ko Chen ends does not depend on her. Just as she tries to explain it again, Gu Yi suddenly rises from his seat, “Have a rest here. I’ll ask the doctor to arrange the sickbed for you.”

“No,” Yu Fei catches his hand and says in a firmer tone than ever before, “I want to go home.”

She wants to go home to see Yu Yu. She doesn’t want to accept her fate like that even though the front man might be better than Ko Chen. But with love of three years, she cannot let it go!

Gu Yi is also stunned. He never expects that the tender woman should have such a stubborn side. His lips unconsciously raise and turn into a seemingly harmless mild smile.

“All right.”

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