Sword Saints Should Go Tank

Chapter 478 - 478: Avalon’s advancement: The Golden Apple

Chapter 478: Avalon’s advancement: The Golden Apple
The light spots were bright and dazzling. At the same time, the light spots were filled with gratitude and charged Lu Chen’s divinity. Lu Chen was at a loss when he saw the sudden benefits.

Fortunately, he wasn’t stupid. He quickly thought of something.

it’s Yunzhou’s publicity. Their publicity has let the people of Yunzhou know about me.

Lu Chen’s guess was right. The propaganda in Yunzhou was effective. The huge amount of propaganda was mainly because Lu Chen’s movements were related to the families of the people in Yunzhou. Therefore, many people made portraits or sculptures and prayed at home, praying that Lu Chen would kill the monsters near their home and send their families over.

At the same time, even though the people of Yunzhou wanted to spread the word that Lu Chen was kind, they still saw him as an evil god in their eyes. This made the ordinary people who lost their families worship Lu Chen’s statue as well. They hoped that Lu Chen would avenge their families.

Some of them were worried that they would be harmed by the evils, so they placed Lu Chen’s image and statue in front of their door or at their beds, praying for Lu Chen’s protection or to use Lu Chen’s bad name to keep the evils away.

These were the three reasons why they prayed the most for Lu Chen. Whether it was their concern for their family, revenge for their loved ones, or fear of the evils, these three emotions were the most intense. This also made their faith in Lu Chen very deep. In a short time, Lu Chen could sense a huge amount of light spots. Of course, the huge publicity of Yunzhou was also important.

However, if they promoted ordinary people, even honored Heroes and Legends, it would only increase their popularity. They would not be able to sense the light of faith, let alone absorb the power of faith. Therefore, such fame would not benefit them much.

However, Lu Chen was different. Although he was only an honored hero, he had the divinity. Therefore, not only could he sense the light spots, but he could also absorb the power of faith from them.

it’s a pity that although the power of faith can be absorbed, I only have two points of divinity (one point obtained when the God of nightmare and fear died, and one point rewarded when I killed the incarnation of the God of War for the first time). I can only convert the massive power of faith into two points of divine power. Moreover, my body, soul, and will are not strong enough to maintain the godly state for a long time.

“I still have to break through the divine Gate’s heavenly barrier. When my physical body is indestructible, I’ll be able to maintain the divine Phoenix form for a long time.”

One could only say that Lu Chen’s luck was very good. The others had to break through the heavenly gates of God step by step. Only when they broke through all four gates would they have the chance to gather and evolve their bodies into the divine armor.

However, because Lu Chen had the divinity, he had to consider his body, soul, and will.

it’s not just the three above. There’s also a problem with the energy. Although many people believe in me, the limit of my divinity value makes me only able to convert two points of divine power a day. As expected, there are too many restrictions on obtaining divinity at a low level.

Of course, even though there were a lot of questions, if you wanted to ask Lu Chen if he wanted the divinity, he would still want it.

Even if the godly state only lasted for a few seconds, it was still very helpful to Lu Chen. He didn’t forget that only with the godly state could he see through the concept of divinity and choose the direction of his evolution. At the same time, the godly state also helped him a lot in other situations. For example, he found the ink wash painting in the forbidden area No. 7 near the heaven martial city by using the godly state.

While he was feeling the huge amount of light of faith and thinking about the benefits of divinity, Lu Chen also sent his consciousness into Avalon.

In the small world of Avalon, Lu Chen’s image was the sun that was suspended high in the sky. In the sun, there was the shadow of a Dragon with a crown and a giant warrior in black armor. These were all Lu Chen’s essence.

Using the sun’s view, Lu Chen observed everything in Avalon.

Compared to when Lu Chen first got it, Avalon was much larger now. The only thing that remained unchanged was the beauty of the lake and the flowers.

At the same time, Lu Chen also noticed that the core of Avalon, the undying apple tree, had also grown a little.

“Quickly grow up.”

As Lu Chen’s consciousness trembled, the apple tree also trembled as if it was responding to him. Lu Chen smiled.

Other than the things that were originally in Avalon, there were other changes in Avalon. Thousands of white light spots floated around the lake and prayed to the sun formed by Lu Chen’s consciousness.

Those light dots represented the people who believed in Lu Chen and died. A thousand light dots represented a thousand lives.

thousands of people died in just two or three months. This world is so sad.

Among the light spots, some of them were like machines without any consciousness, while the others were slightly agile. The difference was due to the quality of their souls and their devotion to Lu Chen.

If they were sincere enough and saw Lu Chen as their only one, the power of faith would remain in their souls. When they died, the power of faith would protect their souls and guide them to Lu Chen’s temple (with Chen’s totem), which would lead them to the divine Kingdom.

Those who were slightly moved were all Lu Chen’s fanatical believers. At the same time, they had retained some of their memories from when they were alive. Those who were not moved were not very devoted to Lu Chen’s faith. Now, the light spots that were moving were more.

Lu Chen saw a lot of things through his Solar Vision. Of course, Lu Chen wasn’t here to see the souls but he had something important to do.

absorb, absorb as much as you can. This much power of faith should be enough for you to advance.

With a thought, the sun in Lu Chen’s divinity suddenly shone brightly. Countless power of faith was spread into Avalon like light. These were the power of faith that was attracted by the divinity but couldn’t be converted because of the low value of the divinity.

If it was an ordinary small world, it would not be able to absorb the power of faith. They could only absorb the world’s origin. But Avalon was different. It was the legendary Fairyland, the home of fairies, and it was born with the concept of fantasy.

The power of faith was also born from the imagination of people’s souls, which made Avalon have a deep connection with the power of faith. It could easily absorb the power of faith to grow.

From his high vantage point, Lu Chen could clearly see that as the power of faith entered Avalon, it was slowly expanding. At the same time, the apple tree in the center of Avalon Lake was also growing vigorously.

Lu Chen had nurtured Avalon for more than a day. When they were still in the wilderness, Lu Chen had conquered many tribes and was worshipped by everyone.

The worship and praise also brought Lu Chen a large amount of power of faith. Some of the power of faith was converted into divine power and stored by Lu Chen, but most of the power of faith was absorbed by Avalon.

The continuous absorption had been going on for a few months. At this time, after receiving a huge amount of power of faith from Yunzhou, Avalon finally grew to an extreme, and changes were happening in Avalon.

To Lu Chen’s surprise, Avalon’s first advancement didn’t cause the small world to expand. The specific change occurred on the apple tree in the center of the lake.

When Lu Chen looked over, he noticed that there were three small golden apples hanging on the branches of the green apple tree.

[ system message: host’s mythical skill, Avalon, has been upgraded after absorbing a large amount of power of faith. ]

[ system message: Avalon has been upgraded to a secret realm. [ Golden Apple ]

Golden Apple

[ Rank: God item ]

[ effect: a Golden Apple from the land of the fairies. This Apple contains the power of immortality. The host can pluck the Golden Apple and give it to others. When humans eat the Golden Apple, their appearance will remain the same as when they ate the Golden Apple. At the same time, their lifespan will be greatly extended. ]

[ system message: the Golden Apple contains extreme life force and the power of immortality. Apart from making one look young, the Golden Apple is also a life-saving medicine. No matter how serious the injury is, the Golden Apple can heal more than half of it. At the same time, the Golden Apple also contains a large amount of natural energy. ]

After looking at the progress of Avalon, Lu Chen’s first thought was, ”

“In other words, I have three more lives.”

After some careful study, Lu Chen realized that it was an exaggeration to say that he had an extra life with the Golden Apple. It was different from the situation of reincarnation, the 12 trials, and the 12-ringed snake.

Both [ rebirth ] and [ twelve trials ] could only be activated after one died.

The Golden Apple, on the other hand, needed to be alive, swallow the Apple, and digest it within a certain period of time. If it died, everything would be over.

As for the last twelve-ringed snake, it was the weakest. Although it could Dodge twelve fatal attacks, each time it dodged a fatal attack, it would lose a piece of its body. Moreover, if someone’s sword was fast, they could make thirteen strikes at once, each at different vital points, and kill the twelve-ringed snake directly.

in the crescent world, Heracles being killed seven times by a single sword was a plot kill, but the twelve-ringed snake really could be killed seven times by a single sword. Now it seems that the strongest resurrection ability is still the twelve trials. However, the Golden Apple’s recovery is not bad either.

Lu Chen was very satisfied with the level up of Avalon. Although the Golden Apple needed to be swallowed to be effective, it didn’t affect Lu Chen at all. His strength gave him the confidence to swallow the Apple in battle.

there won’t be only three apples on every apple tree. Now, only three have just leveled up. When I absorb enough power of faith, the apple tree will be full of apples. At that time, the people who fight me will fall into complete despair.

When he thought about how his apple tree was filled with hundreds of apples, the enemy would have to defeat him hundreds of times in order to defeat him. Lu Chen couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

“Apple trees, grow quickly.”

Avalon’s improvement wasn’t just the golden apples. After sensing it carefully, Lu Chen realized that as Avalon became a secret realm, its world wall became tougher. This meant that Lu Chen could summon Avalon to defend against any powerful moves in the future.

At the same time, the apple tree’s growth allowed it to absorb more energy from the void and turn it into nature Qi. Lu Chen’s recovery ability also improved a lot.

after advancing from a mystical realm to a blessed land, the apple tree has grown another section. When there are about a hundred apples hanging on it, I will be able to achieve unlimited energy.

Thinking about the future, Lu Chen happily absorbed the power of faith. While he was happily absorbing, half of the light spots in his psyche ocean suddenly lit up and the supply of power of faith to Lu Chen increased by a few times.

If the power of faith had been transmitted like a stream in the past, it was now a small river in the fields.

“So many!”

The sudden surge of power of faith made Lu Chen happy. However, before he could show his happiness on his face, a chaotic voice called out to him in his heart.


“Your Highness, stop him!”

don’t kill me. No matter who it is, I beg you to save me!

“Kill him. No matter what price you want, help me kill him.”


Chaotic voices sounded in Lu Chen’s mind and illusions appeared in front of him. With the special vision of the gods, Lu Chen found out that the chaotic cries for help and the illusions came from the light spots that suddenly bloomed.

Soon, Lu Chen realized that the reason why the light spots suddenly brightened up was because his followers were in danger.

In a situation where they couldn’t save themselves, they could only pray to the gods. Of course, they would be devout in their faith in such a desperate situation. This explained why Lu Chen’s power of faith suddenly increased.

Of course, Lu Chen had his doubts too.

“Why are there so many distress signals all of a sudden?”

With that in mind, Lu Chen looked at one of the lines of faith. The line of faith was the connection between the gods and humans. Humans used the line of faith to pass the power of faith to the gods and mark themselves to the gods. The gods could then pass their power through the line of faith and use it as a coordinate to pass their power.

The thread of faith that Lu Chen saw was thick, which meant that the believer was very fanatical about Lu Chen.

When his eyes followed the line of faith to the end, Lu Chen realized that the believer was a young child. The child was not big and his clothes were tattered. He looked like he had a hard life.

I remember that the more difficult life is, the more people like to entrust their faith to the gods.

This was the thought that flashed through Lu Chen’s mind. Of course, now wasn’t the time to talk about this. He used the believer’s vision to look around and realized that the believer who was asking for help was in a broken temple. There were more than one child in the temple. There were more than ten children who had yet to grow up living in this place. However, only six of them survived. A few of them had fallen to the ground and their bodies were ashen. They were no longer breathing while the rest were screaming in fear.

“Bastard, come out!”

“There’s a monster, run away!”

help! Wuwuwu! Daddy!

those damn bastard Masters. I told them there was something here, but they didn’t want to come. They want us to die.

“Don’t kill me!”


In this desperate situation, some children were constantly shouting to cheer themselves up. Some of them wanted to run, but most of them were crying in the corner. Among them, one of the children was waving a drawing in front of him.

“Don’t come near me. I have the Prince’s image. He will protect me. Prince Chen will eat you. Get out of my way.”

Lu Chen’s spirit was the child who was waving the paper around. Seeing the child trying to drive away the evil with his drawing, Lu Chen was a little speechless but also a little proud.

how dare you use my image to scare the evil? I’m so famous, wait, this is my image!??

Lu Chen’s proud expression only lasted for a second. When he saw the paper in the man’s hand, his face instantly darkened.

It couldn’t be helped. There was indeed an image in the drawing, but the image didn’t look like a human at all. It was an evil spirit with a green face and fangs, and a big mouth that took up half of its face.

The evil spirit was simply dressed, and its big mouth was chewing a large number of screaming monsters. There was also a bone stick full of human heads in its hand.

Lu Chen was speechless when he saw the barbaric, brutal, and Ogre-like image and heard the child say that it was a barbarian prince.

in your hearts, I am such a monster.

Anger rose in Lu Chen’s heart, but of course, the anger didn’t make him go after the kids. He wouldn’t go so far as to do such a thing.

While looking at the images, Lu Chen also used the kid as a reference point to look around. Soon, Lu Chen found a black coffin level spirit. The spirit was lying on the body of a kid and sucking his soul and blood. The reason why the kids were lying on the ground was because they were sucked by the spirit.

Through his special vision, Lu Chen saw the evil but the children around him were all normal people.

At the same time, Lu Chen realized that he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t attack the enemy from thousands of miles away.

a fake deity is ultimately a fake!

While Lu Chen was sighing, the spirit had its eyes on the kid who was holding the blueprint.

The situation made Lu Chen frown but he realized that he was at a loss. This kid was different from the first time he contacted the Barbarian Warriors.

The first time he contacted the believer, the Berserker might not be able to deal with the ferocious monsters, but he had some strength. Therefore, Lu Chen could use the power of the first Demon God to make him go berserk and give him a short burst of power.

However, the orphan in the temple couldn’t. He was already weak enough and Lu Chen’s power wouldn’t be able to save him. Instead, he would be killed before the ghost.

he can’t withstand the power of the first ghost God. Where’s the witness? ”

[ witness ] was an ability Lu Chen acquired after he leveled up his basic sword skill to the master level. With this ability, Lu Chen could transmit his sword intent through his eyes. It was only effective against humans but it was very useful against ghosts without a physical form.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen abandoned the thought as soon as it appeared in his mind.

I’m not here right now, and even if I use eye sight, I’ll need to use this child as a relay point. His soul can’t withstand the sword intent!

Lu Chen rejected both of his suggestions. The situation in the temple was getting more and more dangerous. The evil was getting closer and closer, but the children could only shout because they couldn’t see it. However, it was useless. Instead, their panic brought fear and despair. The evil was greedily devouring the negative energy and slowly growing.

However, misfortune could be a blessing in disguise. Because it liked the aura of fear and despair, the spirit was teasing the children until they broke down. It was not in a hurry to kill them.

“Are we just going to watch the people here die?”

When the spirit was torturing the children, Lu Chen’s anger was burning in his heart. Especially when he realized that the spirit was using its illusion ability to keep the children from escaping the ruined temple. It kept creating illusions to make them give off more despair. Lu Chen’s anger reached its peak.

“Wait, the aura of fear and despair.”

Lu Chen’s eyes lit up when he sensed the atmosphere in the temple. Then, he looked at his left hand without hesitation.

don’t disappoint me, power of the sun. Release the second Demon God’s suppression.

Not long after they arrived at Yunzhou, Lu Chen’s unstoppable attitude of beating up the Warriors of Yunzhou had caused many people of Yunzhou to feel fear and despair. After absorbing the fear, the second Demon God, the erosion of puzomon, went on a rampage. This caused some trouble for Lu Chen and frenzied sword almost died because of it.

After that incident, Lu Chen didn’t dare to let the second Demon God level up, so he suppressed it with all his might.

The suppression was already effective. When Lu Chen’s sun blessing was upgraded and his body was filled with the sun’s energy, the suppression reached its peak.

But now, with a thought from Lu Chen, the suppression on the second Demon God was lifted.

One could clearly see the Golden patterns fading away from Lu Chen’s left arm and a terrifying power rushed into Lu Chen’s mind.

The energy was filled with arrogance and a deep sense of foreboding. As soon as it entered Lu Chen’s mind, it captivated his consciousness and endless wails sounded in his heart.

“Ah, don’t kill me!”

“The Barbarian prince is an evil spirit.”

“Kill that monster.”


Chaotic voices filled Lu Chen’s mind. They were the feelings of despair of those who feared Lu Chen. These emotions were infectious and they wanted to taint Lu Chen’s mind.

Of course, the emotions of ordinary people didn’t affect Lu Chen much. But the second Demon God had absorbed more than one person. In fact, there were more than 100000, a million, or even tens of millions of people who were afraid of Lu Chen and were afraid of his name. And now, all of these feelings were on Lu Chen.

With such a huge number, it was enough to cause a qualitative change. The water gathered into an ocean and the sand converged into a desert. The fear of thousands of people almost drove Lu Chen crazy.

But in the end, Lu Chen still managed to take the hit.

you all fear me in reality, but how can I fear my illusory self? submit to me!

Following Lu Chen’s roar, an overbearing will suppressed the emotions.

[ Overlord’s territory ]

The domineering aura of the perfection level gave Lu Chen a strong will and the confidence to suppress everything.

Under the Dominator’s domain, the second ghost God’s resistance was suppressed.

However, what made Lu Chen frown was that he could only suppress it. The emotions of thousands of people gathered together were enough to make a strong person like Lu Chen go crazy. What was more terrifying was that they were all alive and they were afraid of Lu Chen. This gave the second Demon God, the erosion of the Pulya, a continuous source of power.

the supply of tens of millions of people, the second Demon God, pulymond of corrosion, now has unlimited legendary-level energy, right? it’s troublesome, wait, what’s going on? the aura of fear and despair is gone, and now the emotions are praise, worship, anticipation, and gratitude!

While Lu Chen was still in a daze, without the source of power, the second Demon God’s backlash was over and a cold system notification sounded in Lu Chen’s mind.

[ system message: host’s second Demon God, erosion Puchi Meng, has absorbed enough fear energy and is now awakened. ]

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