Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Chapter 494


The Specters couldn't hear due to the distance, but Black Knight Jane could clearly hear Jin's voice.

"Twelfth Flagbearer, you're making inappropriate comments," Jane said.

"Black Knight, please refrain from intervening. I don't wish to harm even the Black Knights who have dedicated themselves to the Family."

Jane's eyes widened beneath the mask.

Since becoming a Black Knight with Mon a year ago, no one in the Family had spoken to her like this.

However, this was not a situation to hastily argue about etiquette and laws.

There was no justification, and there were four Specters attacking Jin in front of them.

They know the Second Flagbearer and we have been hiding information from the start.

Moreover, this is not a bluff or intimidation.

'If we don't reveal the location of the vault, he really intends to kill the Second Flagbearer.'

The Jin that Jane had personally observed was truly an unyielding individual.

He never spoke empty words, as if he had just revealed.

-It's worrisome that we haven't shared information about the Second Magic Tower with the Fourth and Twelfth Flagbearers from the beginning, but worrying about it now is useless.

She remembered Mon's words.

They didn't tell Joshua anything more at that time, but indeed, both Mon and Jane were concerned about this aspect of Jin.

And what about the Fourth Flagbearer? If we're talking about resentment against the Second Flagbearer, he has much deeper resentment.

It could be very dangerous if we provoke him.

'Mon... You must come.'

Even though the Runcandels had arrived as support, Joshua and Jane felt more pressure than when they were being pushed back by the Specters until now.

"Obstructing the Mission?"

Jin's eyes became even more severe at Joshua's words.

"Your arms are still attached to your body because the enemies are right in front of us. But if you give another senseless answer, they'll be cut off."

For Dyfus, the sight of Joshua being pushed to such an extent was something he had only imagined thousands of times, except when Luna ran wild during her childhood.

It had been a long time since Joshua was in this state.

'It might not be bad to kill him now, but it's better to watch Jin's judgment.'

The Specter Corps' attack began again.

Dyfus, Jane, and Murakan defended against the spells falling on them. However, Murakan refrained from using his Shadow Energy, aware of Jin's words to hide his strength as much as possible.

That's why the Specter Corps suspected that Murakan might be one of Runcandel's Black Knights.

In the midst of the battle noise, Jin and Joshua's eyes met.

"...It's the 17th floor."

Finally, Joshua answered, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and spreading it out.

The paper showed the detailed location of the vault and the path.

"I guess this isn't all, Second Flagbearer."

"What are you talking about?"

"A means to bypass the barrier. I want that too."

"There's no such thing."

"I thought you had a good head, but you don't understand what I'm saying."


Jin brandished his sword without hesitation, and Joshua blocked the strike, taking a step back.

The Runcandels and the Specters who had just started the battle also looked towards Jin and Joshua.

"Jin, do you understand what you're doing right now?"

"As I just said, I hold you responsible for obstructing the mission. Second Flagbearer, you should have informed me and the Fourth Flagbearer about the information of the Second Magic Tower when Kinzelo started the terrorist attack and the situation changed drastically."

Unlike Joshua, who was so angry he spoke in a low voice, Jin had a calm voice.

"...I don't know what you trust in, but you should know. If you attack me now, you'll lose a lot that you can't even compare to me."

"We'll only know that when the situation is over."

"Unlike me, you don't have another chance."

At those words, Jin laughed.

"I'm well aware of that. I only have one life, unlike you, Second Flagbearer clone. So, isn't your role clear?"

Give it all up and die for the Family.

Jin kept talking and swung his sword again.

It seemed like they were just entangled in a power struggle, but the highly concentrated aura entwined in their swords was about to burst at any moment.

"Either use the Volcano as you did back then, or use any other means. Buy time by somehow attracting the enemy's attention. I'll secure the blueprints and take them to the Garden of Swords."


Joshua's aura was pushed back, and an explosion erupted from Bradamante.

Joshua couldn't use all his power because he had just engaged in a fierce battle with the Specter Corps.

He stepped back as the next blow from Jin came, quickly adjusting his posture.

It was a peculiar battle.

The battlefield was divided into two, Runcandel and Zipple were fighting each other at the front. Runcandel fought against Runcandel in the rear.


"Did you focus a bit on your training? The Second Flagbearer was definitely stronger than me three years ago on Bluebird Archipelago. Even considering that you were fighting the Specter Corps, your sword skills lack depth. More reinforcements will arrive soon, which means we're running out of time. Make a decision quickly, Second Flagbearer."

The reason Joshua's sword was dull was not just due to fatigue.

It was due to distress.

It wasn't just Jin who had been dealing with variables in the Sota Desert.

Joshua was also grappling with the continuous variables and uncertainties, both physical and mental.

'Damn it, not only did I encounter the Specter Corps right after entering the Tower, but now I've come to this...!'

The Prophet's key had undone the magic tower's barrier, but they still hadn't reached the vault.

Therefore, Joshua had also been contemplating.

He wondered if it would be better to buy time and entrust the rear to Jane.

As Jin had said, there was no time.

And if Jin didn't back down and they continued the fight, it was likely that Runcandel would end up losing their Flagbearers and Black Knights without gaining any benefit.

Moreover, if Jin is captured or killed here, my prophecy will be invalidated.

'I doubt it will happen, but this could be another piece of the prophecy or a turning point.'

Blood flowed from my clenched teeth.

Every form and every method will be different.

Moreover, it cannot be said that all hearts are right or good.

Naturally, all the Flagbearers prioritized and loved the clan above all.

Joshua was the Flagbearer who had an obsession with Runcandel above all.

He was always the person making decisions for Runcandel.

'I should... listen to the words of the younger one.'

From the moment his younger brother spoke, he should have responded without raising the sword against Jin.

It was only that his judgment was momentarily clouded when he felt that an emotion that had been severely damaged for a long time was once again being shattered by the people he most wanted to resemble and surpass.


Once again, Joshua had resolved to set aside that emotion for the sake of the Family.


Joshua took the key from his bag and tossed it to Jin.

"It's the key to the vault. Thanks to it, I've been able to ignore the barrier."

"I'm curious. Where did you get it from?"

"I don't think it's necessary to tell you the details. But don't doubt that this object is authentic. In fact, you can read the mana it contains."

The key to the vault was a type of artifact.

The mana flow inside the key had many similarities to the external barrier.

Moreover, imbuing such complex mana into a key of this size, only Zipple could achieve that.

"Did you have something like that, but only planned to use us as bait?"

"I thought Dyfus and you could escape and return while I got the blueprints. After all, the Family's guardian deity is also with you."


Jin sighed.

"In the end, you made a reasonable choice, but there's one thing I have to say. If this mission fails, it'll be because of your greed. Did you risk the lives of the genuine Flagbearers and Black Knights for a clone?"

"Call it greed if you want. But one thing, if I didn't love the Family, I wouldn't have given you the key in the first place," Joshua said as he turned away.

He believed that Jin wouldn't stab him in the back, considering they had just pointed their swords at each other.

He also acted based on his faith that Jin would carry out the mission for the good of the Family, rather than seeking revenge against his own Family.

"Go to the vault immediately. You might have already expected it, but the fact that only the Specter Corps remains here is not a trap. I don't know the exact reason, but I guess it's because they were preparing for Kinzelo. So there must definitely be blueprints in the vault."

The aura around Joshua's sword became brighter.

He had decided, and now that his concerns were gone, he had regained his original battle prowess.

"...Once you secure the blueprints, give us the signal. Then I'll escape with the Black Knights."


Jane glanced at the atmosphere between the two and felt relieved.

'I couldn't hear the exact conversation, but judging by the flow, it seems like the Second Flagbearer has decided to buy time, and the Twelfth Flagbearer aims to obtain the blueprints.'

Jane felt relieved that Runcandel's Flagbearers were no longer killing each other in this enemy territory.

Jane and Joshua were not only being pushed by the Specter Corps.

Even in a numerical disadvantage situation, they had worn down a considerable amount of the Specters' resistance, so Murakan and Dyfus were able to damage the Specters relatively easily.

'Now, all that's left is to endure somehow. For the Twelfth Flagbearer to complete the mission! It would be perfect if the Twelfth Flagbearer could leave behind the Fourth Flagbearer or the guardian deity. But even if they all leave, the fight against the Specters will be much easier than before...'

Jane was lost in her thoughts when she heard a sudden dull noise.

The loud thud came from outside the steel door where they were.

It sounded as if a giant creature was walking towards them.

The battle paused for a moment, as if the sound had promised it, and everyone's eyes focused on the door.

Moments later, the source of the sound appeared.

It was a muscular man dressed in a perfectly fitted suit.

Enormous and strong muscles that couldn't be covered by the clothes and didn't seem at all human flesh.

It was Hedo, Zipple's second-class butler and exclusive butler to Sandra.

In his gloved hands, he held the severed head of another man, from which blood was dripping.

"There are still some members of the Specter Corps who aren't very smart."


He casually dropped the man's head to the ground and pulled out a cigarette.



'Ko-Fi' for Adv4nc3 Ch4pt3r(Up to '120' more ch4pt3rs)Publication of up to 6 w33kly ch4pters, thanks.


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