Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Chapter 574


"What is that?"

"Shadow Energy? No, that's..."

The magicians on board the unfinished flagship of Zipple's Third Fleet, 'Lucia,' opened their eyes wide.

They were crossing imperial waters to provide support in the War of the Sword Emperor Castle.

Kelliark didn't directly order reinforcements, but as the war lasted longer than expected, Zipple decided that something was wrong at the Sword Emperor Castle.

"Inform the commander's office quickly!"

Before news came from the crow's nest, another magician on board burst into the commander's room.

"I just came from a scouting ship! Near the Sword Emperor Castle, the sky is turning dark, and unidentified energy keeps falling..."

"Unidentified? Stupid bastard, it's Chaos energy! And it's from one of the Five Kings of the Black Sea!"

Kadun shouted, cutting off the magician reporter's words.

It felt absurd, and he had the sensation that all his internal organs were twisted.

It was not only because of the magicians' ignorance, who didn't even recognize Chaos energy, but also because they didn't know who owned that immense power.

'The White Stone, isn't it Chaos and records from Helluram, but a sealed King of the Black Sea...?'

A throbbing headache seized Kadun.

He knew that without the power of a Genesis Knight, they could never stand against a King of the Black Sea.

Hedo, standing next to Kadun, also had a solemn expression.

He didn't know much about the Kings of the Black Sea, had experienced Chaos in the Black Sea in the past...

But it was the first time he saw Chaos so vast.

"It seems like the patriarch is in danger."


At Hedo's words, Sandra Zipple tilted her head.

"We need to increase speed. We need to clear the way. Hedo, you should take the lead and open the way."

"Kadun-nim. If we increase speed, it'll be difficult to maintain the young patriarch's state."

Beradin Zipple had forced himself to go crazy to prevent Kadun and Hedo from participating in the War of the Sword Emperor Castle.

Therefore, even though they decided to provide support, Kadun had brought Beradin, who was forcibly sealed in the device.

Since it's an object that must be securely fixed, they are flying at a slow enough speed not to overload the device.

The moment Beradin went out of control, Zipple had a lot to lose.

However, Kelliark was Kadun's top priority as a Guardian Dragon.

Indeed, losing Beradin could be painful but replaceable, while Kelliark was not.

Hedo, on the other hand, observed the situation more calmly.

"Calm down."

"Calm down. In my opinion, even Kadun-nim and I would find it hard to break through that level of Chaos anyway. Besides..."

Hedo's eyes narrowed as he looked at the sky over the sea.

"I can feel the energy of the Genesis Knight. Someone on the battlefield has reached the Genesis Knight Realm. It seems to be the Sword Emperor. His aura is suppressing the Chaos."

Originally, Kadun could have easily perceived it, but in his urgency, he missed it.

Through the black sky, he could see the protective shield that Ron had extended, gradually standing out.

There was no way to know how Ron, who was immersed in internal trauma, had suddenly become a Genesis Knight.

But Hedo thought it wasn't an important issue.

"If the Sword Emperor has reached Genesis Knight, it would be even more problematic. Doesn't he already hold a grudge against the patriarch?"

"He's not one to seek personal revenge when it comes to something like this in his own territory. If he had wanted to kill the patriarch first, he wouldn't have avoided Chaos like this."

"What an impressive old man!"

"...Miss. There must be the Twelfth Flagbearer of Runcandel in this living hell."

"Oh, right! Darling! Damn it! Hedo, what are you doing! Like Kadun-nim said, we have to speed up right now!"

"He may already be dead."

"Say that nonsense again with your mouth."


Hedo made eye contact with Kadun.

"It might be better to wait."

"What! Can't you hear me, Hedo?"

"Why do you think that?"

"The way the Chaos is spreading seems unusual. It seems impossible to break through. It would be better to take measures to prevent the Chaos that breaks through the Sword Emperor's shield from destroying the clan's territory. At this speed, it will soon reach not only the Empire but also the clan's territory."

Kadun thought for a moment.

Hedo is right.

Despite everything, the Sword Emperor is the only one who can face the King of the Black Sea, and it's very risky if Beradin goes out of control.

Moreover, no matter how the battle of the Sword Emperor Castle ends, either Ron or the Chaos King will undoubtedly die.

The victorious side is also unlikely to come out unscathed.

So, at that moment, the side with the remaining greater power would be advantageous in every aspect.

Therefore, it was necessary to conserve strength as much as possible, and for that, defending the territory was a necessity.

"I'll do as you say, Hedo. Until there's a significant change in the situation, we'll prevent the spreading Chaos from reaching our territory."


Runcandel's reinforcements were in the exact same situation as Zipple.

As the war prolonged, they were heading to the Sword Emperor Castle according to the war scenario that Rosa had outlined.

"Is that catastrophic power spreading known as Gliek, the King of the Black Sea?"

It was Dyfus who led the Knights of the Second Division of the Black Sword Association and allied clans on behalf of Jorden.

Originally, he was protecting Tikan at Jin's request as the Sword Emperor Castle War began, but given the circumstances, he had to command the reinforcements.

Dyfus received information that Gliek had awakened from the Vamel Alliance, which escaped from the battlefield, not from the knights who went on exploration.

"Moreover, what is preventing Chaos from spreading throughout the Empire is the power of the Genesis Knight... Maybe Ron-nim."

Dyfus was also checking Ron's aura that was holding back the Chaos.

Now it's impossible to advance through the battlefield with all our might.

Anyway, we can't inflict damage unless it's a Genesis Knight, so even if we can enter, the chances of it being useful are low.

"Rather, we'll become a burden."

So, as soon as Gliek woke up, Rosa ordered all the Knights, except the Black Knights and the first division of the Black Sword Association, to escape outside.

Dyfus was making the same judgment.

"Oraboni, what do we do?" Mary asked, standing next to Dyfus.

She had recently started her personal training, entrusting all the Seventh Flag duties to Dyfus, but she had been urgently called.

There was a hint of nervousness in Mary's voice.

The idea that not only Jin but the entire Family might come to an end made it difficult for her to maintain composure.

Dyfus made a quick decision.

"There's no guarantee that Chaos energy escaping from the empire can't invade the Family's lands. Until it is deemed feasible for the main house and its allies to enter the battlefield, we will contain the Chaos and prevent it from spreading."

"Damn, why do our older sisters have to be absent at a time like this?"

Luna was in the middle of a battle with Kial, and Luntia was unaware of the current situation as she was tracking Temar's Legacy.

Mary ruffled her hair in frustration and looked at Myu and Anne.

Why do they seem strangely relaxed?

"Hello to both of you."


"What are you whispering about?"


Myu smiled.

"I think you're worrying too much."


"Would the Seventh Flagbearer be so worried even if our father were in the Sword Emperor Castle? Ron Hairan has ascended to the Genesis Knight realm, so he will defend his territory, and he is even friends with the Twelfth Flagbearer. I don't think we should worry too much about this."

"How many of our Knights do you think are dying in there?"

"I don't know exactly, but we're certainly receiving less damage than Zipple. Ron Hairan is helping the Twelfth Flagbearer. Isn't it an advantage for our Family if the situation ends with relatively much damage to Zipple?"

Mary was momentarily speechless.

There was nothing wrong with Myu's answer.

But it wasn't for that reason that Mary hesitated.

"Oh, right. You might think that, huh? How crazy, saying that now. Let's talk when the situation is over. Outside here, I might punch you right now."

As Mary replied, Myu and Anne left their positions.

"... Dyfus Orabeoni."


"There's something those two believe in. Something must have happened since the Second Flagbearer fell. Let's find out after this job."

"Agreed. But we have to resolve this first, so get ready."


Upon hearing the word self-destruction, Jin hesitated for the first time and looked back.


Not only Jin, but everyone present on the battlefield was startled to hear Gliek's voice.

But Ron burst into laughter upon hearing his words.

"Self-destruction? You're talking nonsense because you're cornered."

Ron didn't say this to conceal his true feelings.

Ron quickly erased his laughter and focused on slashing and tearing at Gliek.

But Jin couldn't relax for some reason.

A strange and unexplainable ominous feeling slid through his brain.

It's not the time to lose sight of these concerns.

Let's assess the situation.

'If Ron-nim really had self-destruction in mind from the beginning, he would have told me at least.'

Chaos energy penetrating Ron's guardian wall came into Jin's view as he started running again.

The other major clans from outside are not fools.

They will undoubtedly choose to stop it instead of entering.

'We have no choice but to do it.'

The moment he wanted to start running again...

Jin's eyes widened.

It was because, for the first time, he felt Dante move behind him.

"Kugh, aghj..."

"Dante! Are you awake?"

The reason Dante was regaining consciousness was clear.

It was because Ron began delivering a harsh blow to Gliek, and the Chaos power affecting Dante became unstable.

A slight warmth circulated through his cold and stiff body.

Jin realized, for the first time in a long while, how difficult it was to see his friend go through the crossroads of life and death.


"Dante, don't try to speak until you're feeling a bit better. Hold on a little longer; we'll heal you..."

A smile appeared on Ron's lips.

In the midst of the deafening noise of battle, he could clearly hear his grandson's voice, a little voice that started from so far away.

Dante seemed to want to say something more, but after struggling to breathe for a while, he couldn't muster the strength to speak.

Dante's consciousness was returning and fading each time Ron stabbed Gliek, the cycle of regaining consciousness becoming shorter each time.

"It seems like it's time to end this, Gliek," Ron said as he tightened his grip on Rashid.



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