Swordmaster’s Youngest Son

Chapter 581


(-The Shocking and Ugly Unveiling of the Vermont Imperial Family

-About the White Stone and Living Golems.

After the awakening of the monstrous Black Sea King, the empire is going through the darkest and most terrible spring in history.

Now, there will be no one who doesn't know that the white stone Hairan had been holding was the Black Sea King.

The fact is that Hairan had been watching the awakening of the white stone alone for a long time.

Hairan has been wary that someone would covet the power of the uncontrollable monster and unleash a disaster on the world as it is now.

This was revealed to be true when Hairan's patriarch, Dante-nim, who recently declared the regency, made public the exclusive documents and records of Hairan's patriarch, and Talaris Endorma-nim, the Hidden Palace Master, also revealed records about the white stone to emphasize Hairan's innocence.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my great gratitude as a human to Talaris-nim, who, despite being neutral, revealed the secret information to resolve the danger facing the entire world and devoted herself to subduing Gliek.

To the former Emperor, Amir Vermont, who was stoned to death by the people and the imperial family.

Who would have thought that the imperial family would commit what Hairan was worried about.

They even went so far as to sell the empire to Zipple to obtain the power of the White Stone.

Why were they so obsessed with the power of the White Stone?

Meanwhile, the Empire has maintained a stable relationship through diplomacy with other giant forces, including Runcandel, although it is more friendly with Zipple.

There was no reason for the emperor to be obsessed with the white stone, even sacrificing the safety of the empire's population in a move equivalent to gambling.

Even if the imperial family managed to seize the white stone and harness its power, there was no guarantee that the empire could outsmart the great clan, and the world would be on the brink of a major war.

At that time, of course, it was the people of the empire who suffered the most.

However, it is presumed that Amir Vermont's obsession with the white stone is due to the Living Golem.

Amir Vermont planned to use the power of the White Stone to complete the research on the living golem that the imperial family was secretly investigating and mass-produce it.

The evidence has been made public today.

The person who presented the evidence was the Twelfth Flagbearer of Runcandel, Jin Runcandel-nim.

As everyone knows, Jin has a history of revealing the truth about living golems during the Incident of the Holy Kingdom in the past and informing the world about their harm and danger.

This time, Jin-nim proved to be right.

The imperial family's desire to mass-produce living golems is contaminating the world with chaos.

Living golems are made from living creatures, including humans.

Such cruel witchcraft as black magic, which had been severed by its horrific methods.

The living golem, which the imperial family called the "Demon Man," did not deviate from that method.

Moreover, it was said that each of the Demon Men of the imperial family that Mr. Jin directly experimented with possessed a combat power superior to that of a 9-star knight and had the ability to super-regenerate.

The imperial family wanted to achieve world hegemony by mass-producing thousands or tens of thousands of such Demon Men.

Then there is a strange thing.

If they wanted to achieve hegemony, the fact that they 'sold' the empire to Zipple for the white stone doesn't explain it.

Zipple attempted several negotiations with Jin-nim during the first battle of the sword emperor's castle.

Zipple even offered to return the then-sealed Dante-nim to his original state and destroy the empire, if only Hairan handed over the white stone.

Regarding this, Jin-nim said in an interview.

-Maybe the Emperor borrowed Zipple's power to get the White Stone, produced Demon Men in mass, and then tried to betray Zipple.

They would have judged that they had a chance of winning if they could mass-produce Demon Men even if they waged war against Zipple.

Above all, the Emperor knew exactly what the white stone was.

Unlike us, Runcandel, and Zipple, he knew from the beginning that it was Gliek, the King of Chaos...

According to Jin-nim's interview, the Emperor coveted the White Stone despite knowing everything and had a plan to betray Zipple.

This reporter hopes that Jin-nim's opinion is not wrong, and once again, it's time for the entire empire, including the imperial family, to reflect on the value and righteousness that Hairan has upheld...)

Immediately, new articles with evidence that it was the bodies of the Demon Men began to be written and distributed.

Members of the imperial family and aristocrats of the imperial faction who saw the article expressed their resentment.

"Imperial Chamberlain, Barkam-nim, are these recent newspaper articles really true!? Please say something!"

"Is it true that the former emperor knew the identity of the white stone from the beginning?"

"So the imperial family condoned the tyrannical behavior of the emperor even after knowing that such a catastrophe could befall the world due to Gliek?"

Chief Chamberlain Barkam shook his head with a haggard face.

"No, Your Majesty... No, the former Emperor."

"Your Majesty? What is this madman saying now!"

"The former Emperor never shared anything with the imperial family. Even I, the chamberlain, knew no information about the Demon Men."

"Currently, there is a story that the living golem, Demon Men, presented as evidence belongs to the Imperial Guard. Among the grotesque masses of flesh revealed, the golden epaulets of the imperial were seen, and the cape as white as blood-soaked snow, it was not an imitation. Please tell me about this as well."

"Is the Demon Man's corpse from the Imperial Guard?"

Reporters and people who had flocked to the imperial palace buzzed at hearing those words.

It was absolutely unacceptable to use knights who had been loyal to the imperial family more than anyone as mere test subjects.

"Uh, we are still figuring out why the object of the imperial guards was mixed with that piece of meat, but it's a fabrication...."

"Fabrication! Jin Runcandel-nim was the one who risked his life to inform us about the dangers of living golems during the Incident of the Holy Kingdom. Even in this war, he helped Hairan without asking for anything, just out of loyalty! Why would someone like him manipulate evidence?"

"If Jin and Dante-nim want to end the imperial family, they can do it by force. Dante-nim has already demonstrated his power in the square. On the other hand, what about the imperial family? It has nothing to do with the emperor; I don't know why the Imperial Guard's things are there. It's just words. Give a proper explanation."

"Hmm! I'll stop here for today. Instead, within three hours, the Imperial Family will issue a statement and distribute articles to explain what happened, so please go..."

As Barkam said, three hours later, new reports arrived, and the imperial family issued a statement.

There was nothing special to turn the situation around.

All they could do was reiterate, in more orderly phrases, that they had nothing to do with it and didn't know.

It wasn't any different for the imperial family to come out like this.

It was because the public's angry sentiment was destined to fade away someday.

Moreover, above all, the corpse of the Demon Man brought by Jin could not be conclusive evidence of solidarity between the imperial family and the emperor.

This was because there were no documents or witnesses about those who participated in or contributed to the research on the Demon Man.

It was argued that the epaulets and white coats like blood-soaked snow of the Imperial Guards were coincidences or fabricated through objects of Imperial Guards who died in this war.

Except for Jin and Valeria, no one had seen the Imperial Guard in the Wantaramo Forest in September of last year.

The imperial family completely ignored the existence of "Valeria Histor."

As long as she was there, this kind of evasion would be useless.


Valeria, she, has been using record magic on the corpses of the Demon Man, and she has known the area where the 'Demon Man Research Institute' of the imperial family is located.

The imperial family had boldly established and operated a laboratory in the capital of the empire, not on the periphery.

And as soon as the announcement of the imperial family's statement came, Jin's faction's newsletters immediately revealed the location of the research institute.

Of course, as soon as the war ended and the emperor died, the research institute was closed, and all the staff fled.

But they didn't have time to clean it up properly.

It was not reasonable to blow it up because it existed in the middle of the empire, and above all, the imperial family did not have the will to completely destroy the laboratory.

Research on Demon Men is now really the last string left to the imperial family.

Anyway, they thought no one had been able to find out the location of the research center, so the imperial family had plans to reopen it once the world calmed down.

Thanks to Jin receiving Valeria's location and revealing it, even that has now become nothing.

"I didn't know that you could find out the location of the Demon Man Laboratory through the Demon Man's corpse. It's dark under the lamp, these fools. They set up a research laboratory in the middle of the imperial capital," said Jin as he drank from the tea cup in front of him.

Valeria was sitting across from him.

She arrived at Hairan's second castle without a disguise, which meant that she now had some confidence in Jin's allies.

In this war...

Jin and his allies were fighting for the protection of the world, not for personal gain.

That incident transmitted some kind of vibration to Valeria's dry and cold interior.

"I never thought people would trust you so much, Jin Runcandel. Originally, Demon Men and living golems are fundamentally different, but since you said this, no one says that an investigation is needed."

"Of course, the people have no choice but to do so, and the imperial family will say no, but there's no way. Now reporters, people, and even people from each faction are rushing to the laboratory, so they can't deny it any longer. The evidence we deliberately left will receive the angry people."

The imperial family and its Demon Man researchers stole most of the important data even in the midst of an emergency, but they left relatively trivial documents in the laboratory, such as the list of participants and donors, one by one.

Jin intentionally left it in view of the people, and the documents had the names of numerous members of the imperial family written on them.

"Moreover, the Demon Man of the imperial family is of a different type than the old Demon Man of black magic."

While Jin spoke with a bitter voice...

Valeria nodded.

"Yes. I was able to find out by looking at the records of the Demon Man corpses. It is undoubtedly the demonization that the imperial family is investigating, but it is no different from experiments with living golems. Therefore, your claim that research on Demon Men is actually research on living golems is not false."


Demon Men and living golems are classified based on whether a human body and a living creature are used or not.

Demonization is magic, and living golems approach magical engineering.

However, the demonization research that the imperial family was conducting had those two attributes at the same time.

"...It's because the body of the first patriarch of Runcandel, Temar Runcandel, was used in the demonization."



'Ko-Fi' for Adv4nc3 Ch4pt3r(Up to '120' more ch4pt3rs)Publication of up to 6 w33kly ch4pters, thanks.


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