S*x Recompense System

Entry 1: Prologue

Arc 1: An Unconscious Initiation 

"Noo! Fuck!"

Throwing his mangled controller at the screen caked in droplets of dried ramen broth, a 38 year-old middle-aged fat man raged at yet another loss in the game he was playing. That was the third loss in just a single hour, and it meant that the stellar record on the new account was crumbling right beneath his fingertips. Despite seeming of little importance, the account was a means to maintaining the grotesquely obese individuals livelihood. After all, he sold these accounts to fellow players, and earned a small amount of cash from each purchase. 

"This shit can't be happening to me right now! I'm running too low. No, no, no… If I can't sell this account, then I won't have enough money to pay the delivery fees!"

Indeed, the man sporting a dishevelled, overgrown beard was worried about having to pay delivery fees. As a failure by the standards of society, and an unproductive resource, the man spent the last five years without having stepped out of his sordid, little room. The only bit of exercise he ever got was walking to the door to receive his next batch of instant food. Hell, the delivery man probably got more exercise running away from the scene upon seeing the monstrous sight that was the decrepit old man.

"Shit. No, okay. I'll just start a new account. It's not too late. It shouldn't be. Haa… you've got this."

And like that, with the backing of the pitiful attempts at self-motivation, an overweight male's week went by.

— — —

Lying in his bed, with a t-shirt half-ridden up the rolls of fat on his stomach, and no pants after getting in a final pity wank, the man could not find the energy remaining to move. It had been a week since he had ate an actual meal. Honestly, it was unbelievable to think he had the energy to wank- though he shot a blank as expected. 

With his meaty right hand wrapped around his flaccid cock covered in the rolls of fat like a turtle, the man looked toward the ceiling… or something beyond.

"God… why? Why did you do this to…"

He barely had the energy to utter the words he was thinking. What was meant to be angry thoughts came out in a hazy tone, as the monstrosity thought back to the events of it's life leading to this very moment. 

'It was that fateful year, wasn't it? A single year changed everything for me.'

Even as the endless torrential waves of regret and sadness swept over his fatty heart, the man continued to stare up at the mouldy ceiling. Slowly, the light within his eyes dimmed, before disappearing completely, as the soul of the young man began to detach itself from the carcass and fly into the embrace of the light in the skies.

The light appeared to sit upon a lofty throne in the heavens, unmoved by the regrets of the soul which had entered it's domain. It sat unmoving and unfettered, as though at one with the laws of the universe and beyond. 

Suddenly, the being perked up. 

If one looked into the light for details of it's features, the result would leave them frozen in that state for the rest of eternity. 

"I'm sorry… little one." 

As though finally acknowledging the new addition to it's kingdom, the being swiped it's hands forward to usher in the patiently waiting soul. For aeons it had waited, and for aeons, the being of light had been contemplating it's situation. 

"Even I am shackled by my own creation." 

Recalling the inconsistent triad that the said being was bound by, it lamented it's inability to go beyond it's transcendental state to become more imminent with it's creation. 

The being within, or made up of, the light suddenly felt the soul that had entered it's domain flitting around it excitedly. 

"Oh? You ask why I don't just destroy everything to remove the shackles?" 

The being, slightly amused at the suggestion, waved it's metaphorical palm from one side to the other, and suddenly a catastrophe had struck the known universe. 

Earth's volcanoes erupted, as plumes of smoke rose in to the air, promising to bring the world back into an ice age like never before, killing all of human life with it. 

But before the several millennia required for such a change to occur, the sun began to expand and turn into a red giant, as it's gravity began to draw earths orbit closer and closer. Mercury was engulfed, and soon came Venus, while the, now scorched, surface of the earth was eventually swallowed. 

But the sun didn't last long either, as entire galaxies were shredded apart by space tears as the big bang's antithesis- the Big Crunch- had the entire universe folding in on itself. 

Matter was vanishing. The laws of the universe ceased to exist. 

And among all this, only the light on it's throne and it's kingdom was present. 

"So that's the feeling…"

After all the madness, the light turned towards the soul which had viewed the result of the being's wave of a palm in awe, before it examined the desires deep within the tiny souls heart. 

The soul had not realised, but it had massively aided the light in recovering from a crack in it's dao heart. The being, as magnanimous as it was, decided to grant the deepest desire of the soul tucked under the curtains of it's grand light.

"Oh? That's it? So it shall be done. And I'll add a bonus on top. This one's on me."

The being swiped with it's other hand into the vast nothingness of the void and recited a single world- "Be."

Every corner of the void was bathed in the ever ethereal light, as 13.8 billions years of expansion and time was brought about, as an almost identical universe to the old one was reformed within just a single moment. 

With only a single utterance, the thunderous roars of the laws of the universe were put back in play, as the light smiled down upon the soul. 

"Go now, little one. Leave me here to contemplate for a few more aeons."

And so, the little soul wondered it's way through the vicissitudes of space-time, on an undefined route as though an amalgamation of the freedom the being gave it, and the inconceivable breakthrough that the Almighty had just had within it's dao heart, toward the husk of an 18-year old's body.

— — — — — — 

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