S*x Recompense System

Entry 17: Preparing a Performance [02]

While Jun was sitting around with his circle- most of which compromised other girls and guys from sports clubs and their partners- he was patiently waiting for his girlfriend and childhood friend to arrive. He had this unsettling feeling in his heart when he’d left her in the class, and had it not been to avoid startling the group, he’d have got up to leave to find her.

Suddenly, he felt a pat on his broad shoulder and turned around expecting to see Mai, but was left sorely disappointed to see a face that made his mood even worse.

“Tch. Samuel. What do you want, loser?” With obvious malice lacing his tone from the irritation built up by Mai’s lack of presence, Jun asked the boy who was vying for his attention with a slightly confused look on his face. 

“Um… Mai’s calling for you. I think she said she urgently needs your help with something she was trying to do.” Samuel responded meekly. Jun was pleasantly surprised when the defiant streak he had witnessed earlier from the 5’9 loner had disappeared, but his attention quickly focused back on the more important matter.

“Huh? Where is she?” The trace of concern in his voice which Samuel picked up, made him internally smile. Provided Jun didn’t have as much regard for his girlfriend as Samuel expected, he couldn’t be sure his plan would have the desired impact. Now, however, he could be completely sure his plan would have the intended effect.

“She’s in that art room.” 

Without looking back at the group around him, he called out that he’d be back in a minute and walked out of the canteen. He couldn’t afford to run despite the unease he was feeling to maintain his image and to avoid drawing attention to something that might not even be an issue.

One would usually feel excited if they were summoned to the abandoned art room by their partner, but unexpectedly, the young adult didn’t share the same sentiments as the remainder of the student body. The reason for which only Jun and Mai were aware.

Observing the football team centre-back making his way out of the canteen and into the square, Samuel quickly summoned an invisibility tag and stuck it to himself- not before fixing the folded collar of his crumpled shirt.

[Invisibility Potion (Grade 1)]

[Effect: Recipient will blend into the background for 10 minutes, and can only be found if an individual is specifically looking for them. Sounds created below a certain decibel are significantly quieter.]

[Side effect: Upon administration, the recipient is unaware that they are invisible.]

[Available: 0]

[Cost: 10 SRP]

After taking the potion, Samuel began to follow behind Jun who was about to enter the main building. The stalker tried to summon an invisibility potion from his beginner pack, but when nothing popped up in his hand, he hurriedly checked for the potion with the system. 

Noticing that he was out of invisibility potions, Samuel did a last check on his collar and found it folded correctly. 

‘I see. So that’s how it works.’ Samuel grinned, despite not being too thrilled about the fact that his memory of taking the invisibility potion had been removed. This had again served to reinforce the supernatural capability of the system, making him more confident in his plans for the couple. 

‘Unlike a few of the other potions, this one’s side effects can easily be handled. Though I imagine if I administered this to a stranger, they would be confused about why everyone was ignoring them. Heh… that could be fun to watch. Ah, wait… if I find myself in a troublesome situation, I could just as easily drain all of my SRP unknowingly by falling into a buying and applying potion loop. Fuck…’

Understanding he was basically invisible now, Samuel followed behind Jun who was briskly walking towards the empty stairwell. While he maintained some distance from the anxious teenager, he wasn’t too worried about alerting Jun of his presence since he seemed uncharacteristically focused on what Samuel had informed him of. 

Samuel was wondering if he had even needed to take the invisibility potion at this point, but he figured it didn’t hurt to be cautious. It’d throw a wrench in the aftermath of his plans if Jun remembered Samuel following behind him.

Finally, Jun made it to the door and rushed inside before Samuel heard loud calls for attention. Presumably, the centre-back was trying to wake up the sleeping Mai he had found all alone in the art room. 

Samuel quietly opened the door behind the boy trying to shake his girlfriend awake, before creeping into the room and towards where the couple were. 

Jun, who was extremely worried about his girlfriend who had yet to wake up despite his attempts at shuffling her to consciousness, wasn’t aware of his surroundings and so he didn’t notice the presence approaching behind. All of a sudden the unsuspecting youth felt a hard slap land upon the back of his neck before he lost consciousness and flopped over the girl in his arms. Before his brain fell into its sleep cycles, the teenager’s thoughts were mired with confusion and doubts about the situation. 

“Well… that went better than expected,” Samuel muttered as he looked upon the quiet couple. Nervous but feeling adrenalised, the young man went to lock the door, not having realised the mantis stalked the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

— — — 

Finally, Samuel had everything set up for the next hour of toying around with the couple. 

This morning, he had searched around the house for a camcorder that he remembered was stored away somewhere in the house from his past life. Having retrieved the old bit of tech, and after learning how it worked while ensuring it functioned properly, Samuel stored it in his school bag alongside some duct tape and scissors.

Now, Samuel stared at the product of his efforts in front of him where Jun was taped to a chair. Atop the tape were skipping ropes binding Jun to the legs and arms of the chair. He had initially decided upon using tape alone but didn’t trust the tape completely given the sportsman’s robust physique and so he thought of switching to the skipping ropes. The ropes, however, would have left marks on him when he struggled which he’d end up questioning after everything was over: something Samuel did not want. So, the young adult used a combination of the two to double the efficiency.

‘Never thought I’d say this… but restraining someone so assertive is quite fun. I feel like a yakuza or mafia or something. If I had a wet rag to wrap around his mouth it’d finish off the look but alas… I guess I’ll have to settle for a grade 2 invisibility for now. Woe is I, who has to settle for magical equipment.’

[Invisibility Potion (Grade 2)]

[Effect: Recipient will become invisible for an hour. Sounds created by the recipient cannot be heard unless at the administrator’s will.]

[Side effect: Administrator will be forgotten for 5 minutes after the effect wears off.]

[Available: 0]

[Cost: 25 SRP]

Next, he had hula hoops attaching him and the chair to the legs of the table behind him just to make his struggle to escape the confinement that little bit harder. Lastly and- in Samuel’s eyes- most importantly, he stuck a numb potion on Jun’s neck. 

[Numb Potion (Grade 1)]

[Effect: Recipient’s senses and motor function will be decreased by 10% for 1 hour.]

[Side effect: Administrator will be hypersensitive for an hour after the effect wears off.]

[Available: 0]

[Cost: 10 SRP] 

Samuel had asked the system about ways to prevent side effects from taking place and had found out that he could use the anti-potions to negate the side effects of the potions after the main effect had worn off (side effects still count as an effect of the potion). He’d figured he’d take advantage of such a cheat if ever the side effect was too horrible to deal with. As he wasn’t aware of what a hypersensitive state entails, he’d left that decision to the future, and hopefully satisfied, Samuel. 

Looking towards the other sleeping participant of the play, he saw Mai lying in the middle of a room with its tables and chairs spread to the outskirts of the room to create a large clearing. Her hands were tied up behind her back without tape as he doubted she’d struggle much.

He’d set up the camcorder to begin recording and angled it so that it would capture all three of the students in the room. And yes, he was keenly aware that the couple were both students, and despite having the mental age of a grown-up adult, he didn’t have any moral inhibitions about doing what he was about to Mai. While his preferred strike zone was older women, he wasn’t exactly against the charms of younger women too.

And taking into account technicalities, it wasn’t as if his plans involved non-consensual sex. Well… they’d be as consensual as convincing a ‘drugged’ horny teen to get it on with her classmate can be. Putting aside the potion’s effect, both of them were also above the legal age of consent to sexual activity in Polaria too. 

As he was setting up the room, he’d activated the sexual scent too so that he could get Mai’s lust up to a healthy figure before he began. A lot of his plans were banking on the fact that Mai was initially in heat. 

[Sexual Scent (Grade 1)]

[Effect: Releases pheromones that raise the lust of anyone in a 3m range of the recipient’s surroundings by 1/minute for 60 minutes up to a max of 60 lust.]

[Side Effect: Decreases the lust of anyone affected by 5 after the effect has worn off.]

[Available: 0]

[Cost: 10 SRP]

With everything finally in place, Samuel quickly checked the time and noticed the lunch period had already ended. His eyes quickly checked the system to find what the potion timers were currently on. 

[Active Potions: 7]

[Jun Aoyama]

[Sleep Serum (Grade 1): 5:24]

[Numb Potion (Grade 1): 58:12]

[Invisibility Potion (Grade 2): 58:13]

[Mai Matsushita]

[Sleep Serum (Grade 1): 0:19]

[Aphrodisiac Potion (Grade 1): 39:37]

[Samuel Armaan]

[Sexual Scent (Grade 1): 6:59]

[Birth Control (Grade 1): 59.44]

[Partners: Emily Hayes (Temporary), Mai Matsushita (Intent)]

[Mai Matsushita]

[Favourability: 0]

[Obedience: 0]

[Lust: 68]

“Well then… let’s get this show on the road.”

— — — — — —

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