S*x Recompense System

Entry 20: Breaking your Bully [01] *

Jun thought back to a time in his childhood when his parents had brought him over to his next-door neighbour’s house. The family of three had just moved in, and supposedly they had a kid of Jun’s age. Both the parents had hoped the kids could get along well, with a little anticipation of further developments in their hearts. Who wouldn’t want to watch an innocent love blooming between neighbours and childhood friends? 

The young Jun, unlike his parents, had not been as fond of the idea of creating a new relationship with someone who hadn’t yet attended his school. He was comfortable with his little squad of friends at school, and when he was informed of the fact that the child they’d be seeing was in fact a girl, he was worried about contracting the cooties from the said girl. Despite his complaints though, his parents had forced him to join them in paying a visit to the new neighbours. 

And when he mused upon the way his parents had all but forced him to go over to their house, he couldn’t be more thankful to the adults for doing so. 

Jun found that after a few meetings where the girl would try to play with him- someone of her age- and him failing at his attempts to repel her, he didn’t actually mind her presence. She didn’t look like she had the cooties despite being a girl since her hair was short and she acted just like his friends at school. Better yet, they shared many interests and loved to play sports. 

Years flew by and the pair entered the same middle school. Their relationship as friends had grown much closer, and at an age where boys were seeing girls as individuals of the opposite sex, he had grown a little crush on her. The feelings, however, didn’t seem to be mutual as Mai didn’t express any sort of emotions beyond friendship for Jun. In fact, as Jun and Mai were very close and shared almost everything with each other even though they’d grown a little older, Mai hadn’t told him a single thing about her crushes for other guys and whatnot. This lead him to believe he still had a chance.

Years continued and the duo finally entered high school. Jun, who had found a friend in Daniel- his team captain as well as an individual with a bottomless experience with the opposite gender (at least in Jun’s eyes)- slowly began to discuss how he could confess to a girl who hadn’t shown any signs of a mutual crush. Daniel was someone who girls fawned over because of his school celebrity status and good looks, and so the advice he had given was pretty simple- ‘Man up and just do it.’

Such advice had left Jun a bit sceptical of Daniel’s credibility, and so he had put the confession off for several months. But at the start of the second year of high school, and after the constant hype of his friends, he had fumbled his way through a confession. While in the back of his mind he was wondering if their friendship would be ruined because of his actions leading to a stuffy feeling in his chest, a part of him also felt extremely relieved to have gotten the weight off of his shoulders.

Surprisingly, his confession was accepted. He didn’t go on to ask about Mai’s prior feelings, nor did she speak about them. They became a couple borne out of the childhood friendship of neighbours.

And like that, they’d become an ‘it’ couple at LGHS. 

— — — 

Now, Jun watched as his girlfriend, the girl he had known for the better part of a decade, with her pussy just an inch or two away from the engorged penis of a kid they had both bullied for the past two years. 

“Samuel! Stop! Don’t do this man! I’m sorry! Please! Don’t do it!”

Samuel, heaving from having to raise her thighs and line up his cock with her entrance, disregarded the shouts, preparing to begin. 

And then, Jun watched as Samuel let go. 

“Noooooooooo!” A scream full of anguish went unheard by everyone in the world, as the girl who had just regained her clarity, suddenly felt her innards being filled up with the entirety of Samuel’s length. 

“Nhh~” “Ugh~” The pair both groaned at the sudden stimulation, as Mai’s crotch rubbed against the base of Samuel’s genitalia. 

‘Fuck! It’s tight. Is this the difference between old and young, or conscious and unconscious?’ Feeling the satisfaction from having his sword sheathed into a warm and wet scabbard, Samuel’s thoughts of just relaxing and enjoying a peaceful fuck where he had Mai do the work nearly flew out of the window. He had wanted her to feel as though she was ‘fucking’ him and not the other way around so that the guilt of cheating on her boyfriend would plague her going forward. But such a plan was looking nigh impossible currently.

Feeling the sudden fullness within her depths and the pressure that came with it almost had Mai seeing stars. She hesitantly looked down at the connection from where she was perched on his shoulder, and only saw the base of his shaft peeking out from below her wet lips. The teenager then looked up at the boy- with a look of contentment plastered all over his visage- and pouted her lips. 

“Sam… Samuel. Why did… you put it in?” Mai interrogated, as her lower body slightly ground around the base of his shaft. She had an itch deep within her that she’d wanted to scratch all this while, and she couldn’t be more than grateful for having the projectile jacked into her, but she couldn’t allow herself to accept it.

Even with her attempts at discretely moving atop his groin, Samuel could smell the baseless accusations from a mile away. Even if he hadn’t gained explicit consent to insert his cock, the one currently moving between the pair was the girl. 

Samuel brought his hand up to her face and looked into her eyes. 

“Isn’t this what you want? Do you actually think we can stop this after how far we’ve already gone?” While asking her questions in a deeper baritone, laced with the magnetic voice potion, he pushed up into her from below. The few centimetre thrusts were enough to shut her up since she just shook her head while letting out silent moans. 

“It’s only this once. No one will know. It’s just you and I, Mai.” As Samuel whispered simple assurances in her ear, he watched as the grinding motions around his cock grew increasingly rampant and desperate. 

At this point, neither party had removed any articles of cloth. In the heat of the moment, Samuel had just continued with how they were dressed, but now he was looking forward to catching a glimpse of her firm tits- the result of being an avid sportswoman for several years now. 

While she was engrossed in moving around in a circular fashion atop his length, Samuel began to unbutton the buttons down her shirt. Finally, as most of the buttons were off, with the remaining few being too bothersome to deal with, he began to peel off the shirt from her shoulders, revealing a pink sports bra covering a healthy pair of mounds. 

“No!” With the movement of his hands to remove the bra and feeling his fingers graze the underside of her boob, she finally realised what he’d just done and instinctively screamed in embarrassment while grabbing his fingers. 

‘Did this girl really just try to stop me from seeing her breasts while my cock is 6 inches deep into her guts?’ 

“What’s wrong?” Samuel just raised an eyebrow as all movement ceased. 

“Ah… uhh. It’s nothing.” Mai looked down in embarrassment when she too realised that his actions were probably normal, before relenting and letting go of his fingers. He then promptly lifted the bra before she could think up some wayward logic, and out bounced a massive pair of honkers. 

‘Fuck me! That sports bra was hiding these bad boys from the rest of us?’ 

“Wow! They’re… impressive.” Looking at the innocent light brown nubs on the small areola, all atop a healthy wheat-coloured skin contrasting the slight tan on the rest of the body, Samuel grew entranced. He’d always loved the mounds of fat that looked like they were just made to seduce men, and the C or D-cup pair in front of him wasn’t any different. 

Mai grew red at the compliment but just cradled Samuel’s head happily, as he drew in to suck her nipples. The pleasure that came from Samuel flicking and sucking on her breasts, alongside the cock that was constantly rubbing against her inner walls as she’d realised bouncing on his cock would bring her more pleasure, was bringing her back up to another climax.

“Samuel! It’s about to… come again!” She wrapped her arms around Samuel as she buried her face into the crook of his neck, trying to hide her expression from him while moving her hips forward and back.

Samuel also felt as though he was about to blow. The earlier blowjob and the subsequent riding had brought the pressure within his loins to a peak, making him feel like he was about to burst. 

“Me too. Cum with me Mai!” Samuel buried his face in between her breasts, as he shoved his shaft up into her moist hole, while she also pushed down to get him in as deep within her as possible. 

“Nhhh~” “Ughhh~” 

The pair groaned in sync as Samuel’s baby-making juices flowed out of his erect organ, right into the depths of his bully, while the girl's body jittered on him in ecstasy. 

As though in an alternate reality, but actually in a corner of the same room, and away from the blissfully ignorant couple’s eyes, was a teenage boyfriend whose face was beginning to look like a strawberry. The horrendous amount of blood rushing to his head and his clenched jaw made him look constipated. 

But just as rapidly as the semen from Samuel’s insides began to flood through the cervix and into Mai’s uterine cavity, the tense expression on Jun’s face completely disappeared as his head lolled back in the chair, and all of his struggles ceased. 

Jun had fainted. 

— — — — — —

Favourite if you enjoyed!

Apologies for the late chap.

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