S*x Recompense System

Entry 28: Yet to Confide [02]

While piggybacking his mother up the stairs and huffing and puffing like a fish out of water, Samuel decided to ponder over her status window to distract himself from the strain on his muscles. Even if his stamina had doubled, it didn’t do much to his raw muscular strength.

‘Her favourability was 75, right? I’m glad the system told me that the figure could also represent other forms of love like Storge or I would’ve been in a bit of a bind right now.’ 

Samuel’s boner couldn’t be helped as he felt his mother's bountiful breasts, which were a cup or two sizes smaller than Emily’s, pressed up against his back. Even if he had the experience of touching two sets of breasts already, it didn’t take away from the experience of feeling yet another soft pair of bra-less stress balls pressed up against him. 

‘I don’t plan on going to college after high school. But I don’t think it’s the right time to break the news to her. I’ll actually have to bring in money before telling her to stop working as many hours. No, even then she might still try to save just in case I end up dropping whatever I’m working on.’ Shaking his head at her antics, knowing full well how much the worry-wort of a mother wouldn’t bend when it came to providing for her children, Samuel thought about the final line in her history. 

‘Worrying about losing my attention? Well, that’s not much of a concern since family is my priority in this life.’ He smirked when the thought of how similar he sounded to a bald fast-car driving ex-convict came to him. 

But Samuel knew there was little he could do to assuage this particular concern of hers. He would just have to show his dedication and commitment by constantly being present just to ingrain the fact that he was a dependable son. 

Though, dependability didn’t necessarily have to equal presence. Presence could eat shit when ten dudes surrounded his family and he wouldn’t be able to put up a fight to protect them. He just had to have the ability to get the job done, and return to his family as a capable individual. 

When he finally reached the upstairs landing, his sister had probably heard his heavy breathing as she opened the door to find out what was going on. Noticing her mother on Samuel’s back, she looked slightly surprised that her pudgy brother could even pick her up, but she slowly followed him into the master bedroom where he deposited the woman into the bed. Grace was already in her PJs since she’d changed right after dinner before sitting down with Samuel, so he just tucked her into the bed and closed the curtains. 

He’d already noticed Faith in the doorway and motioned her to stay quiet, before leaving the bedroom and closing the door. 

“Hey, Bree. What’s up?” He asked, cheerily. He wouldn’t forget that he still had to break the walls in between their relationship, unlike his mother who almost lunged through the wall at the first opportunity Samuel presented. 

“Hm. Why’d you have to carry mum upstairs?” She looked at Samuel slightly suspiciously, but she was only curious about the situation. She didn’t want her brother to know that though. 

“She was knackered after the long day so I was giving her a massage- and she fell asleep. Why so curious? Would you like one too, hmm?” Samuel joked while walking towards his bedroom. While he did want to get closer to her, with the way she was coming off as confrontational at the current time, he decided to make a speedy getaway from the situation. There’d be no progress talking to her now.

“Anyways, was that all? Anything else you have to tell me?” Just as he was about to enter, he turned around and asked his sister who was staring intently at his form, without having moved from her spot.

“Yeah. There is, actually.” With a bit of sass in her tone, she replied to him matter-of-factly. But Samuel quickly shut down her attitude by motioning for her to lower the volume. “Be quiet, will you? Mum’s sleeping.”

“Y-yeah. Anyways… I feel annoyed when I think that my new friends will find out we’re related. Can you, like, stay away from us? I’d rather they didn’t find out I’m related to a horny, loner like you.” She sneered at him while saying something so unbelievable, and Samuel couldn’t hide the incredulous look on his face as he raised his eyebrows. 

His gaze hadn’t missed the slight trembling of her lips as she delivered her lines.

“Is that so?” The young adult replied in a monotone that was laced with pity, which Faith took for disappointment, causing her to flinch. Yet, she remained firm in her stance and fiercely responded in the affirmative.

“Noted, sis. I’ll remember to do just that from tomorrow onwards.” Deciding to put an end to the farce of a conversation, Samuel mock-saluted before closing his bedroom door behind him, leaving a teenage girl wondering if what she was doing was actually the correct choice of going about things. 

— — — 

Leaning back against the door he had just shut, Samuel reminisced about having had a very similar conversation with his sister 20 years ago. At that time, he’d reacted as anyone who had felt betrayed would- he’d called her out for being a sleazy bitch who didn’t care for her family. 

He’d even gone so far as to call the loveable sister of his a slut who spread her legs out for any popular dude, despite knowing full well that Faith was raised to a certain standard. He’d imagine such comments would have hurt her a lot. They would’ve torn at her conscious- to have your own brother label you in such a way…

Looking back on it, how much of an idiot did he have to be to not have realised she didn’t mean what she said? Just the way she had struggled to deliver such a flimsy excuse had him reeling. They literally had different surnames, with Samuel also having received the olive skin tone of his father, unlike his sister’s fair shade. 

‘This girl… but now I know why she did that. Status Window sure is useful.’ 

[Name: Faith Brianna ‘Bree’ Hayes]

[Age: 17]

[Sex: Female]

[Relationship Status: Single]

[Body Count: 0]

[Obedience: 10]

[Favourability: 60]

[Lust: 7]

[Height: 163 cm]

[Weight: 47 Kg]

[Cup: B]

[History: Starved of familial attention and affection, she indulged in the world of novels and the company her hobby brought. When she found the reason for her brother turning into a shut-in, she set out to befriend his bullies so that she could, in turn, make them leave him alone. She has also genuinely come to enjoy the time she spends with Tara Williams.]

‘So it wasn’t her vying for my attention… But trying to protect me. To be such a loser that your younger sister needs to protect you. Fuck! That’s so shameful…’ Slightly exasperated, Samuel didn’t even bother to go down the regretful line of thought. God knows how many regrets he had and he couldn’t be bothered to wallow in self-pity anymore. Now was his chance to redeem himself, or at least correct the wrongs of his past. 

‘But yeah… given how high her favourability is, I can already tell she still has some good feelings for me. It’s a shame she doesn’t let it show in the way she speaks to me, but I won’t expect anything more right now. I haven’t proved myself to be a reliable older brother. Just look at that obedience, sheesh.’ 

Samuel also felt a little disgruntled that he had learned of his little sister’s virginity, but the thought made him slightly relieved. As an older brother, he’d always desired for his sister to remain the innocent girl he once knew her to be. And none of the fuckboys at LGHS deserved his sister anyway. 

Setting aside his thoughts on the matter of his sister, Samuel brought out a shiny object from inside his trouser’s pocket. With a complex, unruly edge adorning the lightweight, metal object, a whole new avenue of conveniently farmed points had been opened up for Samuel. 

In his hand was the key to his neighbour’s house. He’d discretely taken it from his mother’s key ring which was on the front porch. Emily had given it to her for something a few years back but had never bothered to ask for it back. 

‘And now mother’s trash has become my treasure.’

With the key, not only could he easily do as he did on Sunday evening without going out of his way to look for an excuse to visit her home, but he could also exact some plans he had been thinking over for James Cooper.

Samuel walked over to his bedroom window. His room looked out into the front side of the house, while his sister’s room was beside his, and was separated by a conjoining door in between their bedrooms. His mother’s room was opposite his room on the first floor, with the staircase ending at the entrance closest to his and his mother’s bedroom. 

Looking out of the window, Samuel spotted a Sedan in the driveway of the Coopers’ household. ‘Looks like that fucker hasn’t left tonight. Shame.’ 

Tonight, with the sexless side-effect having just finished, Samuel decided to check if he could begin farming, but he didn’t bother. And he wasn’t worried about James touching his woman since their relationship was quite bad and the system had included a sneaky but useful detail Samuel had not missed: ‘sexless marriage’.

‘But it would have been nice to have some sort of potion or skill that let me make the turd impotent. ED was tailor-made for assholes who neglect their beautiful wives as he has.’ 

[Analysing Host’s request.] 

[Host is advised to wait until you are the Master of the SR System to be able to create potions or skills, or wait until you receive a relevant skill in a future level-up.]

‘Bummer.’ He put the thought aside since it wasn’t all that necessary right now and jumped into bed. Even though he was full of stamina, the day had been quite hectic and had made him feel mentally weary. A good night’s rest would hopefully do wonders to fix that. 

— — — — — —

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