S*x Recompense System

Entry 32: Euphoric New Experiences *

[Name: Samuel Armaan]

[Age: 18]

[Sex: Male]

[Level: 4]

[Level 5 Threshold: 1340/2000 CSRP]

[Health: 100/100]

[Stamina: 52/100]

[SRP: 1230]

[Skills: Status Window (Level 3/3), Pleasure Point (Level 3/3), Mind Read (Level 2/3), Sexuality Switch (Level 1/3)]

[Missions Completed: 3 (1, 3, 4)]

[Missions Pending: 1 (2)]

[Achievements: 2]

[Assets: 5.78 Polarian dollars, 0% purchase PBG Credit Card]

[Partners: Emily Cooper (Temporary), Mai Matsushita (Temporary)]



[SRP earned: Kissing (5) + Fingering (5) + Cunnilingus (15) + Vaginal Sex (50) * 2 + Creampie (25) * 2 = 175 * Adultery (2) = 350] 

[Host has reached Level 4 threshold]

[Upgrading to Level 4]

[Congratulations! Host is now Level 4 and has received the skill Sexuality Switch (Level 1) and an upgrade to the skills Mind Read (Level 2) and Pleasure Point (Level 3)]


[Sexuality Switch (Level 1/3)]

[Description: Be able to alter the rate of change of the Host’s own secondary sexual characteristics. For males, secondary sexual characteristics include: facial and chest hair, increased body hair, pelvic build, upper body muscular build, and the ability to generate muscle mass at a faster rate than the female.]

[Mind Read (Level 2/3)]

[Description: Be able to see the emotions of any individual as a colourful aura around them. Can also directly read the inner thoughts of anyone the Host is having sex with.]

[Pleasure Point (Level 3/3)]

[Description: When active, will allow the Host to be able to visualise the erogenous zones of any individual. Additionally the value of an action Host does is quantified and is displayed as a counter. Finally, Host may enhance the pleasure gained from an act by up to 1.5 times (factor is subject to change as Host levels up).]

— — — 

Samuel had just had his first experience of eating out a woman- and he didn’t hate it. With the understanding that the vagina was (probably) self-cleaning, and that Emily was in a sexless marriage, Samuel had stuck the muscle in his mouth down her hole with ease of mind. He’d always wondered why the act of cunnilingus had gained as much traction as it did in the 20th and 21st centuries, especially as a result of the sexual revolution of the mid-1900s. And today, he’d experienced the fun in it. 

It wasn’t so much the fact that spreading his neighbour’s tight folds apart and sticking his wriggling tongue in, to stroke the warm and engorged softness of the inner labia against the rough surface of his muscle, pleased him. Nor was it the way her slippery vaginal walls would subconsciously clench around his tongue that explored her succulent depths. No. What brought Samuel the most pleasure, was feeling the way that the woman, in her sleep, would tense her legs in excitement and thrust into his mouth unknowingly as he brought her to the brink. And when the floodgates were released, she’d arch her back and her lower body would rise as though a physical manifestation of having reached heaven through orgasm, while her legs that were held down by Samuel’s arms would spasm erratically. 

His tongue had become far more dexterous as a result of the rapid movements within her cavity, as it tried to coat the depths in as much of his presence, while his nose would nuzzle against the swollen clitoris. A combination of these movements made the act that much more exotic, and Samuel too felt especially delighted by the sense of power and control he had over her as he did it.

Cunnilingus was quite fun. He’d love to watch how a woman reacted while they were awake and on the receiving end of oral, but for now, he put the memories of the experience aside. 

His preconceived interpretation of oral sex was that it was an unquestionably submissive activity, as one would get in between another’s legs and ‘service’ them. He’d always felt the nature of cunnilingus and a blowjob was to provide the recipient with satisfaction, and yet, such views had been mostly shattered within the previous few hours, as Samuel could see how such actions only fuelled his impassioned dominant streak.

His opinions had not, however, entirely evolved. Cunnilingus was not something he contemplated doing to Mai since, in a certain sense, eating out with a woman might still be perceived as being submissive, especially with the communication barriers that were in place. Their relationship was one of blackmailer and bully, and he didn’t see fit to attend to her needs or make her pleasure the primary outcome of their exploits. Rather, the girl should and would come to understand that Samuel was the one who was using her to get himself off. 

Besides bringing Emily to orgasm through oral, Samuel had ended up fucking Emily twice over, with the renewed heat in his loins from the lewd body of his neighbour that lay so contentedly below him, before the sleep serum timer had run out and he’d decided to put an end to the one-sided session. 

And now, a few minutes on, Samuel was laying on his bed with his arms behind his head, unwinding from a night of passion as he checked his stamina gauge and the new notifications. He was ecstatic that his endurance had allowed him to complete two rounds without feeling particularly exhausted, unlike his first encounters with either of the women. He sort of felt like such a change was a natural calling to expand his range of women, but he hadn’t yet sorted out Mai’s or Emily’s situation, so he wasn’t too optimistic about branching out just yet. 

Samuel experienced a wide range of emotions in relation to the new level-up and its advantages. The young adult was particularly worried, but eager, about the [Sexuality Switch] since he reckoned that gender-bending was the logical evolution of such a skill. However, he reasoned that since he would never be required to change his gender, it wasn't such a huge deal. He didn't particularly like the notion of transforming into a girl. On the other hand, Samuel may now have a practical way to render the men around him impotent thanks to the switch, though he didn't get too excited because it was simply a guess. He was looking forward to levelling the skill further.

The other upgrades were nice too- mind-reading a partner’s thoughts would be quite a nifty trick. But the biggest benefit of the upgrade to [Mind Read] was the fact that Samuel could now perceive anyone’s emotional aura. The benefits of such a skill need not be discussed.

Similarly, the maxed level [Pleasure Point] presented some new options and schemes for Samuel. Initially, he had received a sex system but had no way of viably claiming a woman as his own. But Samuel, having regressed and gotten a taste for women, had become slightly greedy and wanted to take Mai and Emily for himself. And he wondered if he could use hyper pleasure within his schemes to get them addicted to his cock. 

‘Hm… but that sort of relationship is quite superficial, isn’t it? And it wouldn’t have the same emotional connection as an actual relationship, leaving room for cheating and whatnot. Yeah… well, I’ll see how I can factor in this skill in my plans, but I definitely won’t solely rely upon it.’

Having skimmed through his bountiful harvest, and with the muscles in his lower body feeling drained of energy, Samuel conked out, awaiting another blissful day post-regression.

— — —

[Stock Trading]

[Description: Provides Host with a basic understanding and experience of buying and selling shares in companies to try to make money in price changes.]

[Grade: Average]

[Cost: 1000 SRP]

[Would Host like to purchase?]


[Understood, Host.]

[Modifying future [Stock Trading] grades’ costs.]

[Updating System Panel]

[Host is advised to prepare for an influx of information.]

‘Oh fuck. Not one of these again.’ Quickly resting his head upon the cold surface of the desk, so that the English teacher at the front of the class wouldn’t notice his odd behaviour if his past experiences were anything to go by, Samuel awaited the infusion of the newfound magical knowledge. 

The young man's body jerked slightly for only a split second before he slumped against the desk, his eyes wide with horror as his mind went blank. The young man was relieved that the injection had been painless, but he couldn't get over how suddenly he felt like he had learned how to trade stocks. It had felt like he knew how and what to do when it came to managing the purchasing and selling of shares in companies, and how he could go about doing so without the aid of a brokerage firm to execute his transactions for him, and other such matters. 

‘I can cut out the middleman fee it seems. But I’ve still got to pay that annoying commission on each trade.’ Sighing, Samuel put aside his grievances with pre-regression rules that felt limiting, as he just wanted to rush back home and get clicking away at his keyboard. 

‘Hm… now that I think about it, the first thing I’m going to do when I get some money is to replace my set-up- just like last time. Ah shoot, I’m getting all excited like a teenager, again. Jumping the gun and all that once more, ain’t I? Considering it’s only an average competency, I may end up flopping my trades and going into the red.’ Bringing himself back down to earth, Samuel brought his head back up from the desk and the pessimistic thoughts and noticed Mai peeking at him. 

Since he intended to return home and start ‘working’, he decided not to bother calling her out today. Ever since he had regressed, all he was doing was studying in his free time and he grew extremely bored of doing so. Especially since he was going to drop out sooner or later anyway. Working, at least, would bring him the personal satisfaction of making his own money. Studies on the other hand? A certificate once you pass a set of exams after 3 years of high school. Some good that would do him, who didn’t play to go on to further education or to get employed.

As he was mired in thoughts of self-sufficiency, Samuel suddenly recalled he had cleaning duty at the end of the day on Thursdays and groaned internally. He was considering playing truant from his duties but he hadn’t been listening when his tutor had announced the pairings. If he’d been coupled with one of the popular kids or delinquents, and neither of them turned up to do the duty, both would end up with an hour of detention or community service which would be worse for him in the long run. 

Reluctantly committing himself to be present at the end of the day, Samuel sat through the long-winded classes at LGHS. 

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