S*x Recompense System

Entry 37: You’re my Toy [02]

“What are you doing?!” Mai hissed in indignation as soon as the duo were inside the studio with the door firmly shut behind them. While she knew the rooms were soundproof, as most troublemakers in the school did, she couldn’t help but remain apprehensive. After all, she had no way of knowing what Samuel would say, given that she had learned from their previous encounter that the shameless guy had quite an unhinged mindset.

“We could’ve been caught! What if somebody saw you forcing me into the room?!” Feeling agitated, she proceeded to yap away at the boy who sat down and got comfortable on a piano stool. 


Once settled, Samuel finally looked up at her nonchalantly and kissed his teeth in reply, causing the girl's nostrils to flare in disbelief. 

“So? So?! Fuck, Samuel!” She approached Samuel and jerked him back and forth, but Samuel felt her shaking was uncharacteristically light. While he hadn’t experienced any physical abuse from her in this life yet, he didn’t doubt that she’d had a go at him in the past and was sure her behaviour hadn’t been as flimsy as it was now. 

Samuel smirked at the implications before putting a stop to her movements by wrapping his arms around her thin waist and bringing her into his embrace. While she was shorter than him by a few inches, because she was standing in front of Samuel who sat on the plush piano stool, the hug made it so that her head was only slightly higher than his.

“Stop worrying. Even if anyone saw you, they wouldn’t have the balls to start anything.” Looking up into her eyes, he reassured her, calming the annoyed girl down.

“And besides, I’m feeling a little backed up today, so I need your help.” He whispered with a smirk plastered across his face, before drawing back and watching as her confused eyes gained a certain clarity and her cheeks flushed red. Only just having realised what he meant given her relative innocence, she glared at him and opened her mouth to retort. 

“Even, even if you need my help… why did you have to do it like that? Why didn’t you just pass a note like yesterday, Samuel?” She struggled to get out, slightly ashamed and yet excited by Samuel’s plea for ‘help’. 

“A note? Where’s the fun in that? Isn’t it so much more exhilarating knowing that you could be caught?” He emphatically replied, earning a scoff from Mai. 

‘It might be fun for you, but what if Jun catches me? I know this guy doesn’t seem to care about Jun beating him up, but I can’t bear to end our relationship. This… this is just because I’m being blackmailed by hiHH-‘

Noticing the girl was beginning to drift off into her own thoughts, Samuel put a stop to them by pressing his lips against her- puckered from a pout- counterpart. The athletic girl that was thinking about Jun just now, became extremely flustered as she suddenly felt the tip of her assailant’s tongue on her lips as though asking for entry. 

She tried to pull away from the kiss, but Samuel’s arms, which still held her in his embrace, had risen to cup her shoulder blades to stop her from doing so, so she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Even if she wanted to, not that she did according to her, she couldn’t partake in the kiss because of the guilty feelings she had towards Jun. 

Samuel, understanding his attempts at experiencing a French kiss seemed futile with the girl, decided to pull back a little to try out a different tactic. He’d been thinking about pinching her waist but didn’t follow through in case it ruined the receptive mood she was in.

“Oh? Ok, so now I understand.” He spoke out sagely, trying to draw out a reaction from Mai. The girl, who couldn’t look him in the eyes right now, took the bait as she felt a little self-conscious and wanted to divert her mind away from the unexpected kiss.

“Understand what?” 

“Why you can’t get horny.” He deadpanned, which got Mai’s eyes to swivel back around to his instantly. She parted her supple lips to ask him what he knew, but before she could get a word out, Samuel’s tongue was already in her mouth with his minty breath colliding against the white teeth of the stupefied girl who was still contemplating the ‘gotcha’ look in his eyes.

‘Fuck! I was had. This manipulative… bastard.’ Accepting defeat, Mai accepts the foreign object into her mouth. She was uncomfortable about the fact that she hadn’t had a chance to wash her mouth since eating lunch but it didn’t seem to stop Samuel, as his tongue continued to explore her depths. 

Finally, after a minute, the boy pulled away from the slobbery kiss, while Mai wiped at all the saliva dripping from her swollen lips. Samuel, being a virgin and all, had sucked on her lips a little hard, causing the soft tissue to take on a vibrant and succulent, juicy red shade. It had been a first for both of them, and the abundant liquid remains were a massive tell. 

‘I should’ve swallowed more often. But it wasn’t bad. Tasted like… potatoes, huh.’ Samuel thought as he looked at the girl who dropped to the ground in a daze and from the lack of air, after having allowed Samuel to do as he pleased. 

She wasn’t feeling worked up as she had on Tuesday, so none of the guilty thoughts was clouded by lust. And nor did she think back along the line of thought that Samuel mentioned earlier, seeing it as a decoy to make her open her mouth. But she couldn’t have known that Samuel would confirm her suspicions from the day prior in what he said next. 

Reaching out for her chin with his right hand, he had her look up at him from where she was on her knees as he leaned in closer to her. 

“You know… I wasn’t joking about knowing why you don’t get horny.” He said, which only earned an unimpressed look from Mai. She definitely wouldn’t be fooled again. 

“Unlike someone,” he emphasised, “who thinks they’re an asexual…” 

“I know exactly!…” He reached out his left hand to her slender neck and wrapped his meaty palm around her throat while staring deeply into her eyes and leaning further down to get into her personal space.


“What buttons to press… to make you horny.” He finished, having stuck on a grade 1 aphrodisiac tag on her as she gasped in anticipation. 

[Favourability +5]

Mai suddenly felt a tingling in her lower regions when the young man, who overshadowed her, touched her. The girl wasn’t sure if she enjoyed the current overbearing behaviour of Samuel, but for some reason, it had got her going, and so she wasn’t about to stop him anytime soon. The last time he had been this dominant, he’d screwed her into near-insensibility. 

Mai had been missing the feelings of lust and horniness that she had read about in novels, and heard from in the changing rooms of her peers that had had sex with their boyfriends. There was none of the warmth in her crotch she felt right now, that she’d occasionally tried to muster up while reading erotic books as she attempted to self-pleasure or when she was around her boyfriend.

Besides, because it seemed so apt to do, accepting Jun’s confession was Mai’s way of investigating whether or not the change in perspective to their relationship could evoke such feelings in her. It was safe to say that such a change was a failure, and she continued to lack the libido of the girls around her. While it wasn’t so bad given the fact that living in such a way was normal to her, she did get slightly jealous every time other girls mentioned anything about sex or self-pleasure. 

Her tyrannical rule over the badminton club in the second year had been her outlet for such feelings. Girls in the changing rooms were much more prone to sharing secretive stories while exposing skin together, and Mai had begun to exert her authority over them giving her a notorious reputation in the school. Though her friendship with the school football teams’ stars, alongside the great results she brought through winning against other schools, had earned her popularity that prevented such a reputation from affecting her and the badminton clubs’ numbers.

And such tyranny was passed over onto the way she treated the frail and fat kids around the school. Bullying Samuel had been such an easy option when she saw her childhood friend and the school’s top dog doing so as well, and yet such a decision had come back to bite her in the butt right now. 

‘Or was it an unexpected boon..? No! Never. Not with this fatty~’

“Your body…” He began, as his hand slid through the top of her shirt which was left loosely open by virtue of the way she dressed. Reaching for the sports bra, he cajoled his fingertips between the fringes of skin and fabric, until his hands were snugly wrapped around her entire left boob. Then, he materialised a second aphrodisiac tag into his palm. 

“…It responds so well to me, you know. ” 

“Mmh~” Pressing on her boob earned him a light moan out of the girl who glared at him at his bold observation. No matter how much blackmail material he had on her, she would never accept the fact that some boy she used to bully held so much finesse over her body.

“Like it belongs to me.” 

His hands continued to roam over her body as he discretely continued to litter her tanned canvas with gropes and tugs. 

“At this point, I already feel that…” Raising his palm back up to her flushed cheeks, he gripped her jaw and forced her to look at him. He had no clue what he was currently doing, but a part of his heart wanted her to just submit. 

“…You’re my toy.”

At his statement, the girl’s brows furrowed in discontent, as she contemplated what he said. He talked as though she belonged to him. No. He truly believed that she belonged to him, and that thought frightened Mai. Allowing him to vent his feelings was so that he would eventually leave her alone, but from what he just said, Mai couldn’t see an out. 

‘Shit. I’ve let him get away with abusing me so frequently! How stupid have I been to just give in so far? I have to bring him down a peg or he’ll get high off of the power he thinks he has.’ Mai thought as a defiant streak began to rage inside of her heart as a result of the guilt borne of enjoying her blackmailer’s harassment, and the refusal to accept that the pudgy kid had so much control over her body- even more so than she did. 

[Obedience -5]

“Fuck… you. Let go of me!” Samuel was slightly surprised at her repellant reaction, as she lightly struggled to remove herself from beneath him.

“Oh? So I guess you don’t think so too?” Having noticed the look in her eyes changing to one of determination, he decided to end the short play of words with her. He’d make her body understand. The body that he had played like a fiddle on Tuesday would be broken by him, and the mind would follow. 

‘She’s a fucking handful. But unfortunately, a part of me wants her to become mine. Sheesh… I’ll just break her, and then rebuild her. Honestly, who needs her favourability? So long as she’s obedient and understands how to behave, I’m satisfied. When has the toy itself ever needed to be given consideration?’

Thinking such a sinister thought, Samuel began his plans of conquering her body. The control he had displayed today had only been a teaser for her to understand his attitude towards her. But since words wouldn’t get through to her just yet, he would resort to a method that was almost guaranteed to work: a rough fuck.

— — — — — — 

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Announcement: Update schedule dropping from 3ch/week to 1 longer ch/week because of exams and revision. Will increase to 4ch/week after 3 months to make up for the loss. Detailed explanation in the comments. 

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