Synopsis: You Are Actually A Dragon in the Heavens!

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Rebel Knight! Mordred!

“What! Gawain! You said that the Holy Grail War is going on in this world, and the king before his death has come!”

In an open space, Gawain and Jianlan said in shock as they watched Gawain and Jianlan returning.

Although it is not impossible to see two classes of the same Heroic Spirit in a Holy Grail War, it is a bit embarrassing for their situation. And from what Gawain said just now, it seems that their King of Knights doesn’t like the current Lion King a little.

Especially after hearing that Bedivere handed over the last seven planets to Bedivere, they were even more reluctant to take action.

And just when these knights of the round table were embarrassed, suddenly, Argonaut knelt down on one knee in front of the Lion King and said

“King, please allow my infidelity.

“Are you going to find her? Argonaut.” The Lion King asked coldly, she wasn’t angry, but this was her normal attitude to her who had lost her emotions.

“It’s not like that.” Argonaut shook his head and then said, “You two are our kings, and no matter who I owe my allegiance to is disloyal to the other, so I would like to ask Wang, if the two of you disagree, ~ can I choose to be neutral.

Argonaut said so. It was the best way he could think of.

Listening to Argonaut’s words, The Lion King was not angry. To be exact, she had lost her emotions of anger. She just thought about it with a calm, unlike human mind, and then nodded silently.

“I allow your request, but it’s limited to her. As for the other heroic spirits…”

“We won’t let them hurt the two His Majesty in the slightest!” Argonaut said firmly. Now that the Knights of the Round Table have come, neither the Holy Grail nor the Dragon Ball can only belong to their king! Others! Impossible!

“Then, venerable king, can you allow us to visit another king…”

Argonaut himself felt a little embarrassed. He always felt that he was a bit of a traitor now, but the problem was that they couldn’t be called a betrayal at all.

“Go.” The Lion King just waved his hand lightly, and then let them leave.

And before they left, the lion king suddenly said to them

“Tell that person for me that I…will go see her.

Another King Arthur? She’s really going to see her.

And at this moment, outside the Einzbern Castle, at this moment, a man with extraordinarily large eyes in a strange costume came here.

This man is exactly Gil de Reis who regards my king as Joan of Arc.

“My dearest saint, are you finally willing to see me?” Giles said excitedly, looking at the king in front of him.

My king and Joan of Arc do have eight or nine points of imagination, but Giles never looks at people, he looks at each other’s soul!

At this moment, Giles felt the same holiness as Joan of Arc in our king, so he recognized the wrong person.

There’s something ironic about the most devout chef Joan of Arc admitting the wrong person.

“I said, I’m not Joan of Arc.” My king was also very helpless. Where did this Gilles come from? Why can’t he understand human speech?

I’ve told you I’m not Joan of Arc or Joan of Arc, why don’t you just listen?

“My saint, do you already hate me, a believer abandoned by God, to this extent? You are not even willing to admit your identity. This really hurts my heart.”

my king…

Sure enough, it is absolutely impossible to communicate with this kind of guy through words?

Thinking of this, my king took a deep breath and then held the sword in his hand. It would be easier to kill someone like Giles.

However, at this moment, seeing that my king actually took out his sword, Giles pulled out a young man from behind to block him in front of him.

“My saint, if you want to do something to me, you will accidentally hurt this poor child, so you who like children shouldn’t have the heart to see this scene, right?”

Threatening the saintess with hostages, if it is Joan of Arc, may indeed succeed, but my king is different, she is a saint, not a saint, for her, king! Will not be threatened!

“caster! If you kill this child, I will personally kill you with the sword in my hand to avenge him, but if you use him to threaten me, then you are wrong.

Let him go and have a real fight with me, don’t let the name of your hero cry.

Although Gilles is an anti-heroic spirit, he was once said to be a hero of a country.

Hearing my king’s resolute words, Giles was stunned for a moment, then touched the head of the child in front of him and said

“Did you hear? A devout believer of God wants to save you.

Giles released the hand that imprisoned the child, and the child who escaped Giles’ control also ran directly towards the king in front of him. He knows that the safest place here is next to the big sister in front of him!

He ran to my king’s side, looking at the frightened child, my king also comforted him with a gentle voice and said

“It’s alright, just run away.” 9

However, at the moment when my king’s voice fell, suddenly, a strange sound suddenly sounded from the body of the young man in front of him!

Puff puff!

Tentacles erupted from the boy’s body, and the terrifying impact instantly tore the boy’s body to shreds! But those tentacles instantly wrapped around my king’s body, wrapping my king’s body tightly!

But because my king is wearing armor, there is no harm.

However, this made my king completely angry!

Killing is just a no-brainer. As a king, she has seen too many dead people, which is nothing.

・・・ Flowers・・・

But this Giles, he used such despicable methods! He even used him to sneak up on him to kill this young man! Such behavior can no longer be described as evil!

This guy! is a pervert!

Thinking of this, my king said coldly

“caster, from now on I won’t treat you as a heroic spirit again, now! The sword in my hand! Just to kill you!

Unleash the magic!


In an instant, powerful magic burst out from my king’s body, and at this moment, my king charged directly at Giles in front of him with a long sword in hand!

And looking at the aggressive king, Giles did not meet him head-on. On the contrary, he summoned endless little sea devils!

Of course these little sea devils can’t hurt my king, but they seem to be endless!

More ants kill elephants! This simple truth needs no explanation.


Soon, my king’s body was wrapped in piles of tentacles, and then the magic was released! Then wrapped again! Then the magic was released!

However, my king’s magic power is limited, but these little sea monsters of Giles were summoned by him using human beings as sacrifices, and it didn’t cost him any magic power at all. getting weaker.

To control the exile kite-flying tactics, it has to be said that Giles is worthy of being a marshal who has led a large army, and is impeccable in terms of tactical utilization.


When my king’s body was entangled by tentacles again, my king was finally powerless to break free.

“Oh my holy maiden! I said, I will come back after I have fully prepared, how about it, are you satisfied with this gift? 35

Giles said proudly, as if victory had been locked in. And my king is looking at Giles in front of him with icy eyes at the moment!

“Can only… use the Noble Phantasm?” My king looked at his hand. Heroic spirit, the most powerful ability is the Noble Phantasm. If she uses this Noble Phantasm, she has the confidence to kill Gilles, but this will lead to her trump card being exposed.

Just like the current Di Lumuduo, there were originally two powerful Noble Phantasms that could kill a lot of people. So for Dirumdo, his two treasures have no effect or not.

My king didn’t want to use it originally, but now, does she have to use it too?

And at this moment! Suddenly! A red thunder appeared out of thin air! In an instant, these tentacles all turned into pieces and dissipated in the sky!

And in the next second, my king could see the figure behind this thunder!

That is a face exactly like himself! My king will never mistake the identity of this person!

“Hey, if you can’t even solve such a small role, pass the throne to me as soon as possible! Father!

Rebellious knight! Mordred! Enter! Again.


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