Synopsis: You Are Actually A Dragon in the Heavens!

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 The Wish Of The 4 Kings! The Restraint Of The Holy Spear

Chapter 153 The wish of the four kings! The restraint of the holy spear

“So, Kim Pika, since the Holy Grail is yours and you want to take it back, then Dragon Ball, you’re not going to grab it, right? 39

Iskandar looked curiously at Jin Shining in front of him. You say you want the Holy Grail because the Holy Grail belongs to you, you don’t want your things to be stolen by thieves, but Dragon Ball has nothing to do with you, so you are naturally not qualified to snatch it.

However, Jin Ling, who was listening to Iskandar saying this, said directly.

“Impossible! Since it is a treasure that is not in my treasury, then of course I will put it in my treasury. This is a matter of principle.”

“Haha! So Kim Pika, do you still want to snatch the Dragon Ball? But Kim Pika, I want Dragon Ball too.” Iskandar put down the wine glass in his hand, and his eyes were on the man in front of him. My king also has the Lion King.

“I want the Dragon Ball, I want the Holy Grail, and if I want it, I will plunder it. This is my choice.

“Then there is no way. I have to get what I want. So, since you choose to stand on the opposite side of this king, I will definitely punish you.”” Jin Twink said indifferently, as if he wanted to The punishment is not the legendary conquering king, but a criminal who violated the law.

“Haha, that’s really interesting, how about we divide it up? Dragon Ball belongs to me, the Holy Grail belongs to you, it’s fair for us to be one, haha.

Looking at the two kings who were ready to divide the Dragon Ball and the Holy Grail in front of him, the king on one side finally couldn’t bear it any longer.

“rider, are you so confident that you can get the Dragon Ball or the Holy Grail? If so, what is your wish?”

Iskandar can have any desire, it is estimated that it is the desire to conquer the world. However, Iskandar’s choice shocked our king.

“My wish is to…get a body”々. ”

“Huh?” Weber on the side couldn’t help it. “Isn’t your wish to conquer the world? Why… oops.”

Before Weber could finish his words, Iskander slapped him aside like a fly. Then, Iskandar said again

“What an idiot, what’s the meaning of a cup for my world? The so-called conquest is to conquer the world little by little by one’s own efforts. This is the real conquest! The Holy Grail is just the first step in my goal. .”

Iskandar said so, this guy is a thorough pragmatist rather than an idealist, he prefers to move forward step by step towards the goal rather than sit back and enjoy it.

Looking at Iskandar like this, Lin Ye also nodded silently.

“Sure enough, this is you.

In Lin Ye’s previous life, Iskandar’s popularity was not generally high, but I have to say that Iskandar’s bearing can really give people a good impression.

However, the king on one side had a completely different idea.

“This approach is not the way of the king.”

The king’s way of my king and the conquering king are completely different, her king’s way is to protect. If the conquest of Iskander is the sharpest sword, then the guardian of my king is the strongest shield.

Sword and shield are two opposites.

“My wish is to save Great Britain, which has been destroyed. If the Holy Grail can be done, use the Holy Grail. If the Holy Grail can’t, use the Dragon Ball. If the Dragon Ball can save even human beings, then the miracle I’m looking for will surely come true. .99

This is the wish of my king, to save the ruined Great Britain.

However, listening to my king’s words, Iskandar shook his head in front of him, and even Jin Twinkle on the side showed a mocking smile. After a long time, Iskandar looked at my king on the side and asked

“Saber, your Great Britain… perished under your rule.”

“That’s right.” My king nodded, “That’s why I want to go back to the past and change everything.

“Hahahahaha!” Jin Shining on the side finally couldn’t help laughing out loud, “A person who is called a king would regret his actions? It’s ridiculous.

“What’s so funny? My country has perished, does it surprise you that I want to save my country as a king?” My king doesn’t understand, and of course she doesn’t.

Two slave kings and one -kun master have different ideas, isn’t it normal to have disputes?

“Hahaha! Rider! Did you hear that? It’s ridiculous that this man known as the King of Knights has to sacrifice himself for his country.” With a smile, he looked at the Lion King who never said a word and asked, “By the way, there is another King Arthur here. What is your wish? It is also the Great Britain that will save you?”

Listening to Gilgamesh’s words, the Lion King, who was sitting quietly, also spoke indifferently.

“I don’t need the Holy Grail anymore, that kind of thing is useless to me now, and there is only one wish I want Dragon Ball to fulfill, and that is to unlock the thirteen restraints of the Holy Lance. 35

Lion Ochoku then said his wish Guy.

“Release the restraint? What is that?” Iskandar looked at the Lion King in front of him with incomprehension. Obviously, he couldn’t understand the secret of the holy spear at all.

The cold-hearted Lion King naturally wouldn’t tell him, but while looking at the doubtful Iskandar, Lin Ye explained it briefly.

“The holy spear is the body that maintains the “pillar of light” in this world. Because its power is too powerful, it has been restrained by thirteen paths to seal its power. Only (Nord Zhao) needs to liberate more than seven paths, and the power can reach A++-level anti-city Noble Phantasm, White Spear can exert 8 restraining powers to reach EX-level anti-city Noble Phantasm, and Lion King is already a combination of Arturia and Holy Spear, so it can play eleven. Constraints (only Merlin and Bedivere’s restraints cannot be undone), the power is equivalent to or even surpasses that of EX-rank Noble Phantasms, as for removing all thirteen restraints…” Having said this, Lin Ye also paused. Looking at the Lion King in front of him, he said, “If all restraints are lifted, this holy spear will return to a pillar of light that supports the world, its might… EX-class anti-star Noble Phantasm?”

Anti-star Noble Phantasm! A super powerful Noble Phantasm capable of destroying the entire surface! At this moment, even Jin Twinkle and Iskandar looked at the Lion King in front of them with different eyes.

It’s also King Arthur! This woman is so strong!!.

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