System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 130 Success Prophecy

Originally thought that the matter of Zimo had come to an end for the time being.

Who knows, an accident happened.

"Fourth sister-in-law!"

"Fourth sister-in-law!"

Jiang Feng was about to record Zimo's information into Yuanmeng Network when he heard someone shouting anxiously outside the door.

Zimo's grandmother ran out quickly.

The bad news made her paralyzed on the spot.

"The mine collapsed, and the fourth brother didn't come out!"

Jiang Feng hurried out and asked, "Where is the mine?"

"Over there! It's an hour's drive!"

After the man finished speaking, he realized that he didn't know Jiang Feng.

"Woo, Zimo, your grandpa must be gone!" Zimo's grandmother cried out after recovering from her breath.

There are more than a dozen people in the village who have accidents while digging coal.

In the past, it was privately contracted. They dug tunnels into the mountain by themselves and used wooden beams to bear the load. Often people died in landslides.

Later, a coal boss came to contract. I thought it was safe, but something happened.

"You lead the way!" Jiang Feng said to the messenger.

"I'll go too!" Grandma Zimo said, "I want to know the situation as soon as possible, and wait at home. I'm flustered."

Then let's go together, Jiang Feng took Zimo with him, and the group disappeared immediately.

Jiang Feng had already felt the panic somewhere thirty miles away.

The reason for asking the messenger to lead the way is just to find someone who is familiar with Zimo's grandfather.

In case something happens, there is someone who can take care of the aftermath.


There was chaos in the mine.

All the machines that can be dispatched are trying to find a way to open the rescue channel.

Ventilation, ventilation, drainage, and treatment of the wounded are the only purposes.

time is life.

The roads in this place are steep and bumpy.

Otherwise, it would not take an hour to drive for a mere thirty miles.

It is estimated that it will be several hours before the rescue from outside arrives.

Moreover, the place is small and the rescue equipment is not complete, so it is likely to be transferred from outside the province.

In other words, if the person in the accident did not die on the spot, he would have died due to being unable to wait for rescue, suffocation, starvation, serious injury, fear, disappointment...

"Hurry up!"

"The mine is not deep, only 120 meters! Hurry up and clean up the landslide, and be careful of the movement inside!"

A middle-aged man is directing with a walkie-talkie.

When Jiang Feng arrived, he saw this scene.

"How many people are trapped?"

"26! Hey, who are you?"

Jiang Feng didn't have time to introduce himself, and suddenly there was a sense of coercion from someone in power. He asked, "Are they all concentrated in one work area?"

Although he didn't know Jiang Feng's background, but judging by his appearance, he might be the son of some important family.

It is estimated that this matter cannot be hidden.

As the current highest-ranking commander in the mine, he immediately replied: "They are all in the same operation area, but..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that the man just now had disappeared.

In the safe area not far behind, there are a few dolls and a few adults waiting.

"Isn't that Lao Li's granddaughter and his wife?"

"Why did they arrive just after the accident?"

Before he turned around, he heard someone exclaim: "It's been rescued! People have been rescued!"

What was saved?
Ok? !what happened?

The commander found that dozens of workers who were buried or blocked in the mine tunnel had been rescued ten meters away.

Although several of them were lying down, it seemed that they were only injured and still alive.

"Huang Gong, there are 26 of them, one is quite a few, all of them have been rescued!"


Before Huang Gong could figure out what was going on, he realized that someone rushed past him.

"Grandpa, are you okay?!" It was Zimo.

"Ahem!" The person Zimo called grandpa was obviously frightened, and he hasn't recovered yet.

All he remembered was that they were trapped.

Just when I thought I would die like this, I heard a young voice asking, "Who is Zimo's grandfather?"

He quickly responded: "I am!"

When there was light in front of my eyes, I found that they had all come out.

He thought it was a hallucination before he died.

At this time, he heard Zimo calling him and felt a pair of warm little hands, so he asked, "Zimo? I'm still alive?"

"Woo, grandpa, you're fine!"

"It was that uncle who saved you!"

Zimo wiped away tears and pointed to Jiang Feng who had returned to his family.


Zimo was convinced that Jiang Feng was an immortal who came to save their family.

She wanted to kowtow to thank her, but found that she couldn't kneel down anymore.

The next second, he appeared in Jiang Feng's arms.

Jiang Feng said to her, "Uncle, you don't need to kneel."

Zimo's nose turned sour, tears fell again.

Is this the warmth from Dad?
She didn't feel it, she didn't know.

The people behind Zimo's grandfather saw Zimo appearing 30 meters away in an instant,
I completely believed it. The young figure who saved them just now was Jiang Feng.

They were still able to move, and they all knelt down...

Unfortunately, Jiang Feng and his family disappeared in an instant.

Also missing is Zimo's grandfather.

"Is this a divine apparition?"

"Are we really alive?"

"Not dead, we are saved!"

This scene had already been photographed with a mobile phone and uploaded to the Internet.

The figures of Jiang Feng's family were immediately spotted by interested people.

"Paralysis! As I said last time, where miracles happen, there must be Xia Yu's family!"

"Xia Yu is married to a Superman! This matter has been exposed!"

"I'm so awesome, this kind of thing that should be hidden from the whole world, I found out!"

And the "Huang Gong" at the scene immediately reported the situation to the town.

Then, someone from the town rushed to Zimo's grandmother's house immediately.

At this time, the ambulance and the police car also received the news, and they finally let go of their urgency and drove carefully.


Zimo's grandmother's house.

Her grandfather was lying on the bed, shaking all the time, frightened.

Jiang Feng found a calming pill from the treasure bag, and after Zimo's grandfather took it, the situation improved a lot.

"It's just frightened, just sleep and wake up, it will be fine."

Jiang Feng returned to the living room, "Zimo, come here."

The little girl walked up to Jiang Feng obediently.

Jiang Feng scanned her personal information into the system.

After teaching her to use it, I took her to experience it again.

"I've already set it up for you. If you want to come to see us and the puppies you have raised in the future, just follow the method I taught you, remember?"

Zimo nodded and said, "Uncle, I remember."

At this time, Zimo's grandmother came out with a wad of money, which seemed to be two or three thousand.

"This is a red envelope for the children."

She took out all the cash at home, including the six hundred that Jiang Feng gave her.

These puppies should be given to the children.

She knew that Jiang Feng's family was not short of money, but it shouldn't be a problem to give it out in the name of a red envelope.

However, Jiang Feng didn't let the children take it.

Zimo's grandmother was crying anxiously, so he said, "Then quickly thank grandma."

The six little guys were obedient and followed suit, and thanked in unison: "Thank you grandma."

But the next second, Jiang Feng left another sum of money and put it under Zimo's pillow.

"Let's go, let's go home first and come back later."

Jiang Feng gave the order, and the six little guys, each holding a puppy, said goodbye to sister Zimo.

"Sister, remember to come and play with us, my family has a big black dog, the size of a cow!"

"Sister, come to my house to play, I'll take you to ride a bee!"

Zimo suddenly felt that she was not alone anymore.

She is really happy to have such a cute child named her sister.

Although just now, Jiang Feng let her see a lot of things that she never dared to imagine,

But she still instinctively doubted the big black dog like a cow.

"Is there really a dog as big as a cow?"

"Can bees fly with people on their backs?"

Seeing that the young lady didn't believe his own words, Pidan hurried to Jiang Feng: "Daddy? Show me!"

Speaking of Dahei, Jiang Feng felt that it seemed that he could find a partner in a different place for him.

Otherwise, it would be boring to be surrounded by familiar dogs.

Moreover, these puppies will grow up under Dahei's protection in the future.

It is also a good thing for two big dogs to meet each other.

"Okay, let's take my sister back together, and send my sister back later."

After greeting Zimo's grandmother, they quickly disappeared.


Yunwu Village.

When Zimo's sight became clear, she found that she came to a strange place.

Feeling her calf being rubbed, she lowered her head and found that rhubarb had also come.



The new environment made Rhubarb a little nervous.

At this moment, Zimo heard the preserved egg call out "Dahei".

Then, a dog-like cow ran over cheerfully.

No, it's a big dog like a cow!

What a big dog like a cow!Preserved eggs did not lie to her.

"Sister Zimo, look, it is Dahei!"

"Dahei, look, we brought back six puppies, and you have to protect them from now on!"

"Woof!" Dahei agreed.

But this cry startled Zimo.

Jiang Feng quickly said: "Don't be afraid, Dahei is very obedient."

He took Zimo home together, but he heard Dahei muttering: "It's so cool, he suddenly became a stepfather!"

Rhubarb also quickly adapted to the environment.

The point is, it has the feeling of being a small bird in front of Dahei.

The two dogs, one big and one small, one black and one yellow, live in harmony.

Zimo felt relieved when she saw that the puppy she had raised had a safe new home.

It was late, she was worried about her family, and said that Jiang Feng would send her back after she came to play next time.


Zimo's grandmother's house, not long after they left, people came from the town.

He said he wanted to thank Jiang Feng.

But no one was seen.

Just as they were about to leave, they found that Zimo had returned.

The person next to her was naturally Jiang Feng.

The leaders of the town pay attention to current affairs and have already recognized that Jiang Feng is a hotly discussed figure in the recent news and on the Internet.

So, as soon as we met, he asked for help: "Mr. Jiang, can you help us?"

The leader said that the flood in May last year destroyed a bridge leading into and out of the town.

The funds are not in place, and the work has not started.

The common people are inconvenient to travel, and they have been scolding them for their inaction.

More urgently, a dormitory building at the elementary school collapsed.

Because there is not much profit and the construction period is tight, no engineering team is willing to do it.

"It's less than a month before school starts..."

Jiang Feng was actually unwilling to help with this kind of thing.

That is something within the scope of other people's responsibilities and should be handled by themselves.

But he thought that many students who had the same difficulties as Zimo had no place to live, so he was willing to help.

"Let's go! I'll help you once."

There are ready-made drawings for the bridge and the student dormitory.

Jiang Feng scanned into the system.

Then, in a few seconds, a three-hole bridge appeared on the originally empty river.

He added an extra building next to the student dormitory that originally only had three floors.

Lest not enough to live.

There are quite a few students in the fourth and fifth grades, who live in some old houses in the town together, looking worried.

"Zimo, remember to come and play with Little Pudding and the others. Uncle is going back first."

After Jiang Feng was busy with these things, he declined the banquet in the town, bid farewell to Zimo's family, and returned to Yunwu Village.

And what happened in this small town is being uploaded to the Internet at the fastest speed.

"Rescue people in the mine."

"Build houses and bridges in one second."

Yang Anbang, a real estate tycoon far away in the imperial capital, finally couldn't sit still.

"It seems that people really have this ability!"


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