System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 139 This is Happy Water

Go home.

Jiang Feng gathered the children together and said, "Go to the market at Zimo's sister's house, it might not be easy to sell these eels."

"Why, Daddy?" asked the cutie milkman.

"Think about it, if when you are very hungry, someone takes a chicken leg and exchanges it for the plane in your hand, will you exchange it?"

"I won't change it."

Cough, Jiang Feng choked for a moment, these little guys didn't follow the routine!

"What I'm talking about is, when you are very hungry, if you don't eat, you will be too hungry to speak, do you change?"

"Daddy, how could we be so hungry?"

"That's right, Daddy, with Daddy, Mommy, grandparents, and Aunt Qiqi, we won't go hungry."

"Hey... Is it possible that I want to make you hungry?"

"do not want!"

"Daddy, you dare to make us hungry, let's find grandma, or change to another daddy!"

Jiang Feng originally thought to use an analogy to let the children understand that resources are more valuable when they are scarce, and they can be sold at a better price.

Now, you can't bend around.

Just say it straight, kids are smart and understand.

"Okay, then Dad said this..."

"Most of the locals live in the small town where Zimo's sister lives. They don't think it's surprising that they often eat these things."

"Even if some people who work in the town want to eat, they won't pay much."

"So, we have to choose a better place, such as in the city."

The little milk guy asked: "Why?"

Jiang Feng explained: "It's just like us. When we lived in the city before, if we wanted to eat eels and loaches, could we just go to restaurants? Or go to the vegetable market to buy them?"

"We don't have a place to catch eels and loach like we did just now, so the price of loach will be more expensive."

"Besides, people in big cities are willing to spend more money."

Jiang Feng felt that he didn't explain well, but the little ones gave a few "oh" half-understanding.

"Also, loach and eel can't be sold for 100 yuan a piece, which is too expensive."

Preserved egg asked: "How much will it cost?"

Jiang Feng patiently explained: "It's sold by the catty. Eel can be sold for three to forty yuan per catty, and loach is more expensive, and it can be sold for fifty or sixty yuan."

"Daddy, how much is that a catty?"

Jiang Feng pointed to the eels in the bucket and said, "Like this big eel, three eels are worth a pound. The small ones need six or seven eels to make a pound."

"It takes twenty or thirty loaches to weigh a catty."

After listening to Jiang Feng's explanation, the little ones felt, "It doesn't seem like this will sell for much!"

Indeed, the total amount of eels in the bucket is estimated to be two catties.

There are a lot of loach, but the weight is only two or three catties.

"Then, are you still selling it?" Jiang Feng asked.

The little ones thought for a while and asked, "Daddy, we sell these loaches and eels, how many eggs can we buy from sister Zimo's house?"

Jiang Feng thought for a while, Zimo's eggs sold for one yuan and five ones, and thirty eggs could be sold for 45 yuan, which is about the price of a catty of eels.

After making a rough estimate, he said, "You can buy about two hundred eggs. Also, you can buy five or six puppies."

"Wow! So many!"

Although the little ones don't know how many two hundred eggs are, the number "two hundred" is still huge.

"Come on, Daddy, let's sell these loaches and eels!"


"Little Pudding, where are you going?"

He said he wanted to sell loach and eels, but Jiang Feng didn't choose to go out of town in the end.

"Just let the kids experience it."

Therefore, he chose the newly built vegetable market in Yunwu Village and sold it nearby.

But before he got close to the vegetable market, he was surrounded by fans of the little guys.

Little Pudding raised his chin and said seriously: "Let's go sell loach!"

"And eels!" Milk added.

Cute Bread asked with her adorable smile, "Brother, sister, do you want to buy it?"

As long as the little milk babies have a request, these fans who love them will support them.

They asked, "How do you sell it?"

At this time, the preserved eggs were the first to speak: "100 yuan a piece!"

"Ah? So expensive?"

"Is it expensive?"

"Not expensive not expensive!"

"Did you catch it yourself?"

"Yes, we have all become little clay figurines!"

The six little milk babies, as well as the equally handsome little boys behind them with special eyes, feasted the eyes of fans.

Besides, these are the loaches and eels that the cute babies caught with their own hands.

It seems that Xia Yu and her amazing husband also made a move.

This is the only one in the world.

How could it be too expensive? !

At this time, a heroic voice appeared: "I'll offer [-] million, and sell all these things to me, okay?"

"No!" said the pineapple, "Each person can only buy one piece. If you buy them all, no one else will be able to buy them!"

Pineapple turned around and asked Jiang Feng, "Daddy, how much is one hundred million?"

"Well... there are many, many, you can buy our house, and there are countless puppies."

When Jiang Feng explained, he looked at the person who had spoken just now.

It was a man who looked a few years younger than him.

Such an abnormal bid is either stupid or has other purposes.

Obviously, he is the latter.

information scan...

Oh I got it.

Jiang Feng pretended not to know, and saw how the children would deal with it.

Pi Dan ignored the person just now, and said, "Don't mess around, just line up like our kindergarten after school!"

Haha, my cub, not bad!

It's already a bit of a rush to see money as dung.

The young man looked embarrassed, but knowing the identity of Jiang Feng's family, he didn't dare to mess around.

He also obediently lined up.

However, the loach and eel were sold out, so it was not his turn.

Fans buy an eel or loach each, and support the six little milk babies with practical actions.

"Little prince, little princess, can I take a photo with you?" a fan asked expectantly.

Preserved egg still has safety awareness. He turned to look at Jiang Feng, and after getting Jiang Feng's nod of approval, he said, "Okay!"

"But you can't squeeze us!"

After the photos were taken, the fans left satisfied.

The loaches and eels they bought were also released into the river.


"Daddy, we are amazing!"

Preserved Dan said braggingly, "Dad, look, I can sell it for 100 yuan a piece. If I sell it at a catty..."

Having said that, the little guy didn't even say anything.

But that expression clearly disliked Jiang Feng's inability to do business.

Jiang Feng was a little helpless.

Ma De, with the support of fans, it is impossible for children to be exposed to the principles of normal trading.

However, it seems that it is not necessary.

Their starting point is already the end point that many people can't reach in their entire lives.

No way, it's not something they can control.

It's just that today's educational goals have not been achieved.

The six little guys, each holding red money in their hands, were so happy that they were jumping as they walked.

Little Pudding also started singing:

I am invincible, invincible cutie,

Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's a little bit bad...

Preserved eggs became even more arrogant, with their hips crossed and legs straddled, walking swaggeringly, humming:

I am, this one, this one, the prettiest cub!
When you walk, you must swagger!

Those six divine beasts also sang along!
Soon, this became an arrogant chorus.

Jiang Feng asked a certain unicorn: "How can you sing?"

The unicorn replied: "We are very capable of learning!"

It's over, I feel that these two types of beasts get together and will get out of control in the future.

"Daddy, we have money!" Pi Dan said, "I want to drink happy water!"

Just drink it, just in moderation.

Jiang Feng agreed: "Go to the supermarket to buy!"

After a while, the little guys had the drinks they wanted to drink in their hands.

Even the six unicorns each took a bottle of happy water under the "coercion" of their little master.

"Bah!" The bottle cap was unscrewed.

The little beast tried it.


"Hiss~ ah!" His mouth was numb, very comfortable.



Suddenly, Jiang Feng discovered that the unicorns appeared drunk one by one, and then, with a "crash", they all turned back into unicorns.

"Hi! Master, is this fairy dew? Or spiritual liquid?"

"There was a huge amount of energy in our stomachs, and we couldn't hold back in an instant!"

Jiang Feng replied: "Haha, this is soda, not some fairy dew or spiritual liquid. If you like it, drink as much as you want, and how much you have!"

"Really?" said the unicorn. "That's great! I've just drank a bottle and I feel full of strength. It would be great if I could drink it every day!"

Next to Jiang Feng and Xia Yu, six tall and handsome white horses suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

"This is a white horse?"

"Why is there...Wo Chao on his head! Is it a unicorn?"

"It shouldn't be. It's just a prop horn installed on the forehead of the white horse. There are many scenic spots."

"However, these white horses are too white!"

"Look, Pi Dan and the others, how did they fly onto the horse's back?"

"What's so strange about this, haven't we also flown on bees?"

"Didn't you find out? Where are the slightly older children just now?"

"...Could it be... those white horses?"

"I'll be good, White Dragon Horse?"

Amid these people's discussions and guesses, Jiang Feng walked back slowly with his family.

What made him dumbfounded was that those unicorns also seemed to have gone crazy.

Even carrying six little milk babies on their backs, they walked the "Yangko step."

Shake to the left, shake to the right, or just take a few steps, or shake your head...

"It's another nest of monsters!"

"Is there no one in this family who is more serious and calm?"

Xia Yu feels that it won't be long before he becomes a member of the "crazy".

Beside her, Jiang Feng was silently turning on the system to settle the task.

"This time, what kind of prize will be drawn?"

Jiang Feng glanced at the six divine beasts. With them around, there should be good luck!


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