System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 142 Don't Compete With Dad

For small puddings, the salt and pepper loach is very fragrant and crisp.

The eel meat rolled into small rollers is also delicious.

But what she likes more is Coke Chicken Wings.

Prick it with a fork, and chew it when you bring it to your mouth.

Although I often stick the sauce on my nose and cheeks, I don't care about it anymore.

She likes the soft and sweet taste of the chicken.

"Daddy, you make Coke chicken wings for me every day, okay?"

Worried that Jiang Feng would not agree, Little Pudding hurriedly expressed his opinion, "I promise, I won't talk about changing Dad in the future!"

Not wanting to affect the child's mood when eating, Jiang Feng immediately said: "Okay! As long as you like to eat!"

No matter how delicious something is, eating it every once in a while is delicious.

If you eat it every day, you will collapse.

However, children may be different. She likes a dish, and she is willing to eat that dish all the time, as if she won't get bored.

At this time, the preserved egg also said: "Daddy, this soup is delicious, like milk, for nothing!"


Jiang Feng saw that the milk cutie smiled, as if to say, am I really that white?

Preserved Egg seemed to have noticed it too, and Milk's cute reaction immediately explained: "Milk, I'm not talking about you, it's the kind of milk we drink."

Embarrassed, the milk cutie immediately changed his face, "Huh!"

She tore at the chicken wings to show her displeasure.

Such a young child knows how to love beauty.

Jiang Feng thought of himself. When he was six or seven years old, he was bathing in the river with his butt naked, so he didn't care about it.

He also discovered that the little Coke baby across the table would probably be a warm boy when he grew up.

I saw Coke picked out Coke chicken wings and crucian carp soup from the table of good dishes, and asked, "Daddy, how do you make this?"

Jiang Feng asked him back: "Do you want to learn?"

"I don't study, I just ask."

"Uh..." Jiang Feng couldn't answer for a while. It seems that Nuan Nan came to his conclusion too early!

Still, he explained.

"This is called crucian carp tofu soup. When mother gave birth to you, you should drink it often!"

As he said that, Jiang Feng glanced at Xia Yu intentionally. He must have drank a lot of crucian carp soup, or else...

Well, the granary is sufficient, and there is no fear of famine.

Xia Yu found out that there was something in this guy's words, so he threw a sharp look at him!

Speak your business seriously!

"The recipe of this soup looks very simple, but the soup made by many people is not white!"

"The reason, I'll talk about it later. Let me talk about the method first."

"The crucian carp doesn't need to be too big, just three or four will do. There are so many people in our family, and we only put three."

"Heat the pan first, don't put too much oil, and fry the crucian carp on both sides until golden."

"Then, here comes the key point!"

Jiang Feng "knocked on the blackboard" and said, "Release the water! If you want the final boiled soup to be as white as milk, you must release the water."

"After the soup is boiled to milky white, you can add some salt and chopped green onion, and take it out of the pot."

"Also, during the cooking process, the fat from fried fish will float on the soup. At this time, just scoop it up with a spoon."

This process is very simple, just fry the fish, add boiling water to cook, add salt and sprinkle chopped green onion, and it's done.

Finding that Coke listened very seriously, Jiang Feng said Coke Chicken Wings again.

"For the convenience of flavoring, cut a few knife marks on the chicken wings."

Coke must not know what a "knife flower" is, Jiang Feng gestured with his hand, "Just use a knife to make a few cuts on the chicken wings like this."

"Add soy sauce and soy sauce cooking wine, and marinate ginger and garlic for 10 minutes."

"Similarly, after frying the chicken wings until golden brown, add cola and simmer."

"Pay attention here, the fire should not be too big, and the situation in the pot should be observed frequently, so as not to burn the pot."

"After it's out of the pot, sprinkle some white sesame seeds or something, and it's done."


Jiang Feng finished speaking.

Xia Yu also asked, "How did you make this eel?"

When she saw an eel, she thought of a snake.

But after Jiang Feng processed it, there were no bones in the eel meat, and it tasted soft and tender.

It turned out to be delicious.

So, she asked curiously.

Who knew, Preserved Egg and Coke immediately ran over and whispered in her ear: "Mommy, don't learn."

Xia Yu asked with puzzled eyes.

Preserved egg held her ears in both hands, and kept his eyes on Jiang Feng.

"Daddy, you are not allowed to eavesdrop!"

"Coke, you block Daddy!"

Coke moved when he heard the sound, and immediately used his small body to block between Xia Yu and Jiang Feng.

At this time, the preserved egg said: "Mum, if you learn it, Daddy will let you cook!"

As he said that, he glanced at Jiang's father and said, "You see, grandma rarely cooks. Grandpa does all the cooking."


Xia Yu couldn't hold back anymore, the two little guys she gave birth to were really too cute.

"Okay, Mommy won't ask."

Haha, the child's father, you will suffer from it in the future.

Although the preserved egg was almost breathing, Jiang Feng certainly heard it.

With your little thoughts, can you stop me?
Big deal, I transferred a few chefs from the hotel, and figured out what to eat every day.

Should I do it myself?
Want me to follow in Father Jiang's footsteps?
There are no doors!

Preserved eggs and Coke didn't know that Jiang Feng had already heard their secret.

The two of them saw that after Mommy had listened to his words, she walked back to her seat contentedly.

"Preserved egg, can you talk to grandma?"

Mother Jiang gave a signal, and the two little guys ran to grandma again.

"Grandma, let's let Mommy learn from you!"

"Huh?" Mother Jiang almost asked, "What can you learn from me?"

Sensing that Mama Jiang's reaction was a bit violent, Pi Dan's small hands immediately covered Mama Jiang's mouth, and turned to look at Jiang Feng.

After confirming that Jiang Feng didn't seem to respond, he said, "Let's let Mommy be like grandma, and instruct Dad to cook in the future!"


Mother Jiang swallowed her saliva.

Hey, I don't know if my role model is good or not?

Well done grandkids though!

You father with a bad stomach should be treated!

Seeing that Jiang's mother had glanced at him, Jiang Feng immediately looked up and said through voice transmission, "Old lady, you are such a good example!"

He gave Father Jiang another sympathetic look.

Father Jiang was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter, is there something wrong with my face?"

"Hehe, no, no, eat!"


Quiet night.

Jiang Feng lay on the bed, sorting out the rewards he had won during the draw.

The matter of Yunwu Mountain Manor needs to be accelerated.

In addition, there are several things waiting to be done.

For example, it's time to give Xia Yu a complete wedding.

Her parents have both gone abroad, and they haven't seen each other often in recent years. Moreover, she has a half-brother who is relatively untidy.

Therefore, although Xia Yu also wants to live with her parents.

But with that brother around, she finally had to choose to stay in the country alone and take care of the child by herself.

These are family matters, find a time and take care of them.

As for the few blockbusters he threw, the purpose was not to cause panic.

Instead, I want to use the special resources in my hands to make some supplements for the future life of my family.

With Marshal Mu, it can be regarded as protection by force and reserve of rights.

Others are considered economic security.

After all, one's own wealth cannot be completely separated from the system.

Just in case.

"In terms of manor construction, let's take a look at what plates are currently owned, first build the manor, and see what this big gift package will be!"

With this in mind, Jiang Feng called out the prize warehouse...

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