System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 161 The Time Has Not Come

Seeing the joy of the children,

Jiang Feng was also very happy.

The little ones look forward to their new home,
The main reason is that there is a new environment to live in.

Moreover, it is filled with all kinds of fun projects.

They are anxious to see the strange and weird.

But he was different. The system said that after the Yunwu Mountain Town was built, he would receive a big gift package.

This big gift bag has a lot to do with it.

Will the abilities he acquired himself disappear?
If the ability will disappear, will the benefits that have been obtained still exist?
At present, various tourism projects supported by his special abilities,
Including the special exercises taught to Sun Qiqi and the others, can they be kept?
During this time, these questions have been lingering in his mind.

For this reason, he made two-handed preparations.

One is to help Marshal Mu build a protective network and build a strong team.

The second is to obtain benefits and promises from people like Yang Dingbang, and add another layer of economic security to the family.

So, now that the town has taken shape, he is very happy and looking forward to it.

Because it is getting closer and closer to getting the big gift bag and getting the answers to the questions in my heart.

"Beauty of the system, when can I get the big gift bag?"

Soon, the system responded.

[When the time comes, it will naturally happen. 】

"Grandma, can't you give a slightly clearer explanation?"

[When you have completed all the projects and brought your children to experience the cool tricks, the distance to get the big gift bag is getting closer and closer. 】

【Enjoy it, don't worry! 】

Well, didn't get a definitive answer though.

But at least there is a clearer scope.

Then complete the construction of the town, let the family have a good experience, and then put it into use and open it to the outside world.

It is estimated that within a few days, the wish can be realized.

"Daddy, can we start?"

Jiang Feng said he was going to start the game, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement. Little Pudding was in a hurry and raised his head to urge him.

"Okay, let's play for a while, start the ejection!" Jiang Feng replied immediately after recovering.

Little Pudding hadn't heard this word before, so he asked curiously: "Daddy, what is catapult start?"

Jiang Feng didn't bother to explain seriously, he made a few ups and downs with his hands,

At the same time, he said: "It's like a frog, it pops out after a few hops!"

He turned to Xia Yu again and said, "Wait a minute, you jump like frogs, or run forward and jump up!"

"Of course, if you want to be beautiful, you can fly up on your toes just like in costume dramas."

"Daddy, we're ready, let's get started!"

Under Jiang Feng's command, the six little guys stood apart.

The four little girls love beauty and only make the starting posture.

Preserved eggs and Coke squatted on the ground like little frogs.

Jiang Feng shouted: "Get ready! Let's go!"

When the little guys heard the order, they screamed and ran with their short legs.

Preserved eggs and Coke also jumped from a squatting position.

Pi Dan thought, the harder he tried, the higher he would jump.

So, like a frog, he put his hands on the ground to help.

When he stepped hard, he found that he was like a spring, and suddenly bounced into the sky.

How high it is, he doesn't know.

But he found that the steps under the belly seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

"Wow, I can jump so high!" Preserved Egg shouted excitedly.

As soon as the words fell, he realized that something was wrong.

After the frog jumps to the highest point, it will fall forward and downward.

And now, he is in the process of falling.

Seeing that the ground is getting closer and closer, I feel like I will hit the ground like a watermelon.

Preserved egg hurriedly shouted: "Daddy! Help!"

However, the expected impact did not happen.

Preserved egg found himself hanging on the ground in a strange posture.

His head was a little swollen, and his nose could already smell the dust on the ground.

Huh?Why is my head low and my feet high, feeling like I was stuck when I was doing somersaults.

"Daddy, why are you upside down?" Preserved Egg held his breath and asked with difficulty.

Jiang Feng laughed and said, "Haha, now your feet are facing up and your head is facing down. Tell me, who is upside down?"

Before Preserved Egg figured out what was going on, he felt the strength supporting him suddenly disappear.

Then, he became a little ball and rolled on the ground with a thud.

"Bah bah! Dad, didn't you sweep the floor? Why is there dust?!"

The little preserved egg patted the dust on his body, and said with a smile: "It's fun!"

Then, he squatted down again, and did another toad jump.

Xia Yu's side, of course, is much more immortal.

She imitated Sun Qiqi and the others, ran forward a few steps, and after getting inertia, she stared hard.

With a flick, she flew up and forward.

After drawing an arc and flying to the highest point, it landed forward and downward.

Falling down from a height of seven or eight meters, the strong inertia will definitely cause her to break her leg.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng let her experience the feeling of rising and falling at a constant speed.

When she landed, she took another step forward and flew up again.

After three ups and downs, she was already a hundred meters away.

This feeling is so familiar. This is the scene where Wia is hanging on the stage when filming a costume drama.

But it is more free than Diaowia.

It's as if, I have this ability myself, and I can control the flight trajectory as I like.

"very nice!"

"It's no wonder that when they were young, so many children liked to fantasize about being able to do light work, flying over walls, and superficially skimming water."

"This feeling of being free from the grip of the earth's gravity is really special."

When Xia Yu was sighing in his heart, he found a warm and powerful hand and grabbed him.

It was Jiang Feng who followed.

"Take you to fly!"

After Jiang Feng said these three words, he floated down to the ground with Xia Yu.

Then, lightly tap the forefoot on the ground, and take off again.

This time, they flew over a distance of 500 meters.

"How does it feel?"

Jiang Feng asked Xia Yu, "Do you know why there is the word 'immortal couple'?"

"Immortals can fly through the air, just like me now, wherever I want to go, I can go there with just a few leaps."

Or ride the clouds and fog steadily, or fly with the sword.

In short, free and unrestrained. "

"Nonsense, is that what the gods and couples mean?"

Although Jiang Feng was using idioms indiscriminately at this time, he was indeed right.

If a person can get rid of the shackles of gravity, he can fly hundreds of meters away with just a single bounce.

It's really comfortable.

Fortunately, she has experienced it now.

With 99 steps, with Jiang Feng's assistance, the family flew from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain in a few ups and downs.

Seeing the neat streets and super distinctive modern buildings in front of him, Jiang Feng heard the six little guys exclaim together.

"Wow, Dad is so beautiful!"

Jiang Feng deliberately said: "Dad is not as beautiful as Dad, but Dad is more handsome!"

"Heck, daddy is stinky!"

"Daddy, it's already up, let's ride a horse!"


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