System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 193 Daddy's Craft

In the mountains.

Jiang Feng and the six cuties rode white horses slowly through the mountains.

The little preserved egg asked: "Daddy, it's just a spinning top, why did you come to the mountains?"

Jiang Feng explained: "Because if you want to make a good spinning top, the selection of wood is very important."

At this time, the curiosity of "Xueba" Little Milk came up: "Dad, what's the difference between a good spinning top and a bad spinning top?"

Jiang Feng explained: "A good spinning top spins steadily and won't break easily.

This involves the selection of wood.

First, the wood should not be too soft, but it should not be too hard.

Second, it is not easy to crack. "

Jiang Feng's words left room for questioning.

He wanted to see if the children would think of any problems.

The result did not disappoint him.

Little Pudding continued to ask: "Why can't the wood be too soft?"

Jiang Feng explained patiently: "If it is too soft, it will easily break if bumped."

"Then why can't it be too hard?"

"Because we use a hatchet to cut the top by hand, without the help of a machine.

If the wood is too hard, it will be very difficult to sharpen. "

Little Milk raised his hand and said, "Then I know, if the wood is easy to crack, then the top is also easy to break, right, Daddy?"

Jiang Feng gave Little Milk a thumbs-up and said, "You're smart, you're right!"

He asked again: "Actually, you can't choose wood that is too soft, and you can't choose wood that is too easy to crack. There is another important reason for this.

Guess what? "

The little ones started to use their brains.

However, they don't have this life experience, so the answers are varied, but they don't get to the point.

Jiang Feng had no choice but to announce the answer: "Because, when Dad played spinning tops when he was young, there would be a spinning top competition."

The little preserved egg said: "Who's top spins longer?"

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "This is a way.

Because, if the top is made of harder wood, it will be heavier, and when it is turned, it will be more stable and durable. "

"However..." Jiang Feng changed the subject and said, "This has nothing to do with how easy the wood is to crack."

The six little milk babies couldn't think of it now, and turned their heads, waiting for Jiang Feng's answer.

Jiang Feng said: "Because we are going to fight with tops, if the wood is too soft, it will be easily broken and split in two."

"Spinning top fight?" Little Preserved Egg and Little Coke were more interested in these words.

Jiang Feng continued: "The top we are going to cut is in the shape of a gourd, which is more beautiful.

After the top is cut, we will pinch off an iron nail and drive the iron nail into the pointed end of the top, which is the place similar to the mouth of a gourd.

Because we are racing on muddy ground, it is easier to turn on the soil layer with the top after the iron nails.

One of them pumped the top to spin first,

The other person holds his own spinning top, and at the same time throws it at someone else's spinning top, and at the same time makes the spinning top spin. "

Jiang Feng probably finished explaining the process, and reminded the little milk babies: "Think about it, if the wood is easy to crack,

A nail hits its head, and it's either chipped or split in two, right? "

"Oh, so that's what happened!"

The little milk babies suddenly realized, although they still couldn't imagine what the specific scene would be like.

At this time, the little preserved egg said with a smile: "Daddy, wait a minute, shall we fight with the top?"

"Yes, but this is a dangerous activity. You can't play it yourself. Daddy will show it to you."

"Papa papa." The little ones applauded and said "OK".

Jiang Feng reminded again: "Also, if you just want the spinning top to spin steadily and for a long time, you can also use thumbtacks instead of iron nails."

Now, the little pineapple asked: "If you don't use nails or thumbtacks, is it okay?"

"of course can."

Jiang Feng was very satisfied with the questions of the little milk babies.

Because they all asked the point.

It's nice to show that they're involved.

But he immediately reminded: "It is not necessary to put nails or thumbtacks.

However, in this way, when the gyro rotates on the concrete floor, it is easy to wear off the end that touches the ground.

In other words, even if it is not cracked, it will break after we play for a few days. "

"Oh, so, Daddy, we know!"


After getting off the horse, Jiang Feng simply found a small tree beside the path.

Little Pudding asked, "Daddy, can this little tree be used as a spinning top?"

"Yes." Jiang Feng explained, "This is an acorn forest, and the wood is moderately soft and hard.

However, it also has a disadvantage. When the moisture in the wood becomes less and less, it will crack. "

Jiang Feng knew that the little milk babies would definitely ask again, didn't they just say that you can't use wood that is easy to split?

So, he quickly explained: "We just played it a few times, so it doesn't matter if it can't be kept for a long time."

After finding suitable wood, Jiang Feng took the little milk babies and returned home soon.

In the yard, a small firewood block was made as a sleeper, and Jiang Feng started to work.

Six little milk babies each took a small stool and surrounded him as an audience.

In the audience, of course, Dahei, the six puppies, and the six little squirrels were also indispensable.

Little Bread remembered that just now Jiang Feng said that the spinning top should be shaped like a gourd, so she asked, "Daddy, what are the shapes of the spinning top?"

Jiang Feng continued to move his hands, and replied, "The more common ones are gourd-shaped and conical."

The purpose of Jiang Feng cutting the top is to let the children broaden their horizons and add some fun.

Therefore, he introduced the whole production process to the children step by step.

"Look carefully, since one end of the spinning top is big and the other end is small,
So in order to save trouble, we try to pick straight wood from the beginning, and one end is large, and the other end is slightly smaller. "

After saying this sentence, he suddenly realized that it seemed like nonsense.

Trees grow from the roots upwards, don't they all gradually become smaller?
But it doesn't matter, what you want to express is that meaning.

He continued: "If you want to make a top larger, choose a larger piece of wood, and if you want a smaller one, choose a smaller piece of wood.

Today we are going to make a gourd-shaped spinning top.

So, let's cut out the head of the gourd first.

It should be cut round so that it looks good. "

Jiang Feng operated while talking.

After deciding which piece of wood to choose, he cut the wood into a piece of wood about one foot long.

Cut the thicker end on the wooden pier, and cut out a rough circular outline first.

Then, holding the wood in the left hand and the knife in the right hand, the head of the gourd is rounded.

"Be careful here,
Although it is a gourd-shaped top, one end should be larger and the other end should be smaller, but pay attention to the ratio of size and length.

If the head is the size of a basketball and the mouth is the size of an egg, the spinning top will not be able to stand stably. "

After cutting the head of the gourd, he began to cut the mouth of the gourd again.

It took half an hour before and after Jiang Feng whittled two tops.

He found two more iron nails, clipped off the cap of the iron nails, and knocked them into the mouth of the gourd.

"It's done!"

Jiang Feng handed the two small spinning tops to the little milk babies.

The little ones were overjoyed.

"Wow, Dad is better than you, the shaved top looks so good!"

"Daddy, I found that I admire you more and more!"

"Haha!" Jiang Feng loved to hear these words.

At this time, Little Preserved Egg suddenly asked: "Daddy, the top is very beautiful. But how do you make it spin?"

"Yo, I forgot!" Jiang Feng slapped his forehead and said, "Two whips are missing!"

He found two cloth strips, tied the cloth strips to two small wooden sticks, and wet the cloth strips completely.

Little Milk discovered his behavior and asked why.

Jiang Feng explained: "Wet the cloth, so that it will be more vigorous to swing, and it will be easier to twitch the spinning top."

As he spoke, he took a spinning top from the preserved egg, and wrapped the strip of cloth around the gourd's waist in one direction.

He also bent down himself, so that the spinning top had a suitable distance from the ground.

Then, he threw the top out, and at the same time quickly drew back the rope in his hand.


The moment the iron nail touched the concrete floor, there were several crisp sounds.

When the top turns, it makes a steady "humming" sound.

"Crack! Crack!" Jiang Feng waved the cloth strip in his hand, and lashed the spinning top's waist a few more times.

The fast-spinning top was fixed at one point, as if it had taken root.

The little babies immediately cheered, "Wow, it looks so good!"

Little Pudding was curious and wanted to reach out and touch the spinning top.

Jiang Feng pulled her back into his arms from the air, and said, "The top is not an acorn. After it spins, it has great force. If you touch it with your hands, it will hurt you."

Little Pudding stayed in Jiang Feng's arms, looked at his fingers, and said, "Then I won't touch them anymore, my hands are tender and tender, don't let them get hurt."

"Tender and tender?"

Such an adjective, shouldn't the little guy know how to say it himself?

Little Pudding explained: "Grandma said it. Grandma said that my hands and my face are both tender and tender!"

No wonder!
It's also strange that the little guys are talking more and more like adults.


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