System: I was surrounded by six cute babies at the beginning

Chapter 90

When Jiang Feng's family enjoys parent-child time warmly,
In a certain boundless jungle abroad, a tracking and hunting operation is going on.

It was pouring rain.

Two figures covered in camouflage, almost blending into the forest, are hiding on a thick tree.

The man with a strong body said to the little man beside him: "Xiaohu, concentrate and observe carefully, and then tell me what you find."

Xiaohu didn't speak, he observed the environment vigilantly.

The heavy rain affected his sense of smell, his vision was not very good, and his hearing was also affected.

Fortunately, in the dark night, he could see six red dots moving about two kilometers in front of the left, and three kilometers ahead of the red dots, another team of dense red dots was rushing to help.

Thirty kilometers further ahead is the family's base camp.

And on the right side, those abnormal red dots are still not far or near.

Xiaohu recounted what he saw to the man beside him.

"Second uncle, if you don't do anything, they will join the reinforcements."

These two people are Lao Zhang's son Zhang Xiaotian and grandson Zhang Xiaohu.

After a big battle two days ago, Zhang Xiaotian took Professor Jiang Feng's five people to track down this residual force all the way.

After killing here, there are only six opponents left.

In fact, at this time, he was mainly training Zhang Xiaohu.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohu said again: "Second Uncle, why don't those people who have been following us get rid of them?"

"Don't worry." Zhang Xiaotian said unhurriedly, "Let's see what they are going to do first."

About 2 minutes later, Zhang Xiaotian patted Zhang Xiaohu on the shoulder, and the figures of the two disappeared from the tree immediately.

When they reappeared, they were already standing on a hill not far from the two teams.

"Only forty or so people, let's do it!"

After the remnants of the defeated general joined the reinforcements, they thought they had finally escaped.

Unfortunately, before they had time to be happy, fear suddenly surged from the bottom of their hearts.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

There was a sudden burst of gunfire in the forest.

It's a pity that they couldn't find the target, they were just fighting randomly.

Two ghostly figures slashed horizontally and vertically in their team.

Soon, more than forty well-equipped special forces were all eliminated.

The two snipers 800 meters away knew that their men were being attacked, but they couldn't even locate their opponents.

When they finally found the figure of their opponent, two black and heavy knives were already resting on their necks...


"Their base camp, come back next time."

Having dealt with this group of enemies, Zhang Xiaotian took Zhang Xiaohu and ran towards the mysterious people who had been following them for a day.


"The eight people are not like soldiers, but they are masters."

"Second Uncle, how come they are like cheetahs, they can quickly jump on branches more than ten meters high, and they can also run and jump between big trees?"

"I don't know either, this is the first time I've met such a person."

After observing for a while and confirming that all the other party members were there, Zhang Xiaotian decided to show up.

At this time, he found that there were many red dots moving fast, rushing towards those people.

Based on years of living experience in the jungle, Zhang Xiaotian judged that what came was a pack of wolves.

It's just that this pack of wolves seems to be a little abnormal.

Listening attentively, the uncle and nephew quickly understood what these people were doing.

"Judging from these few fights, they are very fast, and we may not be able to catch them."

"After the wolves arrived, I am going to ambush them on the way they must retreat. I want to see how powerful they are."

"There are only two people in this team, and one of them is a new recruit. The other four are more than 60 kilometers away from here, and our people also blocked their way."

"So, here, the pressure is the least."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaotian understood that this was undoubtedly the enemy.

As for the identity of the other party and the reason for doing this, you will know after arresting two people for interrogation.

"Xiaohu, these people are stronger than those just now, don't be careless, go all out, one hit will kill!"

"Understood, Second Uncle."

The two uncles and nephews held the big knife in their hands steadily, and rushed towards the enemy in an instant...


It was also a rainy night in the imperial capital.

Based on the information gathered by his subordinates, Ni Tiancai discovered that those jungle experts were also in contact with Jiang Feng.

"The son and grandson of a director, who were unknown before, have actually made a big splash in these few battles after meeting Jiang Feng?"

"Yunwu Village, he set up a scenic spot out of nowhere?"

"He has the financial strength, but the information on the Internet shows that in half a day..."

"What the hell is going on here?"

"I really can't figure it out!"

"These are real reinforced concrete buildings, not children's building blocks!"

The boss who has been in the rivers and lakes for decades can't figure out the details of a brat.

How can this make the boss not feel aggrieved?
At this time, the subordinate reported: "Boss, the group of people sent to the jungle have also been reimbursed."

"what's the situation?"

"They divided into two groups, and with the assistance of two packs of wolves, they set up cards to test the six people, but...the whole army was wiped out."



The subordinates explained: "The team responsible for transmitting the information just rushed over to confirm the scene. The other party has always used a big knife and did not use a gun."

"Are there any casualties on the other side?"

"This...can't be confirmed yet."

"Confirm the news, let me know as soon as possible!"

Ni Tiancai was not in a good mood, he got up and went back to his room, and began to think about the problem.

He originally thought that these six people who appeared suddenly would be another kind of strange person.

Unexpectedly, it still has something to do with Jiang Feng.

Moreover, it was just a one-sided relationship, but Jiang Feng could make him so powerful!
Could it be that he also secretly developed genetic potions?
The result is still more advanced than mine?

If this is the case, this person will be my biggest opponent, at least in China.

"I have to find a time to meet this young man..."


On Jiang Feng's side.

The children fell asleep.

Xia Yu had a sleepover with him.

"ask you a question?"

Jiang Feng refused to cooperate and said, "Wouldn't it be a waste of such a beautiful time to ask questions?"

Xia Yu pinched him and said, "Be serious, I'm telling you something serious!"

Jiang Feng had no choice but to be serious for the time being, "You don't want to ask, you and my mother fell into the river at the same time, right?"

Xia Yu didn't bother with him, and directly asked the question.

"You tried to hide these strange things before, why did you suddenly choose to disclose part of them now?"

What Xia Yu was referring to was that Jiang Feng asked people to film so many strange things and agreed to post them on the Internet. Moreover, he did not hide his identity.

Jiang Feng said: "Do you still remember the question that Mom was worried about?"

"Mom said that with a father like me who has seen so many strange things with the children, in the future, I am afraid that the children will become aliens in the eyes of others, be isolated and excluded."

Xia Yu knew that if he didn't answer, Jiang Feng would continue.

So, she listened quietly.

"This reminds me of some special children."

"In their minds, there must be a world that others cannot understand. Therefore, others will find them strange and be regarded as aliens."

"It's the same with our children, if I always take them quietly and experience all kinds of wonderful things."

"When they go back to school, back to their daily lives, they will definitely be happy to share their experiences."

"But these experiences, in the eyes of those who have not seen these wonders with their own eyes, are just whimsical."

"Children have experienced it themselves, and of course they will not let others laugh at them, and they will insist on telling their own stories."

"But in this way, they really become aliens."

"So, I want more people to experience these wonderful things."

Let them be a part of it, and when the kids bring it up, everyone will say 'I played it too', or 'I saw it too'. "

"They will share their knowledge and feelings together."

"Instead of looking at our children like looking at monsters, and saying 'brag'."

"That Mr. Ma, who is not interested in money, was also considered a liar when he started his business?"

"Because many people at that time had no concept of the Internet, they could not understand the Internet world in Mr. Ma's mind."

"So, he can only be seen as a liar."

"What I want to do now is to make the children's unique experience something that ordinary people can experience."

"When it becomes the norm, no one finds it strange."

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Xia Yu finally understood that this guy, even when he was with the children, was never doing right.

But in his heart, he really had the children's growth and future in mind.

Xia Yu suddenly wanted to get angry, and said, "Bald Qiang, you took the trouble, thank you!"

Jiang Feng was puzzled: "Bald-headed strong?"

Xia Yu emphasized: "The bald head is strong."

"Bald Strong."

"Bald Strong!"

When two people come and go, just repeat these three words.

Slowly, certain special emotions spread little by little...

Lights out, sleep.

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