Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 35: War games, and Falling a second time~.

While I was waiting for Sirzechs, I started to pass the time by fooling around with my Black Water. First I just formed some random shapes, but then got bored and decided to see how much my Waters have changed from the infusion of Grimm.


I was about to make some more animals, when I had a better idea. I moved over to Sirzechs desk, and created a puddle on top of it. With but a thought, tens of little people started to form and climb out of the pool. They all looked like the little green army men toys but black, highly detailed, no solid plastic connecting their feet and with Grimm Masks.


After they were done forming, which only took several seconds at most, they separated into two groups of 20 and all stood at attention towards me. Looking over them, they all had a rather impressive assortment of weapons. While I couldn’t exactly tell the details because of how small they were, you could see all sorts of guns, launchers and support items.


I had the remaining Waters morph into a little flag, and had the rest form some bleachers on the far side of the desk that faced me and the flag.


Artoria: “Show me war, over this flag. You each have 10 lives, after you die a 10th time, watch the fighting from the little bleachers.”


They all stomped their right foot in sync while saluting me with their right hands, before rushing off to the sides of their “bases.” Each base was simply a stack of paper and the area between them was wide open. When I saw they were all ready, I gave the mental command to start. And what I saw unfold before me, showed me how I had vastly underestimated my new control and ability with my Black Water.


It was a legitimate war going on in front of me. While there was no sound of gunfire or shouts, you could hear all the splashing from the Waters changing and reacting to what was going on. 


Each team had a single sniper, who was legitimately sniping, from across the desk. They had shock troopers, riot shield users, and shotgun rushers. They even had noobtubers and launchers going off. It was amusing to see the explosions go off, as it was kind of like watching water balloons pop.


‘Hell, they even got land mines, claymores, C-4 and grenades. This is awesome.’


Each time one of them would die, they’d turn back into a tiny puddle of Black Water, that would race back to its “base” and reform. Any water from explosions or missed bullets would also just hitch a ride on the closest “dead” soldier.


Soon enough, the bleachers started to fill up with little soldiers who looked like they were cheering for their side.


‘Almost like a sports game.’


I noticed the teleportation sigil of the House of Gremory, but I elected to ignore it in favour of watching this little war going on. The flag has been moved several times, and even captured three times. Once by the left team, and twice by the Right team. All three times were from the riot shield users, as they were able to use the shield to block the sniper fire while running back with the flag.


Sirzechs: “Well, this is quite something. They give off the same feeling as the Water you had us all bathed in.”


Artoria: “As it should, they are all constructs of said Waters.”


Sirzechs: “Fascinating. You have such amazing control over it to do something like this. This is very life-like.”


Grayfia: “I agree. The attention to detail is most impressive, Lady Artoria.”


I simply nodded my head, as the fighting was starting to die down. Each team only had their snipers left, and a few others. Four units for the left team, and 3 for the right. A unit from the left side made a break for the flag while using his riot shield. When he got near it, he threw a long slim looking grenade. When it popped, the two shotgun rushes of the right team acted like they were blinded by raising their left arms over their eyes.


‘Huh, guess that was a flash bang. Was wondering why the pop was very subtle with little water coming out of it.’


As he grabbed the flag, and started to make a break for it back to his base the right side sniper stood up from behind his cover, a stack of erasers. But before he was able to take a shot, he got completely domed from the left sniper. His little body fell back and splashed into a tiny puddle. It then made its way over to the bleachers and reformed. The little man actually showed emotion and was stomping the ground a few times before he sat down with the rest of his team, who seemed to be laughing at him.


‘Very lifelike indeed. These are so much more than mere constructs it seems. I wonder if they are pulling their reactions from my memories of how things like this would go, and acting accordingly.’


When the little riot shielder “capped” the flag I spoke out, though it was mostly for Sirzechs and Grayfia since I could have just sent a mental command.


Artoria: “Sudden death. Knives only. One life. Reset back at your respective bases.”


The few remaining ones saluted me, and did as I commanded. While they ones on the bleachers seemed to go wild with anticipation of what was about to happen. It was now four versus two, so the left side had the advantage. After taking a few seconds to reform their gear so they only had knives the two sides then charged each other.


When the two sides were about to clash, one of the units from the right side got cheeky, and had thrown his knife into the face of one of the lefts. He was also able to catch the knife that was thrown at him in response.


Sirzechs: “What an upset!”


Seeing Grayfia nodding along out of the corner of my eyes I thought, ‘These two are really getting into this it seems.’


With a nonexistent chuckle, I refocused back on the brawl. The cheeky unit managed to shank the one who threw his knife when he tried to get the knife that was left after his friendly unit “despawned.”


So now it was down to a two versus two, and they were all currently circling each other.


‘I really should have added something to show which team they were on. I have no fucking idea who is who now.’


After a few more seconds of this stand still, they all just shrugged their shoulders and charged. It was a messy melee, filled with blood (Black Water) splashing everywhere. But soon, only one was standing, and the right side of the bleachers went nuts while they “cheered” and clapped.


‘One way to tell I guess.’


With a slight smile and a nod of approval to the right team, I had everything splash down into a puddle, and promptly absorbed it all.


Sirzechs: “Well, they were fun to watch.”


Grayfia: “Agreed. Most entertaining.”


With a nod, I turned to Sizechs and asked about Azazel’s location.


Sizechs: “I do not know the location of his base exactly, but I do have a rough estimation. I could also just call him over, and you could ambush him?”


I shake my head and say, “No. I would rather clean out his entire little group than just himself. If you can get me near his base, that’d be fine. I can then just search out for his soul. Should be rather strong like yours.”


Nodding his head, Sirzechs snapped his fingers and a teleportation circle appeared under my feet.


Sirzechs: “Till next time Artoria.”


Waving him off, I was quickly teleported away. After arriving, I took a quick look around and noticed I was back in the human world. It was also around noon if the sun was any indication.


‘Seems I am in the mountains somewhere. Classic place to hide a base I guess. Now, let’s see if anyone is in range…’


I focused and spread my senses out to try and find any souls within range. A few seconds later, I was able to feel several directly below me a few kilometres.


‘Only a rough idea huh? I am basically on their doorstep…’


Shaking my head, I sink into my shadow, and appear in a shadow near the strongest soul I could sense. Staying inside the shadow, I get a good look at who it was.


‘Well, that’s an interesting turn of events.’


Before me doing paperwork, was Azazel. And he looked mostly normal even. But, there were a few things wrong at the same time.



(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Azazel)



First, his expected black hair and golden bangs were replaced with pure white hair, along with his goatee.. The second, and major thing, was that his soul was a blazing white light as well.


‘So, this is what a soul looks like fully converted to the Light, huh. But why? Wasn’t he infected at the same time as… oh. Is it because he was originally a creature of “Light,” that being an angel?’


If I was correct, and that the Light was able to convert entities that were originally aspected towards it faster, then I really would have to wipe out all of heaven. And Grigori by the looks of it.


I decided this was also a good opportunity to see just how strong someone like Azazel really was. I could ambush him, but my “blood” was boiling for a fight, and so with that in mind, I stepped out of the shadow on the wall into his room.


He instantly looked up from his paperwork at me, and frowned.


Azazel: “I know the Mistress said someone would be sent from the Dark God, but I was not expecting such… well. Whatever you are. No matter. I’ll remove your Darkness and help bring about a golden age of Light, as planned.”


He then casually summoned a spear of Light, and not light. I remember from the show that their abilities always were said to feel “Holy” and had golden glows to them. His attack didn’t feel at all like “Holy” nor was it golden. It was pure white, like his soul.


Seeing he had aimed the spear to go through my heart, and while my instincts warned of slight danger, it was far from a fate blow. So I let the spear impact me.


Azazel raised his eyebrow and scoffed when his attack hit.


Azazel: “Really? Is this all of the agent of the Dark God? How disa… ppoin… ting…”


He quickly shut his mouth when he noticed I was not yelling in pain, or really reacting in any way. I kept my face trained on him, since I was fully armoured he couldn’t see my eyes, and slowly brought up my right hand and grasped the Light Spear in my chest.


As I crushed it and caused the Light Spear to shatter away, Azazel’s eyebrows both raised. I was uninjured from his attack, and there wasn’t any sign I had taken it in the first place.


‘While that hurt a bit, not once did I feel like I was in danger of dying. I guess because of how my existence works and my unlimited mana, in order to kill me, they have to obliterate me all at once? No way to really check though, maybe they can overwhelm the rate at which I can repair myself. But it was basically instantaneous from what I felt, so good luck I guess?’


Azazel: “Okay, this won’t be as easy as I expected. Come then, Filth. Let me show you the glorious power of the Light and our righteous path!”


He then summoned two Light Spears to use as weapons, and charged at me.


Hello everyone~ Here with an update and a chapter for you all~.

So, still no computer, and wrote this on my phone. Really is not fun at all, so don't expect to many chapters if any more till I get my new computer~. Which should be a week away or so~! Can you tell what I have been watching on twitch a lot to pass the time~?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter~! See you in the next one everyone~~~

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