Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 37: Go to Heaven they said. It’s wonderful they said!

Quickly getting over the fact that I seemed to have summoned the real team RWBY for now, I focus and summon three more. My Black Water pools around me in a large area, before the three I wanted to add to our little outing rose in a kneeling position.


Pyrrha/Salem/Raven: “We greet you, Lady Artoria!”


A small smile appears on my lips, before I ask them all to stand.


Artoria: “So, welcome to the current world I am cleaning for Goddess Tearwyn. The infestation of the Light is heavy, as you all will see. We are about to go to a dimension aptly named ‘Heaven.’ Before I continue, are you able to sense the stain of Light in someone?”


Salem stepped forward and said, “Yes, Lady Artoria. Ever since the change, we can now sense the Light in someone. We’ve been keeping the world clean of it ever since you left.”


Giving her a nod and a small smile I say, “Excellent. Then, when we arrive all of you can ignore any soul not stained by the Light to a heavy degree. Kill everything else. I will be flooding that dimension with my Waters, but it will take time. And I want as few Light spawn to flee as possible.


Also, when we arrive, I will summon some ‘troops’ for you all. Lead them, and wipe out everything that is stained!”


All of them bowed and said, “As you will, Lady Artoria!”


Turning around, I close my eyes and focus. Since I have the second seal released, I should be able to choose which dimension to travel too now with the spell Lucifer taught me. As I was focusing on the dimensions near, I suddenly felt extreme disgust from one. Probing it a little, I was able to tell this was Heaven, and it was absolutely flooded with the Light.


Artoria: “Disgusting. This dimension is just swarming in the Light. Get ready everyone, and enjoy the slaughter.”


Turning around to them with a vile smile on my face I say, “Because we are about to bring a race to near extinction, if not to it.”


They all soon had the same smile on their faces, and looked more than ready to go. So, without wasting any more time, I started to cast the Dimensional hop spell. Several seconds later, the spell lit up, and was ready to go. 


‘Good, I have way more than enough mana now for the spell. The third seal should let me also use the Reality Hop version properly as well. Maybe I should go back to the other worlds I went to, and update my Black Water? Thoughts for later.’


The runes in the air glowed a sickly purple-red, something that was new to me from the first time I used this spell I noted, and we were zipped away. To us, it looked like all of reality just melted around us, only to reform seconds later.


Looking around, we were in what seemed to be a meadow of sorts. We could see several human souls just relaxing or chatting all around. Some however, were looking at us with horror on their faces.


Artoria: “Time to get to work, ladies.”


With a thought, a massive amount of Black Water started to pool in all directions out from under my feet. As the waters rushed a few of the human souls who were still gobsmacked at what was happening got caught up in the torrential flow. The sounds of screaming soon filled this wonder land of relaxation and ever after.


‘My water has already claimed hundreds of souls so far, but none have survived the baptism. Either too weak, or too corrupted. Oh well, moving on.’


With a thought, hundreds of thousands of the army men that I played with before were rising out of the waters. But, they were full sized now while still having full armaments. I turned to the girls, and motioned to the troops.


Artoria: “Go now, and lead them. They are mindless, but not stupid. Purge everything.”


Yang: “Oh HELL YES! Let’s go, everyone!”


Clashing her fists together, she took her regiment of troops and ran off in a random direction. We all just smiled slyly and shook our heads at her energy. But soon, everyone else got their troops and headed in their own directions.


While I was wondering where I should head to get to the system of Heaven, I heard some yelling coming above me. Turning my head, I could see several hundred angels heading my way high in the sky. I took a quick stock of them all, and no one of note was with them so I immediately rushed them.


In less than a blink of an eye, I had covered the distance and was now in front of the angels summoning and swinging my sword horizontally.


???: “Wha?!”


With my first attack, I had cut down over a hundred angels by bisecting them in half at the waist. While also getting a few completely soaked in my Black Waters, as I had not stopped summoning it the entire time.


???: “Abomination!”


???: “Affront to all that the Light is! We will purge y–”


The little pigeon didn’t even get to finish his taunt, as I was already smashing my palm into his chest. His entire body just exploded into a fine red mist and giblets, painting the angels behind him in a wonderful red.


Artoria: “Blood Explosion.”


And all that wonderful red paint soon exploded into a great ball of death and horror, taking out tens of angels all around them.


???: “Someone, call for reinforcements, she's too much! We need a Seraph!”


Letting go of my sword, and having it float next to me, I formed my hands into claw-like shapes facing inwards. They were about a metre apart as I reached out over the rest of the angels.


Artoria: “Gravity Well.”


A small black dot had appeared in the centre of the remaining angels. And as I slowly started to close my hands onto themselves, it started to pull in everything around it.


???: “What kind of magic is this?!”


???: “I can’t get free!”


???: “Quick, we need to telepor-”


Realising they were about to all just teleport out, I stopped playing around, and crashed my hands together instantly. The spell reacted accordingly, and every single angel was pulled towards the black dot harshly and with great speed.


What followed was a wonderfully sickening squelching sound as every one of them was smushed together violently. Soon, the only thing in front of me was a small orb of bio waste and a whole lot of blood. Cancelling the spell, it soon all fell into the Black Ocean below me.


Suddenly a bright pillar of Light appeared several metres away from me, and when it vanished in its place stood one of the four great Seraphs: Gabriel.


(A/N: Sorry… no SFW pics of her it seems… so… uhh… look her up at your own risk~!)


Gabriel: “How uncouth. When brother Michael said he sensed a great darkness appear, I did not think it would be… whatever you are. You are disgusting. There is no saving you.”


Artoria: “Are you not looking down on me too much, pigeon? Do you think your beauty will be enough to fight me?”


She merely huffed, and looked at me with a very condescending look.


Gabriel: “I am more than enough for filth like you.”


I smirk and say, “Azazel thought that as well.”


She narrowed her eyes at that remark.


Gabriel: “And where is he now?”


Artoria: “Oh, I am sure you could find him around several places as he was scattered by the wind. As for his soul? Well, it’s gone.”


Her face turned into a scowl while she said, “You expect me to believe that you beat him?”


Smirking at her I say, “No, I don’t expect you to believe me.”


I vanished from where I was, only to appear right in her face as my fist came crashing into her gut sending her tumbling away.


Artoria: “I expect you to die.”


A bit of white liquid, her blood I assumed, started to drip from her lips as she righted herself soon after. I noticed that some sort of shield also stopped my water from splashing onto her, as it was still just gushing out from below my feet.


‘Must looks like I am standing on a giant pillar of water, heh.’


Gabriel: “I admit, that hurt. But you won’t get lucky a second time, Darkspawn!”


She then rushed me while summoning a Light Spear. Within less than a heartbeat she was in front of me as she went for a stab to my heart. Much like what Azazel had done. Since she wanted to follow in his footsteps, I allowed the same thing to happen again.


She smiled victoriously for all of half a second before she frowned, and noticed nothing was happening to me. Applying reinforcement onto myself to improve my speed, I quickly grabbed the offending wrist with my left hand to prevent her from backing away.


Artoria: “Azazel did the same thing. Here, let me show you how that turned out.”


Pulling down on her arm, I brought up my left knee right into her chest. We were able to hear several of her ribs break from the impact. Letting go of her arm, I brought up my hands together and slammed them into her back. She rocketed down into the Black Ocean below.


Much to my surprise, a barrier of sorts was indeed around her as it caused the Black Water to part. Unfortunately for her though, that just let her face smash into the ground rather hard. Another surprise though, was even though it looked like grass there was no dirt or dust from the impact. Just some clouds.


‘So, fake ground eh? Clouds acting like dirt and grass it seems? Interesting, I guess.’


Turning my attention back to Gabriel, she was coughing up some more of her white blood and groaning.


My voice was thick with sarcasm when I said, “So, you got me on the ropes. Bet you are glad you did not bring anyone else? Would have been total overkill.”


She just groaned some more, looked up at me and glared. Smirking at her, I summoned some more random troopers to assault her shield since she was taking this fight a bit too calmly.


She grunted under the strain of keeping up her shield, or that is what I assumed.


Gabriel: “This isn’t the end, Filth. I’ll be back.”


Another pillar of bright Light appeared over her, and then she was gone. The random troopers I summoned then just melted back into the waters as well.


Artoria: “What is she, a B-rank villain now or something? ‘I’ll be back! With my Brother!’”


Could only shake my head at the young mistress-like personality she now had. Now that I had some peace to myself, I focused on where I was.


‘Guess I really am on the third layer of Heaven. If I remember, this area is supposed to be nearly infinite in area. So, no reason to not go all out on the Black Water creation.’


With another thought, all Black Water constructs I had summoned, including those from the RWBY universe, also started to create Black Water.


‘That should speed it up. Though, trying to convert it this way may take literally forever. So, I should head… up? Down? Too the Seat of Heaven where the system is and just take that over. That should speed everything up.’


Another idea came to me causing me to stop in my tacks. And it was a simple one.


‘Why not more?’


And so, I started to create millions and millions of army troopers, as well as creatures of Grimm. It took me only seconds to have an army of hundreds of millions, and it was continuing to grow.


My Black Water surged forth like an apocalypse of corruption. It was a positive feedback loop of horrifying proportions.


Artoria: “This part of Heaven may be ‘nearly unlimited in scope’ or whatever. But my army truly IS unlimited in scope.”


With so much of my Black Water being created, soon the very environment and feeling of the “floor” I was on started to change. I had personally stopped creating Black Water, and instead only had it drip off my casually, since I saw no point now with how much it was self propagating. With so much of it around me, I felt a total calm wash over me as I relaxed.


As I watched on as my army literally flowed like a tsunami in all directions I only had one thought.


‘Lady Lilith was right to limit my use of this normally. I wonder how long Gabriel's shield could have held out with trillions of Black Water bullets hitting it at once? Not even for a second I think? Oh well, time to move up… or down… a floor.’


Le gasp~! Is this what I think it is~? A NEW CHAPTER! On a new COMPUTER?! Yay~! Been playing games again, I missed it so much~! I'll try to write at least ONE chapter a week from now on~.

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