Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 44: Vs Gilgamesh

So, I felt kind of bad because of that NASTY cliff hanger. So, here is a SUPER ass long chapter~. Really, it's like 2-3 in one. Enjoy~!



— P.O.V Gilgamesh Lightsworn —

~ Sometime before Artoria was summoned ~


My vision cleared up as we finished teleporting to the moon, of all places.


‘We sure this is a good place to fight her, Trinity? Why not have this fight in the underworld? That disgusting dimension should be more than adequate to host this battle.’


{While I agree with that, Gil, the problem is we have no presence in the underworld really. While in this dimension, we can draw on your connections you’ve been making and the Lightwells you’ve been creating. Remember, they can't leave the dimension they were created in, but the planet is no problem.}


‘Is that the reason why you changed your mind while we were planning the ambush?’


{Part of it. Gil, this Dark Champion didn’t destroy Heaven. She claimed it. And not only that, she somehow erected a barrier that I nor the Light Gods can penetrate. Do you know what this means?}


I nod my head in understanding and then think, ‘I have no idea.’


I had to hold back my giggling when I heard Trinity sputter. I could almost see her do a classic anime fall at that slapstick response.


{Damn it Gil. *Sigh* Never mind. What it means is this Dark Champion is working on Ascension. We’re powerful Gil, very powerful. But we’re going to need to pull out all the tricks and aces in this fight. Do NOT underestimate this champion. She’s not like the others we have killed that were sent after us.}


‘About that... I thought God said that this Dark God was alone, and hated. Why are others trying to save him?’


{They aren't. We are getting very strong, Gil. I bet it’s causing a bit of a stir.}


I had to agree with Trinity. Ever since I was sent to this world for rebirth, and I was able to safely start the grind I have been going at it. There is just too much shit in this universe that could wipe me out for my liking.


With some pride, I brought up my status.


Name: Gilgamesh Lightsworn

Age: 18(34)

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Level: 3031

Light: 51%


Magics: Expand(+)

Abilities: Expand(+)

Skills: Expand(+)

Passives: Expand(+)


Quests: 1 active, 1 unaccepted, 1 Emergency 


Store points: 8432



Health: S+

Mana: SS+

Strength: AAA+

Vitality: S+

Dexterity: S

Intelligence: A+

Wisdom: A

Defence: SS+

Resistance: SS+


I smiled as I looked over my sheet. I had worked hard, and the results speak for themselves.


‘I think we’re good to go, Trinity. You are worrying too much. Plus, don’t forget I have the augmented Divine Dividing. A shame we had to use Albion’s soul like that, but he refused to work with us. Maybe the Light Gods can set him right.’


{Maybe. Well, most likely. Anyway, I’ll start summoning your supporters and have them bring your Lightwells. It’ll make setting up your domain a whole lot easier. While I do that, you go ahead and start prepping yourself.}


‘Mmm, sure thing. I think the domain is overkill by the way. But, since this will be the second time I am going to use it, I don’t really mind.’


I swear I could feel Trinity roll her eyes at my little comment. While she was busy summoning everyone we were able to convert to the Light, I got to checking that my weapons and armour were good to go.


Pulling a mirror out of my Babylon gate, I looked myself over.


(Source: https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-hwokh)


‘No matter how many times I see my own face, I can’t believe it. Becoming the genderbent version of Gilgamesh was my best wish.’


I recognized I am being quite a bit narcissistic, but I am sure everyone understands me. I am fucking Gilgamesh!


Nodding with a smile on my face to my own reflection, I eventually store my mirror back in my gate. Looking up at the big blue orb in the sky, I couldn’t help but relax. This was the world I was fighting for, to bring into the loving hands of the Light. It has some things wrong with it, like every world does, but it deserves to be under the Lights' splendour just as much as any other world.


{Beautiful isn’t it?}


‘It really is. All set?’


{We are all good to go. The Lightwells are all set up around the moon to help maintain your domain when you use the ability. And all of your followers are here.}


Gil: “Michael? Can you have everyone gather around?”


Michael: “At once, Your Holiness!”


‘Their changed attitude used to bother me back when I was getting started, but I guess I have just gotten used to it.’


{I imagine it was a bit jarring going from a normal human to… well, you.}


‘Ha! You can say that again, Trinity.'


Several minutes later, my veritable army was all assembled before me. Deciding to show off a bit, I started to float upwards so I could see everyone and have my voice heard easier.


Gil: “Thank you, everyone, for responding to my summons with such fervour!”


All: “Our duty and pleasure, Your Holiness!!!”


Smiling wide I spread my arms out and started my little speech.


Gil: “Soon, I will summon the Dark Champion that has been sent after me. Again.”


I could hear several people snicker at that.


Gil: “I know, I know. Evil never learns, hmm? But, this is no ordinary champion. They have destroyed Heaven itself! Nearly wiped out our brothers and sisters in the Angel race! Tell me, what is our response to such an unprovoked act of near genocide?!”




Gil: “That’s right! The Gods of Light will shine on us today, as we burn out another shadow that is upon us! I won’t lie. Our enemy will be strong. Very strong. A great deal of you may very well die. But, do we need to fear death?”




Gil: “Correct! Push forward, and fight back this darkness! Should you fall, trust that the Gods of Light will be there to pick you back up! FOR THE LIGHT!!!”


All: “FOR THE LIGHT!!!!”


With that, I give a smile and turn around to start summoning the Dark Champion.


{Not a bad speech for a skill that isn’t even maxed.}


‘Eh, I am not much for speeches honestly. Hmmm… this summon is taking a lot longer than it should be. You sure she’s no longer in Heaven?’


{Positive. Here, let me check… ah. You don’t have enough mana to summon her it seems.}


‘What? Hey now, that’s a really big problem, Trinity!’


{Nah, it’s fine! Here, let me spend your shop points on a [Forced Summon Ticket EX].}


My eyes widened at that, and I was glad I was facing away from my army right now.


‘An EX ticket?! I’ll only have 432 points after that…’


{I wasn’t joking when I said we needed to pull out all the stops, Gil.}


‘I guess… Okay go for it.’


My heart cried out in pain watching 8000 points vanish, just like that. I was so close to that vaunted 10k and getting my first non-Light EX skill.


{Oh stop being a baby, Gil. Clearing this emergency quest will give you 50k points back, along with a lot of other goodies.}


‘Oh yea!’


My smile and good mood was sadly cut short when Trinity used the ticket and summoned the Dark Champion. Out of the magic circle with my crest, appeared Saber Alter. Though, her appearance caused me to activate my [Accelerated Thought] skill to have more time to look her over.


‘Just like I thought. But, why is her armour white? She looks… older too? [Light’s Identify]!’


Name: Artoria Pendragon Alter

Age: 19(3,502,341)

Sex: Female

Race: Corrupted Heroic Spirit?

Level: N/A

Darkness: ∞%


Magics:  U̵n̷k̸n̶o̵w̸n̵

Abilities:  U̵n̷k̸n̶o̵w̸n̵

Skills: U̵n̷k̸n̶o̵w̸n̵

Passives:  U̵n̷k̸n̶o̵w̸n̵



Health: EX++++???

Mana: EX+++++???

Strength: EX?

Vitality: EX++++???

Dexterity: EX?

Intelligence: EX?

Wisdom: EX?

Defence: EX++++???

Resistance: EX++++???


If my body could move at the speed I was currently thinking at, my mouth would have dropped and hit the moon.


‘What the shit is up with her status page, Trinity?! Also, she is old as hell!’


{Like I’ve been saying, she’s on her way to ascension. Her stats are indeed crazy, but we have skills and abilities to bridge the gap. But you know what this means.}


‘We’re on a time limit once the fight starts. Right, time to get serious.’


Gil: “So, it really is you, Saber. Though, you look… different than how a normal ‘Alter’ looks like.”


As soon as I started speaking I had turned off my [Accelerated Thought] skill. Really wish I could use it and move at the same time. Something to work towards after I win this.


My voice caught her attention, and she turned her gaze towards me. The longer she was looking at me, the more pressure I was starting to feel.


‘Trinity, what’s going on?’


{Her battle intent is starting to build up. You should be fine… should be. Might want to prepare a few aces already to be honest…}


‘Yea, I am with you there, damn.’


Artoria: “Gilgamesh. Or rather, a fake using his face.”


Damn! The amount of venom and hate dripping from her voice was immense. I forgot that Artoria’s and Gilgamesh’s don’t exactly get along.


All of a sudden, the pressure I was feeling exploded in strength, and my [Danger Sense] skill was blaring like it was new years. Her presence had exploded in intensity by such an alarming degree. And it was continuing to grow in strength.


Then something new that I knew Artoria shouldn’t be able to do happened. A red field of some kind wrapped around her, like a protective shield just above her skin.


‘What in the hell is that?’


{Unbelievable. What a monster… Gil, that is her bloodlust. She… she actually managed to weaponize her immense bloodlust! It’s protecting her like some kind of shield.}


‘What the shi-’


Unfortunately for me though, it seems she wasn’t done. As she suddenly exploded out into power. Purple-black flames with lashes of red were erupting from all around her and over her sword.


‘Mana Burst?! But, isn’t that supposed to be.. You know, a burst?! How can she hold it like this?! There’s MORE?! WHAT NOW?!’


After all of that, and feeling the absolutely and frankly stupid amount of pressure she was giving off, her armour started to drip a black liquid of sorts.


{Gil… NEVER touch whatever that is without some kind of defence to keep you safe. That is almost like pure liquid Darkness and Evil…}


‘Yea, I can feel it as well Trinity. What the shit is going on anymore…’


As I looked on slight worry, I did a mental check on the survivors in my army. Yes, survivors. It seems a great deal of my army was already dead, and all Saber did was release the shackles…


Soon my attention was pulled back to Saber though, or rather the beings that were rising out of that black stuff.


‘Oi. Are those who I think they are?’

{It seems so. People from the RWBYverse that you know of. Or rather, Grimm versions of them. They are going to be super dangerous, Gil. Their bodies are literally made out of Pure Darkness and Evil. I’ll let the remainder of your supporters know to be extra careful about them}


Artoria: “You will rue the day you took up that face. I will drown you in Darkness for opposing my Goddess.”


Hearing Sabers' voice pulled my attention to her again, but she was already in front of my face swinging down her odd looking Excalibur Morgan. My eyes widened at how fast she was.


{Cheat Death's effect of [Bastion of the Light] activated!}


{For the next 30 minutes, all entities attuned to the Dark will deal 95% less damage to the user. 100% of this effect has been spread to your allies for the next 10 seconds, then it will be reduced to 50% damage reduction. 1 week cooldown starting.}


‘Holy fuck I am glad I have that skill’


Even with me only taking 5% of the damage she can deal out, her attack hurts like hell.


‘Right, fuck this. Going all out then right from the start. [Domain of the Light]!’


Power flowed out of me as I felt the domain start to create itself. Within nanoseconds, it was done and our surroundings went from a dusty moon, to what could honestly pass for Heaven.


{[Domain of the Light] has been activated! While the domain holds, Light attuned entities are filled with valour! Increasing attack and defence by 50%! While entities attuned to the Dark are weakened by 25%. Notice! Lightwell anchors detected! Effects increased to 80%/50%!}


‘I am damn glad I listened to you, Trinity.’


{Don’t get cocky or comfortable, Gil. The fight is only just starting.}


Artoria: “Tch. You think the vaunted Light will save you from me, Imposter?”


I couldn’t help but give her a cocky smile when I responded, “I trust in the Light, Saber. Too bad you are too far gone.”

I pulled out just the weapon I needed for this fight from my gate. Holding up the demon sword, Caliburn, I gave it a few swings before addressing Saber.


Gil: “If I could have saved you with the Light, we could have gotten mar-”


Artoria: “Shut your mouth, FILTH!”


She swung her sword down aimed at my neck with a grace that only Saber could pull off. Even with my Sword Master skill at S rank, I felt her swing was beyond beautiful.


‘Savage and controlled. Maybe there is a rank beyond S I can-’


Once again, I didn’t get to finish my thought, as even though I was going to block perfectly with Caliburn my eyes widened and I had to change tactics. Time seemed to slow down as I used my [Thought Acceleration] by instinct to watch in morbid fascination as her sword was cutting through mine.


‘That… shouldn’t be possible… Right Trinity?’


{No, it shouldn’t. This is obviously not a normal Excalibur. It seems to be just as strong as its wielder. A soul weapon perhaps?}


‘I mean, it is her Noble Fan-’


Much to my surprise though, Trinity actually interrupted me.


{No, I mean a genuine soul weapon. While a Noble Phantasm is a type of soul weapon, it has limits. As I am sure you know. That there though? That is a true soul weapon. In order to break that weapon, we’d need the power to obliterate her. Which we don’t have. We can widdle her down, but a one shot? No deal, sadly.}


‘I should stop being surprised, she is over 3 million years old. A lot can happen in ten years, let alone millions.’


{That would be for the best. Are you going to use it?}


‘Ha, am I going to use it? Do you think we have a choice?’


{We don’t.}


Time started to speed back up as I chanted [Flash Retreat].


Even though I saw it happen in slow-mo, I still couldn’t help but hold up the broken Caliburn in my hand to look at it.


Artoria: “A fake, wielding a fake has no place before me. I told you, you would rue the day you took up that face. I am going to feed you your own heart.”


My left hand flashed as the Sacred Gear for the former White Dragon appeared. I made note that she didn’t seem surprised at all that I had it. Most likely because of her take over of Heaven. Mentally shaking my head, I activated my balance breaker.


My whole body glowed a brilliant white and armour made from the Light itself covered me.


‘This is the first time I’ve used it since you augmented it, Trinity, now that I think about it. It feels wonderful, you did a great job.’


{Humph, Of Course I did!}


'I also wish I still had that spear...'


{It would have not helped. You would have been dead or did you forget that the skill you bought with the store points you got from it is keeping you alive right now?}




Smiling internally, I gave Saber a serious look.


Gil: “Playtime is over.”


Artoria: “Oh, I very much doubt that.”


Giving her a smirk, I summoned out my Ea. And like I was expecting, that had caught her attention. I was about to taunt her when she vanished and appeared once again in front of me slashing downwards.


Raising up my sword to meet hers, I didn’t want to take the risk that even Ea wasn’t enough.


‘[Light’s blessing of purity and strength].’


My sword gained a slight shimmer as the Light encased it, enhancing it to a ridiculous degree.


‘Or rather, what would normally be ridiculous.’


The reason for that thought was because as soon as the two swords met, sparks flew everywhere and a nasty vibration went through my arm. Sadly for me, this kept happening as we started a dance of steel.


Once again, I could only marvel at her sword play as we exchanged blows. I was now convinced there had to be a skill level above S. There’s just no way there isn’t when I see something like this. Her attacks are vicious, and seemingly out of control. But I could tell they all had a purpose, and were all being executed by a mastery beyond what I had.


{Focus, Gil! She’s pushing you back, slowly. Use more abilities and buffs! You already burned 8 minutes of Lights Bastion. We’re dead as soon as that ends!}


‘Right, sorry. [Haste of the Light][Perfect Perception]!’


My speed exploded to heights that the denizens of this universe wished they could achieve. And yet, still Saber was keeping pace with me. Though, I was finally starting to get a few glancing blows past some of her attacks. But much to my annoyance, they were bouncing off her bloodlust shield.


‘Still crazy she can do that with her-’




Giving the grumpy Trinity a grunt, I used [Push of the Guilty] to force some distance between us. And as expected, she wasted no time rushing back in. Thankfully because of my buffs I could actually see her moving finally.


Gil: “[Chains of the Light!]”


Massive chains of brilliant Light rushed into existence from my sides and shot off to entangle Saber. As they wrapped around her and restricted her movement she merely scoffed.


Artoria: “Feeble!”


I gave her a cocky smirk as I then summoned Enkidu from my gate. And much like the Light chains, the wonderful golden chains rushed off to shackle Saber. They wrapped around her neck, chest, arms and legs. Then shot off to the ground, and pulled her with them.


As they forced her to her knees, and made her lean to the back I could only grin in victory.


{I was right. She has a very faint sliver of Divinity growing inside of her. It’s strengthening your chains.}


As I floated down to the bound Saber, I couldn’t help but chuckle.


Gil: “It’s my win, Saber. You will never break those chains. You have a small spark of Divinity in you, and it has made my chains all but impervious to what you can do.”


When she heard my taunt, she stopped struggling and looked directly at me. Even chained as she is, my [Danger Sense] was going off like mad. I honestly don’t know why though, she was totally suppressed. 


She was on her knees, pulled back with each arm also being pulled strongly away from her body and yet she showed nothing but contempt for me.


She just gave me a smirk and said, “Like I said before. A fake with a fake. You can not keep me bound!”


Then her struggle increased in intensity, and I could swear I heard my chain starting to let out creaks and groans. Not wanting to risk it, I raised my still buffed Ea, and pushed it towards her heart.




But much to my continued annoyance, my weapon was stopped in its tracks as it hit the slim red shield around her. I was stunned that her bloodlust was able to withstand a direct attack from a buffed Ea.


Glancing at my buffs, I only had 10 minutes left on Bastion of Light, and seeing I couldn’t even get past her bloodlust, I decided to just say fuck it.


{I know I said to go all out, but… are you sure, Gil?}


I didn’t even answer, as I used my newest, strongest skill.


Gil: “[Avatar of the Light].”


My body… no, my entire being exploded into Light as I finished uttering those words. Getting blinded by my own skill wasn’t really great in my opinion, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Besides that, the power I felt flowing through me was… intense to say the least.


{[Avatar of the Light] Activated! All stats raised by 1000% for the next 5 minutes. 10 day cooldown.}


‘I feel like a Go– no, I shouldn’t say that. I feel like a Demi-God.’


Taking a quick look at my stats, all my attributes were now also in the EX range like Saber’s. I looked down at myself, and noticed my balance breaker was now gone. Replaced by an armoured dress of pure Light. Clearer, and more pure than my breaker could ever hope to be.


‘Not a big loss really, since it lost the ability to divide things since Trinity used Albion’s soul to augment the Gear for attack buffs. This feels great however, and I look great too!’


{Stop marvelling at your new form, Gil. It will only last for 5 min, and has a 10 day cooldown after all. Let’s finish this.}


Giving Trinity a nod in my head, I raised Ea a second time, and plunged it towards Saber’s heart again. And this time, her bloodlust shield thing offered up no resistance as my sword pierced everything. From her shield, to her armour, to her very body.


Black blood poured from her wound, and down my sword that had plunged right through her Dark heart. The whole time, she had kept her face towards me with the same taunting smile. Even now, as her black blood was running down her white armour, she held that smile.


Artoria: “Congratulations, you fake. You managed to deal a wound to me.”


The visor covering her face crumbled away, revealing her strange eyes that burned a bright gold, but also coloured with a depth of hatred I don’t think I will ever see again.


More of her foul blood started to seep from her lips, but yet she still held that smile. We held our focus towards one another with iron clad determination. But I can tell, she was starting to finally fade . The, if I am being honest, beautiful golden glow in her eyes was starting to weaken, and her struggle was becoming non existent.


‘What a waste of such beauty and power. If only we could have saved and converted her.’


{I am just glad it’s over. I don’t know if you noticed Gil, but we’re the only two people left. Everyone else is dead.}


I elected to ignore Trinity for the moment, and kept my gaze locked on Saber. She was fading faster and faster and the glow in her eyes was all but gone. But the hate was still there, if anything it was increasing by the second. It was an odd contrast as her body was losing strength, and her eyes struggled to stay open. Yet they burned ever brighter with that hatred.


I pulled my sword out of her chest, and she ended up coughing up quite a large pile of black blood. Or rather, mana I guess. I never really paid attention to the finer details of a Servant's body and makeup.


As my chains loosened a bit to let down her body, she started saying something. But her voice was so weak, it sounded like a whisper and I was only able to catch the last word.


Artoria: “…Grace!”

— P.O.V Switch Artoria —


~ Several moments after she was stabbed ~


I was mad. No, I was beyond mad, I was absolutely furious. This fake. This… this mortal playing god wearing his face managed to land a fatal blow! I could feel the power of the Light trying to rip me apart from the inside. My own darkness was fighting it off as best it could, but it was a losing battle with all the buffs she had going.


As she pulled the sword from my chest, and I was starting to lose focus, I heard just the voice I wanted to hear in a situation like this.


Tearwyn: ‘Artoria! No!! NO!! Artoria! Please, focus! Listen to my voice, ARTORIA!


As I slumped forward, I could only answer weakly as my strength was leaving me at an alarming if not expected rate. I had a hole where my heart was supposed to be, with the Light running amok in my body after all.


Artoria: ‘Tearwyn? How…?’


Tearwyn: ‘Artoria! Focus! You can survive this! Please, listen! You have another object, another soul weapon! You have to use that, please!


Artoria: ‘Another… oh. Avalon? But.. it..’


Tearwyn: ‘No, stop! Focus! Trust me, it can save you! Don’t think, just focus on it! Use your instincts! Don’t leave me alone, not after we finally became a family!


Artoria: ‘Fam..ly… I. No, I can’t leave you.’


I focused on Avalon, and I felt it vibrate on my hip. I can tell, somehow, that it wants to save me. It wants to help, I just need to ask.


So I did as my precious little sister asked me too. I gave into my instincts, gathered my last burning embers of strength and I let the words pour out of my mouth, hoping they would not be my last.


Artoria: “From the foolish dreams of a damned King, realise that Avalon is a lie. For no man is without sin, and thus none shall ever pass. So instead embrace madness, corruption and the power of sin. Relish in decadence and corrupt all who believe in the foolish dreams of the damned King. Light has no place in the Realm of the Corrupted! Pandemonium’s Grace!”


Suddenly my body exploded with Darkness, and I felt the Light within vanish. I could feel my body change as it rapidly healed itself. I watched in morbid fascination as the hole where my heart should have been flooded with liquid Darkness, not unlike my Black Waters I realised, and leave behind perfect looking skin.


Whatever was happening wasn’t done yet, nor was it satisfied with just healing me. I watched in silence as the Darkness spread rapidly, consuming everything around me. Not even the fabled Enkidu chains were spared as they were covered faster than my new heart could beat once. They vanished in a puff of black smoke, releasing their hold on me. I had long noticed that this imposter Gilgamesh had jumped back, but I paid her no mind. I was too busy watching as the Darkness took exactly half of this domain she set up, and turned it into an Abyss.


I took a second to look down as my body had indeed changed, as did my armour. Gone was my white armour I had gained from the Grimm pool, and now I was donning armour that was pitch black. Due to the open nature of my new armour, I was able to see my corruption lines. They were now a black so dark the light seemed to die when it touched and were outlined with a glowing blood red.


(A/N: With said corruption lines along her body, and her eyes still with a black sclera. Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1332794100)


Though, this set had no visor, so I decided to fix that and summoned one. I looked over towards Gilgamesh, and rewarded her with a blank and unimpressed face. I was about to engage her, when suddenly the Black Water that was always running through my veins reacted to something. I wasn’t the only one to notice, as both Gilgamesh and I turned our heads towards a black portal that formed suddenly right between the black Abyss I had created, and her Light stained land.


Moments later, a woman and a… thing stepped out of the portal. I say this, because I had a strong suspicion that it was a god. I was unable to make out exactly what it looked like, as it was all sorts of shifting colours and gave off a Divine feel I had gotten when I was summoned by that Light god. But it wasn’t Light aligned at least. 


Turning my attention to the woman who was looking around in wonder, I couldn’t help but do a double take.


‘Is… is that Raven? … it is! She’s been corrupted by the Grimm pools for sure, as she gives off the same feeling, but she’s not the Raven I corrupted. Looks different. What exactly are they doing here…’


Even though she couldn’t see my eyes directly because of my visor, I knew we had locked them nonetheless.


‘Her soul is really strong. Like, really strong. She doesn’t seem to be struggling against my aura, even if I am not currently using Mana Burst. Damn, that’s impressive. And she is actually pretty sexy. I guess no matter what, Raven will always be a dommy mommy.’


Sadly, our look was cut short, as the god(?) that was with her quickly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her through the portal while it shut nearly instantly behind them.


‘The connection I felt to her… no, not connection per say. Resonance maybe? Let’s go with that. How curious of an encounter though. She had no system, and she was not stained by the Light. I think I’ll go visit her when I get stronger, one day. Even now I can feel where she is in the omniverse because of this “Resonance” I have with her. Noted for later I guess.’


Turning my head back to the rage inducing fuckerette, I could only let out a low growl.


Artoria: “You lost your chance to finish me, Gilgamesh.”


Snapping her attention back to me, she went to say something. But I was no longer in any mood to entertain her. She nearly took me from Tearwyn.


Using Mana Burst, and covering my right fist in an inky shadow from my newly named partner, I appeared in front of her before she could even react. I slammed my fist into her stomach, causing her to spit out saliva and blood. As she collapsed onto her knees in pain I had gotten an idea.


Looking at the digital ghostly person draped around her neck, I covered my hand once again with my inky black aura. I reached down and wrapped my hand around this little shits System’s neck. And I pulled.


I was rewarded with two wonderful sets of blood curdling screams. One human, and one distinctly less and sounding more digital somehow. I placed my foot on Gilgamesh's back, covered my other hand in shadow and used it to pull on the System’s left shoulder.


They both screamed and screamed as I pulled, but sadly for them, something had to give. And it wasn’t me. With a curious digital sounding meaty rip, I had successfully pulled her System off her. Whatever form she had going instantly faded, as did her entire domain of Light. With a bright flash, we were back on the moon, as my Darkness rushed around to corrupt the new environment it found itself in.


With Gilgamesh laying on the ground whimpering in pain, I looked at the Digital Human thing in my grip. Much to my surprise, and frankly epicaricacy, it started to painfully talk to me.


???: “Mo… mon… monster… ho… how?”


Artoria: “Because fuck you, that’s how. I am going to enjoy this creature of Light. Perception of infinity. Soul Rot.”


My hand holding the Light System glowed a deep black and purple while my spells washed over it. Soul Rot was a new one that had come to me after Great Red went frolicking in my past memories. A few things had, honestly.


Now, Soul Rot, was kind of like Blood Boil. Except, for the soul. And damn, was it a horribly painful spell if the screams this thing was letting out were any indication. As it was disappearing from my hands, screaming all the while, I wasn’t worried it would make it back to its masters. Avalon, or rather Pandemonium I should say, had taken care of that little detail by imbuing my spells with a corrupting Darkness that is beyond what even my Black Waters can currently do.


As the final vestige and scream was let out from the System when it flaked out of my hands I turned my attention back to the mortal pretending to be Gilgamesh.


‘I honestly can’t decide what pisses me off more. The fact that it’s his face, or the fact that this fuck is using it and debasing his legacy and image. The real Gilgamesh couldn’t be controlled by AWE’s. There’s no way he’d fall to the Light either.’


Using my magic to raise up her body to face me, I could only give her a smile filled with all my hate and cruelty for what I was about to do.


Artoria: “Remember what I promised you?”


My voice seemed to snap her awake slightly, as she looked at me with horror.


Gil: “No… no, please. Stop. I don’t want to… to die… like this…”


Artoria: “Perception of infinity.”


‘This is quickly becoming my favourite spell, or one of them anyway.’


I then used my right hand to crush her lower jaw and pulled it down to hang there loosely. I followed up by plunging my hand through her chest, and ripped out her still beating heart. I stifled her screams by shoving her heart into her mouth and down her throat a bit.


Bringing both my hands up to the sides of her head, there was nothing but utter contempt and hatred on my face for her.


With my hands glowing that same black purple I said, “Now swallow.”


And with barely any force, I crushed her screaming head in and downwards. It exploded in a wonderful display of gore and as she died, there was another ethereal scream as her soul was destroyed from the corruption I had poured into it when I had crushed her head.


Releasing a sigh and the effect of Pandemonium I fell backwards. As the effect left me, I felt my body change back to what it was before, and my white armour returned. I closed my eyes before I hit the surface of the moon, however I felt myself instead hit some grass.


I smiled as I felt a cool comfort wash over me, and it only grew when I heard my little sister's voice call out.


Tearwyn: “Artoria!



Well, how was it~? A shout-out to Saeko_Kaburagi over on Webnovel as their MC from "Branwen" made a cameo~. They did a cameo of mine first, and I just HAD to follow up asap~. Okay, so that was the reason why I wrote this chapter so soon mostly~. I just had to turn that little cameo into canon~. Hehehe, busted~. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter~!

PS. I suck at coming up with names, I know~.

Book link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/branwen_23403269806558005

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