Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 58: A surprise visit!

As I was nearing the mighty and quite frankly beautiful castle Hogwarts, I saw a shimmer of magic around the entire thing. Slowing down and coming to a stop, I floated there as I examined what I assumed was a barrier of sorts.


With a hum and crossing my arms over my chest I thought, ‘This must be one of the famous wards Hogwarts has. Let’s see…’


I spent a few moments trying to examine the barrier and was quickly able to tell this was merely a barrier that would set off a sort of alarm to whomever was connected to it. I was surprised by how advanced this barrier was however, as it would scan your soul to divine your intentions. And if it was found that you meant harm to anyone inside, it would trigger and alert those connected to it.


With another hum I thought, ‘Most impressive considering how low level this universe is for magic. Even now, I can barely feel any mana in the air. Well, compared to other universes with magic in them anyway.’


Tilting my head side to side I mumbled, “Do I go in all stealthy, or just say fuck it and crash the party?”


Taking a look around though, I noticed a few things now that I actually paid some attention. There was a tension in the air, and my Authority of War also felt like it was humming in anticipation.


With a shrug of my shoulders I said to myself, “Eh, fuck it. I’ll go stealthy this time. Maybe I can find the perfect moment to fuck with people and cause some havoc.”


I suddenly heard soft pop sounds on both sides of my head and felt a bit of weight on my shoulders. And then a voice I was not expecting to hear came from my right and said, “Good idea! Let’s cause some chaos and have some fun!


Another familiar voice from my left chimed in with, “Yes! Let’s see how you do things, sis!”


Blinking my eyes several times in disbelief, I snapped out of it quickly and gently used magic to hover the two little ones off my shoulders to have them float in front of me.


As soon as I saw and confirmed who and what was now floating in front of me I squealed in happiness, “TEARWYN~~! And Neo? OH MY LILITH YOU ARE BOTH ADORABLE!”


I dismissed my armour and pulled both of them into a soft but tight embrace. I couldn’t help but giggle as I hugged the two plush sized kitsunes. They were so cute! And tiny! I know I've seen Tearwyn like this before, but I was quite filled with rage before and couldn't appreciate what I was seeing at the time.


Neo started laughing while Tearwyn was giggling and returning the hug. I floated there in the air hugging them for several minutes before I was finally able to get over the sudden appearance of them both.


With a tinge of regret however, I still managed to stop cuddling their smoll and fluffy forms and let them go. As they floated back a bit I asked, “How are you two here?”


Tearwyn beamed a proud smile at Neo as she glomped onto her head and said, “Neo here! One of her Major Authorities is Magic. She is projecting herself like I do, and brought me along! Isn’t that awesome!? Because she is projecting herself along with me with her Authority, we didn’t need Big Sister Lilith to bend any Divine Laws for us. Granted we can’t do as much, or anything really, as I can normally when I am with her, but it’s still an amazing achievement for such a new Goddess!


I smiled at her energy and with a nod I said, “It is! I see you are coming into your new existence quite well, Neo. Are you two going to stick around some and watch on my shoulders, or was this just a test of sorts?”


Neo returned my smile and did a silly little bow and then said, “We’d like to watch if possible, Sis. Not much is going on at the moment since everyone else is asleep.”


With a nod of my head I motioned them to take up their spots on my shoulders. Though I would be completely lying if I said it was easy to concentrate on what I was here to do with Tearwyn nearby.


But I pushed through my desire to cuddle her as I knew she wanted to watch me right now, and enjoy our time together like that. So, I let gravity claim me again and fell to the ground. I was a good distance in the air though, so both of my passengers laughed at the sudden drop and thoroughly enjoyed the free fall.


However instead of crashing onto the ground, I slipped into my shadow. Nearly instantly after the three of us emerged from the shadow of a pillar in the main hall of Hogwarts. While it was mostly empty, we were able to see a few students from each of the houses on the large tables. Almost as if agreed beforehand, the three of us looked up at once and enjoyed the enchantment that was placed on the ceiling of the hall.


I slightly nodded my head in appreciation at the view of the sky the enchantment emulated. I felt Tearwyn bob a bit on my shoulder as she said in awe, “Wow… that is really pretty!


I could see Neo nod her head in agreement from the side of my view as she said, “It really is. I think I’ll steal it!”


As I turned my head to look at Neo in a little bit of surprise I felt Tearwyn stand up and lean on my head as she peered over it. With a raised eyebrow and amusement in my voice I asked, “Steal it? Do you mean the idea, or the actual enchant?”


With a sly smile Neo looked up at Tearwyn and asked, “Both?”


I felt Tearwyn nod her head while she said, “Both.


Neo smiled widely as they said at the same time, "“Both.”"


She then looked at me and said, “Both is good.”


I chuckled a little at the skit they just pulled and asked, “Well, how are you going to steal it? Are you able to use magic as a projection like this?”


Neo frowned for a few seconds before shrugging and said, “It seems I can not, sadly. But, YOU can!”


Rolling my eyes and shaking my head I chuckle again while looking back up at the enchanted ceiling. Swaying my head back and forth gently I enjoyed Tearwyn's giggles, as she had moved to the top of my head, while I examined the full enchantment.


After a few moments of the three of us looking over the enchantment Neo said, “Well, it looks like it's powered by the castle itself, but the enchantment is a series of runes etched into the stone.”


I gently nodded my head in agreement and said, “That’s what I noticed as well. It’s like a very fancy illusion. It’s got a bit of physicality to it, so it can react a tiny bit realistically to stimuli from inside. Nothing fancy, but still. Very advanced for this world. The wizards of old were much stronger and way more creative than they are now it would seem.”


I felt Tearwyn playing with my hair as she said, “Stagnation, regression and then stagnation again because of arrogance.


Neo hummed slightly then said, “Such a waste of potential. Whelp! Time to steal us the sky, chicken little!”


Rolling my eyes again I asked, “And how do I do that, exactly. I don’t think I have even a minor Authority in magic.”


I felt a fluffy tail gently pat my head a few times then Tearwyn said, “It’s easy! Just concentrate on the entire ceiling and spread your mana around it gently. Then wish to send whatever is coated into our Dimension. Our Apocalypse system will take care of the rest~.


With a bit of surprise on my face, I simply nodded my head gently and did as Tearwyn instructed. While I was able to do it gently it was not, however, in any way subtle. The entire ceiling was now glowing a deep purple which had attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.


The few students, most of which looked to be on the older side, all looked up in confusion and much to MY confusion, extreme fright.


It must have been visible on my face as Neo soon said, “That is both an amazing and horrible display of mana control, Sis… The fact that you are using that much mana and it’s not crushing anything is astounding…”


Tilting my head and internally smiling at Tearwyn's giggle, I asked, “What do you mean?”


Neo looked at me with a bit of a forced smile as she said, “Sis… Artoria… you’re using enough mana to power a spell to destroy a planet. I am sure everyone ON this planet can feel the mana. And yet it is not applying the usual pressure this amount of mana would give off on the environment and people around it.”


I heard Tearwyn giggle again as she said, “That’s Artoria for you~! Super fine control is not her strong suit in the slightest! But, we can’t blame her for that. It’s the nature of her power. It wants to be free, to rage and lash out.


I then felt a soft fluffiness envelope me as Tearwyn, along with her tails, hugged my head as she said, “The fact that no-one is feeling the pressure from that mana however, is testament to the training we’ve done with the skill I have given her. I am proud of you!


I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment at Tearwyn’s praise, only for them to get even hotter when I heard Neo say, “Cute!”


Unable to handle it anymore, and not wanting to have this amount of mana be sensed for long, I quickly concentrated on sending the ceiling to our Dimension. More specifically, to Neo’s “floor” behind the Starbucks she had just finished setting up.


I reached back with my right hand and gave Tearwyn some head pats right after as I said, “Thank you Tearwyn.”


I promptly tried to ignore Neo’s little squeals of excitement and the sound of a camera taking pics. As I gave Tearwyn one last head pat I thought, ‘I don’t want to come off as a tsundere after all.”


Ignoring all the gasps and fearful shouts of the students about the roof completely vanishing, I made my way out of the grand hall and into the hallway. I made sure to stand out of the way so the people I could feel that were starting to swarm to the hall wouldn’t hit me. I closed my eyes and focused on all the souls in the castle, trying to see if I could feel any Light corruption.


After a few moments I frowned and sighed a little then said, “Well, I don’t feel any Light corruption in the castle. Maybe the scout is somewhere else in the world?”


Tearwyn hopped off the top of my head back onto my shoulder, and as she was sitting down and getting comfortable she said, “Most likely, if they are like all the others you’ve killed off so far. I can’t help you at all, sorry.


I simply shrugged while Neo said, “Not your fault, little Plushwyn~. I’ll get better at this projection ability and one day we can all be little plushies around Artoria and not only watch, but kick some ass!”


I barked a soft laugh as I said, “I can see it now. Our little family are all visiting a random world in plush form causing chaos and havoc.”


As I looked over at Neo, I could practically see her eyes turn into stars and sparkle as she yelled, “YES! That needs to happen! Oh Lilith, that would be the funniest SHIT EVER!!!”


I could feel Tearwyn vibrate with excitement at the idea as she excitedly said, “YES YES! I could dress up as Artwyn again!


A large smile crossed my face as I nodded my head. Neo however seemed confused and intrigued as she asked, “Artwyn?”


With a light chuckle I said, “I took Tearwyn trick or treating once, and she dressed up as me. Had a tiny Excalibur Morgan and everything, but in her colours. I called her ‘Artwyn’ and she loved it.”


I could see Tearwyn nodding her head with a giant smile on her face out of the corner of my eye as she said, “Yes, yes! I still do! I’ll show you sometime soon, Neo!


Neo nodded her head and said, “Hmm hmm! Please do, Plushwyn! I imagine you’d look very cute!”


With the same big smile on my face I said, “She was extremely cute. You’re in for a treat, Neo.”


Neo clapped her hands together and excitedly said, “I can’t wait! Now, Plushwyn said you have a goal besides killing the Light scout that’s invaded?”


I nodded my head while I started to walk towards the strongest soul in the school I could feel and said, “Yeah. I want to learn The Cruciatus Curse, otherwise known as Crucio. All the spells I have are all lethal. And while people will go insane and even die from Crucio, its main feature is the pain it brings. While everything I do, pain is just a consequence and not the intent.”


Neo nodded her head and said, “Ahh, yes. Good ole Crucio. Good plan, it’s a great spell to have honestly. Hmm, maybe I should pick it up…”


As we turned around the corner I noticed we had made our way to the Gryffindor’s bedrooms as we could see the main protagonist of this world, Harry Potter, along with his two friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley talking to.. A house elf, in front of a painting of a rather large woman.


The unknown elf was pleading with Harry as he said, “Please, Mister Potter, listen. That mana we all felt was not normal, right? We need to get-”


He suddenly stopped talking, and turned around and stared right at us, or rather me. While I kept a poker face, I couldn’t help but feel great confusion as I quietly asked the two on my shoulders, “I know you two can’t sense it, but this can’t be happening, right? No-one in their right mind would ask for that… right?”


Neo and Tearwyn both tilted their heads as they asked in sync, ““Ask for what?”


The house elf seemed to pale drastically, if that was even possible and took several fearful steps back as I answered, “To be reincarnated as a fucking house elf…”

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