Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 62: I have stats?!

— P.O.V. Rin Tohsaka —


~Seconds after summon ritual spell was casted~

The moment I had finished the last verse of the ritual to summon Saber, I immediately knew something had gone wrong. Nearly all the Mana in the immediate area was suddenly absorbed by the ritual circle, along with a majority of my own Od.


And then as if to mock me for thinking something simple had gone wrong, the room I was in suddenly lost all light and warmth. With a startled yell, I was suddenly pushed away from the ritual circle and slammed into the wall.


As the ritual circle started to glow an eerie purple I thought, ‘What the hell is going on? This isn’t like anything I was taught would happen! Ugh, even with a quick application of Reinforcement, that knockback still hurts…’


As I was gathering myself up from the floor, there was yet another change to the ritual circle. A black substance of sorts started to seep out of it, and flood the immediate area around the circle. And it felt extraordinarily vile, and wrong in every sense of the words.


Much to my relief the black sludge didn’t move past the circle, but once again as if to mock me for my simple thoughts, black ribbons with red outlines shot out of the black sludge and rapidly started to take a form.


Within seconds the ribbons had created what looked like a rose bud of sorts. But what worried me was if the black sludge felt vile and wrong, the ribbons felt like pure Evil. What was even worse was the waves of power I suddenly started to feel coming OUT of the said flower bud.


With sweat trickling down my back I took a worried gulp and thought, ‘What have I summoned? Is it some kind of Eldritch monstrosity? A horror that mankind should never know?!’


My thoughts came to an abrupt end when the flower bud suddenly bloomed. As everything started to flake away in black particles, all that was left was the most radiant woman I have ever seen in my life. It was childish, but I couldn’t help myself as I glanced at her chest, and then at mine.


Before I could even put thoughts to this childish action however, she spoke, “I ask thee. Are you the weakling seeking my power?”


It was too much. My mind ground to a halt upon hearing her talk. Her ethereal looks mixed with her voice was too much of a contrast for what I had just witnessed the ritual do before she showed up. Even the sting of being called a weakling was ignored in favour of basking in her presence.


She was in a gorgeous purple dress that left nothing to the imagination, while also adorned with priceless looking jewellery and a crown/tiara. Even the pitch black lines that were tracing her body and occasionally glowing with a red/purple energy only heightened her looks.


And her eyes! Sharp, slitted like dragons and glowing gold were captivating me. They were beautiful beyond measure, even if I could see endless cruelty in them.


As my mind finally rebooted I only had one prevalent thought, ‘This is who I summoned?’

— P.O.V Artoria Alter —

While she was rebooting herself, I in the meantime was internally frowning. Not even a second after I had thought that I was glad I didn’t weaken myself, I was hit with a sudden realisation that I spoke too soon.


I was drastically weaker than what I was moments ago, but I wasn’t a weakling per-say. The only thing I can think of that would be responsible was the ritual.


With a sigh I thought, ‘No wonder that option was worth a seal. Do these rituals actually dictate the power of the servant though? Or was this something Mother added? Or maybe it’s the class I was given upon being summoned? Hmm, while I can’t crack a planet with my fist anymore, I am still way stronger than any normal summon I bet.’


I was taken out of my thoughts by the stammering of Rin, “Y-Yes! I… I was the one who summoned you. I am your Master.”


I narrowed my eyes and said, “I would be careful with the term ‘Master’ mortal. I am no slave. But fine, I will help you burn your world to ash should you desire it.”


She blinked at me dumbfoundedly for a second before she hissed in pain and held her left hand. I could see my command seals forming on it, and it looked just like what that loser had back on Remnant. A 3 tailed fox with Excalibur in its mouth.


Shaking her hand lightly while softly blowing on it she asked, “Why did that hurt? It’s not supposed to hurt?”


I tactfully ignored her question and asked one of my own instead, “What is your name, Mortal. While I don’t mind calling you that, I don’t want you to get confused when there are more of you around.”


Making an annoyed face while looking at her hand for a few seconds, she then looked up at me and said, “My name is Rin Tohsaka. And yours?”


I briefly considered if I wanted to tell her my name or just the class, which I honestly still had no idea what it was for some reason, she quickly said, “Hold that thought! Please, come with me to my room. I have an artefact I would like to use to see your parameters and abilities.”


With that, she turned on her heel and quickly left the room. I merely shrugged my shoulders and followed. While we were making our way to her room, I was trying to look inward to see if I could see my own class and specs. However the only thing that ever came to me was the word “Foreigner” and nothing else.


With a quiet hum I thought, ‘Foreigner, is it? Well, I am outside of this reality, and of general human comprehension now I guess. Makes sense.’


It didn’t take us long before we made it to our destination, but before we could enter Rin turned around and said, “Please wait here.”


Raising my eyebrow at her barely noticeable blush I merely nodded my head. With a quick nod of hers, she opened the door and closed it right behind her.


While I could hear her rummaging around in her room and complaining about the location of the book I thought, ‘What was that about? And why the blush? Is she hitting for the same team in this timeline or something?’


Soon I heard Rin shout in glee as she found her elusive book, and rushed back to the hallway. Opening and closing her bedroom door with such speed that honestly shocked me, she walked up to me and handed me an old leather bound tome.


Accepting the book, I looked up at Rin with a bit of confusion on my face. She took the hint and said, “Right. Say your full true name with the intention to read about yourself while looking at the book. As your Mas-”


She noticed my look and instantly changed what she was going to say with a cough, “I mean Summoner, I feel like I have the right to know about my summons.”


I honestly wanted to know my stats and abilities too, but I also wanted to mess with her a bit. So I just stared at her for a few seconds with narrowed eyes to let her sweat a tiny bit.


I chuckled a bit with a smirk before looking down at the book and doing as instructed, “Artoria Pendragon Alter.”


The book shone a brilliant rainbow before it faded away to reveal my name as the title of the book. With a hum, I opened the book and was honestly a little excited to see what was inside. But much to my surprise the pages started to flap by at an extreme speed before stopping suddenly on an entry about myself.


Seeing as Rin made her way over to my side to read the book, I held it out a bit so it’d be easier for her to see it. Personal space is very much ignored by her when she gets lost in her own little world it would seem.

Class: Foreigner


Master: Rin Tohsaka


True Name: Artoria Pendragon Alter


Alignment: Neutral Evil


Strength: EX

Endurance: EX

Agility: EX

Mana: EX

Luck: EX

Noble Phantasm: EX


Class Abilities:


Existence Outside the Domain: EX


Personal Abilities:


Independent Manifestation: EX

Sadly, before I could go further, Rin suddenly collapsed beside me and started to half mutter while giggling, “EX! All of her stats are EX! And Pendragon… King Arthur? But, why Foreigner? I don’t understand, UGH!”


Looking down at her I asked, “You okay, Mor- Err, Rin?”


She looked up at me with excitement in her eyes as she said, “Okay? OKAY?! I summoned the strongest servant EVER! I wanted Saber, but you are so much stronger!”


She suddenly froze after yelling and blushed a bit before looking away. She then quickly stood up, dusted herself off and asked, “Sorry, I got too excited. Now, please show me your abilities?”


Giving her a side glance as I went back to reading the book I said, “Right…”


Looking at Independent Manifestation I got the feel that this was actually my Heaven’s Feel wish in the form of a skill. It basically let me just… be here. No need for a Master to do anything at all. As I could supply myself with an infinite amount of mana.


Next was Magic Resistance also at the EX rank. Which wasn’t a surprise, honestly. I was practically immune to all magic in this world. Go me.


The next one was a little surprise to be sure; Tearwyn's Love. And all it did was change my Alignment from Chaotic Evil to Neutral Evil. I internally snickered at that, as it was totally true.


After that was Shield of Bloodlust at EX. It was just my Aura that Ruby unlocked for me. It was interesting as the skill said I was able to use my unending Bloodlust to reduce all damage taken by up to 100% depending on the rank of the attack. Anything below A rank would be fully blocked, while anything A+ or above would go all the way down to 30% reduction at the EX rank.


Up next was Battle Continuation at the EX rank. Which basically let me ignore fatal wounds and keep fighting. Most likely a representation of how my body isn’t actually a body and I am more or less immortal.


I also had a lot of other combat related abilities at the EX rank. Honestly, I was horribly overpowered. But I was also so much more than some mere Heroic Spirit; as an entity on its way to ascension. The ritual or class may have limited my power output, but it had no effect on my skills and abilities it seems. Or my clothes, as I still felt the enchantment from Neo just fine.


Rin was practically vibrating with excitement and disbelief after reading through several pages worth of my abilities. I don’t think I saw a single one that was not at the EX rank.


With a soft and amused huff I thought, ‘Three and a half million years adds up after all~.’


As Rin flipped the page that finally held a new category, my Noble Phantasms, she said, “This is cheating. You’re a total cheat! How was I able to summon you?!”


With another amused hum I asked, “Who knows?”


Rin then read out my first Noble Phantasm out loud for some reason, “ Excalibur Morgan. Ex Rank. Anti-existence… An-ant-anti. Existence…”


She then promptly fainted when she read that it had no target limit as well. I chuckled softly at her expense and just turned back to the book to read the description of my beloved blade. And while the text was corrupted, I had no problem reading it myself unsurprisingly.


Excalibur Morgan is the Holy Blade of NULL. It has soaked in an uncountable number of destroyed lives, destroyed an uncountable number of existences. And has bathed in the outer reaches of the NULL, blessing the blade with its attribute. The first of its kind, this Noble Phantasm is more of a Soul Weapon but is classified as a Noble Phantasm by the ROOT for ease of explanation.


My next Noble Phantasm was Pandemonium and read as follows: Once called Avalon, this scabbard has abandoned the ideals that it was crafted with and for, much like its master. While it provides the same level of healing as it used to, it now also enhances its master's other Noble Phantasms while boosting their stats greatly. The increase is so grand that the other Noble Phantasms become slightly harder to control and gain passive effects.


I was not in the least surprised to see my Black Water listed as a Noble Phantasm, nor surprised it was sealed. Its description though was enlightening.


This is less a Noble Phantasm and more an extension of Artoria. It has the ability to absolutely corrupt the existence of anything it touches, while simultaneously leaving the core of their being intact. This corruption has several levels and degrees of effects. At its most basic level, it will simply inverse someone's morals, or flip their alignment. At its highest, it pulls on the Authority of Corruption from Artoria to remodel the entity's soul and body if available or applicable. This act also forms a soul corridor between them, much like what God’s form with their most zealot believers, if the soul and or body survives the transformation. This bond can be broken, however.


The description continued on the next page; causing me to let out an amused huff with how long its description was compared to the others.


The longer this Black Water stays in a world, the more “Evil’s” it will start to absorb to strengthen itself and Artoria. Has the ability to permanently absorb new effects from existences that are similar to it in function. The corruption may only be purged by something with a higher level of Authority of Corruption or Cleansing.


After reading that corrupted wall of text I had another surprise in store for myself however, I had several other Noble Phantasms. Much to my disappointment though, they were completely corrupted, and I couldn’t read them. The only word I could read on all of them however was “Sealed.”


While I was disappointed that this book wasn’t a catch all, a low moan from the floor drew my attention. Looking down at Rin, I had a small sly smile as I thought, ‘I totally forgot she was there. Oh well!’


Snapping the book closed like an angry librarian I asked the poor girl, “Are you okay, Rin?”


She groaned and held her head as she said, “No more. Please. I’ll take my book back, and promptly forget it exists while you are here. You’re too much!”


With another chuckle I hand her the book and say, “Mortals.”


Sorry if this felt like a non-chapter and more of a filler. But I feel like this may have answered some peoples questions about some things~? Also sets the tone. SHE BE OP! If you're surprised, you do not know me well~.

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