Take It Easy

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 – Cocoa

Do you lack the beatings of society?

That night, various media reported on the affairs of Wang Ba and his younger brothers, among which Provincial Taiwan took the longest time.

In addition to the scenes of several people being arrested at the time, they also sorted out a lot of previous convictions, and the bits and pieces add up to enough for them to eat in prison for a long time.

Zhou Yi was really comfortable watching the live news, tied a leash to the leg of the chair, and carried them all to contribute to the ratings.

Tang Yuanzhou came over after drawing the picture, and saw a room full of cats, cats and dogs, and he didn’t know what to do for a long time.

He pushed his shoulders back, leaned against the wall and asked Zhou Yi, “What is this for? A military parade?”

“How could it be possible for my vast country to raise such a rich and addicted soldier.” Zhou Yi couldn’t hold back his excitement at all, and narrated the matter of Wang Ba and others to Tang Yuanzhou with more details.

After the latter heard it, he glanced at her casually and said, “This is Mu Qinglin who is capable, why are you so excited?”

Zhou Yi slumped into the chair, clasped his hands on his abdomen, and said in a calm and eloquent tone, “You don’t understand…”

Without me, can Mu Qinglin take care of this mess?


People are because of me.

because I!

In other words, is Mu Qinglin not bad?

Zhou Yi thought secretly.

Yang Ling came out with a bag of apples and small boots, and seeing that the corners of her mouth could be raised to the sky, she asked strangely, “Why are you smirking?”

Zhou Yi didn’t say a word, moved to the side, opened the table for Yang Lingteng, and asked her, “Do you want to take it to school tomorrow?”

Yang Ling, “Yes, did you get the greeting card?”

Zhou Yi, “Hmm…”

Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve. Every year, Yang Ling prepares boots and apples for the children in the class, as well as handwritten greeting cards. The workload is heavy.

In previous years, Tang Yuanzhou would help.

Last year he was unable to leave because of something, so he assigned the work to Zhou Yi. She wrote and drew without ambiguity, and the final effect was very remarkable——

Compared with Tang Yuanzhou’s angular official blessing, children prefer Zhou Yi’s Q version of the small avatar.

The two were busy until after twelve o’clock in the evening.

The next day Zhou Yi was too sleepy to get out of bed, and he lingered until noon before he was so hungry that he went downstairs.

“Xiao Hei, is there any food left?” Zhou Yi stood by the door and asked Xiao Hei.

“Yes, yes…” Xiao Heima quickly picked up a takeaway bag from the table and handed it to Zhou Yi, “Hey, braised short ribs, my brother specially ordered it for you.”

“Ah…” I just digested the meal yesterday, and my stomach still remembers the taste, so it’s a bit extravagant to come again today.

Zhou Yi put the food in the microwave oven for a while, then sat down at the table and ate it intently.

While throwing bones into the trash can, Zhou Yi saw something dropped from the corner of the table.

She leaned over to pick it up.

“What luck…” Zhou Yi was speechless.

What fell off the corner of the table was a greeting card she drew last night.

Yang Ling must be far behind.

Zhou Yi hurriedly called Yang Ling and told her not to send in a hurry.

The children are awkward, and it is not okay to owe anyone.

Zhou Yi didn’t even bother to finish the meal, so he wrapped himself in a down jacket and went out to deliver it.

It was still snowing heavily outside, and the car was screaming like hell.

Zhou Yi waited on the side of the road until his feet were numb from the cold, but there was no empty car to stop, and no one took orders online.

How about driving without a license and driving Tang Yuanzhou’s car out?

Forget it, the province is in front of your face, how ugly it is to be caught.

Zhou Yi stomped his unconscious foot hard, grinning in pain.

“Sister Mu, do you think that is Zhou Yi?” Xiao Liu pointed to the taxi stop on the side of the road and said.

Mu Qinglin was looking at his phone, but he looked up when he heard this.

What about monkey playing?

“Go and get the car out.” Mu Qinglin handed the car keys to Xiao Liu and said.

Xiao Liu, “Oh, okay, shall we stop in front of Zhou Yi for a while? She seems to be waiting for the bus, shall we give her a ride?”

Mu Qinglin, “You are the only one with winks?”

Xiao Liu clasped his fists together, “Sister Mu, thank you.”

Mu Qinglin stuffed the phone into his pocket, and walked towards the side of the road against the wind and snow.

Zhou Yi was already in a daze, completely unaware of the movement behind him.

Suddenly, his head was hit.

Zhou Yi stopped pacing back and forth, thinking that the treetops must have been bent by the snow.

second time…

This tree can be chopped up, except for dead branches and fallen leaves, it can’t even hold a little snow, so what’s the use of keeping it?

Third time…

“It’s too much! Huh?” A cup of hot cocoa pressed against Zhou Yi’s lips, sealing her resentment tightly, and even her mind seemed to be sealed, empty, staring at Mu Qinglin for a long time without any response.

“No? Then I’ll drink it myself.” Mu Qinglin made a gesture to take it away.

Zhou Yi immediately snatched the cup away, lifted the lid, and drank a whole lap away.

Mu Qinglin was a little shocked.

She’s just talking, and she won’t really take it away. Zhou Yi doesn’t need to be like a dog occupying space, so let’s leave a circle of saliva.

In fact, Zhou Yi just felt hot and wanted to drink.

She’s really getting cold…

“Going out?” Mu Qinglin collected his thoughts and asked Zhou Yi.

Holding the paper cup in both hands, Zhou Yi returned to her, “Obviously.”

“Can’t you be a little soft-spoken? I didn’t say anything just now.” Before Zhou Yi stared at her, Mu Qinglin asked her, “Where are you going?”

Zhou Yi, “The Kindergarten Affiliated to Xida University.”

Mu Qinglin’s idle eyes fixed on Zhou Yi’s face for a few seconds, “What are you doing there?”

Zhou Yi, “Tang Yuanzhou’s wife is a teacher there. The Christmas card she prepared for the children last night was left at home, and I will give it to you.”

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he trotted around Mu Qinglin for half a circle, and threw her upwind.

Mu Qinglin’s expression twisted for a moment, and he almost lost the urge to turn his head and leave.

She threw the jacket that was uniformly distributed in the station on the car, and now she only has a sweater on her upper body, the one with a v-neck and collarbone exposed, she is also cold.

very cold…

“Sister Mu…” Xiao Liu parked the car on the side of the road, lowered one window and said, “Do you drive or I drive?”

Mu Qinglin, “I’ll drive…”

“Okay…” Xiao Liu got out of the car and greeted Zhou Yi warmly, “Long time no see.”

Zhou Yi smiled and narrowed his eyes, “I just saw it yesterday.”

Xiao Liu, “Hahaha, it seems to be, oh, your milk tea looks delicious.”

Zhou Yi, “This is hot cocoa.”

Xiao Liu, “Huh? Am I mistaken?”

Zhou Yi, “Wrong…”

Mu Qinglin’s ear hurts hearing the two people’s unnutritious conversation. She hit Xiao Liu on the back of the head with a small snow ball left in her hand, raised her chin at the two of them and said, “What are you doing there with the pestle? I need to treat you when you get in the car.” ?”

Xiao Liu immediately replied, “No need…” Then, like the wind, it swept into the back row, leaving Zhou Yi with a shocking chill.

“What about you?” Mu Qinglin asked again.

Zhou Yi was about to sneeze, his expression was a little dull, “What am I?”

“Do you want me to carry you in the sedan chair?”

“??” What do you mean?

“Sister Mu wants to see you off, come up quickly.” Xiao Liu leaned on the car door and said enthusiastically, “The seat in front is reserved for you.”

The disbelief on Zhou Yi’s face lasted only two seconds, and he got into the car faster than Xiao Liu.

“I’m sorry to trouble you, thank you.” Zhou Yi said sincerely.

Mu Qinglin, “Hmm…”

“…”That’s it? Is it that hard to say no thanks?

It’s alright, the sitting person’s legs are weak, she doesn’t care.

The car quickly merged into the main road, and Zhou Yi identified the direction, which was going to the kindergarten. So she leaned back in her seat with confidence, and continued to sip her hot cocoa.

Hearing Xiao Liu muttering from behind, “Sister Mu, can you not hit your head next time when you hit someone? The snow is pouring into your neck…” Zhou Yi suddenly turned his head to look at Mu Qinglin with a serious expression, “Did you just now Hit my head too?”

Mu Qinglin held the steering wheel and looked ahead, “What?”

“Stop putting on garlic…” Zhou Yi stretched out his hand and made an OK gesture, “A total of three times, if you didn’t smash it, I would chop off these fingers and give you a specimen.”

Without looking away, Mu Qinglin freed up one hand, pressed Zhou Yi’s finger back, and said in a persuasive tone, “Good boy, you’re driving without snow chains.”

“…” Be good to your uncle!

In the snowy weather, the road conditions were complicated, and Mu Qinglin drove for half an hour before arriving at the kindergarten.

When the car stopped, Zhou Yi opened the door and got off.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Liu also came down.

Zhou Yi was a little moved, and quickly said, “No need to send it off, I’ll be there in a few steps.”

Xiao Liu’s expression darkened, “I’m not seeing you off, Sister Mu and I are also going to kindergarten.”

Miss Mu?

and also?

Zhou Yi heard the third sound of closing the door, Kaka turned her neck to watch Mu Qinglin go to the back and take something from the trunk.

While helping, Xiao Liu continued to talk to Zhou Yi, “Isn’t there a news about a teacher corporal punishment of a child here before? Let’s do a follow-up report today.”

Zhou Yi didn’t speak, his eyes locked on Mu Qinglin.

It turned out to be on the way.

Smash her head first, and lie to her “thank you” without saying a word.

That’s it?

Even without looking up, Mu Qing could feel Zhou Yi’s death stare, it was so hot and overwhelming.

The moment the tailgate closed, Mu Qinglin sighed, raised her eyes to Zhou Yi, and saw a big line on her forehead: Am I really that funny?

It’s not fun, and she won’t play it twice in a row.

I just regret it a little bit now.

Mu Qinglin walked up to Zhou Yi, glanced at the paper cup in her hand and said, “Do you want another cup?”

Zhou Yi was expressionless, “Are you lacking the beatings of the society?”

Today’s interview process was discussed with the director in advance. The whole process took less than two hours and went very smoothly.

Seeing that it was still early, the director asked Mu Qinglin if he could help to shoot some more clips of the Christmas activities, so as to increase the positive publicity effect.

Mu Qinglin did not refuse.

The heavy snow is still falling, although it is cold, but the fairy tale atmosphere created by the white snow is just what children like, so the activities are not moved indoors.

When Mu Qinglin and Xiao Liu arrived at the playground, the children were having fun, surrounded a teacher wearing Santa Claus clothes, some were pulling their beards, some were pulling their hair, and the other two were using Santa Claus as a tree, Climbing up her body.

From a long distance, Mu Qinglin could feel the teacher’s longing to grow tall and six-armed, he couldn’t take care of the future, one of them lost his footing, fell on his back to the ground, and almost missed being hit by snowballs from all directions buried.

On the playground, there was laughter and noise.

“Xiao Liu, take a close-up shot.” Mu Qinglin said.

Xiao Liu responded, and ran over with the machine on his shoulders.

Mu Qinglin followed slowly, taking some close-ups with the camera from time to time.

The camera swept across the Santa Claus who had given up struggling and lay flat in the snow, and Mu Qinglin focused twice.

Hey look who this is.

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