Take It Easy

Chapter 134

Chapter 133 – Murderer

“The original chapter has been replaced” A person escaped, and Zhou was chasing him. She said that person was the murderer.

The relaxed atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

Zhou Yi finally remembered those eyes again, she quickly glanced at the computer, and then Mu Qinglin’s face, her expression didn’t change at all.

But she should have imagined that Lodovico met the poaching gang who killed her mother nine years ago.

If she wants to save Lodovico, she will be forced to endure the danger of her loved one once again. She used to be so scared that she fell ill.

“Sister, I…”

“You go…” Mu Qinglin interrupted.

As for whether Zhou Yi would die on the front line of wild protection like her mother, she once saw Zhou Yi’s scars all over her body so painful that she wailed like a trapped animal. Just ten minutes ago, she dreamed of that scene.

Rationally speaking, she hoped that Zhou Yi would not go, but who told her to boast “Haikou” to her when coaxing Zhou Yi to go back with her—

I hope that my liking is stress-free and truly makes her feel happy.

And those tongue twisters about worry and fear just now.

She has conveyed too much to Zhou Yi the position of “you have to be generous in this relationship, you don’t have to be afraid”. She was moved and subdued, and walked up to her step by step, with her head held high. It’s just the way she likes it, so what reason is there to stop her now and make her discouraged?

“Xiao Jiu, I will be with you.” Mu Qinglin said.

Zhou Yi was stunned, “Sister!”

Mu Qinglin said quickly: “When I came back to the news center again, I told you that I hid from the southwest. If I didn’t go through the southwest, I would feel guilty about doing anything in the future, so I want to pick up my mother’s place again. Line-

It was my commitment to publicize and find resources for them, but I never went to the Southwest again.

If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, no matter how much the current wilderness environment in the Southwest has improved, it will always be a pity for me.

This time is an opportunity, I want to put an end to Southwest and my mother. Just like this documentary, finding the murderer who killed my mother is also what I have been waiting for since nine years ago, but because I know there is little hope, I can only keep silent. “

Zhou Yi understands.

Mu Qinglin bit her mouth full of blood and asked Wang Hejing, “Master, did I do something wrong?” can cover all her regret and guilt for Shang Ning’s death. She needs a full stop to be pardoned, even if she did nothing. wrong.

At the same time, this was also her explanation to Shang Ning.

Zhou Yi wavered, “It might be very dangerous.”

Mu Qinglin said: “It’s my duty as a woman to finish what I haven’t finished. Also, have you forgotten? I still remember that it’s my responsibility to carry a camera on my body and record and spread the truth of what I see. “

“Same place, same result, you might face it a second time.”

“But this time I’m not a bystander, and I won’t be forced to experience that kind of powerlessness; you and my mother are in the same situation, as long as you stop thinking about paying off debts and just be a guardian of wild animals.”

Only when there are no distracting thoughts in the mind can we be invincible.

Zhou Yi understood, she firmly grasped Mu Qinglin’s hand, and stared at her with scorching eyes.

Within two or three seconds, Zhou Yi stood up abruptly and pulled Mu Qinglin to leave.

At the gate, Han Qiu, Antoin, Zak… Except for the breeder and the left-behind patrol, the other 16 people have already assembled, just waiting for Zhou Yi.

Seeing her, Han Qiu, who was leaning against the car, straightened up and threw her gun at her.

Zhou Yi caught it firmly, put his back behind his back, and said, “Sorry, I just had some personal matters, so I was delayed.”

Han Qiu said, “Just right…”

“Are you going too?” Han Qiu asked, looking at the camera that Mu Qinglin was holding in his hand, which had already started recording.

“She’s just a reporter for the TV station today.” Zhou Yi said, “I brought it with me.”

Antoin didn’t say anything, he had already learned about the current situation from Sheriff Lieve: four dead heads, two captive lions.

The hunting of lions is a highly controversial activity that has only been derived in recent years – “canning hunting”.

Lions in captivity will be taken to the wild after tourists pay. They stand on the fast-moving truck, holding shotguns, chasing and shooting with cheers.

This is a game favored by middle class or top hunters in the West.

Locally, some places have legislated to prohibit it, but some people still believe that this activity can bring considerable income to the government, and it is still going on.

The thirteen guns on the black rhino last time were probably because they were enjoying the thrill of hunting.

Antoin was angry and powerless when he heard the news.

This kind of activity has been strictly prohibited in the area where they are located. The poaching gang dared to bring people and lions in blatantly. Obviously, they did not take the government and the patrol team seriously. If they let it go, it is unknown how many animals will die.

They may really need more channels to disclose these cruel images, even if it is just to make those people afraid for a while, their animals can also get a chance to breathe and reproduce.

“Thank you…” Antoin said solemnly in Chinese.

Mu Qing remained silent, her quiet eyes locked on the camera in her hand that could record everything.

The group set off quickly.

Zhou Yi, Mu Qinglin, Han Qiu and Antoin drove one car, and the rest of them took two military off-road vehicles left by Sergeant Lieve last night.

The carriage was quiet and silent.

This is their job, and they cannot back down no matter how dangerous the road ahead is.

Deep in the steppe, more than two hundred kilometers to the west, Lodovico’s track briefly appeared for a while.

It ran wildly, obviously trying to avoid danger.

At this point, the coverage of the base station is almost zero. Waiting for Lodovico’s trajectory to appear again is equivalent to collecting their corpses.

Sheriff Lieve couldn’t afford to wait.

When Antoin and the others arrived, his protection team had already divided into three groups, chasing them in the direction where the poaching gang might appear.

The direction Antoin and the others are most familiar with is the west. After meeting Sheriff Lieve, after updating the information, the group headed straight to the west.

After driving the car for half an hour, Zhou Yi leaned against the window and said in a deep voice, “Footprints!” There were still obvious ruts around.

Mu Qinglin pulled into the camera and recorded the messy footprints on the ground.

There are two directions.

Mu Qinglin told Zhou Yi about this discovery, and asked her, “Do you want to chase them separately?”

“No need…” Zhou Yi and Antoin said at the same time.

Zhou Yi tilted his head and asked Mu Qinglin in the back row, “Do you still remember the last time I drove south to avoid those people?”

Mu Qinglin said: “Remember…”

“There is a big river to the south, and the elephants can’t cross it. They live here all year round, and it is very clear, but less than 20 kilometers to the west is the jungle.

Once in the forest, the gang’s cars were blocked outside, and it was difficult for them to catch up with the elephant. Elephants are very smart, they know how to walk. “

Zhou Yi said that they are afraid that they will be overtaken by poachers’ bullets before they enter the forest at a speed of only 24 kilometers per hour.

Antoin speeds up the car.

Zhou Yi took out the satellite phone temporarily provided by Sheriff Lieve to get in touch with the protection team. At the same time, he stretched out his arm out of the window and made a warning gesture to the car behind until they saw it and honked their horns in response.

In less than ten minutes, gunshots sounded in the distance.

Antoin slammed the steering wheel and galloped in that direction.

Zhou Yi immediately leaned sideways against the car door, raised his gun and loaded it.

The car passed through the bushes and collided head-on with the poaching gang who were driving the elephant herd. As expected, there were three cars that Zhou Yi had discovered before.

Zhou Yi was prepared, and shot the driver of the leading car, hitting the shoulder.

She can shoot more accurately, but the Volunteer Patrol has no law enforcement powers, and she cannot kill people.

Their task is not to kill anyone, but to expel, arrest, and keep one side peaceful.

The car lost control and came straight towards them.

Antoin immediately staggered the direction.

The rear car reacted quickly. Before the new driver could grab the steering wheel, he quickly circled up from the side and crashed into the car body.

The car bumped violently, and the people inside couldn’t hold their hands.

Zhou Yi pulled the trigger decisively, blasting the barrels of the two men.

The people in the two cars behind saw that the situation was not right, so they immediately gave up chasing the elephant herd, turned around and ran towards the jungle.

Antoin put down Han Qiu and a car of people and asked them to protect Han Qiu and take care of the injured elephant, while the other car of people continued to chase with them.

The shelter of the forest is a natural advantage, and it will inevitably be occupied by the poaching gangs that arrive first.

As soon as Antoin and the others entered their range, a tire blew up. The car skidded and hit a high raised stone on the ground. Coupled with the **** of the terrain, it rolled sideways twice before stopping.

Zak and the others immediately shot to cover Zhou Yi and the others, and mud mixed with grass clipped was splashed.

Zhou Yi’s injured shoulder hit the car yesterday, and she broke out in a cold sweat. She couldn’t care less, and when she reluctantly turned to look at Mu Qinglin’s situation, the car door was suddenly pulled open, and Mu Qinglin was standing outside with her waist bent. .

There was blood on her forehead, but there was no trace of fear in her eyes.

“Don’t worry about me, as long as I don’t leave here, I won’t be in danger!” Mu Qing said quickly.

Zhou Yi got out of the car quickly, followed by Antoin, the backs of the two were close to the car, Antoin yelled at Zak, “Don’t stop!”

At the same time, Zhou Yi lowered his body and rushed into the bushes in an instant.

Antoin’s movements are more crisp.

Mu Qinglin knew that they were going to go around from the bushes to the back of the poaching gang, and form a pincer attack with Zak and the others.

Two against nine, the chances of winning were not high, but Zhou Yi’s reaction was completely subconscious. By the time she realized it, she had already walked five or six meters.

Zhou Yi hurriedly turned her head, and Mu Qinglin’s camera was looking at her without any movement.

Zhou Yi clenched her gun and mouthed to her, “Wait for me…”

After the words fell, she turned into the depths with Antoin without hesitation.

Zak has slipped to Mu Qinglin’s side, and while filling the magazine, he shouted loudly: “Don’t be afraid, the deputy captain saved my life, you are the one she likes, and I will do my best to protect you!”

Mu Qinglin still said the same thing, “Leave me alone!” She lay on the car door and took a precious picture that she would never encounter again in this life.

The two sides had a stalemate for less than five minutes, and Zak and the others were about to run out of bullets, and it would be useless to continue.

They’ve found the herd and keeping them safe is the top priority.

They also need to attract firepower to prevent Zhou Yi and Antoin from getting into trouble.

Zak opened the car door and went up, retreating quickly.

Mu Qinglin knelt in the back row, and the camera firmly pointed at the person chasing him out of the jungle.

“The protection team is here!” Zak shouted excitedly.

At that moment, Mu Qinglin heard gunshots coming from another direction. Before the car could stop, she quickly opened the door and jumped down. Being driven by the inertia, she rolled forward three or four times, then immediately got up and ran. Go to the protection team’s car and tell them there are two patrol people behind the poaching gang.

The arrival of the protection team quickly gave them the upper hand in the confrontation.

The poaching gang knows that being caught will only serve a few years in prison, but if they resist forcefully, they may die.

They surrendered quickly, and the guards walked out with guns on them.

The first one was the man who appeared in both Mu Qinglin’s camera and the video of Shang Ning being killed.

Seeing Mu Qinglin’s camera, he instinctively rushed to grab it.

The members of the protection team reacted quickly, and the barrel of the gun swept across the man’s temple fiercely, causing him to fall to the ground in pain and unable to get up for a long time.

Mu Qinglin took the picture calmly, without flinching for a second.

The camera turned around and captured Antoin who was being held up by others. Mu Qinglin’s eyes shook for a moment. She finished filming this section in silence, and walked over to Antoin with the camera, “Where’s Xiaojiu?”

Antoin was shot in the leg, panting and said: “There is a person who escaped, and Zhou is chasing him. She said that person is the murderer.”

Mu Qinglin was stunned.

There were seven or eight people at the scene where Shang Ning was killed, but only one of them actually held the machete.

Shang Ning had described that person on the phone—a veteran from an overseas country, whose physique and marksmanship were beyond the reach of ordinary poachers.

Disordered gunshots suddenly pierced through the woods.

Mu Qinglin ran like crazy, so fast that even the protection team couldn’t catch up.

She was still carrying a heavy video camera in her hand.

In the woods, Zhou Yi discovered early on that this man was unusual, and she told herself that no matter how angry she was, she could not confront him head-on, and that she would not break her promise about Mu Qinglin.

She has to go back home. But when the protection team rushed over, they had already run away, and the next time they ran into each other, they didn’t know what year and where it would be.

Mu Qinglin took the risk to come with her this time, she had to let her come out from the southwest completely!

Yanyan, this is the last time I won’t listen to you, please wait for me a little longer.

Holding the gun in hand, Zhou Yi cautiously walked forward.

A “bang” gunshot pierced Zhou Yi’s abdomen, and she quickly retreated behind the tree. The viscous liquid in her body mixed with cold sweat leaked out of her clothes, and her heart beat in her throat.

“Is it, your gamble is to make me lose two of my favorite people in the same place one day?”

“Zhou Yi, is this what you like about me?!”

Yanyan, you can’t!

Zhou Yi slammed his trembling shoulder against the tree trunk, and stabilized the gun in his hand through the short-term numbness.

“Catch me, how much will they give you? I can give you a hundred times!” Minh’s hideous voice came from behind.

Zhou Yi’s face was pale and bleeding.

She clenched her teeth and forced herself to ignore the severe pain in her abdomen and listen to the direction of the voice.

“You can also be my woman, and I will guarantee you money that you can spend forever.” Minh’s voice approached a little closer.

Zhou Yi took a long breath and waited, she didn’t have many bullets, and she couldn’t waste any of them.

His eyes flicked over the dead branches on the ground, Zhou Yi put his feet on them, and crushed them down forcefully.


When Minh heard the sound, he aimed his gun at the tree trunk and fired several times.

Taking advantage of the gunshots, Zhou Yi slid into the bushes on the right, turned around and knelt on one knee, with the spear resting on his shoulder, aiming in the direction of the gunshots.

In an instant, the whole forest fell silent again.

The murderous intent in Minh’s eyes was as fierce as a wolf’s.

He never looked down on the patrol team and the government protection team, not to mention that Zhou Yi was still a woman with only a garbage gun that should have been eliminated long ago.

He crushed this kind of woman to death as easily as crushing an ant.

Minh stepped forward with gun in hand, driven by the man’s overconfidence.

He kept probing aggressively.

“Are you an Oriental?”

“Korea? Japan? Or China?”

Zhou Yi heard the direction, and the sound was many times louder than the sound of Antoin hitting a leaf with a slingshot when he taught her to shoot.

Zhou Yi’s muzzle moved in that direction, she tilted her head slightly to aim, and held the trigger with her index finger, breathing very quietly.

“I have been to China.”

“The sheepskins there are very valuable.”

“We can work together.”

“Bang!” The bullet pierced Minh’s ear and grazed his scalp.

Minh cursed in pain and shot towards the bush angrily.

Zhou Yi was forced to roll all the way and retreated.

When his waist touched a hard object, Zhou Yi’s figure suddenly stopped, and the blood flowed backwards all over his body.

She hit a mine.

This is the usual method of poaching in the village. It is simple to make and powerful. Last time she was careless and almost stuck an ear in, this time she must not act rashly. Otherwise, even if he survived in the end, he would have no way to explain to Mu Qinglin.

Zhou Yi’s whole body was stiff and he didn’t dare to move.

Minh is still approaching.

Zhou Yi cleared his mind, took a deep breath, and the moment Minh’s bullet hit the soil under his feet, he rushed to the side with all his strength.

The explosion was deafening.

Zhou Yi lay down with her head in her arms, her internal organs seemed to be crushed by the rapidly expanding air waves. Branches, soil, grass clippings, all kinds of messy things fell from the air and hit her. Her numb body felt no pain. There was a buzzing in my ears.

Minh was surprised by the explosion just now, not sure if there will be a second time.

He decisively chose to retreat.

It was just a hunting for entertainment, he couldn’t let himself die here.

Zhou Yi got a chance to catch his breath, pressed his fingers to the ground, suppressed the severe dry cough in his throat, and got up quickly.

Minh’s footsteps are quieter, he wants to go.

Zhou Yi pursed his lips, his eyes were black and bottomless.

To chase or not to chase?

If you don’t chase after him, Mu Qinglin’s matters related to Southwest may never be settled in this life.

Chase, she was scolded by Han Qiucai, and she rammed herself into the barrel of the gun.

Zhou Yi raised his hand and pinched his painful shoulder, pressing his body and chasing up.

She is small, with light steps, covered by the sound of Minh’s footsteps, and can hardly be heard. It is easy to do what she wants to do, but it is a pity that Minh is not the first day in this line of work, and he will not be stupid enough to leave his back to the enemy.

Minh held a gun on alert and stepped back carefully.

Zhou Yi has traveled back and forth in the forest in Zhengxi for five years, and she is very familiar with the environment inside. She is not in a hurry, and presses forward step by step.

found it…

A grass nest where they rested when they patrolled here.

Deep in the dense forest, the sun is weak.

Lying in the sunken grass nest to rest, it will not be easily found by animals that come out to look for food, and when you hear danger, you can use it as a cover and hide in it to observe the surrounding situation.

This place was originally a “trench” for poachers. They would hide quietly in it and wait for their prey to pass by. When they walked most comfortably, they would give them the most fatal blow.

Zhou Yi lay prone inside, with the dry grass on the muzzle of his gun, observing the situation outside from a narrow gap in the bushes.

Minh will only pass through this gap once, she only has this chance.

Zhou Yi’s sharp-edged gaze was fixed on the front.

The second the still picture was suddenly broken, she clasped her index finger.

“Bang! Bang!”

Two decisive shots hit the man’s heart, and he stared in Zhou Yi’s direction with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

Zhou Yi is still making up.

When the last bullet ran out, Zhou Yi stood in front of him, looking down at his unrepentant face.

There was a long scar on his face, running from his forehead to the bridge of his nose.

If it wasn’t for this scar, Zhou Yi might not have recognized him. Wicked people always like to pretend when they do bad things. When they go to **** and meet Yan Luo, they will never find the exit to **** again.

Now, you should go, that woman who has been tortured by you for nine years should come back.

A stream of blood poured out from the abdomen, Zhou Yi raised his hand, and slowly covered it with his hand.

She felt a little cold, and her heartbeat seemed to be slowing down.

There are footsteps behind me.

Zhou Yi instinctively raised the gun that was out of bullets, and quickly turned around to aim.

Not far away, Mu Qinglin was guarded by Sheriff Lieve’s men, with a camera in his hand, running towards her.

Zhou Yi’s tense nerves relaxed, and her figure was wobbly. She put down the gun and hid her **** hand by her side. When Mu Qinglin came up to her, she whispered to her, “Yanyan, don’t be angry. .”

The author has something to say:

The original chapter is posted back, I said before that this part of the plot is weakened. So I deleted it specially, I didn’t expect there is still a treasure to read, I sighed, and the later readers would have to spend a few more coins

thanks and bow

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-08-3112:00:00-2022-09-0112:00:00…

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: alone_c, Song Yuanjing, Mu Mumu, Warm Fire, Lotus Cub, 1 fish that wants to eat cats;

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