Take It Easy

Chapter 153

Chapter 152 – Search

If you want to go, feel free to follow, my sister is there for big things.

Zhou Yi’s heart sank suddenly, and the cramped fitting room fell into dead silence.

Nothing to do with anyone else.

Is that…

Has nothing to do with her parents?

Zhou Yi’s hands lightly resting on Mu Qinglin’s waist gradually became tighter.

This time it really hurt, but Mu Qinglin didn’t intentionally tease her like before, but endured it silently, waiting for her to recover bit by bit.

After more than a minute, Zhou Yi’s dark gaze finally focused on Mu Qinglin’s face again, and when she spoke, her voice was squeezed and deformed by unspeakable excitement, “Are you sure?”

Mu Qinglin said: “I can only be sure that my mother’s matter has nothing to do with Quy, nothing else.”

Otherwise, it should refer to her parents.

The tiny light in Zhou Yi’s pupils dimmed, and he tried his best to say calmly: “Mmm…”

Mu Qinglin was afraid of giving Zhou Yi hope in a hurry and disappointing her in the end.

Her heartbeat, which was still eager a second ago, quickly calmed down, she raised her hand, and gently stroked Zhou Yi’s bone-like back, “Can you accept the bad result?”

Zhou Yi couldn’t answer right away.

Her new life has indeed begun, and she can let go of the past, but it doesn’t mean she can forget about Zhou Ming and Ruan Zhongyi.

That was the person who gave birth to her, and it was also the motivation for her to study hard and grow up well.

How could she possibly want to see them proven to be bad guys yet again?

Zhou Yi thought for a while, and said truthfully, “It must be a little uncomfortable.”

Mu Qinglin asked: “Then do you still want to stay with me?”

“Yes…” Without any hesitation, Zhou Yi put her arms around Mu Qinglin’s back, leaned sideways in her arms, and said in a low voice, “After so many things, I still keep hiding behind you, waiting for you to replace me.” Do you want to show your face?”

“Shameless…” Mu Qinglin said: “However, don’t take everything on yourself. Finding a way to prove the cause of my mother’s death is what I have to do no matter what. This is already done before going out with you to do research. Sure, but it’s really because of you that made me come here in such a hurry.”

Mu Qing leaned back against the wooden wall, her calm eyes fell on the soft light on the top, “Xiao Jiu, from Dai Lin to my mother, the reason for your avoidance has not changed at all—you don’t believe your parents You are wrong, but the facts are right in front of you.

So, the dilemma forced you to face us, and you had to change places after places. is not it? “

Mu Qinglin’s question made Zhou Yi’s heart sore.

Yes, she wanted to believe Zhou Ming and Ruan Zhongyi in the face of the facts. But looking at the many reasons for her escaping, this is just the most trivial one. Even when she herself made excuses for escaping, she always put this point at the end, but Mu Qinglin paid attention to it carefully.

She really put all her thoughts and eyes on Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi hugged Mu Qinglin tightly, leaning his face against her neck.

Mu Qinglin looked down at her little gesture of intimacy, and asked with a smile, “Is this an acquiescence?”

After Mu Qinglin finished speaking, without waiting for Zhou Yi’s answer, he followed his own words just now: “I know you are a little stubborn donkey and you need to be more sensitive, so I came here in a hurry and wanted to help you find a point to solve the conflict, even if you can’t solve it. , I also hope to find a way to balance it. Otherwise, you fool probably won’t visit your parents in this life.”

“I didn’t…” Zhou Yi retorted without confidence.

Mu Qinglin exposed it ruthlessly, “Didn’t you go back to your hometown five years ago, and only went to see Dai Lin?”

Zhou Yi said silently, “How do you know everything?”

“Using your heart, you will know what you need to know.” Mu Qinglin slowly rubbed the slightly protruding bone on the back of Zhou Yi’s shoulder, and said, “If you want to follow, you can follow with confidence. My sister is here for big things.”

With a cry of sister, Zhou Yi became the party protected by Mu Qinglin again.

Her dull heartbeat quickly became relaxed and steady, and her wandering thoughts were properly settled in an instant.

It’s just that there seems to be something close to it.

Zhou Yi couldn’t figure it out, thinking he was overthinking.

She pushed back the ambiguous thing in her mind, and asked Mu Qinglin, “What shall we do next?”

Mu Qinglin said: “Quy only said that the matter was brought about by him, and he didn’t know anything else. We can only search along the places your parents walked to see if we can find anything.”

“If I don’t come, you are just looking for a needle in a haystack by yourself.”

“Xiao also said that.”

“Onlookers know, sister Fu Xiao has already said, you still want to do this?”


Zhou Yiquan tightened his arms around Mu Qinglin’s waist.

She didn’t need to ask “why” anymore, even if Mu Qinglin didn’t get tired of answering this kind of question, she would be embarrassed to ask it.

Besides her, why else could Mu Qinglin be?

Mu Qinglin noticed that Zhou Yi’s emotions were quietly surging like an undercurrent, and hugged her closer to him, while laughing and sighing, “Today I didn’t go into a corner, and I didn’t cry or cry. I’m still not used to it.”

Zhou Yi knew that she was teasing, so he didn’t refute, but said: “Everyone said that I have changed my previous bad habits.”

“Okay, okay, Teacher Jiu is perfect now.” Mu Qinglin laughed until her shoulders trembled. After a while, she faded her laughter and said, “Xiao Jiu, before I take you there, I have one more question.”

Zhou Yi asked, “What?”

Mu Qinglin was silent for a moment, and said: “If your parents are indeed innocent, would you blame yourself for not standing firmly on their side to refute Du Wenfei and Guo Hong, and…”

Mu Qinglin turned his head and pressed Zhou Yi’s forehead with his chin, “Could it be that I blamed myself for running away without finding a way to prove it?”

Zhou Yi’s slightly parted lips tightened.

She felt that something was missing. It turned out that Mu Qinglin had separated the two possibilities of a result.

She put the hard one last.

After doing all the preparations.

Does she blame herself?

Zhou Yi asked herself, she would.

Since knowing Mu Qinglin’s attitude in this matter, she has regretted her decision many times.

Even though she tried her best not to leave, she was almost beaten to death by Du Wenfei and Guo Hong in the end.

She felt sorry for Mu Qinglin, who was badly hurt by her decision.

Therefore, she can’t continue to worry about her who puts all her heart on herself.

Zhou Yi raised his head, and slowly rubbed the tip of his nose against Mu Qinglin’s neck, “I try not to think wildly, but if I still can’t help it, you…”

“I have plenty of ways to coax you.” Mu Qinglin interrupted with a firm attitude, “Don’t try to bargain with me, let me leave you alone, or anything else.”

Zhou Yi’s chest rose and fell, she was so hypocritical, how could she not let Mu Qing take care of her?

But when Mu Qinglin said this and she said it herself, the effect was completely different.

Her eyelids were still too thin, and she wanted to cry again.

Before she was discovered, she opened her mouth to lightly touch Mu Qinglin’s neck, then pinched her chin and kissed her.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yi drove Mu Qinglin’s rented car out to refuel. Then he turned back to pick up Mu Qinglin who was shopping for water and food at the market.

The two took their luggage and walked along the only road that could lead to the place where Zhou Yi’s parents died.

They would take photos of Zhou Ming and Ruan Zhongyi to ask everyone they met, stop and go along the way, and only drove half of the way in two days.

Mu Qing woke up before sleeping, pulled up the passenger seat, rubbed her sore neck and said to Zhou Yi: “Xiao Jiu, take a rest and let me drive.”

Zhou Yi didn’t refuse, “After this curve, I’ll find a place to park.” There were only two of them, and they could only drive back and forth.

The curvature of this curve is relatively large, and the navigation prompts accidents frequently.

Zhou Yi paid close attention to the road conditions, not daring to be sloppy at all.

Suddenly, there was a loud “bang”, Zhou Yi calmly grasped the steering wheel, and turned it back before the front of the car slid out of the road.

Mu Qinglin frowned, “A tire blown?”

Zhou Yi glanced at the warning prompt on the dashboard and said, “Hmm…”

Mu Qinglin quickly recalled the inspections he did when he rented the car, “It’s all right, there are spare tires and tools in the trunk.”

After the words fell, Zhou Yi had already found a suitable location and parked the car.

Mu Qinglin quickly got out of the car to check the condition of the tires.

Zhou Yi took the warning triangle and put it in the back, and when he came back, Mu Qinglin had already found the tools to remove the tire.

“The timing is screwed.” Zhou Yi walked over quickly and said.

Mu Qinglin immediately lifted the wrench upwards and turned it counterclockwise, and the screw was indeed loose.

Mu Qinglin looked up at Zhou Yi, the admiration in his eyes was undisguised, “Why do you know everything now?”

“No, I just changed it a few times.” Zhou Yi leaned down, took Mu Qinglin’s hand, rubbed his thumb on the red mark on her palm, and said, “Go get the spare tire, I will Let’s take it apart.”

Mu Qinglin didn’t speak for a second, her hands are hands, it hurts and turns red when it hurts, but Zhou Yi doesn’t?

Looking down at her skillful and crisp movements, Mu Qinglin turned around and walked towards the rear of the car.

At this time, instead of letting those little women’s hypocrisy mess up their minds, it’s better to be proud of having such an excellent girlfriend with appreciative eyes.

In less than twenty minutes, the spare tire was replaced.

Zhou Yi packed the tools back into the trunk, stepped on the flat tire on the ground with one foot and said, “This car is too old, and the tire blew out immediately after putting a nail in.”

Mu Qinglin smiled helplessly, “I even picked out an expensive one.”

Zhou Yi picked up the tire with one hand and walked to the side of the car, “It’s probably because I saw that you were dressed cleanly, so I tricked you.”

Mu Qinglin sighed exaggeratedly, “I’m capsized in the gutter, I won’t dare to tell people that I’ve been here hundreds of times.”

“Bang!” Zhou Yi closed the tailgate, smiled and took the wipes Mu Qinglin handed over, “Let’s find a place to repair the car before it gets dark.”

“Hmm…” Mu Qinglin took out his mobile phone to look at the map, “If you continue to go forward, you have to walk hundreds of kilometers to find a village. To the east, Xiaojiu, there is a town within ten kilometers to the east.”

Zhou Yi said, “Just go there.”

The two set off without stopping.

The non-full-size spare tire can be driven up to 80 degrees, and coupled with the poor dynamic balance of the old and new tires, Mu Qinglin can only drive more slowly.

Forced to lose the rush to travel, Zhou Yi doesn’t have to hurry up to catch up on sleep.

She leaned back in her seat, tilting her head to look at the receding scenery on the side of the road.

In this season, the sky in the southwest is high and the clouds are light, and Gesang is just blooming. From time to time, wild donkeys and lively small antelopes can be seen strolling leisurely by the roadside.

They don’t know the horror of poaching. They will raise their heads curiously when they hear the sound of a car, and will move their heads a little bit in the direction of the car until they can no longer see it.

Zhou Yi has seen too much **** poaching in the past few years, and suddenly seeing such a harmonious scene, his heart is inevitably touched.

She leaned sideways on the car door, looking at a little lamb alone in the distance.

It was grazing happily, but after seeing Zhou Yi’s friendly gaze, it started to run after their car.

The blue sky and green grass, the sound of sheep’s hooves and the sound of the wind are as beautiful as a movie.

Mu Qinglin saw it in the rearview mirror, shook the steering wheel, and said, “There are also volunteers like my mother in the protection stations around the world. Even, there are some people we have never found, but for the people here. Harmony has made unimaginable efforts.

They persisted for many years, and the team members changed batches after batches, so that more than 40 kinds of rare animals here were saved from extinction, and the number gradually increased steadily. Like you, they are unknown when they are alive, and their souls return to the loess when they die, and few people know about them. “

Zhou Yi’s gaze was still on the little antelope, and she really wanted to wave to it.

However, as long as poaching exists, she will not be able to give it the wrong idea that “human beings are friendly”.

Zhou Yi leaned back and raised the window glass to the top in one go, then turned his head, looked at Mu Qinglin’s profile, and said, “But they did a great thing, didn’t they? That’s why , you didn’t blame Auntie for leaving you when you were so young and coming here.”

Mu Qinglin took a quick look at Zhou Yi, captured by her burning eyes, couldn’t help but touched her face with his right hand, and said with a smile, “You too…”

Zhou Yi opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn’t retort like the previous few times.

Antoin’s words may be right, selfishness aside, she never slack off every day there, she should be worthy of Mu Qinglin’s “Captain Xiao Zhou”.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the town shown on the map.

There is a car repairer at the entrance of the town, so Mu Qinglin drove over to have the tire changed.

The tires themselves were very worn and had to be replaced one pair at a time, and Zhou Yi was so painful that he didn’t dare to go to Mu Qinglin to pay for it.

After fixing the car, the two discussed it and decided to rest for a night before leaving.

The owner of the car repair shop heard their conversation, scratched his neck, and said embarrassedly: “Are you looking for a place to live?”

Zhou Yi and Mu Qinglin looked at each other, and the latter said, “Yes…”

The boss hurriedly pointed in the direction, “My grandma opened a hotel over there, it’s a bit old, but my grandma cleaned it up very well, and it’s only 50 yuan a night, can you go there first and have a look? “

The boss stuttered a few words, and he seemed to be an honest person, and he didn’t know how to solicit business.

Mu Qinglin put down his guard and said with a smile, “Okay, let’s go and have a look.”

The boss was very happy and kept saying “thank you” behind him.

Mu Qinglin didn’t break his promise, and went straight to the hotel the boss pointed out with Zhou Yi.

It’s really not a good choice from the outside, but it’s really warm and clean inside, and the old man is also very kind.

I heard that my grandson was not in good health when he was born. In order to save money for his grandson to see a doctor, the old man still runs this hotel in his old age.

Those who get up early and are greedy for night every day, point to someone who can come.

Zhou Yi took Mu Qinglin’s hand and squeezed it.

The latter understood, held Zhou Yi back, and said to the nervous old man, “We want a room, and I will trouble you for dinner.”

The old man happily agreed repeatedly.

Standing by the side, Zhou Yi saw tears in her eyes that had become cloudy due to old age.

After registration, Zhou Yi and Mu Qinglin went to the room to rest.

Soon, the old man came and asked the two to have dinner.

Probably because he was afraid of the shabby dishes, the old man stood at the table uneasy.

Zhou Yi picked up the chopsticks and took a big bite, then smiled and said, “It’s delicious, thank you.”

The old man breathed a sigh of relief and went to the side to do his own work.

The lights in the hotel are very dim, and apart from the clinking of dishes and chopsticks and the slight chewing, no other unnecessary sounds can be heard.

Halfway through the meal, a strong wind suddenly blew up outside.

The old man closed the door and said as he walked back, “The rainstorm is coming.”

Zhou Yi turned her head and glanced at the door that was creaked by the wind.

“Today’s tire blowout is really a blessing in disguise. With this weather, if we continue to move forward, we will definitely be left halfway.” Mu Qinglin said with a smile.

“Yes…” Zhou Yi responded to her, and when he looked back, he met the old man’s vaguely probing eyes, Zhou Yi asked, “Grandma, is there anything on my face?”

The old man waved his hands awkwardly and said, “No, I just see that you look familiar.”

Zhou Yi frowned slightly, she was so big, it was the first time someone said she looked familiar…

Zhou realized something, his eyes shook slightly.

Mu Qinglin, who was next to him, quickly opened the photo album on his mobile phone, walked up to the old man and asked, “Have you seen this couple before?”

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