Take It Easy

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 – Change You

I was fascinated by some ghost again today.

Zhou Yi’s mind seemed to be covered by a cloud of white mist, and he was in a daze everywhere.

In the night, Mu Qinglin’s body leaned forward slightly because of the movement, and there was a wall behind her, and she couldn’t retreat at all.

The distance between the two was forced to get closer, so close that Mu Qinglin’s gentle breathing could be heard, like a rare and gentle wild wind, burning the small fire in her body long and patiently.

In a trance, she heard the sound of firewood cracking.

Subtle but amazing.

Zhou Yi suddenly came back to his senses, and his body shook uncontrollably.

Mu Qinglin pulled out her hand, put one arm on her leg, and asked with a smile, “Does it still hurt?”

Zhou Yi stood up with her back against the wall, and ripped off the clothes that were not messed up. Her actions were completely meaningless. But if you don’t do this, the weird feeling in your body seems to be unstoppable.

Realizing that Mu Qinglin was looking at him, Zhou Yi paused, put it in his pocket, lowered his eyelids to look at Mu Qinglin who was still squatting in front of him, and said, “Why don’t you come and feel it?”

Mu Qinglin propped his arms on his legs for a while, stood up with strength, and said with a hidden smile: “Forget it, the road is fine, why should I learn how to climb the wall like you?”

Zhou Yi turned his face away and left.

Mu Qinglin followed unhurriedly, “Don’t worry, the bones are not broken, so I don’t know if it will be green or not.”

Zhou Yi didn’t seem to hear it, and the bigger and bigger steps she took had nothing to do with the word “pain”. Mu Qinglin couldn’t help but suspect that someone was playing her just now.

The two of them went one after the other, and when they were about to reach the door of the office, Mu Qinglin was suddenly stopped by a phone call in the station. She had to cover the receiver and whispered to Zhou Yi: “I’m standing at the door, Teacher Zhu can see Come on, you go in and ask her for a cell phone.”

Zhou Yi wanted to say “I don’t want this phone anymore”.

Before he could say anything, Zhu Li caught him straight, “Zhou Yi, you came just in time. Based on your answers to the test papers last time, I asked the teachers of each subject for some review materials. You can take them back and have a look. “

Everyone wants to have such a thing as a small stove.

Zhou Yi thought too.

She only got 35 in the test, which is still far from the first place.

Zhou Yi glanced at Mu Qinglin who was frowning slightly, and walked into the office decisively.

“It will be finished within a week, come and ask if there is anything else,” Zhu Li said.

Zhou Yi, “Thank you, Teacher Zhu.”

Zhu Li, “No thanks…”

At the end of the topic, there was no sign of Zhou Yi leaving, Zhu Li asked strangely: “Is there anything else?”

Zhou Yi pressed the tip of his nose with a thick stack of review materials, and said, “Mu Qinglin asked me to come and get your phone.”

“Where is she?” Zhu Li leaned forward, saw Mu Qinglin outside the door making a gesture with him, and immediately understood.

While taking the mobile phone from the drawer, she said, “It’s not an example. If my hands are really itchy, I should hide it somewhat, so that I can find a reason to open my eyes and close my eyes.”

Zhou Yi laughed dryly and said, “Definitely.”

Coming out of the office, Zhou Yi kicked Mu Qinglin’s heel in the back, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Mu Qinglin tilted her head, clamped the phone with her shoulder so that she could pull Zhou Yi back, tapped her hip bone, and then pointed to the road ahead.

The meaning couldn’t be more clear.

Let her walk and watch.

Zhou Yi was underestimated, so she unhurriedly turned on the flashlight that came with her phone in front of Mu Qing, raised her chin at her, and almost pulled her face to the sky.

The next second, Lian Weimin, the dean of teaching, roared from downstairs, “Who is the one holding the phone on the second floor! Let me catch you, and you will be finished!”

Zhou Yiren was devastated. It took less than three minutes for her to redeem her mobile phone. What was even more devastated was that Lian Weimin actually blocked her.

“It’s you, it’s you! I saw you turn on the flashlight just now, hand over your phone!” Lian Weimin roared and ran to this side.

Zhou Yi lay flat, and resignedly went to take out the cell phone that had been hastily stuffed into his pocket just now.

Just as he was about to take it out, Mu Qinglin pressed his wrist back after finishing the phone call.

Zhou Yi turned his head and saw Mu Qinglin coming up from behind, holding his mobile phone and saying to Lian Weimin, “Teacher Lian, it was me you saw just now.”

When Lian Weimin saw that it was Mu Qinglin, he immediately became gentle and friendly, “Oh, Xiao Mu, why are you here? The last time you found a friend in time to give psychological counseling to the students, I didn’t care. I have to thank you face to face.”

“It’s a little effort, please be polite.” Mu Qinglin said.

“It’s a big deal for the school.” Lian Weimin looked serious, and after speaking, he changed the subject and asked, “I heard from Mr. Zhu that you need help with something recently?”

“Well, small matter, it’s already done.”

“That’s good. If there is anything you can help in the future, just ask. Lao Zhu will go directly to the principal when he does things, and it will be very fast.”

Lian Weimin tapped his palms and said, his eyes fell on Zhou Yi again, he squinted his eyes and asked: “Which class are you in? What’s your name? How can I see that you are a bit embarrassed?”

“Student 1, Zhou Yi, I just transferred here today, and you haven’t seen him yet.” Mu Qinglin replied for Zhou Yi.

Lian Weimin nodded, “No wonder, alas! Who is that over there!”

Lian Weimin discovers a new target and quickly leaves the two of them behind to chase after him.

Zhou Yi stood still, until the bangs blown by the gust of wind brought by Lian Weimin ran over, and then he said, “Is the people in this school not normal?”

Mu Qinglin, “Everyone in the attached high school is going crazy, you’ll get used to it in a few days.”

“Really?” Zhou Yi laughed, and continued to move forward, “I always thought that “people are crazy” is a compliment, since everyone in the middle school is crazy, who is bullying Yao Xiaoqi? “

Mu Qinglin didn’t expect Zhou Yi to mention this matter suddenly, she looked at her for a few seconds and asked, “Very disappointed?”

“I’ll just take the test here. I can’t say whether I’m disappointed or not, but…” The lights at the stairway were on, and Zhou Yi was not as careful as he was walking, “A friend encountered this kind of thing before, and he was a little sensitive.”

Mu Qinglin was surprised.

Zhou Yi actually took the initiative to mention his own affairs.

Does this mean that this friendship is biased towards good memories, so she is willing to mention it?

Before Mu Qinglin could decide whether to confirm with Zhou Yi, she had already recalled what Lian Weimin said just now, leaning sideways against the wall downstairs, and when Mu Qinglin came down, she asked her, “Take Yao Xiaoqi’s suit?” The favor of the matter to arrange the transfer for me?”

Mu Qinglin smiled, “Smart…”

“Smart fart.” Zhou Yi muttered softly, then rubbed his fingers and asked her, “Isn’t it worthwhile to exchange?”

Mu Qinglin, “In exchange for you, what would you want?”

Mu Qinglin’s words without thinking were like superficial.

Zhou Yi recalled the smile inside, and the light flashed in his eyes.

With a brisk “Oh”, she turned and left the teaching building.

After sending Zhou Yi back to Hongmen Lane, Mu Qinglin turned around and walked home.

Instead of going back to his own residence, he went to Mu Zhenghuai, whom he hadn’t seen for half a month.

Fu Xiao lost the graduation photo in her hand, and wanted Mu Qinglin to scan a copy, but it happened that she didn’t bring it with her when she moved out, so she just came back to get it when she didn’t work overtime today.

Mu Zhenghuai is an expert in applied optics, and he can be ranked among the top ten in the country. He was invited to another province to attend a seminar the day before yesterday, and he was not at home.

Mu Zipei’s mother, Li Chengqi, suddenly saw Mu Qinglin coming back, and greeted him enthusiastically, “Why didn’t you say hello in advance when you came back? I didn’t prepare anything.”

“Don’t be too busy, I’ll leave with something.” Mu Qinglin said.

Li Chengqi, “I’m back now, let’s just stay for one night.”

“No, there’s an early meeting tomorrow, it’s too congested to go from here.”

“Well, then go quickly, it’s only half past ten.”


Mu Qinglin’s graduation photo is on the bookshelf, so don’t bother looking for it.

When she came out of the room and saw that there was still light under Mu Zipei’s door, Mu Qing turned around and knocked on her door.

Mu Zipei was struggling with the math test paper when he heard a knock on the door and shouted, “Come in!”

Mu Qinglin pushed the door open and entered, walked to the table, glanced casually, and said, “Wrong…”

Mu Zipei immediately threw away the pen, and said in frustration: “I know, but I don’t know how to write the correct one.”

“Don’t struggle, ask your deskmate tomorrow, she is good at math.” Mu Qinglin said.

“Really?” Mu Zipei suddenly saw hope, turned her head and started to worry again, “But I think I’ve already quarreled Xiao Jiu enough today, and now she runs away as soon as she sees me and asks her to give me a lecture. Will throw me out in a lump.”

“Can’t you just say a few words less?”

“I can’t hold back my chatter.”

Mu Qing got angry.

She originally wanted to come here to ask Zhou Yi if there was anything uncomfortable about going back to school on the first day, but now it seems that Mu Zipei may be the most uncomfortable for her.


Mu Qinglin sighed silently.

In the end, it was up to her to find a way to ease the relationship between the pair at the same table, and coax some people by the way.

After thinking for a while, Mu Qinglin removed a USB charging LED light from the car key.

This is what she asked the students of Mu Zhenghuai’s laboratory to help modify it a few years ago. It is small, light, high brightness, and very suitable for emergencies.

“Here…” Mu Qinglin put the lamp on Mu Zipei’s test paper and said, “Bring it to school tomorrow to bribe your deskmate.”

Mu Zipei was suspicious, “Are you sure my deskmate saw this worn out old one, ah, the paint is peeling off! I don’t want it, the pens I use at my desk are all the ones with diamonds, I gave her such a rotten pen With a flashlight, she can throw it into the trash can with her backhand, and she even gave me a glare!”

“No, she needs this urgently now.”

“you’re lying…”

“I lied to you and I took your last name.”

“We have the same surname now.”

“…” Mu Qinglin dug a hole to fill himself, and had no choice but to offer a tempting offer, “This matter is settled, sister will take you to eat delicious food on weekends.”

Mu Zipei immediately stuffed the small flashlight into his schoolbag, and when he grabbed it, he was too anxious and scratched the back of Mu Qinglin’s hand with his nails.

Mu Qinglin had nothing to say.

Who are the one or two at her stall?

On the other hand, Zhou Yi was halfway through the problem and suddenly remembered something. She stepped on the beam of the desk and sent Mu Qinglin a WeChat message while shaking: [The life at home is in dire straits? 】

At this moment, Mu Qinglin just took a shower and went to bed.

Seeing this message, she was stunned for a long time before she remembered how pitiful she was in order to gain sympathy with Zhou Yi, but now that she was found out, she had to think about how to remedy it.

Mu Qinglin: [Take you out for dinner on weekends? 】

Zhou Yi: [What is missing from you? 】

【A man who is so poor that he drinks the northwest wind】

Mu Qinglin: […]

【Then you take me there? 】

“The other party is typing…”

After a few seconds the input prompt stopped.

Come on, one sentence **** people off again.

Mu Qinglin pulled a pillow behind her back, leaned against the head of the bed and typed: [I’ll give you something nice tomorrow. 】

This good thing is a small flashlight for Mu Zipei to take to school tomorrow.

In order to “save her life”, Mu Qinglin did not hesitate to choose to betray her own sister.

Before this sentence was sent out, Zhou Yi’s reply suddenly popped up in the dialog box: [You don’t go to work on weekends? 】

Mu Qinglin’s fingers hovering over the “Send” button stopped, and after a few seconds, he deleted the words in the input box, and retyped: [This week’s rotation. 】

Zhou Yi: [Then you come to the Buddha and Demon to find me at nine o’clock. 】

Mu Qinglin: [Do you really want to take me to eat well? 】

Zhou Yi: [Just say whether to go or not, there are so many nonsense. 】

Mu Qinglin: [Go. 】

Zhou Yi:【/OK】

The topic simply ends.

The smile on the corner of Mu Qinglin’s mouth did not disappear for a long time.

The warm-colored bedside lamp shone from one side, casting a soft light in her eyes.

It seems that some dog-like guys are slowly getting to know how to repay their kindness.

Then why is she so stingy about bones?

Before turning off the lights, Mu Qing lay down, edited the deleted WeChat message before going to bed, and sent it to Zhou Yi: [I’ll give you something nice tomorrow. 】

Zhou Yi replied quickly: [? 】

Mu Qinglin: [Pepe will take it there. 】

【Go to bed early, good night…】

Zhou Yi stopped there for a while before returning: [Good night, good night.jpg]

This expression is a Shiba Inu huddled in the quilt and blowing bubbles with its nose.

Zhou Yi vaguely remembered that it was Xiao Hei who sent it to her. At that time, she said that it was shameful to be cute, and she didn’t need to be killed.


Bewitched by some ghost again.

Zhou Yi stared at the screen for a while, then put the phone upside down on the table.

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