Take It Easy

Chapter 91

Chapter 90 – Miss

I want to live to see her again, I want to… go back to her.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away from Jiangping, there is a vast tropical grassland with fertile soil and lush vegetation. It is one of the regions with the richest wildlife resources in the world, and it is also one of the regions with the longest and most rampant poaching. .

Lions, rhinos, giraffes, pangolins, elephants…any of them has no practical significance to human beings, but as long as someone asks for it, they will be pierced by poisonous arrows and slaughtered with long guns.

Even just circles of ordinary animals hanged alive with wire were skinned and boned, and after a series of processing and transportation, they finally became a plate of meals on someone’s table or an accessory on their body.

Among them, the poaching of elephants is the most rampant. In just two hundred years, the number of elephants has dropped from 26 million to less than 500,000.

Here, an elephant falls every 15 minutes, and the reason that attracts poachers to take risks again and again is just the group of ivory on their faces that are used for digging food or defense.

They are ordinary to ordinary for the elephant itself.

Poachers like to aim their guns at adult elephants over 35 years old, whose ivory length begins to grow exponentially, which is precisely the age at which male elephants have orgasm.

The inheritance of genes has been interrupted, from big root elephants to small root elephants, and now, elephants in some places are being replaced by tuskless genes.

It is true that they can live without ivory, but this is already a form of disability for them.

Four and a half years ago, Zhou Yi knew almost nothing about poaching and elephants.

Today, she is part of a volunteer ranger in southern regions where elephant herds are more concentrated.

This is a grassroots non-governmental organization composed of volunteers from all over the world. In addition to their daily patrols, their tasks will also adopt injured animals, or baby elephants whose mothers have been hunted, and take care of them until they recover or become adults. Release to nature.

There are currently 23 members of this patrol team, Zhou Yi and Han Qiu are the only two Chinese.

Han Qiu graduated from a famous domestic university and is now the only doctor in the team. In addition to seeing a doctor for animals, the team members will also come to her when they are injured.

Zhou Yi’s current name is Zhou Yi, but everyone prefers to call her Zhou. Because of her repeated achievements in the fight against poachers, she was elected as the vice-captain not long ago.

When the first ray of sunlight crossed the horizon in the morning, Zhou Yi, who was sleeping, was awakened by an elephant call.

She opened her eyes and got up without any hesitation. It took less than ten minutes from getting dressed and washing to walking out of the room.

“LO asked you to run again?” Han Qiu, who woke up a few minutes earlier, stood under the tree and asked with a smile.

Lodovico is a baby elephant rescued by Zhou Yi three years ago. He witnessed his mother being tortured and killed, and was very repulsive to humans. Zhou Yi was almost trampled to death by it in order to appease him. Now they are best friends.

Lodovico is not yet old enough to be released into the wild. He lives in the jungle next to the camp and is guarded and fed.

Every day when the sun rises, Lodovico will come outside the camp to call Zhou Yi, and accompany her for a two-hour run, and wait until the rising sun has completely dyed the grassland golden, and then carry her back to the camp for fun.

Zhou Yi Bianre replied to Han Qiu’s words, “It works better than an alarm clock.”

Han Qiu turned his head and looked at Lodovico, who was impatiently waiting outside the gate and was chasing his elephant trunk in circles, and said with a smile, “It’s really rain or shine that you two are running together.”

“It’s been more than 700 days since it started kissing you. It seems like there hasn’t been a day left?” Han Qiu asked.

Zhou Yi stepped on the tree trunk to stretch her thighs, “Well, no.”

Han Qiu said, “You like running so much?”

Zhou Yi lowered his legs, jumped on the spot twice, and said, “I don’t like it. Let’s go.”

Han Qiu stared at Zhou Yi’s stretched and relaxed back and the muscular lines on his arms and calves, his eyes gradually sank.

She still remembers the first time she met Zhou Yi five years ago. She fell on the side of the road, dying, and she was completely different from Zhou Yi, who was always the first to drive away poachers.

“Hi, Mia, good morning.” American volunteer Gore said in his broken Chinese, “Aren’t all your Chinese girls as beautiful as Zhou?”

Han Qiu sipped his saliva and teased him, “Yes, everyone is as beautiful as a fairy.”

Gore shook her head enviously, “No wonder LO only plays with Zhou, her hair blown by the wind looks like a painting.”

Han Qiu raised his eyes and followed Gore’s line of sight.

Outside the gate of the camp, Lodovico, who was unhappy after waiting for a long time, ran faster than usual. Zhou Yi had no time to braid his hair, and his waist-length hair hung behind him, blowing in the wind.

She is like a butterfly with fluttering wings, flying towards the endless blue sky, but she is more tenacious and powerful than a butterfly that cannot withstand the wind and rain.

“Her beauty is also one of the best among us.” Han Qiu said.

Gore nodded, frowning suddenly, “But she always looks very unhappy.”

Two and a half hours later, Zhou Yi came back to the camp after running.

Seeing her wet hair, Han Qiu said clearly, “Did you run to the river to take a bath again?”

“Save water…” Zhou Yi sat down at the table and ate breakfast.

Han Qiu poured a glass of milk for Zhou Yi and said, “Later, Gore and I will go shopping at the market, do you have anything to bring?”

Zhou Yi took a sip, and the milk was reduced by a third. She casually added the milk stains on her lower lip and said, “Two pencils, one short-sleeved. The previous one was stained with blood. It couldn’t be washed off, and there was no need to change it.” gone.”

Han Qiu lowered his eyes and looked at Zhou Yi’s abdomen, “Isn’t the wound already healed?”

Zhou Yi let out a “hmm” and said vaguely, “Yesterday I was chasing two little thieves, and I accidentally swung a stick, which cracked a bit.”

“Then you still go for a run today?” Han Qiu was displeased.

Zhou Yi lowered his head and bit a piece of meat without making a sound.

Han Qiu had nothing to do with her, so he compromised and said, “I’ll show you after dinner.”

“Thank you, Sister Qiu.” Zhou Yi said, “Buy dark-colored short-sleeved ones, they won’t get dirty.”

“Okay…” Han Qiu turned and walked out.

Zhou Yi finished eating in two bites, and quickly followed.

“You had six stitches for the knife wound this time, and if you take good care of it, you’ll still have a scar. If you’ve been tossing around like this all day, do you still need your body?” Han Qiu said.

Zhou Yi took off her short sleeves and sat on the stool wearing only a black sports bra, and said softly, “No one is watching, so whatever you want.”

“That doesn’t hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt that much.” Zhou Yi smiled and said, “I’m used to it…”

After breakfast, after a short rest, Zhou Yi took a few patrolmen to perform daily patrols.

There is only one pickup truck and one off-road vehicle in the team, like a baby bump.

Han Qiu is going to go shopping today. The pickup must be hers. Off-roading is a daily necessity for the British captain Antoin and another patrolman. Their patrol area is much larger than the protected area that Zhou Yi is in charge of. It takes a week to go all the way, and it takes a month to rely on the legs.

Zhou Yi, Zak, Ronen, and Om set off on foot with water and food for the whole day, and a semi-automatic rifle that should have been eliminated long ago.

They have to walk dozens of kilometers in the reserve every day, living like ascetic monks. If they don’t encounter poaching, the day is just boring, but if they encounter poaching, it will become extraordinarily thrilling.

Last month, they just broke someone.

It was a boy who had just turned twenty years old. He was shot in the heart by a poacher and died on the way to the hospital.

This situation has happened three times since the establishment of the team.

The camp was far away from the city, and the team didn’t have enough funds to improve medical conditions. As long as they were injured, either with minor injuries, or stepped into the gate of hell, whether they could come out again depended on luck.

“Vulture…” Zhou Yi looked up at the vulture circling in the sky in the distance, his eyes were dark.

Vultures like carcasses, with hooks on their beaks, which can be easily torn apart even the toughest skin.

Zhou Yi pressed the thing behind his back with one hand, and the three of them ran towards that direction with Zak.

In the bushes of the jungle lay a lioness covered in gunshot wounds.

Zhou Yi squatted down quickly to check, he was no longer breathing, but the body was still hot, and the claws and teeth were not chopped off and taken away.

He should have run away when he heard the movement, but he must not have gone far.

Zhou Yi loaded his gun and looked around vigilantly.

“Running from this direction.” Zhou Yi pressed one leg, pointed to the traces on the ground and said, “The river goes down here, and you can go directly to the downstream village along the way.”

Zak said: “Om and I will chase.”

Zhou Yi stood up, put the gun back behind her back, “I’ll go with you.”

Poachers usually choose the main road where they can drive. They can run fast and take away what they get. Most of the people who run along the river are from the village. They are familiar with the road and know where to hide even if they are found.

Here, poaching is a felony, and once caught, you will basically sit in jail. But in order for the family to have enough to eat, they sometimes have to gamble for a mere few tens of dollars.

Whenever Zhou Yi encounters this kind of situation, she will choose to pursue it herself. She always thinks that she has no relationship with the people here, so her subordinates will not show mercy.

“Om, find a place with a signal to contact the corpse.” Zhou Yi said, “Zak, let’s go.”

The two quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

After chasing for almost half an hour, Zhou Yi suddenly held Zak’s shoulder, dragged him behind the bushes, and whispered: “There…”

Zak looked in the direction Zhou Yi was pointing at. A young man was panting heavily against a tree.

He was holding an earthen gun in his arms, and Zhou Yi was not sure if there were any bullets in the gun, so he couldn’t act rashly.

She took a quick survey of the surrounding terrain and said to Zak, “Stay here.”

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yi bent his waist and walked around the back.

The man was not aware of the danger and was still resting against the tree.

When he heard movement behind him and wanted to turn around, Zhou Yi had already pinned him to the ground with his neck stuck.

Zak immediately rushed out and took his earthen gun.

The man cried bitterly and begged, “There are six children in my family who need to eat. Please let me go. If I go to prison, they will starve to death.”

Zhou Yi ignored him, put his knees against his back, tied his hands behind his back, and said, “I’ve been tired of hearing this for a long time.”

Zhou Yi kicked the man on the waist, kicked him to Zak, let Zak watch him move forward, and he was a step behind, contacting the people from the government organization to take over.

After confirming, she raised her head, and Zhou Yi’s brows furrowed together quickly.

Front view of the man with the hands tied behind him lifted his clothes and touched his waist.

“Zak, get out of the way!” Zhou Yi yelled and flew over to protect Zak, rolling to the side.

In less than a second, the soil bomb hidden on the man’s waist exploded beside the two of them.

This situation was completely unexpected.

The people in the village are different from the gang of desperadoes who live by poaching. They have families and houses, and they dare not make fun of their own lives. The reason why they took this road is purely forced by life.

So no matter how ruthless their methods of killing animals are, Zhou Yi will not be ruthless to them. If they are caught and handed over, it will be over. Who would have thought that Goujitiaoqiang would evolve to this extent.

After the violent explosion, there was an extreme silence.

Tinnitus, dizziness, pungent sulfur.

Zhou Yi heard Zak calling herself, but she seemed to be cut off by an invisible cover, unable to see clearly or make a sound.

Zhou Yi sat up, shook her head vigorously, trying to drive away the strong humming in her head.

Nothing works.

The remaining sense of touch in her body reminded her that a hot current was slowly flowing out of her ears, along her jaw, and into her neck.

She bluntly raised her hand to touch her neck, something she touched through her blurred vision.

is blood…

When Zhou Yi woke up, she was in the car back to the camp—the pickup truck that Han Qiu drove out today. She was lying on the back, her eyes open to the red sunset.

Seeing Zhou Yi wake up, Han Qiu carefully helped her up, and said, “The doctor has checked, and no internal organs were injured, and the skin wound scabbed after a few days of treatment, but…”

“I can’t hear in this ear.” Zhou Yi tugged at the lobe of his right ear and said calmly.

Han Qiu couldn’t bear it, “Antoin and I have discussed it just now. The medical conditions here are limited. He will take you back to England tomorrow. Antoin has a friend who is a medical expert, and he will definitely heal your ears.”

Zhou Yi let out a “hmm”, lay down again, looked at the fiery sky above his head and said, “Sister Qiu, do you think few people know about our death?”

Han Qiu can say “yes” without hesitation.

In such a remote place, with such a rare occupation, the death is nothing more than a pile of loess. Except for a few close people, who would know that they existed in a certain corner of the world?

But as long as she sees Zhou Yi’s empty eyes, she can’t bear to tell the truth.

“Scared?” Han Qiu asked.

Zhou Yi shook his head, “It’s just that every time I am infinitely close to death, I feel a little flustered, as if…”

Zhou Yi couldn’t describe the empty and messy feeling.

Han Qiu was very clear, she said: “It seems that there are still many things that have not been explained, and many people have not seen?”

Zhou Yi’s gaze paused, and he responded slowly, “Mmm…”

Han Qiu, “Then take advantage of the opportunity, do what you need to do, and meet the people you want to meet.”

“What to do, who to meet…” Zhou Yi repeated loudly.

Suddenly, a familiar face flashed in front of Zhou Yi’s eyes, a sharp pain hit her heart, and she curled up in pain.

Seeing this, Han Qiu calmly asked, “Zhou Yi, what’s wrong?”

Zhou Yi desperately grabbed the clothes on his chest, opened his mouth, and a hoarse moan escaped from his throat.

Han Qiu frowned, patted the car hard, and shouted, “Stop!”

The car stopped suddenly at the gate of the camp.

Han Qiu leaned over to look at Zhou Yi, but she raised her hand to block it.

Zhou Yi forced herself to sit up and said, “Sister Qiu, I want to be alone for a while.”

Han Qiu hesitated to speak, observed for a few seconds, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Yi, he let go, “Don’t go far…”

Zhou Yi pointed to the big tree at the entrance of the camp, “That’s right there…”

Han Qiu helped Zhou Yi get out of the car, saw her back straight, walked over step by step, and sat down under the tree.

The sun was setting in the sky, and it was so red that it seemed to be on fire.

Zhou Yi was caged in that light, his eyes were loose and long.

After communicating with Antoin about the specific time to leave for England tomorrow, Han Qiu came out from the camp to find Zhou Yi.

She bent one leg and leaned against the tree, still in the same posture as before.

Han Qiu came over, sat next to Zhou Yi, looked at the sinking twilight with her and said, “Leave early tomorrow morning.”

Zhou Yihuang was so dazed that he remained silent for a while before saying, “Okay…”

“The newly bought pencils and short sleeves are on your desk.”


“You’re welcome…”

“…” There was a sudden silence.

Han Qiu tilted her head to look at Zhou Yi, her eyes suddenly became very far away, like clouds, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop them.

This appearance is exactly the same as when Han Qiu first met her—either she sat silently for a whole day, or she couldn’t wake up from a lethargic sleep.

Han Qiu was very worried, she needed something to bring Zhou Yi back to reality.

After thinking for a while, Han Qiu said, “Zhou Yi, you will be 27 years old next year. Do you have any birthday wishes? I’ll prepare them for you in advance.”

Zhou Yi was taken aback, sat up and lay on his knees, looked at the blood-colored sunset in the sky, laughed, and said, “It’s too early, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Then let me know when you’ve made up your mind, and I’ll definitely do it for you,” Han Qiu said.

Zak suddenly ran out from the camp to call Han Qiu, saying that an injured giraffe was in bad condition and asked her to go and have a look.

Han Qiu immediately stood up and walked over.

When she and Zak disappeared at the gate together, the smile on Zhou Yi’s face disappeared instantly. She lowered her head and stroked the name tattooed on the inside of her wrist, and said with red eyes: “I want to live to see her again, I want… Go back to her.”

The author has something to say:

Ahhh! Why is my treasure so miserable!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-1912:00:00-2022-07-2012:00:00…

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 classmate Mei who doesn’t understand;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: K, Jieyu Guo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Sui San and 1 lotus cub;

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