Take It Easy

Chapter 95

Chapter 94 – Embrace

In the past few years away from you, she may not have a good life.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yi borrowed the hotel owner’s computer, opened a reply email from a local fund, and came by car according to the address suggested in it. He waited from nine o’clock to eleven o’clock, but was only perfunctory for less than five minutes.

“Miss Zhou, you now understand the situation of our foundation. It’s not that we don’t help, it’s really powerless.” The director of the cooperation and development department said with a complicated expression.

Zhou Yi didn’t bother, thanked him and got up to leave.

The other funds I contacted by email before gave similar feedback. They either refused directly in the reply, or did not reply at all. Some of the better ones had a few chats on the phone. The reason was that they had enough energy to spare—

They are not international public welfare organizations, and their funding capacity is limited, and the scope of funding is naturally limited. At present, they are more inclined to provide strong guarantees for domestic wildlife conservation work.

“Jiangping TV Station has been promoting wildlife protection for the past few years, and national policies are also increasing support. As a domestic public welfare organization, we must first ensure that our wildlife conservation workers and our animals are under the supervision of the public. Ms. Zhou, please understand this point.” The liaison officer of a foundation in the north said awkwardly on the phone.

Zhou Yi, “Understood. Thank you for returning my call.”

Liaison, “Should…”

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi sat on the bench by the side of the road for a long time.

Some people’s excellence seems to be innate, like Mu Qinglin, even though she has never been to the Southwest, she can still do a good job in domestic wildlife conservation publicity.

pretty good…

This will make her feel less guilty.

Zhou Yi unscrewed the water and took a sip, cheered up and continued to think of a solution.

There are hundreds of foundations in China, and there are always one or two that can help them.

Even if the fund is really not feasible, there are still companies and individuals who have donated to them in the past.

It’s okay, look for it carefully, there will be.

Zhou Yi got up with the water and went to find a place to eat.

It was a nearly forty-degree day, and the sun was too bright to keep one’s eyes open.

Thinking of Han Qiu’s phone call in the morning, Zhou Yi covered the phone screen with water, found out the call record with Han Qiu, and called back.

Han Qiu answered quickly, “Are you done talking?”

Zhou Yi, “Well, it didn’t work.”

“As expected. It’s okay, take your time. Have you checked your ears at the hospital?” Han Qiu asked thoughtfully.

Zhou Yi paused, his voice lowered, “Not yet…”

“Hurry up!” Han Qiu said in a serious tone, “The matter in the team is not yours alone, we are all trying to find a way, nothing is more important than your body right now! Listen to me and go to the hospital immediately!”

Zhou Yi squeezed the hand holding the water bottle and said, “Okay…”

Zhou Yi’s cell phone didn’t work well, so she couldn’t navigate. After dinner, she asked the traffic police on duty at the side of the road for directions to the hospital. It took her nearly half an hour to walk all the way here.

She came late and was at the end of the queue, so she had to wait at least two hours for her turn.

Zhou Yi found a place to sit.

She was already tired from the long-distance flight, and so many things happened yesterday, she was so tired that she just wanted to sleep.

The air conditioner in the hospital was fully turned on, and Zhou Yi fell asleep leaning against the wall after the heat from the sun subsided.

There were people coming and going around, but none of them could wake her up.

In the lobby on the first floor, after the dean’s exclusive interview, Mu Qinglin, who came to find Fu Xiao, walked towards the escalator and sent her a WeChat message: [Where is it? 】

Fu Xiao: [The door of No. 2 clinic]

Fu Xiao is four months pregnant, and she came here today for a regular check-up. Unfortunately, her husband is still on a business trip, so Mu Qinglin took the initiative to shoulder the heavy responsibility of picking her up.

Although she has repeatedly stated that she is still at the stage of walking like flying, and even worked as a driver for a panicked person yesterday.

Mu Qinglin replied with an “OK” expression, put away her phone and walked to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is on the second floor of the complex, as is the ENT.

Mu Qinglin took the escalator up, followed the guidance of the ground, and walked in quickly.

Passing the ENT waiting area, Mu Qinglin caught a glimpse of a person wearing a black peaked cap huddling in a corner, she thought for no reason of Zhou Yi standing at the door for five or six minutes last night as if she had lost her soul.

She was also wearing a black hat at the time.

Mu Qing stopped walking, wanting to look over.

Before turning his gaze away, Fu Xiao, who was tired of waiting and came out to look for her, called to stop.

Mu Qinglin followed the source of the sound, her face turned black, she strode up to Fu Xiao, squeezed her arm, and said, “Can’t walk without wearing high heels?”

Fu Xiao was so calm, “The road is naturally walkable, but the air below is obviously not as good as above.”

Mu Qinglin didn’t speak, just wanted to go down together, and her heel was turned up.

“Hey, what were you doing there just now?” Fu Xiao remembered and asked.

Mu Qinglin glanced towards the end of his eyes, and said vaguely: “It’s nothing…”

Fu Xiao didn’t think much about it, and when he saw the overcrowded waiting area, he became annoyed again, “I hope I don’t have to wait two hours for a bed on the day of my birth, so I choose to let my husband go.”

Mu Qinglin said jokingly, “What’s none of his business?”

“Can I suffer this without him?” Fu Xiao asked back.

Mu Qinglin smiled and said nothing.

Fu Xiao looked her up and down for a few seconds, and said enviously, “If I had known, I would have found a girlfriend just like you, so that I would not have to deal with strange parents-in-law, nor would I have to worry about getting out of shape due to childbirth, and I would not have to endure the thinking of men and women. All kinds of contradictions brought about by differences. Ah! It’s so annoying! If my brain hadn’t been kicked by a donkey, I definitely wouldn’t have chosen to get married at that time!”

Fu Xiao was suddenly irritable.

Mu Qinglin helped her to sit down, and said, “You can find someone who is not hard-spoken, or you will be so angry that your liver hurts.”

Fu Xiao looked up at Mu Qinglin, and asked her, “Did you go to see Zhou Yi today?”

Mu Qinglin, “I went twice in the morning and at noon, but no one was there.”

“Call.” Fu Xiao said.

Mu Qinglin leaned against the wall and said softly, “I don’t have her phone number.”

Although the owner of the hotel is stingy, but the bottom line of business is still there, he knows what privacy is, and he didn’t give Zhou Yi’s phone number to Mu Qinglin.

Mu Qinglin doesn’t blame the boss, but only thinks in her heart that the first thing to do next time is to leave Zhou Yi’s phone number and all other available contact methods.

The feeling of knowing someone is there but not being able to contact it is not much better than the aimlessness of the past years.

On the other side, Zhou Yi didn’t know anything about Mu Qinglin looking for her, she was leaning against the wall and sleeping soundly.

As soon as he heard his name being called by the number calling system, Zhou Yi woke up from his deep sleep, looked up at the word “Zhou Yi” scrolling above the consulting room, and did not respond for a long time.

The old lady next to her picked up the registration slip that Zhou Yi had dropped on the floor and reminded her, “Girl, I’m calling you.”

Zhou Yi is like waking up from a dream, yes, her name is now Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi took the registration form, said “thank you”, and walked quickly into the consultation room.

After a series of examinations, the doctor said that it was blast deafness, and the tympanic membrane hemorrhage had stopped naturally. After cleaning the ear canal, she was treated with medication to avoid secondary infection, and she could recover in about two weeks.

Zhou Yi didn’t expect it to be so simple.

She always thought it was permanent, or only part of her hearing could be restored, so she dared to drag on so calmly.

Zhou Yi digested for a while, and asked uncertainly: “Can it really be recovered?”

Seeing that her face turned pale, the doctor said in a more amiable tone, “Don’t worry, she can recover completely with active treatment.”

Zhou Yi nodded, took the bill from the intern opposite, and said, “Thank you…”

Doctor, “You’re welcome. At this time next week, remember to come for a follow-up visit.”

Zhou Yi, “OK…”

Zhou Yi came out of the consulting room, feeling a little flustered.

She hadn’t encountered such an easy and risk-free thing for several years, like a dream.

Zhou Yi suppressed his ever-accelerating heartbeat and called Han Qiu.

Han Qiuxi couldn’t help himself, “It’s fine, it’s fine, I’m so worried these days that I can’t eat or sleep well.”

Han Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a sigh: “I brought you to this place. If something happens to you, I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life.”

Looking down at the hurrying people downstairs, Zhou Yi said softly, “Sister Qiu, it has nothing to do with you. I insisted on going with you. If there is any problem, I will be responsible for it myself.”

“Hey, let’s not talk about this. Didn’t you say that you need to clean your ear canal? Go quickly.” Han Qiu urged.

Zhou Yi responded, hung up the phone, opened WeChat, and scanned the QR code under the bill.

574.5, so expensive.

She has a total of more than 1,200, 400 for renting a house, 200 for cash, and a few meals. The remaining money is just enough for medicine. After paying, she should drink Northwest Wind.

Zhou Yi pursed her lips and thought for a while, before resolutely paying the fee.

This ear has heard many touching love words before, even if it is only used for aftertaste, it should be kept well.

Coming out of the hospital, Zhou Yi walked on the street under the scorching sun, thinking about his next plan.

She needs money.

In case there is a reply from a foreign fund or company, she will definitely have to take a car to communicate with people face to face. She can’t go anywhere without money, and she doesn’t have to think about the follow-up visit next week.

But without a degree, what can she do?

Zhou Yi stood on the street, looking at the endless road, frowning deeply.

“Hello, Miss. Our store has a new product on the market. Recently, there is a buy one get one free event. Welcome to try it.”

A girl in uniform came forward with a thick stack of flyers to distribute, “It’s the coffee shop by the window on the second floor, it’s easy to find.”

Zhou Yi caught it instinctively, looked up and saw the sweat on the girl’s face, and asked without beginning and end, “Does your store recruit part-time jobs for distributing leaflets?”

A few minutes later, Zhou Yi replaced the girl and stood on the scorching sun.

After the prenatal checkup, Fu Xiao took Mu Qinglin to a nearby coffee shop on the grounds that the lack of ventilation in the office affected her mood. One was to make up for the manuscript that was held back yesterday, and the other was to sort out the recording of the dean’s interview.

“Mu Qinglin…” Fu Xiao suddenly called out to the person sitting opposite him.

Mu Qinglin didn’t look up, “Huh?”

Fu Xiao looked sideways out of the window, and said with some uncertainty: “Do you think that person is Zhou Yi?”

Mu Qinglin paused as she tapped the keyboard, then turned her head to look in the direction Fu Xiao was pointing at.

On the street that was dizzy and deformed by the scorching sun, Zhou Yi was neatly dressed in the shirt and trousers issued by the coffee shop. She was completely uncovered. When she met someone, she leaned over and handed out a leaflet, saying something to the person.

On such a hot day, few people could patiently listen to her finish, and some even threw the leaflets into the trash can before they got out of her sight.

If it was in the past, Zhou Yi was determined to leave immediately, but now…

Seeing that no one would pass by for the time being, she walked to the trash can, bent down and picked out the usable leaflets one by one.

For the buy one get one free event, she got a commission of 20 cents, so not only was the flyer sent out, but someone was willing to take the flyer in and order food.

Fu Xiao was stunned, “I remember Xiao Liu said before that Zhou Yi’s physique was so poor that he couldn’t even participate in the military training. He ran to find Zhou Yi’s counselor to plead for her with a dozen medical records. What happened now? Is it like this? Mu Qinglin, what has Zhou Yi been doing these past few years?” Fu Xiao asked.

Mu Qinglin looked in that direction with deep eyes, “I don’t know…”

She doesn’t know anything, she can only be sure that even if she asks now, Zhou Yi will definitely not tell her the truth.

“Come in…” Fu Xiao said.

Zhou Yi ran out of the water he brought down and was a little thirsty.

After coming up, Zhou Yi asked Xiao Zhu, the girl who introduced him to this job, for a glass of water, drank most of it in one gulp, his chest heaved slightly, and asked her, “Is there a place to repair mobile phones near here?”

Xiao Zhu, “Yes, Electronic City on the seventh floor.”

“How about the fee?”

“It must be expensive to be in such a high-end shopping mall. The last time I bought a mobile phone case, it cost almost 200 oceans. It hurts like hell.”

Zhou Yi responded and dismissed the idea of repairing the phone.

After the leaflets were distributed this afternoon, the money she got was only more than 300 yuan, which should not be enough to replace the screen.

“I’m going to clear the table.” Seeing a customer leaving, Xiao Zhu hurriedly said, “You should rest a little longer. It’s more than 40 degrees outside at this point. Be careful of heatstroke.”

Zhou Yi nodded and said nothing. When Xiao Zhu left, she drank the remaining water, took another glass and poured it into an empty mineral water bottle, ready to take it down to drink.

Zhou Yi stood under the air outlet of the air conditioner to cool down for a while, then picked up the leaflets and water to leave.

As soon as he stepped out, a little girl suddenly approached beside him and asked eagerly, “How do I get to the bathroom?”

Thinking that she was afraid that people would find out that she had menstrual blood all over her pants, the girl lowered her voice very low.

Zhou Yi didn’t hear clearly, so he turned around and said, “Sorry, please repeat that, I can’t hear in my right ear.”

The girl looked surprised.

Not far away, Mu Qinglin who heard Zhou Yi say this overturned the coffee cup in hand.

Fu Xiao stood up silently, took Mu Qinglin’s untouched computer aside, and quickly dealt with the mess on the desktop.

Fortunately, there is not much coffee left in the cup, otherwise the waiter should be alarmed.

For the following time, Mu Qinglin looked at Zhou Yi who was busy under the scorching sun without saying a word.

Seeing that the mall was closed, she took her salary and a few cakes that were about to expire and was about to be thrown away, turned around and left.

“Mu Qinglin, she may not be doing well after being away from you for a few years.” Fu Xiao said in a low voice.

Mu Qinglin was carrying the computer, her dark eyes locked on Zhou Yi who was sitting on the side of the road eating.

More than bad.

Zhou Yi doesn’t like make-up. After the natural eyebrows and eyes are opened, she should be the kind of girl with personality and aggressiveness, but now she is calm and calm. The cool, prickly edges and corners of the past are gone.

These are the points that Mu Qinglin will be tempted by her at that time.

“Xiao, I’m sorry, I can’t see you off today, can you take a taxi home?” Mu Qinglin looked in Zhou Yi’s direction and said.

Fu Xiao didn’t have any hesitation, “Don’t worry about me, go and do your work.”

Fu Xiao quickly left with the computer in hand.

Mu Qinglin still stood at a place where Zhou Yi couldn’t see her, nor would she raise her head to look at her.

She felt like a pervert hiding in the shadows, shameless, but if she didn’t, she’d probably never know what turned the squeamish girl she remembered into what she was now.

Fu Xiao was right to be worried, she just had no patience with Zhou Yi.

She followed Zhou Yi all the way, watching her stop and go, and finally entered a studio that provided various translations and interpretations, and then sat in front of the computer all night without leaving her seat.

Zhou Yi took an urgent job of translating English into Chinese.

There should be extra money for expediting, but because she doesn’t have a certificate, she can only get 70% of the remuneration in the end.

In this way, there are thousands of dollars, which can be used for a long time, so she agreed without hesitation.

From ten o’clock in the evening to seven o’clock in the morning the next day, Zhou Yi didn’t move at all except going to the toilet, as if he didn’t know what being tired was.

In the car on the side of the road, Mu Qinglin also didn’t close her eyes, but the reason she didn’t feel tired was because she couldn’t stop her mind. For a while, she thought about how much Zhou Yi liked to be lazy before, and for a while, she thought about Mu Zhenghuai saying that she wanted to do a good job in the project How to let yourself grow in the laboratory.

Mu Zhenghuai was right.

In essence, Zhou Yi is a girl who can endure hardships.

But this girl is not Mu Qinglin’s favorite.

Mu Qinglin opened the door and got out of the car, collected the money with heavy steps, and walked beside Zhou Yi who came out.

The long-term and high-intensity mental work made Zhou Yi a little overwhelmed. Her steps were weak and her reactions were slow.

I bumped into someone when I stepped on the empty steps, but was caught by the opponent, and I carried him down from the steps and put it on the flat ground for a long time before I slowly realized what happened just now.

The familiar scent on Mu Qinglin’s body made Zhou Yi’s nose sore, and her hands, which were instinctively put on her waist when Mu Qinglin hugged her, carefully grabbed her clothes, then let go, and withdrew from her arms ,Say thank you…”

The author has something to say:

Quickly arrange artificial rainfall for my treasure!

thanks and bow

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-23 12:00:00-2022-07-24 12:00:00…

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: K1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Gradient Latte, Jieyu Guo, alone_c, Song Yuanjing, Xi Shu, Xiao Gu, 416722621;

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