Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 656

656 Abort The Baby

A zombie stepped into the room. No, it was not a zombie, but a woman, however, with her haggard appearance and the way she walked lifelessly, one could easily mistaken her for one.

Although she knew that Aziz was long gone, it didn’t stop Adele from coming up into their, no, his apartment to search for him. As if she would be able to see something that the others hadn’t been able to see.

Adele knew that Marcel had been here, the news was everywhere, how the notorious Elijah had infiltrated into their organization, pretending to be Aziz who in reality had died years ago and played them all along.

It was the latest news in the organization and to think it happened right under her nose. Elijah had been beside her all this while and she didn’t know. Well, who was she kidding? Adele had known all this while, but choose to ignore it. Her instincts warned her, but she had let emotional entanglement cloud her judgment and now, it was going to cost her her position.

Aziz played her perfectly well, that was all Adele could think about as she walked further into the room. Everywhere was a mess because Marcel had conducted a thorough search and didn’t want to leave any stone untouched. But even at that, there was nothing that they could find, Elijah was good at cleaning his record.

Just like he had come into her life and swept her off her feet as Aziz, he had ruined her as Elijah. The only good thing Adele got tonight was that they finally located Marcel’s weapon. Hidden perfectly in an abandoned amusement park. Who would have thought of that? But there was no Elijah, it was only a diversion, Adele realized it too late.

Aziz or Elijah or whatever he called himself knew that he could never achieve his goals with her by his side. So he sent her to the weapon while Marcel was away on his mission to his sister, it was the perfect opportunity to achieve his initial reason for coming here. Arianna.

Adele’s heart couldn’t help but throb painfully when she thought about the time they spent together. Had it been all for nothing? Was Arianna the only one in his heart and she had been nothing but a replacement and a sex toy for his sexual gratification until he got what he wanted? And to think that she had been planning to tell him about their baby...

Oh my God, her baby!


Her hands traveled to her belly and she clutched her stomach. What was she going to do about the child? She was fucking pregnant for Elijah! It finally dawned on her. Her family was going to kill her when they heard whose child she was carrying.

Adele slid to the ground as she could see her whole world crashing down around her. Of all people, why did this have to happen to her? She broke into heartbreaking tears. All she ever wanted was to work hard and pave her way in the organization. But now, she was a young woman with a baby whose father would never be accepted by her family.

No, who was she kidding? Elijah would probably never acknowledge the baby. He was fucking in love with Arianna! No wonder he only wanted a causal relationship with her. She should have read the signs. It’s just that the past week, there was just something different about him, Aziz became kinder, attentive, and gentler and she thought that it was him finally opening up to her. That he liked her.

Who knew that it was all a pretense?! He had been only looking for ways to bring her guards down and he succeeded. Congratulations! Adele wanted to say to Elijah wherever he was. He finally got what he wanted at her own expense. He left her a wreck and she would never forgive him.

Adele looked down at her belly and knew that she couldn’t keep the baby. She had to abort the child. It was not worth the trouble. Elijah was not going to accept responsibility for the child even if she told him and her family would not accept the baby either – that is if she even had a family.

Adele knew that she would hate the child as well. The baby would only keep on reminding her of what Elijah did to her and it was best she eliminated it, saving the baby from the cruel fate awaiting him or her. As an illegitimate child, Adele knew what she had to go through and would not bestow the same fate on her child.

She furiously wiped the tears away from her face having come to a decision. Yes, that was what she was going to do. The baby had to go. And with that being done, Adele would end any link with Elijah. She would properly hate him then and save herself the emotional pain she was going through right now.

Adele stood up to her feet, going through the rest of the room with the memories tormenting her. She remembered the kitchen, that was the first place she had first gotten intimate with Elijah. The moment had been breathtaking. How could something so beautiful become this dark?

He was the first person whom she felt something strong for and gave him her heart only for him to stomp it into pieces. The bedroom was worse, even amid the mess, everywhere smelled like Aziz and if she closed her eyes, Adele swear she could recreate one of her favorite moments with him.

But then it was all in the past, everything was ruined now. It was over! She had to move on and forget about him! Elijah was nothing but an asshole! A liar! A cheat! She hated him!

Adele was still wallowing in heartbreak when her phone rang. Clearing away the tears blurring her view, she glanced down at her screen and saw that it was Marcel calling.

She cleared her throat and composed herself before picking up.

“Hello,” She said.

Marcel wanted her at the base.

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