Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 660

660 Love Me Again

Years back...

The chattering around her carried on, but Natalie did not take part, nor did she pay attention. It has been months since that night Daniel took her forcibly and yet she had not been able to escape from him.

Although he had not touched her since then, his men had other opinions. They had a name for her too, Daniel’s slut. The idiots believed that she was Daniel’s kept woman. Not that she cared anymore.

Sure, Daniel often paid her visits and sometimes behind closed time, but nothing of that nature happened again except the kisses now and then. After the night Daniel forced herself on her, something broke inside of Natalie, and right now she was no better than a zombie.

Natalie was a shadow of herself, like a broken watch or something that Daniel was desperately trying to repair. She could see the frustration in his eyes anytime he failed to make her react, to make her feel alive.

Although it was often a peck in the cheek, he once in a while kissed her on the mouth, hoping that would disgust her enough to fight back, but she didn’t. Daniel might as well have forced himself on her again and she wouldn’t push him away. He already got what he wanted, what was there to hide? To protect?

Hence, Natalie was no different than a shell, a robot who did whatever the master wanted. She no longer had opinions and it was beginning to infuriate Daniel. He wanted the old Natalie who would battle and struggle with him over the slightest issue. He wanted the old Natalie who did not want him because it made him want her more.

He needed a woman with vigor! Daniel wanted the woman he loved back, not this breathing, living doll. Thanks to her cold and nonchalant attitude, his visits were becoming rarer and while Natalie should rejoice at the development, she was depressed. Oftentimes, she had suicidal thoughts and the urge to end it once and for all.

But she wasn’t able to pull through it because the memory of her daughter would pull up in her head. How could she leave her poor girl behind? That would be so cruel of her. In one word, the thoughts of escaping here one day and meeting her daughter kept her going.


It seemed impossible now, but Natalie never gave up, especially now Daniel was beginning to visit her less and less. Natalie knew that Daniel now had a family, she heard his soldiers discussing it the other day. It was amazing the amount of information one could gather by just staying around the corner.

Aside from Daniel’s slut, their other nickname for her was “mute” because she hardly talked to any of them. Thanks to that, they found ways to bully her like restricting her food just so they could hear her complain and dispel the rumors of being unable to speak.

But then Natalie would rather starve than give them the satisfaction. In the end, they would have no choice but to feed her so she doesn’t die. Of course, all of this was done behind Daniel’s back because the soldiers knew how to keep a good front whenever he was around. The less time Daniel spent with her, the more they mistreated her.

However, Natalie picked up on some good news today, they were moving her and that means, it was a good opportunity to escape.

The house she was kept in was crawling with soldiers making it impossible for her to escape. But once outside, there were a lot of chances to leave and she couldn’t afford to screw that up.

Thanks to the fact they were transporting her, they gave her good food and perhaps months of being with her lowered their defenses because Natalie finally found a knife amongst her utensils.

At first, Daniel denied her the use of any eating utensils after she stabbed one of the soldiers in the eye with the edge of the spoon she was holding in her aid to escape him. Thanks to that, she had to eat her food with her bare hands until she showed enough good behavior before she was allowed the cutlery again.

The signs were there, this was her opportunity to escape once and for all. Hence, when she was done eating, Natalie slipped the knife without any of them noticing and returned to her room, pretending as if nothing happened.

Not long after, word came that she should dress up, they were leaving to go see Daniel. The new clothes were laid on the bed for her and she put it on by the time she was done, the knife carefully hidden in a spot the men wouldn’t dare to put their hands on.

However, there was a little flaw in their plan. When the men told her she was to meet Daniel, they didn’t add that he had already arrived and she was to leave with him. Hence, one could imagine the look on Natalie’s face when she came outside, flanked by soldiers on both sides only to come face to face with Daniel.

Good thing that it was night else her panic would have given her away already. Natalie put on her apathetic mask again, after all, Daniel was already used to seeing it on her face over the past few months.

“Natalie, love,” He said, taking her palm and placing a kiss on her palm that did nothing but fill her with dread. She could already see her plan falling apart before it already began.

Natalie had not counted on him being here, she planned to escape before they took her to him. What was she going to do now? She couldn’t possibly take Daniel out, right?

“And here I was thinking that me being away would have warmed you up, but it seems that I’m wrong?” He said when she didn’t give him any other response. Natalie just stood there with her blank face and waited for his next instruction.

“But don’t worry...” His large palm moved to cup her face. He said to her with determination, “I would change things on this trip and you would come to love me again.” Daniel promised her.

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