Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 678

678 Her Personal Relationship With Elijah

It took Marcel a lot of self-control not to stride over to where Daniel sat, hitch him up by the shirt and just punch his face till he let this shimmering anger inside of him out.

He hated that man.

He hated his ass.

He hated ever having him as a father.

He wished he could swap him with someone else.

He wished he was... dead.

“I don’t need your help in rescuing my woman, okay?” Marcel answered him, his voice crisp and full of tension. He was trying so hard to keep his temper under check, but with the way Daniel was teasing and taunting him, he doubted that he could hold it off for long.

“Really? Are you so sure? I mean, I’m not doubting your capability here, but you don’t have a high success record lately. With the both of us working together, the win is guaranteed?” He was confident.

Marcel didn’t know whether Daniel was fucking with him because he had a feeling Daniel knew that Arianna was not pregnant and this was all to cover her ass. So what was he playing at? It was too confusing.


“I don’t need your help, period!” Marcel growled at him and this time the people were interested in the drama playing out between father and son.

“Well, I’ll be here, waiting for when you mess up and I’ll take care of it as usual.” He retorted.

What happened next was quite a scare because Marcel banged his fist hard on the table, saying through gritted teeth, “Why don’t you just admit the fact that you’re salty simply because I kicked you out of the position you adored so much!”

“Well, I wouldn’t be so salty if my successor was doing so well, but you have more accidents than I did while I was in power. And I’m beginning to wonder if having a young boy lead us is the right thing to do?” Daniel told him.

“Well, kick me out then,” Marcel snarled, “If you can. Other families are being led by the younger generation and there are many improvements seen. However, I’m being held back by a goddamn father who doesn’t think that I’m good enough unless he has an involvement. Well, in case you don’t know, let me spell it out clearly. You. Are. Retired. So if I were you, I would begin to take my break seriously, old man. ”

“Alright, that’s enough!” Carmine stopped them before it was too late, “Sit down, Marcel!” She commanded Marcel who would be looming over his father had Daniel been beside him. But no, it was Victor who he overshadowed instead with his intimidating stance.

“I would not sit here and let this madness continue!” Carmine scolded them firmly.

“At least he was honest in his conversation this time,” Marcel muttered under his breath but it was heard by everyone in the room and that made Carmine give him the looks. He stopped.

“What else do we have to deal with?” The woman sighed, rubbing her temple. She should have known her brother would make this meeting memorable. He always does.

“We are to deal with our enemy Elijah and reevaluate Adele’s position as the underboss?” Robert announced and there was another round of gossip.

Feeling the numerous gazes on her, Adele sat up straighter with her head held high. It was not like she had not seen this moment coming. With what happened in Marcel’s office, she was sure of losing her position this time – he was not going to support her after what she had done.

She could see her father Benjamin’s smug smile now. I told you so, he would probably say. Adele had been pretty much avoiding her family since she got the position. She knew they intended to use her to spy on Marcel and exploit ways to get him off that position as boss.

If only they knew that Marcel was smarter and always a step ahead of them. He rarely trusted anyone – except those that managed to penetrate his shield – and had intentionally put her in this position. In one word, she couldn’t play him.

Even if he somehow managed to pull Marcel down, Adele wondered if Benjamin knew his brother Robert would never let any of his children occupy that position. Moreover, her half-siblings were dumb enough and could enough fight against Robert’s sons, especially Arthur. He was the chosen one.

“Revaluate Adele’s position as the underboss?” Carmine was surprised by the news. Her son never tells her anything!

Robert went on to explain, “It turns out that Adele our capable underboss had a personal relationship with Elijah -”

“And I think that’s crossing the boundaries. What happened between Elijah and I is personal -”

“And distracted you from your duties. If you weren’t so emotional, who knows you might have been able to discover his identity,”

“Oh, come on,” Adele chuckled dryly, “Everyone at this table knows that Elijah was just so damn smart and good at what he does. And honestly, if we were to put blames, I think we should start with your capable son, Arthur, he was the one that handled the initiation in the first place and should have investigated the recruits properly,”

The smug look on Robert’s face vanished the moment Adele was through with her speech and the next, his gaze connected with his son, Arthur from across the table, who lowered his head in shame immediately. He knew what awaited him the instant they left this place.

Hearing the heated debates all around him, Benjamin jumped in to save the day from where his brother stopped.

“I mean,” He started, “All we are trying to say is that this situation could have been better managed with a man in the position. At least, men are rational and perform better honestly,”

Adele stared at the man, speechless. If Marcel had a psychopathic father, then she had a useless man for a father. The only good thing he did was contribute the sperm that made her.

She faced Carmine with a sickly sweet smile, “Misogynism and Sexism. Are you really going to sit there and watch it happen?” Adele hinted at the fact that she was a woman too.

The speech finally roused Carmine because she turned to the fools beside her and said, “Adele is not going anywhere,” she made her decision, her lips pressed into a thin line. She was displeased by that comment Benjamin made.

“Supported by me,” Marcel chipped in out of nowhere, surprising Adele. She thought that he had written her off because of what she had done. Turns out that she was wrong.

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