Taking Over the Villainess’ Body: 365 Days Left to Live?

Chapter 109 – Better than Imagination?

After the words left Ann’s mind, she blushed so hard as she slightly regretted it. But, if Allen were to say yes, she wouldn’t regret a bit!!

Contrary to the perverted Ann, for some reason, since the mood was gloomy today and thinking that Ann simply couldn’t be away from him just like how he felt, Allen didn’t have any perverted thought in his mind.

For some reason, it completely slipped his mind. He wasn’t able to see Ann’s misleading expression because Ann hung her head down. From Allen’s point of view, Ann was simply unable to bear seeing him away.

So, Allen nodded and said, “Alright.”




Ann and Allen were lying down on the bed, but due to the cramped space, their bodies easily touched each other with a slight movement.

Ann and Allen turned around to face each other at the same time, their noses almost touching. Their warm breath caused the two of them to quickly turn around in shyness. But, they slowly turned around again to face each other with blushing faces.


“Uhm…,” Ann blushed as she continued to feel Allen’s warm breath so close to her face.

“Ann…,” Allen’s hoarse voice caused something within Ann’s chest to stir.

“Y-yes?” Ann shyly asked.

Suddenly, Allen’s handsome face turned sexier as he said, “We’re already husband and wife… Do you mind if I do?”

Then, at that time, Ann blushed so hard before she said, “Y-y-yes… B-by all means, dear husband, come to me! Love me—ah!”

Before Ann could even finish her words, she was already pulled into Allen’s warm embrace.


His well-built body was way bigger than Ann, making Ann completely surrounded by him.

Allen kissed Ann so hard that Ann had to gasp for air—I like this, but I can’t breath!

Just as Ann managed to breath in and thought that Allen finally realized to go easy on her, Allen suddenly switched the target of his kisses to Ann’s neck.

“Ah! Allen!!” Ann blushed hard as she felt Allen’s hand caressing her body.

His kisses, his warm hands… Everything was enough to make her go crazy!

He really left to space for her to even do anything other than react to his action!


Ann then happily submitted under Allen’s passionate lead…

The two of them had a blissful night.

There were only the two of them in their worlds.

They did it many times over because tomorrow… Tomorrow was akin to a war that Ann had no choice but to partake in. Whether or not she could return safely, and when she could return… It was all unknown.

Therefore, the couple indulged themselves in a passionate night before the frightening, unknown future arrived…




That was what Ann had imagined throughout her preparation to sharing bed together with Allen again.

But alas, reality wasn’t as perverted as what Ann had imagined…


Currently, Ann and Allen were lying down next to each other on Allen’s bed.

Ann was lying down with a stoned expression on her face, looking at the dark ceilings.

This… isn’t quite like what I imagined…

Where is the cramped bed?

Where is our accidental body touches that will leave us unable to hold back on our passions?!


The bed was so spacious that a pillow could get between them. Whenever they did a huge movement, such as turning over to the other side, their hair didn’t even touch…


Who the hell designed such bed?!

Argh, sure, it’s so wide it’s comfortable that even if two people were to lie down here as intended, they could be so comfortable and even have their own personal space, which is actually good, but…

But shouldn’t the bed be encouraging those kinds of actions in this setting?!

Ann wanted to roar, but she kept her stoned expression and remained silent.


It didn’t help that when she turned around to face Allen’s side, Allen’s back was staring back into her eyes!

“…,” Ann felt very, very disappointed.

How can this man be so innocent, to really take my word ‘sleeping together’ as simply… SLEEPING?!

Hey, come on, come on, read my mind!

Come at me, bro!


W-why are you so insensitive towards others’ feelings?!

Are you this innocent or are you just… dumb?!

This is clearly me inviting you, but…

Argh, do I have to initiate it too?!

I dream of wanting you to initiate the whole action after the arousal happened naturally…

But since that isn’t happening…


Ann gritted her teeth before she finally decided to succumb into the temptation of the devil.

With a swift movement, Ann suddenly pulled Allen towards her, causing Allen to lie face up, while Ann quickly pinned his body under hers.

“W-wha?!” Allen was caught off guard as he stared at the woman who was sitting on him, staring at him with a pissed off expression.

Before Allen could even say anything, Ann bowed down slightly until their faces were so near and said with an annoyed tone, “Why won’t you love me?”

“Huh?” Allen was flabbergasted.

His brain couldn’t really digest what Ann just said.


“What I mean by sleeping together isn’t just us… literally sleeping… you know?” Ann turned away when she explained herself.




It took Allen’s brain 3 seconds to digest what Ann was talking about, then his ears turned red, and his cheeks were even blushing. Such a rare occasion.


“Must I be the one to initiate it? You’re too dense!” Ann turned to look at Allen’s blushing face as she pouted.

But seeing this kind of Allen…

How do I say it…? It’s tempting!

Though I had wanted him to initiate stuff to me… I guess this isn’t too bad…

Allen was trying to arrange his words to answer Ann when Ann suddenly kissed Allen’s lips passionately.


The words that Allen had tried to arrange very nicely… suddenly vanished like a smoke. Fireworks appeared in his brain as he felt Ann’s passionate kiss.

His brain short-circuited as he automatically responded to her kisses.

He slowly sat up as his hand hugged Ann’s neck, his other hand hugging her waist. Ann also positioned her hands, hugging Allen back as they deepened their kisses.


This… is it!!

Fireworks also popped inside Ann’s mind as she felt what it was like to gasp for the air.

Ann wasn’t a shy woman, so her hand suddenly slipped into Allen’s shirt, teasing his chest.

Mmm, this is such a fine body…

Finally, I can taste it properly…

If Ann wasn’t kissing Allen, perhaps she would have been drooling at this moment.

“…!” Allen was caught off guard by Ann’s naughty hand.

Unable to withstand the odd ticklish and burning sensation, he quickly grasped her roaming hand as he pushed Ann to be the one to lie down on the bad, looking up towards him.

With a swift movement, Allen captured both of Ann’s hands to make sure these naughty hands of hers wouldn’t be teasing him so wantonly. Using only one hand, Allen pulled Ann’s hands upwards, putting it just above her head.

“…!!” Ann didn’t expect to be put in this position by Allen, so she blushed hard.


Looking at Ann who suddenly turned very shy, something stirred inside of him. His lips turned up in a smile unconsciously as he said with his hoarse voice, “Why are you being shy now? Hmm?”

“…T-that’s…,” Ann tried to turn her face away from Allen’s gaze.

Even though she had such wild imaginations and was the one to initiate this whole stuff… when it happened, she was actually feeling so shy that she couldn’t really look into Allen’s eyes directly!!

“You’re the one who asked for it,” Allen said as he forced Ann to look at him with his hand that was still free.

“…!!” Ann’s face was practically burning.

Allen continued to kiss her as he slowly went down on her neck, shoulders… as his hand teased her bosom.

This is it, this is it, this is it!!

Ann was shy, but she was anticipating this very much.

This feels way better than what I had imagined!!


Just as Ann anticipated Allen’s hand to turn naughtier as it roamed her body, she suddenly felt Allen stop.

Then, Allen turned her body around as he hugged her from behind, burying his face in her neck.

“A-Allen?” Ann was surprised at this sudden turn of events.

Why did he stop?!

And it was just getting better too…

Ann was so disappointed, she tried to break free of his embrace, but Allen was way stronger than her as he locked her in this spooning position.


“We can’t…,” Allen’s hoarse voice could be heard near her ear.

“Huh? Why can’t we?” Ann was surprised hearing his serious voice. Judging from his rough breathing and the hard sensation she felt… he was certainly aroused, right?

Then, why hold back?

Not understanding, Ann decided to ask, “We’re already husband and wife anyway. Why can’t we?”

“…,” Allen took a deep breath before he started to explain.

“Tomorrow is your purification ritual. You’ll be too tired. What if things go south because of it?”

“Ah…,” Ann was touched that Allen was actually considerate towards her, but…

“I’m not that weak. We can just do it once and rest,” Ann courageously said.

“…The saintess also told me not to do it before the purification ritual succeeds.”

The moment Allen’s words entered her ears, it felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured on her.





Ann wanted to explode. If her ‘bestie’ was right in front of her, lord prays that she wouldn’t jump on her and choke her.

Aren’t we besties?!

Why are you doing this to me?!!!


Feeling that Ann was trembling in her anger, Allen tightened his embrace on her as he whispered again, “She must have her reasons. And… I don’t trust myself to hold back. Worst, you might be dead tired in the morning if we were to proceed.”


Ann was rendered speechless by Allen’s words. She didn’t focus on his first sentence, but she blushed hard hearing his other sentences.

“…Fine, let’s just sleep,” Ann decided to let it go as she closed her eyes.

Feeling Ann’s body relaxing, Allen heaved a sigh of relief as well.

That was so close!

Allen almost regretted agreeing to Ann’s request of sleeping together tonight. So… his wife’s little mind wasn’t that innocent… He must note this as a precaution in the future.

Actually, if the saintess didn’t pull him over and say privately to him not to do the deed with Ann yet, he might have gone for it tonight…


Ann thought she wouldn’t be able to sleep being in the embrace of the man that she loved and wanted.

However, she didn’t know that being so close to the person one loved could release one’s oxytocin and caused her to feel sleepier and eventually drift off to sleep…


Her last thoughts as she fell asleep were…

Oh well…

Even if Lori wasn’t a very conservative person back in the modern world, it’s true that she has been in this world far longer than me, as ‘Laura’, the saintess that had undergone teaching of the church or temple…

She must have known and seen things as the saintess, and that’s why she told Allen that.

Perhaps she has outweighed the benefits and risks and couldn’t risk anything, so… yes, that must be why she accidentally blocked the progression of my love life.

…It’s just…

I would be much happier if she were to tell me too, arghhhhh!!


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