Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 47

All living beings in the world saw the appearance of Maitreya Buddha in that sky, and they all felt very close to him.

“This is Maitreya Buddha! The future leader of the world of Posahava. Just by looking at him, I feel very close to him and there is no pressure at all.”

“I was originally full of worries, but after seeing the appearance of Maitreya Buddha, all of a sudden all of my worries disappeared. It was really magical!”

“This Maitreya Buddha looks very approachable, without the unapproachable posture of other Buddhas and gods.”

Everyone in the heavens and all realms likes the appearance of Maitreya Buddha and his experience very much.

They think this Maitreya Buddha is so kind and friendly.

【Legend of Maitreya Buddha’s origin】

【Maitreya Buddha was originally a Brahman son of the ancient Indian kingdom of Varanasi, named Kapali. His father was the king’s prime minister, and his mother was the king’s sister.】

【When he was born, he was surrounded by thirty-two signs and eighty kinds of good light, so he was named Maitreya, which means light.】

【He was smart and knowledgeable since he was a child, and was loved by his parents and the king.】

【When Maitreya Buddha was young, he heard that Sakyamuni Buddha was preaching in Magadha, so he went there with a thousand disciples to study.】

【As soon as he saw Sakyamuni Buddha, he was deeply impressed and decided to become a monk and follow the Buddha to practice.】

【Soon he attained the state of Arhat and became one of the Buddha’s great disciples, receiving praise from the Buddha.】

【The Buddha said that Maitreya Bodhisattva is an equal enlightenment Bodhisattva who has practiced for forty great kalpas, earlier than himself.】

【His wisdom and compassion are unmatched. He will surely become the next Buddha in the Saha world in the future, inherit his position as Buddha, and save all living beings.】

“This is Maitreya Buddha. No wonder he can become the last Buddha in the world of Posahā and the leader of Buddhism in the future world.”

“Does the existence of Maitreya Buddha mean that people will not be able to become Buddhas in the future?”

“Why are all the Buddhas in Buddhism born from rich families? Are there no children from poor families who are born as Buddhas?”

“It would be nice if I could listen to Maitreya Buddha’s sermons.”

“Looking at the stories of Maitreya Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, and Dipamkara Buddha, I feel that Sakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment was a little more difficult, while the others seemed to have no difficulty at all! Is it true that one can become a Buddha just by having a predestined relationship?”

“Compared with them, the Jade Emperor suffered more disasters, hundreds of millions of disasters in total, and the last disasters were more difficult and more tragic than the last.”

All living beings in the world were amazed. They didn’t expect that Maitreya Buddha could become a Buddha so easily. It was really unimaginable.

Is it really as Sakyamuni Buddha said, that everyone has Buddha nature and everyone in the world can become a Buddha right away?

【In the world of supreme mythology, Buddha is the highest level of Buddhist practice, and Bodhisattva is the existence second only to Buddha. It is the one who helps Buddha spread Buddhism and save sentient beings.】

【There is a Bodhisattva named Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Guangshiyin Bodhisattva. He is the chief Bodhisattva under the seat of Amitabha Buddha, the master of the Western Paradise. Together with Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, he is the attendant Bodhisattva beside Amitabha Buddha and is known as the”Three Holy Ones of the West”.”】

【The full name is the Great Compassionate and Merciful Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who saves people from suffering and distress. He has infinite wisdom and supernatural powers, great compassion, and saves people from suffering.】

【Guanyin Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva of great compassion. As long as the sentient beings in distress recite his name,”the Bodhisattva will immediately observe their voices” and go to save and liberate them, hence the name. 】

Compassionate and merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering and the distressed?

When in distress, as long as sentient beings recite his name, Guanyin Bodhisattva will go to save them?

Is this true? The sentient beings in the myriad worlds were excited and happy when they heard the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Just by hearing the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it seems that he is no less than Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun in the heavens. He is also a god who saves the suffering and the distressed in the heavens and the myriad worlds.

Therefore, the sentient beings in the myriad worlds, especially those living at the bottom of the society, heard the great name of Guanyin Bodhisattva and wrote down his name.

They hope that when they encounter difficulties, they can recite his name and get help.

So now there are two gods who save the suffering and the distressed. If Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun is too busy to handle it, he can call the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva and seek rescue.

This makes all the people in the heavens very happy.

Everyone wants to know what this Guanyin Bodhisattva looks like and his various

【He has a dignified and kind appearance, often holding a clean bottle and a willow tree.】

【The thirty-three forms of transformations of Avalokitesvara manifested by the Samadhi of the Universal Manifestation of Physical Bodies are: the body of a Buddha, the body of a Pratyekabuddha, the body of a voice-hearer, the body of a Brahma king, the body of Sakra, the body of a deity, the body of a great deity,】

【Eight is the body of a great general, nine is the body of a Vaiśravaṇa, ten is the body of a minor king, eleven is the body of an elder, twelve is the body of a householder, thirteen is the body of a minister, fourteen is the body of a Brahman, fifteen is the body of a bhikkhu, sixteen is the body of a bhikkhuni,】

【17. The body of a male layman; 18. The body of a female layman; 19. The body of a woman elder; 20. The body of a woman householder; 21. The body of a woman official; 22. The body of a woman Brahman; 23. The body of a boy; 24. The body of a girl; 25. The body of a deity;】

【Twenty-six dragon bodies, twenty-seven yaksha bodies, twenty-eight gandharva bodies, twenty-nine asura bodies, thirty garuda bodies, thirty-one kinnara bodies, thirty-two mahoraga bodies, thirty-three vajrapani bodies】

【Origin of the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva】

【Legend has it that when the Bodhisattva was practicing in ancient times, he made a great compassionate vow and was given a prophecy by the Buddha of Treasures:”Good man, you see the gods and all sentient beings in the three evil ways, and you feel great compassion. You want to eliminate all the troubles of sentient beings and make them live in peace and happiness. Good man, I will now name you Avalokitesvara.”】

【Guanyin means that if sentient beings in the world encounter disasters and misfortunes, if they chant the name of Bodhisattva with one heart, Bodhisattva will observe everything and immediately respond to their voices and help them to overcome their suffering and gain happiness. This name is derived from the word”compassion”.】

【Guanyin means that the Bodhisattva practices in the causal realm, uses the wisdom of Prajna to penetrate deeply through the ear, and listens to the self-nature, without being affected by the external sound environment. Therefore, the observation and hearing are perfect and clear, and great freedom is obtained. This name is derived from”wisdom”.

All sentient beings in the world saw the various transformations of Guanyin Bodhisattva, as well as the origin of the names Guanyin and Guanyin, and were all moved.

Everyone deeply remembered this kind-hearted Bodhisattva.

It really seemed like a savior.

“This is Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is wholeheartedly devoted to the liberation of all sentient beings in heaven and earth, so that they will no longer suffer. He is truly a great god.”

“He is the savior of the heavens and the benefactor of all living beings in the universe. He is just like Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, who responds to the voices of sentient beings and helps them escape from the sea of suffering.”

“Hey! Why didn’t I know the names of Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun and Guanyin Bodhisattva when I was in danger before? If I knew one of them, I wouldn’t have ended up like this today.”

“Will Guanyin Bodhisattva really help me when I encounter difficulties? This is really unimaginable!”

Some people in the world admire Guanyin Bodhisattva very much and have a positive and optimistic heartbeat that Guanyin Bodhisattva can save all sentient beings in the heavens.

However, some people think that asking the gods of the supreme mythological world to rescue them is simply wishful thinking and too impossible.

After all, they are so insignificant, how can they attract the attention of those high gods?

【The legend of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s enlightenment】


【There was a King Miaozhuang who had three daughters named Miaoyin, Miaoyuan, and Miaoshan.】

【The three girls were all of marriageable age. The eldest and second daughters happily married, but the third daughter Miaoshan refused to marry and insisted on becoming a nun.】

【King Zhuang was furious and drove Miao Shan out of the palace】

【Miao Shan went to the mountains to practice and became the Immortal of Xiangshan.】

【Later, King Zhuang fell seriously ill and was in critical condition. He needed a hand and an eye from his relatives to serve as a medicine inducer.】

【The eldest and second sisters were unwilling to make sacrifices, only Miao Shan, who had become a nun, donated her hands and eyes to save her father’s life.】

【The Buddha was moved by her filial piety, so he rewarded her with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, making her the Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands and eyes.

All living beings in the world were numb and stunned when they saw this. They didn’t expect that in the end, it was Miaoshan, the most disobedient daughter in the eyes of King Miaozhuang, who saved his life.

Especially when everyone knew that Miaoshan cut off her own hands and dug out her own eyes to save King Miaozhuang, they were even more admired and shocked.

You must know that Miaoshan was just an ordinary person at this time, and she didn’t have any physical regeneration function. If you cut off your hands, you would be gone forever.

If you cut off your eyes, you would only have one eye to accompany you for the rest of your life.

But they didn’t expect that Miaoshan, knowing that she would be disabled for life, donated her arms and eyes to save her father without any hesitation.

This scene moved all living beings in the world, and even some female creatures shed tears.

“This is when Guanyin Bodhisattva was still a mortal. How amazing! What a filial child! She even sacrificed her arms and eyes to save her father. She is much better than her two sisters!”

“To be honest, if I were asked to do this, I would really hesitate and would not dare!”

“Miao Shan turned a disaster into a blessing. Not only did she save her father, she also turned into a Thousand-Armed Guanyin. What good luck she is!”

“She is indeed Avalokitesvara! She is truly admirable!” (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Many people in the world shouted the name of Avalokitesvara and were deeply moved by her deeds.

At the same time, the sky changed again.

【The second legend of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s enlightenment:】

【A long time ago, there was an emperor named Miaozhuang Wang, whose queen gave birth to twin daughters.】

【King Miaozhuang did not like his daughter and was unhappy about it all day long. He wanted to have a son to carry on the family line.】[]

【So he ordered his subordinates that if the queen gave birth to a boy, they should announce the good news with music and drums, and if she gave birth to a girl, she should be killed immediately.】

【After a few years, on a moonlit night, the little Guanyin appeared.】

【Soon, King Miaozhuang found out that the baby was another girl, so he ordered his men to scald the little Guanyin to death with boiling water.】

【But no matter how hot it was, it couldn’t kill Guanyin.】

【Slowly, a miracle happened. A graceful lotus flower floated out of the pot, emitting a faint fragrance. The little Guanyin also folded her hands across her chest and closed her eyes.】

【The emperor’s men took the little Guanyin out and buried her. 】

All the living beings in the world were heartbroken when they saw this. This King Miaozhuang was even more hateful than the King Miaozhuang in the previous story. He actually wanted to scald the little Guanyin to death.

Unexpectedly, he failed to scald the little Guanyin to death, but buried her alive instead. This is really intolerable!

Is this still a father?

It’s simply insane!

Everyone in the heavens wanted to kill this King Miaozhuang.

Unexpectedly, as a father, he actually did such a stupid and evil thing. That was a newborn baby!

It’s really a heinous crime!

【After many years, a lotus flower grew on the spot where the little Guanyin was buried.】

【A woman named Zhang Cheng was very happy to see this beautiful lotus. She plucked it with her hands and wanted to take it home to plant.】

【But when the lotus was pulled out, the dead body of the little Guanyin was also revealed.】

【Then he opened his eyes, Zhang Cheng was very happy, and took the little Guanyin home.】

【Zhang Cheng taught her how to behave and be kind, and the little Guanyin grew more beautiful day by day.】

【One day, the little Guanyin called Zhang Cheng”Mom”.”】

【Zhang Cheng, a kind and honest man, held little Guanyin in his arms and told her:”I am not your mother.”】

【Then he told her what happened after the birth of the little Guanyin.】

【After hearing this, Little Guanyin said to Zhang Cheng,”I want to go to the palace to meet them.”】

【Soon, Zhang Cheng brought little Guanyin to the palace to meet Empress Miao. Zhang Cheng pointed at Empress Miao and said to little Guanyin,”She is your mother.””】

【At this moment, the little Guanyin immediately knelt down and bowed three times, shouting,”Mom!”】

【The queen was shocked. The dead were resurrected. What was going on?】

【Zhang Cheng told Empress Miao the whole story of how he adopted Guanyin.】

【Not too early or too late, at this time, King Miaozhuang returned to the palace.】

【The queen hurriedly hid the little Guanyin under the bed, and then led Zhang Cheng into the tent.】

【At this time, King Miaozhuang strode into the room. He suddenly smelled the fragrance of lotus flowers. He looked around, but could not see any flowers. So he asked the queen:】

【At this time, the young Guanyin stuck her head out from under the bed and looked around. King Miaozhuang saw her.】

【He asked the queen anxiously,”Who is that boy under the bed?”】

【The queen told King Miaozhuang about Zhang Cheng raising Guanyin.】

【King Zhuang knew that it was the little girl he had killed a few years ago. He turned around and looked again: she had big ears, a round face, and red lips.】

【Looking at the two twin daughters standing next to him, he thought the little Guanyin was more beautiful. So he named Guanyin”Miao Lin”. He also ordered a big banquet to thank Zhang Cheng.、】

【During the meal, the two twin girls drank and ate a lot, but Miaolin didn’t eat or drink.】

【King Miaozhuang asked hurriedly:”Why don’t you eat and drink with your two sisters?”】

【Miao Lin replied:”People who do good deeds only eat vegetarian food and not meat.”】

【King Zhuang was immediately furious and said,”You really don’t know how to appreciate my kindness. Forget it!”】

【Then he said to Zhang Cheng:”Since you raised my daughter, you can take her as your goddaughter and teach her to do some things and learn how to eat meat.”】

【In this way, Zhang Cheng took Miao Lin back home.】

【A few years later, Miaolin entered the palace again, but he refused to change his mind about being a vegetarian. King Miaozhuang had no choice but to ask Miaolin to grow vegetables and sesame.】

【In order to make her obey the royal family, King Miaozhuang made things difficult for Miaolin. He asked Miaolin to separate the mixed sesame and rapeseed seeds one by one.)】

【But this is not a problem for Miaolin. Hundreds of yellow sparrows and Miaolin work together to separate sesame seeds and rapeseeds.】

【King Zhuang was determined to execute Miao Lin, so he sent Miao Lin to Baique Temple to read scriptures.】

【One night, King Miaozhuang ordered his men to set fire to the Baique Temple. More than 8,000 Arhats were burned to death in the Baique Temple.】

【Miaolin was supposed to be burned to death, but by chance, the Jade Emperor saved him and brought him to the Heavenly Palace.

All living beings in the world were overjoyed to see this.

Miaolin was so lucky to be saved by the Jade Emperor.

But at the same time, they hated King Miaozhuang. In order to kill Miaolin, he actually burned more than 8,000 Arhats to death. What a sin!

【What a coincidence! On the night when King Miaozhuang set fire to the Baique Temple, he had a nightmare.】

【As soon as he closed his eyes, he was led into the underworld by a ghost messenger, who told him to kneel at the feet of the King of Hell, trembling all over.】

【The King of Hell asked,”Why don’t you do good deeds? Why don’t you talk about morality and harm the people? Why did you burn down the White Sparrow Temple?”】

【In a flash, dozens of ghosts came stabbing at him with knives.】

【When King Miaozhuang woke up with a loud cry, he felt as if rain was falling all over his body. He looked closely and saw that his whole body was covered with shiny blood blisters, more than 800 in total. He rolled on the ground and screamed in pain.】

【Many doctors were unable to cure the disease, so they posted a notice saying that if anyone could cure the King of Zhuang, they would give him half of their kingdom.】

【When Miaolin heard that King Zhuang had sent a letter seeking medical help, he transformed himself into a monk and entered the palace.】

【She first wanted the king to agree to three conditions: 1. Change his diet from meat to vegetarian; 2. Resign the throne and appoint a talented person; 3. Follow her to Xiangshan where she lived, only then would he agree to treat her.】

【King Miaozhuang was suffering from illness, so he agreed to all these conditions.】

【He asked Miao Lin:”What should the palace prepare?”】

【Miao Lin said:”I want a hand and an eye of your own flesh and blood.”】

【Hearing this, the two twin girls cried anxiously and begged their father not to do this.】

【Miao Lin thought for a moment and said,”Forget it. They have done you enough service. Send someone to go with me to Xiangshan. There is a man there who can help you.”】

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