Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 8

All the sentient beings in the heavens and the endless universe were filled with emotion. They did not expect that just a few words from the Supreme God of the Taoist Tibetan Mythology would have a huge impact on everyone.

Many of the strongest people have gained a lot, and even feel that their strength has improved a lot.

They all wished they could live in that fairy palace and always be with Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, so that they could maximize their strength.

Unfortunately, after only hearing a few words of the supreme mantra, the words spoken by Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun could no longer be heard or seen.

All sentient beings in the world want to know how to see this supreme god again, and even many supreme strong people want to know where this Taoist Tibetan myth world is?

Where is the Daluotian outside the thirty-six heavens?

How can we reach the fairy palace of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun?

Many people want to leave their own world and go to visit.

At this moment, the screen in the sky changed again.

【Before the beginning of chaos, before the creation of the universe】

【Born before the chaos, before the great nothingness, at the beginning of the primordial energy, in the middle of the chaotic universe, without a patriarch and supreme, and the only one who was the beginning of all things in the universe, so he was named Yuanshi.】

【The destiny is supreme, and he is always in the two pure places, coming out of the heavens, so he is called the Heavenly Lord.】

【Yuanshi Tianzun, feeling that chaos was boundless and yin and yang were indistinguishable, he transformed into Yuanshi Qi, spread it throughout the chaos, gave birth to countless sacred things, and thus opened the sky!】

【Yuan means origin. Shi means the beginning, the innate energy. A wisp of Yuanshi energy turned into the person who created the world, Pangu.】

【Pangu created the sky, established yin and yang, created nature, and brought all things to life, and the five elements were formed! 】

Pictures appeared one after another in the sky.

All living beings in the world seemed to be in the original and most primitive place, a place of infinite chaos.

This is an empty place, a void, without any color or anything!

As far as the eye can see, it is empty, infinitely high and vast, as if it does not exist!

There is no heaven and earth, no chaos, no spirits, and no place of all things.

Even the highest avenue has not been created!

Here, all ways have not been created, and all kinds of order and laws do not exist. Things like fate, cause and effect, heavenly way, avenue, etc. have not been created.

It’s like being in a place of infinite possibilities, but there is nothing here, nothing exists.

Even a place where nothing exists!

Everything is meaningless!

All living beings in the world were surprised and full of emotion when they saw this scene.

“There is no road here! It is so terrifying!”

“You can’t see anything here, you can’t feel anything, but it’s clearly there, and yet it seems not to exist!”

“In this world, I couldn’t even feel the passage of time, nor could I feel space. All my spiritual senses were blocked!”

“Could this be the place before the heavens, myriad worlds, the endless universe, all time and space were born, before even the Supreme Dao and all laws and orders were born?”

“Is this the legendary era of creation before the creation of the world?”

Instantly, the voices of the strongest and transcendent beings in the world trembled. They dared not imagine what kind of horrible place this was.

They had all heard of the myth of creation, but no one had ever seen it.

At this moment, the picture gradually became clear, and everyone saw an infinitely high, infinitely vast, extremely majestic, indescribable, unsightly, and unthinkable existence appear!

It was a supreme god wearing a Taoist robe of seventy-two colors, transcending the supreme avenue and all existence.

Everyone looked and saw that it was Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

But this Taoist The figure, however, was more sacred and majestic, more magnificent and tall than when he was in the Immortal Palace, saving people and preaching!

He stood in the ancient beginning, the starting point of everything.

His body could not be measured, and his appearance could not be looked at directly.

That figure seemed to be wider than the infinite sky, unimaginable and difficult to describe.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that chaos was boundless and yin and yang were not distinguished, so he transformed into the original energy, spread throughout the chaos, and transformed into infinite holiness, and then opened the sky!

At this time, the magnificent figure moved, and he saw his left hand holding up the left hand and holding up the right hand, and slowly said:

“”The chaos has lasted for countless years, and the world of all realms will open up.”

His voice seemed to surpass the sound of the Supreme Dao, and it spread from the point of all origins, the most ancient beginning, to the endless regions and the infinite distance.


As soon as he spoke, the infinite trillions of unimaginable and indescribable primordial qi, which was more noble and honorable than the purple qi of Hongmeng and the qi of the ancestors of all realms, emanated from his body, spreading over the endless, boundless and infinite land!

The dazzling sacred light and the supreme and immeasurable energy burst out, and the infinite trillions of primordial qi actually transformed into infinite trillions of sacredness.

Each figure was immeasurably high, magnificent and majestic.

He was like a giant standing upright, majestic and heroic, and the Ancient and unparalleled!

The incomparably sacred giant was transformed from the original energy of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, and his name was Pangu.

And there are countless Pangu like this. They are spread all over the infinite chaos. They all have their own mission of opening the sky, and they act on their own without interfering with each other.

The camera in the sky was pulled in, and the infinitely high and sacred Pangu god slowly raised his arm.

A chaos supreme axe of opening the sky appeared in his palm.

How sharp and dazzling is that axe of opening the sky!

Before it was swung, all living beings in the world had already felt the infinite power surging from it, and the sacred light was beating!

“”I, Pangu Heavenly King, will follow the decree of Yuanshi Tianzun and create the heaven and earth!”

The incomparably sacred giant spoke, just like the supreme avenue, the supreme and immeasurable divine sound spread throughout the endless chaos.

Then, the giant raised the axe of creation in his hand high, and chopped it towards the chaos in the sky!


A huge explosion shook the ages and evaporated the long river of time. All the heavens and the worlds, the endless universe, all felt this powerful energy shaking.

Although it came from across the sky, the energy had been reduced countless times, but it still made all the creatures in the world feel terrified.

What kind of terrible energy fluctuation was that?

Is that the creation of the heaven and earth?

All the creatures in the world and countless powerful people raised their hearts to their throats and watched all this nervously.

I saw that when the axe fell, the chaos dispersed, and the heaven and earth were divided!

He did not open the sky of one world, but It is an infinite sky!

However, this is not the most shocking place for all living beings in the world.

The most terrifying thing is that in that infinite and boundless chaotic land, there are countless sacred and majestic figures like Pangu.

Those sacred figures that cannot be looked at directly are doing the same thing as Pangu.

That is the creation of the world!

It’s just that those sacred and majestic figures have different ways of opening the sky. Some open the sky with a big knife, some open the sky with a spear, some open the sky with a divine palm, and some open the sky with a divine fist…

In short, they are not the same.

With the actions of these incomparable sacred figures, in the chaos, the infinite and trillions of heaven and earth in the world were opened up.

The clear air rises and turns into the sky.

The turbid air sinks and turns into the earth.

Yin and Yang are first judged, and the heaven and earth are first divided.

The five elements appear, and all spirits are born.


The picture in the sky came to an abrupt end. In an instant, it caused a violent sensation in the heavens, the myriad worlds, and the endless universe!

Everyone was dumbfounded, numb, and dazed.

No one could express the words in their hearts. Their worldviews and cognitions were shattered again. Countless powerful people suffered billions of critical hits, or even infinite critical hits.

The shock brought to everyone this time was too great. So much so that many people could not suppress their inner mania and excitement, and they all cursed.






And other words were used to express the shock in their hearts.

It was not until a long time later that the people in the heavens became a little more rational and sober, and everyone could tremble and organize words to discuss.

“Is this the beginning of the world? Damn! It really shocked me!”

“This is the Supreme God of the Supreme Mythology World! No wonder He is called the ancestor of all gods, all creatures, and all ways. It turns out that everything was created by Him!”

“He is the true God of Creation! It turns out that Pangu the Great God is just a strand of His primordial energy!”

“I have always thought that the Great God Pangu created the most supreme world, but I never thought that when Pangu chopped down with his axe, he created an infinite universe, and the Great God World was just one of the infinite universes.”

“What’s even more pitiful is that such a great god Pangu, in the beginning, actually possessed infinite trillions of powers. In other words, there were countless great gods Pangu, and each of them opened up infinite trillions of heavens and earths!”

“I won’t say more. Our world is so powerful, it contains so many great worlds and infinite layers of boxes, which have already surpassed the exponential tower level. The mere primitive and fantasy worlds are not worthy of being compared with our world. It is just a small world among the infinite trillions of heavens and earth!”

“Oh, I am so depressed. Our world is so big that it cannot be expressed in any way. It is hard to describe. But I didn’t expect that it was just a world opened up by the great god Pangu.”

In an instant, everyone in the ten thousand worlds felt depressed, and the hearts of all the strongest and extraordinary people in the supreme world were hit.

Because this sky curtain is played in a targeted manner, the strongest people in each world can see that their world was opened up by one of the countless trillions of great gods Pangu.

The great worlds such as the prehistoric world, the holy ruins world, the dragon talisman world, the holy king world, the Marvel world, the Ultraman world, etc. are just insignificant existences among countless billions.

All the strongest people saw it clearly and could no longer refute or argue.

Originally, all the strong people in the supreme world thought that their world was the most noble existence, and they should be the supreme of all the heavens and the endless universe.

But now seeing such a picture, they all lowered their heads, sighing and surprised.

Everyone felt their scalps tingling and their souls trembling.

One person’s world

“This, this is the creation of the world! It turns out that the legends in mythology are real!”

Zhang Chulan’s mouth trembled constantly, and he felt his soul was terrified, his back was cold, and his hair stood on end. The visual impact he saw this time was so great that it was as if he had personally experienced the creation of the world.

“My head is still buzzing! I am numb!”

Feng Baobao opened his mouth wide and his eyes bulged.

He couldn’t believe what he saw.

There really was a creation of the world, and Pangu really existed. What Pangu created was not just one world, but an infinite number of worlds!

And at the very beginning, there were actually infinite numbers of Pangu gods creating the world!

How shocking!

Not only Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Wang Ye, Zhang Lingyu and others were shocked.

The most shocked was the old Tianshi. He knew Taoist mythology very well and he had read those classics.

However, what he saw today was countless times more shocking than what was recorded in those classics!

It is simply indescribable and cannot be expressed in words!


The world of young people singing.



Xiao Se and Lei Wujie knelt on the ground again. There was really nothing else they could do except kneeling down.

Because the shock was too strong and too unbelievable.

They actually saw the God of Creation, the greatest, most majestic and most unspeakable Supreme God in myths and legends!

He actually existed.

And their world was just an insignificant world opened up by the countless trillions of Pangu gods separated from the God of Creation.

For such a supreme god, they could only kneel down to express their infinite admiration.

They were afraid that their actions would blaspheme this supreme god, and they dared not slack off in the slightest.


Super God World

“Our world was actually created by one of the countless trillions of Pangu gods transformed by Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun?”

Sacred Kesha was dumbfounded and numb. She even doubted her life. She couldn’t believe what she saw.

But how could the universe seen in the picture be fake?

Among the countless trillions of worlds opened up by a great god Pangu, there was a world that gradually evolved into today’s super-god universe after it was created.

Kesha has led the angel civilization to rule the known super-god universe for many tens of thousands of years. How could she not know about every super-large galaxy in it?

And one of the universes shown in the sky was the super-god universe she was in!

This was really too terrifying.

And as far as she knew, hundreds of millions of years ago, there was a Pangu civilization. I wonder what the connection was between that civilization and the great god Pangu?

Kesha was suddenly very curious. If there really was a connection, it would undoubtedly be of great help to the angel civilization she led.


The World of Shade

“Creation of the world! Great God Pangu!”

Ye Fan also saw the Heaven Covering Universe he was in from the sky, which turned out to be just an insignificant place in the world of the Holy Ruins.

Ye Fan knew for the first time that the universe beyond the Heaven Covering Universe was the Heavens.

Above the Heavens was the Heavens, and above the Heavens was the Sea of Sacrifice. The entire Sea of Sacrifice, as well as the terrible strange land of disasters and the plateau, constituted the world of the Holy Ruins.

And the world of the Holy Ruins was just a small piece of the infinite trillions of heavens and earths opened up by the Great God Pangu!

And there were actually countless trillions of such Great Gods Pangu at the beginning, all of which were transformed by the original Qi of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

It was really shocking!


The prehistoric world.

The many great men in the prehistoric world could not be more familiar with the scene before them. It was the great god Pangu who was opening up the prehistoric world. It was just different from the stories of the creation of the world that they knew and passed down.

The great god Pangu opened up not only a prehistoric world.

What he opened up with an axe was the infinite trillions of heaven and earth!

In the initial chaos, there was not only one great god Pangu, but there were infinite trillions of great gods Pangu, all creating the world!

This scene was too shocking, making everyone feel creepy and their souls were shaking.

Even Hongjun Daozu was numb and dumbfounded.

The scene before them was too dazzling and too real, so they had to admit that it was true.

It turned out that the prehistoric world was born in this way. It turned out that the Jade Pure Yuanshi Tianzun was much older than the prehistoric world!

It turned out that the great god Pangu was just a wisp of the original qi among the infinite trillions of the Jade Pure Yuanshi Tianzun!

Especially Hongjun felt the most deeply.

He had seen the great god Pangu.

In the picture, among the countless trillion Pangu gods, there was a Pangu god who looked exactly like the Pangu he had seen before.

But he never expected that the Pangu god that day opened up not only the prehistoric world, but also the countless trillion heavens and earths!

“It’s unbelievable, this is the true myth, the supreme god who existed at the beginning of everything?”

“The world of the myriad heavens and the endless universe was actually created by His infinite trillions of primordial energy, which turned into infinite sacredness!”

Hongjun, who had always been silent, trembled and spoke. At this moment, he could no longer remain calm.


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