Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Battle Formations

Battle formations were basically combination techniques that amplified the strength of the participating cultivators, allowing a group of cultivators to exhibit a level of power far greater than the sum of its parts.

Because of that, it was not surprising that being adept at battle formations was considered the key to success for just about every established party.

There were countless battle formations out there, almost as many as there were individual combat techniques, and each of them had their own strengths and weaknesses as well.

Among them, the Terra Seal Formation was especially popular among disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect.

It was only natural for each established party to be adept at more than one battle formation, so as to be prepared for different types of situations.

But to a certain extent, it would almost be seen as folly for any established party not to have the Terra Seal Formation listed among their arsenal of moves.

After all, not only was it relatively easy to execute, but it was also extremely effective in combat.

“Are you familiar with the Terra Seal Formation, Junior Martial Brother Zhao?” Mo Mian asked.

“I know a thing or two about it, but I wouldn’t dare say that I am an expert or anything,” Zhao Yunxiao admitted.

“I would be more concerned if you claimed that you are,” Chu Han laughed. “I dare say that not even most of the inner disciples are true experts when it comes to any battle formation!”

Indeed, while battle formations were essential to every established party, it still remained a fact that most cultivators did not spend as much time on them, choosing to focus more on themselves.

That was only natural as well. After all, the downsides of specialising in group combat were far too apparent.

First and foremost, one had to be in a group to even be able to execute any of these battle formations. This left them relatively vulnerable when acting alone, which happened more often than not.

Not just that, but they also had to find members of similar strength levels and inclinations to practise together. If the strength level and combat preferences of the members varied too greatly, that would make it a lot more difficult to synchronise as a group, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the battle formations.

Lastly, it was simply more time-consuming to find time to practise together. On top of that, should they lose one or two members due to any unforeseen circumstances, the group would either have to find new members whom they had to practise with from scratch to reach the same level of synchronisation. It was either that, or they would have to make do with one or two fewer members, which usually translated to a lower level of effectiveness.

As a result, there were only that many group combat specialists in the sect.

On the other hand, because of their rarity and how difficult it was, those who did manage to train to a high level in group techniques were highly respected by others, and also extremely valued when the situation called for it.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yunxiao was not one of them.

“It is good enough as long as you know how it works,” Mo Mian said. “Let’s get straight down to it then. Junior Martial Brother Zhao, will you be able to handle the Mental Seal?”

“That should be fine,” Zhao Yunxiao nodded.

“All right then,” Mo Mian turned towards the rest. “The rest will be the same as always. Junior Martial Brother Chu will be in charge of the Physical Seal, Junior Martial Brother Gui will be in charge of the Elemental Seal, and Junior Martial Brother Pu will be in charge of the Vitality Seal. I will be in charge of the Temporal Seal. Let’s give it a try.”

“Got it!” the group answered in unison.

The Terra Seal Formation was a battle formation that sought to weaken the enemy by sealing off various aspects of their abilities.

There were a variety of seals that could be included as part of the battle formation, and those mentioned by Mo Mian were among the most common ones.

Of course, other seals could be prioritised should the situation arose, but the common ones usually sufficed.

The group did not jump right into action.

Instead, they stood in a circle and closed their eyes, extending their spiritual senses to encompass each other.

The most important step to successfully executing a battle formation was synchronisation among the members.

For that reason, the members of the Mystic Cavalry were trying to get used to Zhao Yunxiao’s essence energy, while Zhao Yunxiao was trying to harmonise with theirs.

But at the same time, they were not in a hurry to accomplish this.

All of them understood that this was not something that could be accomplished in an hour or two, and they would have to continually do this over the next few days.

Even then, their synchronisation would hardly be perfect at the end of it. That was just the best that they could hope for, given the current circumstances.

This was just a precaution, after all.

The ideal situation would be for them to have no need to rely on a battle formation at all!

Zhao Yunxiao could not help but let out a smile as he felt his essence energy mixing in with that of the rest.

It was indeed as he had expected.

The members of the Mystic Cavalry were all extremely familiar with one another by now, and they possessed an extremely high level of synchronisation.

Even though he had already heard as much, seeing it for himself still gave him an added layer of assurance.

Now, it was just up to him to harmonise properly with them, such that he would not become too much of a burden!

After the spirit horses had rested for about an hour, the group ended their session to continue on their journey once more.

Just like that, the group travelled according to the limits of the spirit horses, practising every time they stopped for the spirit horses to rest.

Upon establishing a basic level of synchronisation, the group started to practise moving around in formation, employing the Terra Seal Formation as they took down dummy targets like large rocks and trees.

“You are pretty good at this, Junior Martial Brother Zhao,” Mo Mian remarked as they rested around a fire at night. “Not everyone can adapt as quickly as you do.”

Out in the wilderness and without an inn in sight, they had no choice but to camp out for the night.

While the spirit horses possessed superior night vision and could have continued galloping throughout the night, it would no doubt be detrimental to their effectiveness the next day.

Rather than having that, they decided that since they were not in too much of a hurry, they might as well rest here for the night.

“You are too kind, Senior Martial Brother Mo,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head with a smile. “I have joined a few group missions in the past, so I do have some experience with this. However, my level of mastery is nowhere near that of everyone here.”

“I won’t say that,” Chu Han disagreed. “It only seems that way because we have been doing this together for a while, and thus already harmonise well with one another. For someone new to the group, you are actually doing surprisingly well in keeping up with us.”

“That’s right, don’t worry about it, Junior Martial Brother Zhao!” Pu Feixiang added. “But if you really do feel bad, why don’t you arrange for us to have a meal with Junior Martial Sister Lu? If you do, I will not only overlook this, but I will also be forever grateful!”

“...Is that so?” Zhao Yunxiao felt the corner of his lips twitch.

“This is my last warning to you, Junior Martial Brother Pu,” Chu Han narrowed his eyes at Pu Feixiang immediately. “One more mention of Junior Martial Sister Lu, and you are going to forfeit your rewards this time around.”

“What is one round of rewards as compared to a meal with my goddess?” Pu Feixiang shrugged. “You have to do better than that, Senior Martial Brother Chu.”

“You are really asking for it, aren’t you?” Gui Longcan massaged his temples in disbelief.

“Since that is too little, then how about forfeiting your rewards for the next ten missions?” Chu Han immediately raised the stakes.

“Ten missions...?” Pu Feixiang fell into a state of deep contemplation.

“Are you seriously considering it? Are you actually an idiot?” Gui Longcan asked in a tired manner.

“What do you know? Do you even understand what love is?” Pu Feixiang snapped back.

“Does that mean you are willing to forfeit your rewards?” Chu Han asked.

“Ten missions will be a little too much,” Pu Feixiang scratched the back of his head. “Maybe not...”

“At least you have some sense left in you,” Chu Han smirked.

“How about five instead?” Pu Feixiang tried to bargain.

“Hopeless idiot...” Gui Longcan sighed.

“Sorry about that, the bunch can get a little noisy, but it is all done in good fun,” Mo Mian said to Zhao Yunxiao.

“Don’t worry about it. It is always nice to have people whom you can chat with without restraint,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head with a smile. “I’m curious, though. Do you guys only take on monster and demon subduing missions?”

“It seems like you have done your homework on us?” Mo Mian asked in return.

“I’d be a fool not to,” Zhao Yunxiao admitted without hesitation.

“That is true. Well, as much as possible, yes,” Mo Mian answered with a smile. “My goal for the Mystic Cavalry is to become a formidable force to be reckoned with, our name alone being enough to strike fear in our enemies. To achieve that goal, we have to continue sharpening our blades and honing our skills. And what could possibly be better for that than accumulating actual combat experience?”

“The road might be long, but it is not endless,” Chu Han added. “Don’t worry, Senior Martial Brother Mo. I will make sure that we get there. No, all of us will make sure that we get there. Definitely.”

“Definitely,” Mo Mian nodded in response.

“Definitely!” Pu Feixiang shouted.

“Definitely,” Gui Longcan said as well.

Zhao Yunxiao smiled as he watched the four of them exchange meaningful glances.

He could almost hear the conviction in their tone.

There was no doubt that all four of them truly believed in the same goal, and were prepared to work together towards achieving it.

Zheng Biru who was unable to join this time probably shared the same sentiments too.

Having a lofty goal like this was something unimaginable for someone like Zhao Yunxiao who only wanted to achieve freedom, so he could not help but feel a tinge of envy for them.

If he were a little more talented, would he also be able to gather up a group of like-minded comrades who were willing to work together to realise a common ambition, no matter how difficult it sounded?

He did not know the answer to that, and he probably never would.

Zhao Yunxiao clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, he thought that he definitely had to do well on this mission.

Even if he could not share the same dream, he had to at least help the Mystic Cavalry achieve theirs, and not become a burden that hindered their path!

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