Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Connections are Important for a Smooth Sailing Life

Zhao Yunxiao looked out the window.

He had planned to rest early tonight to keep himself in good condition for the monthly cultivation lecture tomorrow.

But judging from the current position of the moon, the night was still young.

He still had some time left.

Apart from the blood of the nightspirit rat, Zhao Yunxiao had also retained some other parts of the nightspirit rats.

He needed these materials to make necessities such as medicinal pills and elixirs in the future. But at the same time, there was a limited amount that he would need so Zhao Yunxiao only retained a small amount while selling the bulk of it.

For the rest of the night, he further processed these other parts in preparation for further use.

The bones were ground to powder, and the tendons were dried.

Due to the toughness of the nightspirit rat’s body, this was not an easy process. By the time he was done, almost half the night had passed.

After some light cleaning, Zhao Yunxiao lit an incense before swallowing an inferior Winterwarmth Pill, choosing to end his day in meditation – a routine that he tried to maintain whenever possible.

Originally, Zhao Yunxiao was supposed to report for Alchemy Chamber duties the next day.

But since it was an important day for them, all outer disciples were allowed to take the day off their respective jobs without any penalty whatsoever.

Of course, there were those who chose to report to work as usual. In fact, anyone who did that would actually be compensated with bonus sect points.

Yet despite his usual thriftiness, or stinginess as Gu Qiansi would put it, those were sect points that Zhao Yunxiao would rather not get his hands on.

After all, as important as sect points were, how could it ever compare to possible advancement on their cultivation path?

Zhao Yunxiao got up early in the morning and started his day with some image training.

Before going to the cultivation lecture, he wanted to once again reinforce his understanding of his martial techniques.

Nobody knew the topic of the month until the start of the cultivation lecture.

But if it happened to be about martial techniques this time, then Zhao Yunxiao wanted to get as much out of it as possible!

However, he was careful not to overdo it as well.

After spending only about an hour or so on his image training, Zhao Yunxiao took deep breaths to clear his mind, making sure to keep himself in top condition.

Picking up his bamboo backpack, Zhao Yunxiao left his residence before the sun was even up.

Yet even then, the canteen was already packed by the time he arrived.

Anyone would be able to tell that there was a distinct difference in the atmosphere today.

Firstly, the canteen was especially crowded despite the early hour, all of whom had gotten up at this time for the same purpose.

Secondly, there was a subtle feeling that pervaded almost all of them without exception, one that was perhaps a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

Nervousness – wondering if they would be able to truly comprehend the essence of the topics discussed later and not let the session go to waste.

Anticipation – looking forward to the possibility of having their doubts dispersed and be pointed a clear direction forward on their cultivation path.

Thankfully, having this distraction bugging all the disciples present also ended up creating a situation where most of them only had a quick meal before leaving. It was as opposed to normal days when most would take their time and enjoy some casual chats while having their meals.

This meant a faster turnover in terms of diners, which in turn led to less difficulty in finding seats despite the large crowd.

Zhao Yunxiao easily found Gu Qiansi and Lu Zhiying among the sea of disciples and they, just like most others, only had a quick meal before taking their leave.

They were not alone on their journey too.

In fact, just about everyone leaving the canteen ended up heading in the same direction.

“This is so fascinating! This is my first time seeing so many people at once here on Purple Plum Mountain!” Lu Zhiying remarked excitedly as they made their way to the Sect Library.

“Haha, this just shows how important the monthly cultivation lectures are,” Gu Qiansi chuckled. “Remember not to miss them in the future as well!”

“What’s the big deal about this number of people?” Zhao Yunxiao added. “Just wait till next month when we celebrate the new year. That will be a true sea of people!”

“Oh? How do we celebrate the new year here in Black Tortoise Sect?” Lu Zhiying’s eyes sparkled in response. “Does everyone in the sect come together?”

“That’s right,” Gu Qiansi nodded. “Not just the outer disciples like today, but also the inner disciples, deacons, protectors, elders, and Sect Master himself!”

“The sect master!” Lu Zhiying exclaimed in surprise.

She might have only joined the sect for four days, but there had been zero opportunities to see the sect master so far.

Because of that, Lu Zhiying had already come to accept that it might take a long time before she would be able to catch a glimpse of the sect master, but who knew this opportunity would come so soon?

“So, what is the sect master like? Is he old and ugly? Or is he surprisingly handsome and suave for his age?” Lu Zhiying asked.



Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi coughed at the same time.

“Watch your language! Who are you saying is old and ugly?” Zhao Yunxiao said while looking around to make sure that no one around them was looking at them strangely. “I’m not agreeing with you, but even if Sect Master does look like that, how can you be describing him as old and ugly?”

“Zhao Yunxiao, keep your volume down!”

“I’m correcting Junior Martial Sister Lu!” Zhao Yunxiao retorted. “Why are you telling me off when you should be doing that to her instead?”

“Ah, sorry! That was a slip of the tongue,” Lu Zhiying stuck out her tongue cheekily. “I will make sure to watch my words from now on!”

“You better!” Zhao Yunxiao cautioned.

“You can tell her nicely. Don’t scare Junior Martial Sister Lu like that!” Gu Qiansi added, causing Zhao Yunxiao to roll his eyes in disbelief.

“It’s not our place to comment on Sect Master but in any case, you will find out in half a month’s time. So just be patient, all right?” Gu Qiansi continued.

“All right, I’ll wait then,” Lu Zhiying shrugged nonchalantly. “But come to think of it, will everyone here be able to fit in the lecture hall? It is the one that we prepared yesterday, right?”

Yes, the lecture hall that they prepared was rather large, probably capable of accommodating thousands.

However, there might be even more disciples than that heading towards the Sect Library right now!

“Yes, it is the one that we prepared yesterday,” Zhao Yunxiao said. “As for your first question, no. Not all outer disciples would be able to get a seat in the lecture hall.”

“Eh?” Lu Zhiying was shocked to hear that.

“Why do you think we are up so early even though there is still some time before the lecture starts?” Zhao Yunxiao chuckled.

“To get there earlier and get seats?” Lu Zhiying guessed. “Then why are we walking so slowly? There are already so many people in front of us! Let’s hurry ahead!”

“It will be a mess if everyone rushes to get ahead of each other. You can say that the road there is also part of the queue to enter,” Gu Qiansi shook her head before dropping her voice to a whisper. “And this is precisely why connections are important for a smooth sailing life. It makes it much easier to get something done.”

“Connections? Wait, you mean we have connections to bring us in?” Lu Zhiying’s face lit up in surprise. “Who are we relying on for that? Where will we be meeting the person?”

“Who do you think?” Gu Qiansi answered with a smile. “You are looking at him right now.”

“Eh?” Lu Zhiying blinked blankly before letting out a grin as she glanced over at Zhao Yunxiao. “Heh, I see that there are many hidden layers of consideration when it comes to deciding on your sect job.”

“Now you are learning, kid,” Zhao Yunxiao petted her head in approval.

“Hey! I’m not a kid!” Lu Zhiying retorted while shaking his hand off unhappily.

Just like that, the trio continued on their way along with the rest of the disciples. It did not take long before they arrived at their destination.

As expected, there was already a long line of disciples waiting outside the Sect Library, all queuing to enter.

Zhao Yunxiao led the way, leaving the line to continue forward regardless.

Lu Zhiying followed closely behind, but could not help but feel the gazes of the queuing disciples following them.

“Are we really going to do this so blatantly?” Lu Zhiying asked curiously. “Won’t the other disciples be unhappy about this?”

“Don’t worry, this is just how the world works. Even if they are unhappy about it, they would have to accept it,” Zhao Yunxiao replied. “In any case, when it comes to matters that involve their jobs, they will also become the ones holding the advantage.”

“Yeah, don’t worry,” Gu Qiansi assured her as well. “It has been like this all along, so everyone understands. Just don’t go taunting others or bragging about it, and you will be fine.”

Lu Zhiying could still feel the many gazes from the disciples around her and could not help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

With her looks, she had been used to receiving attention from people around her since young. Whether it was a good or bad thing, Lu Zhiying had come to accept it.

However, it felt different this time.

Unlike the usual looks of admiration or lust, she felt that the current gazes towards her felt more like looks of envy. Moreover, this sense of envy did not arise from her looks, but from her status being different right now.

It almost felt as if she was someone from a privileged class, a feeling that would have been completely impossible to experience for her past self.

And she was feeling this way only because she managed to join the Black Tortoise Sect.

No, not just that.

It was also because she was lucky enough to hang out with Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi.

Lu Zhiying turned back forward to look at the backs of her two senior martial disciples, only to be greeted with Gu Qiansi’s warm smile.

“Come now, don’t lag behind,” Gu Qiansi grabbed her hand and strode forward.

Lu Zhiying allowed herself to be pulled along while feeling a tingly warmth in her heart.

By now, they had arrived near the front of the line.

Unlike normal days, there was now a desk set up in front of the Sect Library entrance, with a few familiar faces manning the booth.

They were acting as the gatekeepers to the Sect Library today, registering the names of those in the queue and letting them in one by one.

Zhao Yunxiao did not hesitate, immediately walking up to the man who seemed to be in charge.

It was a familiar silhouette dressed in scholarly robes and had a scholarly air about him.

“Greetings, Senior Martial Brother Liang,” Zhao Yunxiao clasped his fists towards him.

Liang Wenshao had a stoic expression on all along, and that did not change when he turned to look at Zhao Yunxiao.

On top of that, he immediately furrowed his brows at Zhao Yunxiao.

This was definitely not a response that Zhao Yunxiao had expected, so it caught him by surprise.

But when he followed Liang Wenshao’s gaze, Zhao Yunxiao instantly understood the reason behind Liang Wenshao’s reaction.

In the past, he had only brought Gu Qiansi along when entering the Sect Library in advance for the cultivation lecture.

There had never been any problems with that whatsoever, be it whether Liang Wenshao or another senior disciple was in charge.

However, there was a difference this time – Lu Zhiying was with them as well.

Under normal circumstances, Zhao Yunxiao would not have thought that it was a big deal to bring Lu Zhiying along. But it just so happened that Lu Zhiying and Liang Wenshao had an unfortunate little interaction the day before!

“Senior Martial Brother Liang,” Zhao Yunxiao started awkwardly. “We are here for the cultivation lecture...”

Liang Wenshao stared at Zhao Yunxiao for a good few seconds, then let out a helpless sigh.

“Go on in,” Liang Wenshao said emotionlessly before turning his attention back towards the queue.

“Thank you, Senior Martial Brother Liang!” Zhao Yunxiao felt like a heavy load was lifted off his shoulders at that moment.

Behind him, Gu Qiansi and Lu Zhiying could not help but let out a sigh of relief as well.

“Let’s go,” Zhao Yunxiao gestured to the two before stepping in.

Gu Qiansi nodded slightly towards Liang Wenshao as she entered, while Lu Zhiying decided to walk a little closer to the senior disciple and whispered softly.

“Thank you, Senior Martial Brother Liang. You are a nice person after all!”

It was a whisper so softly spoken that it seemed to be meant for no one, but Lu Zhiying had experienced first-hand just how sharp Liang Wenshao’s hearing was.

Instead of waiting for a response, Lu Zhiying hurried away immediately, quickly following behind Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi as they entered the Sect Library.

Back at the front desk, a faint smile appeared on Liang Wenshao’s stoic face, even if it was only for the slightest of moments.

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