Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Cultivation Sharing at the Origin Lake Sect

“You need to stop harping on the topic, Junior Martial Brother Jian,” Chen Pingxi said after noticing the awkward expression on Zhao Yunxiao’s face. “Can’t you see that you are putting Brother Zhao on the spot?”

“Since Senior Martial Sister Chen says so, I will stop then,” Jian Qifa nodded with a meaningful smile, as was the case with many of the other core disciples.

In contrast, Qian Luming seemed to be the only one who looked slightly more relieved.

“If Brother Zhao’s focus is on cultivation, that makes us the same kind of people,” Zhou Qin was the one who spoke up this time.

“Perhaps it was our common pursuit, and not fate, that made us meet earlier,” Cui Junhe added immediately.

“Brother Zhou and Brother Cui are thinking too highly of me,” Zhao Yunxiao tried to play it down a little. “I am merely dabbling on the path of cultivation in comparison to yourselves.”

“That much is subjective,” Zhou Qin disagreed. “Actually, since we are on the topic of cultivation, I actually have a request that I’m hoping everyone here would be able to indulge me. This is a rare opportunity for us to gather, so if it is not too much to ask, I would like everyone here to share our views on the cultivation lecture from earlier today.”

Zhou Qin truly lived up to his name as a cultivation maniac.

Just like that, he had shifted the topic and turned this into a cultivation discussion.

“Junior Martial Brother Zhou is right. This is indeed a good opportunity to hear everyone’s views, so let’s do just that,” Chen Pingxi was happy about this change in topic as well. “In that case, why don’t I give it a go for starters?”

“Nothing can be better than that. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Sister Chen,” Hu Nan clasped his fists towards Chen Pingxi, as did the rest of those at the table.

As the prime disciple of the Origin Lake Sect, Chen Pingxi truly had a bearing befitting her status, volunteering to go first even though she did not have to.

“Please give me your guidance then,” Chen Pingxi stood up from her seat without hesitation.

At this point, Ming Leishang gave a signal to the performers on the stage from the elders’ table.

The dancers immediately stood to the side while the music softened.

It became apparent that the elders had been paying attention to what was happening at the core disciples’ table as well, and Ming Leishang found this turn of events too valuable to be disrupted by the performance.

As the performance came to a halt, the focal point of the banquet naturally fell upon the standing Chen Pingxi.

Everyone, including the elders, looked on in anticipation, wanting to see just what Chen Pingxi had in store for them.

Even then, she did not reveal any signs of fluster.

On the contrary, she even let out a smile while sweeping her gaze across the open square, proudly matching the gazes of the disciples present.

This one simple act of hers exuded boundless confidence, enough to dazzle the eyes of her numerous admirers in the sect.

Zhao Yunxiao could not help but feel amazed.

Such was the bearing of a prime disciple – one who was only beneath the elders!

“It was mentioned that we should devise our combat styles according to the four main attributes – power, speed, dexterity, and durability,” Chen Pingxi started. “I believe that in addition to that, we also have to understand the same of our opponents. What are their strengths? How does each of their attributes compare to ours? If I were to sculpt my combat style purely on speed and my opponent’s speed unfortunately surpasses mine, I would have to identify that perhaps my power is greater than theirs and come up with a corresponding plan according to that. To put it simply, this is essentially the adaptability that is required of us all...”

With that, Chen Pingxi started to share her thoughts on the basics of combat that He Luoxuan had lectured on earlier.

Considering that He Luoxuan himself was among the audience, it was truly impressive how confidently she shared her own interpretation and point of view.

Her perfect demonstration greatly boosted the confidence of the other core disciples, who then stepped up to share their thoughts after her.

Some had interpreted the contents of the lecture similarly, while some opinions differed.

Nevertheless, no one did anything as distasteful as putting down another’s point of view, understanding that the cultivation path simply differed for each individual.

To be named as core disciples of the sect, their understandings of cultivation were naturally already at a rather high level. Perhaps because of that, their opinions might differ, but all of them shared the same strong fundamentals.

In the end, these were merely different paths towards the pinnacle.

Everyone listened on in deep thought, especially the other disciples.

In a way, this was also a form of extending the cultivation lecture’s contents to the outer disciples who had not been fortunate enough to attend in person.

It was not just the other disciples who had been listening as well.

The protectors.

The deacons.

Even the elders similarly paid close attention to what their disciples were saying, silently evaluating them on what they had managed to comprehend.

At the same time, these elders could not help but sneak silent glances at He Luoxuan.

After all, their disciples were currently interpreting the lecture that he had given earlier, so it was only natural for the masters to wonder what He Luoxuan thought about it.

Unfortunately for them, it was impossible to read He Luoxuan’s thoughts from his expression alone. He maintained calm throughout, not showing any signs of being impressed or disappointed.

Before long, the core disciples of the Origin Lake Sect had all taken their turns.

Listening to what they shared, Zhao Yunxiao could not help but feel that he had learnt quite a bit as well, further refining his own interpretation of the topic.

“Looks like it is our turn,” Hu Nan stood up.

This was a simple matter of reciprocation.

Since the core disciples of the Origin Lake Sect had all shared their thoughts, it was only right for them to do the same.

Yes, it was only right, yet this still caused Zhao Yunxiao to sit up straight in alarm.

He had only been enjoying the moment up until now.

But with how things were progressing, did that mean it would eventually be his turn to share his thoughts as well?

As an outer disciple, what amazing insights could he possibly have that were worth sharing in front of the entire Origin Lake Sect?

All he could do would be to cause everyone to realise that their earlier respect and admiration towards him had been completely misplaced!

Then again, perhaps that was a good thing too.

That way, he would no longer have to worry about having to entertain all these core disciples who were focusing so much attention on him!

Hu Nan had been following He Luoxuan for a while now, so his interpretation of the latter’s lecture was naturally in no way inferior to that of the core disciples of the Origin Lake Sect.

Song Xiaoqiao stepped up after.

As a person of few words, her sharing shared a similar style in being short and concise. However, it did not fail to touch on the essence of the lecture, making it such that it was still beneficial for those listening.

After she was done, all eyes naturally fell upon Zhao Yunxiao.

In fact, everyone’s gazes were suddenly filled with deep anticipation, perhaps even more than when it came to Chen Pingxi!

Zheng Biru and Zhao Yunxiao exchanged glances.

In terms of seniority, it should be Zheng Biru’s turn to share his thoughts.

But with how things were going right now, it would not seem appropriate if Zhao Yunxiao did not go next.

“Why don’t you go first, Junior Martial Brother Zhao?” Zheng Biru understood the situation as well, and promptly suggested.


“Understood, Senior Martial Brother Zheng,” Zhao Yunxiao let out a deep breath and stood up.

He might not have anything impressive to offer, but Zhao Yunxiao still understood that he should at least try his best here, lest he besmirched the reputation of the Black Tortoise Sect.

Thus, while Hu Nan and Song Xiaoqiao were sharing their thoughts, Zhao Yunxiao had been thinking long and hard about what he should say.

What could he possibly know that would add value to what had already been shared by the others?

And that was when it struck him.

He did not know much about spectacular techniques or profound methods, but he did learn a thing or two after reading most of the manuals detailing basic techniques that were authored by the ancient cultivator Jiang Taiming.

That was a trove of knowledge he possessed that the others might not have access to!

And it just so happened that He Luoxuan’s lecture had been on the basics of combat.

What better way to address the basics of combat than with insights from the basic foundational techniques?

“This is only my humble opinion, but I believe that all combat techniques originate from the same source,” Zhao Yunxiao started. “In the right hands and with the right understanding, basic techniques can evolve into complicated techniques, and complicated techniques can further evolve into ultimate techniques. As for the basic techniques themselves, they are simply evolved from our daily movements, adapted to fit the various situations that we could very well find ourselves in...”

Zhao Yunxiao started to share what he understood from these manuals.

These were very general understandings, but they had been sufficient to nudge Zhao Yunxiao along in his cultivation pursuits so far.

Now, he could only hope that this would prove useful to others as well.

Almost everyone present already understood the basics, having heard it over and over for the many years that they were here.

But sometimes, the same thing being said by two different people would yield two completely different results.

If it were someone else saying the things that Zhao Yunxiao was saying, the audience would have quickly lost interest since there was really nothing much that was new to them.

But because it was Zhao Yunxiao whom everyone already held in high regard for whatever reason, the effect was completely different.

Everyone listened closely to every word he said, deeply analysing the contents of his sharing far beyond what he had ever intended.

Every small nuance.

Every little detail.

Every slight difference in tonation that he had used for each word.

All of that came together to enhance an originally basic level of sharing into one that was far from ordinary.

In such a state, even something that would usually be regarded as common sense could be interpreted as a wonderful reflection of reality.

Those who had not been able to discover anything useful started doubting themselves, forcing themselves to think deeper as they thought that perhaps their own level of understanding was lacking in comparison.

And when Zhao Yunxiao finally ended his sharing, silence befell the entire open square.

It was as though everyone was still deeply immersed in the moment, not even realising that it was already over.

“Going back to the fundamentals – I’m sure that will be helpful to the many fellow disciples of the sect. On behalf of everyone, I sincerely thank you for your sharing, Brother Zhao,” Chen Pingxi was the first to speak up.

“Thank you, Sister Chen,” Zhao Yunxiao answered with a smile.

Unaware of the actual impact of his sharing, Zhao Yunxiao simply thought that Chen Pingxi was being polite.

“This had been very insightful indeed. I’m humbled by your comprehension ability,” Zhou Qin added. “Thank you for your sharing, Brother Zhao.”

“Thank you for the kind words, Brother Zhou,” Zhao Yunxiao replied.

“All techniques originate from the same source. What an apt analogy! I have learnt well today, Brother Zhao!” Cui Junhe added.

“Thank you, Brother Cui,” Zhao Yunxiao responded politely once more.

At this point, Zhao Yunxiao was starting to feel a little awkward.

He understood his sharing the best.

While there should not be anything wrong with what he said, it was not exactly something that deserved this many thanks either.

And to make things worse, things did not stop there.

One by one, the other core disciples started expressing their gratitude towards Zhao Yunxiao, to the point where Zhao Yunxiao even suspected for a moment that they were making fun of him.

Of course, he understood that they would not do that at such an occasion.

In that case, were they really this thankful?

Or were they just giving him face because he delivered ‘He Luoxuan’s advice’ for them earlier?

It was likely the latter.

Who knows?

Perhaps they were even doing this in the hope that he would share more of ‘He Luoxuan’s advice’!

Too bad, but he was not intending to do that ever again!

Then again, it was not as though the first time was something that he had ever intended for either...

Next came Zheng Biru’s and Yu Hang’s turns.

Unfortunately, their sharings were not nearly as well received.

Chen Pingxi still thanked them for their sharings, but she did so in a much more indifferent manner. The other core disciples did not add their own comments either.

This lacklustre response made the atmosphere slightly awkward for the two outer disciples.

Thankfully, the performances resumed as the disciples’ sharings came to an end, easing the atmosphere a little.

Once again, everyone started to immerse themselves in the food, music, and dance. Basking in such a comfortable setting, conversations naturally flowed at the various tables.

These serious looking core disciples started chatting about casual matters such as their favourite wines and tea, a conversation that Hu Nan and Song Xiaoqiao joined in without any issue.

Even Qian Luming, who had been uncharacteristically quiet all night due to his reservations from having offended Zhao Yunxiao earlier, started to open up more.

But not unexpectedly, his attention was still mainly directed towards Song Xiaoqiao.

In fact, as the joyous atmosphere propagated, people eventually started to mingle beyond their own tables as well, moving around to speak to those seated at other tables.

And among the various tables, the one belonging to the core disciples naturally received the most attention from the other disciples.

Group after group of inner disciples came forth to greet them, mainly introducing themselves and thanking them for their sharing earlier.

Zhao Yunxiao felt rather awkward about the matter initially, but thankfully Chen Pingxi and Hu Nan handled most of the conversations.

All he had to do was sit back and watch, sometimes responding with a simple “Thank you for the kind words”.

Slowly, Zhao Yunxiao grew comfortable as well.

He could at least handle this much!

“Greetings, Senior Martial Sister Chen, various core disciples, as well as the brothers and sister from the Black Tortoise Sect.”

This time, it was a group of four young female disciples who had come to greet them.

But unlike the many groups from before, one of the female disciples instantly caught Zhao Yunxiao’s attention this time.

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