Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

How Pathetic!

Varying the speed of approach did not work.

Alternating directions did not work.

Trying to stop the strikes before they gain momentum did not work either.

As for direct confrontation, that was naturally out of the question from the start.

Even after taking another dozen trips through the air, Zhao Yunxiao still had not found a method that would work.

It seemed that life did not always go the way one wanted it to.

And by now, his body was already struggling to keep up.

Zhao Yunxiao felt light headed, and he could barely feel his limbs any longer.

In such a state, Zhao Yunxiao glanced towards Jun Chuan.

With his eyes glazed and his body swaying left and right, Jun Chuan did not seem to be in a much better state either.

Both of them looked to be in a terrible state, but Sun Minhao’s expression was not good at all either.

“Why won’t you fall?!” Sun Minhao roared in anger. “Give up and plead for mercy! Or do you really want me to cripple you?!”

At his current cultivation level, Sun Minhao could even kill the two easily if he so wanted to.

But of course, that was not what he had set out to do.

What he wanted was to teach them a lesson, letting them know just who was boss so that they would act with propriety in the future.

That was why he had held back in every exchange, doing just enough to let them suffer without causing any permanent damage.

However, even after striking them down so many times – to the extent that they were all battered and bruised – they still refused to give up!

Sun Minhao was losing his patience fast.

Since the two did not know what was best for them, he was seriously considering going out of his way to teach them a harder lesson about life!

“This is your last chance,” Sun Minhao said. “Kneel and apologise, and I will end this spar.”

“What do you think, Junior Martial Brother Zhao?” Jun Chuan asked weakly.

Zhao Yunxiao let out a slight chuckle in response.

Rationally, of course listening to Sun Minhao would be the best course of action. There was no reason to continue getting hurt for the sake of something as intangible as pride.

But that was only if it was his own pride on the line here.

Since Jun Chuan was showing absolutely no intention of bowing, he naturally did not intend to be the one dragging Jun Chuan down.

On top of that, Zhao Yunxiao had yet to achieve his personal objective either.

“Fools,” Sun Minhao clenched his fist upon seeing the interaction between the two. “You will regret this decision.”

Just as he said that, a young man suddenly shouted out from beneath the stage.

“Sun Minhao! What do you think you are doing?!”

It was Wang Qisheng – the other inner disciple who had been present at the Clear Thoughts Pavilion when Sun Minhao had a conflict with Jun Chuan.

He immediately rushed over upon hearing that Sun Minhao was causing trouble for Jun Chuan, but it had still taken him some time to arrive.

“You are here as well, Junior Martial Brother Wang?” Sun Minhao looked over indifferently. “Sorry, but I am busy sparring with my juniors. If you have something to tell me, feel free to look for me after this.”

“As an inner disciple, how can you bully the outer disciples for no reason?!” Wang Qisheng wanted to rush up the stage, only to be stopped by the other inner disciples present. “You guys! All of you are in on it together?!”

“Sorry, Junior Martial Brother Wang. This is a friendly spar so let’s try not to disrupt their practice,” the inner disciple stopping Wang Qisheng said with a smirk.

“Are you this offended just because you failed to force a deal with Junior Martial Brother Jun?” Wang Qisheng berated after being stopped by the other inner disciples. “How many of you came? Five? Ten? Ten inner disciples came all the way just to bully an outer disciple? Do you know no shame?”

“That’s right! Shameless!” a familiar voice shouted out from among the outer disciples.

Without Zhao Yunxiao realising it, Gu Qiansi and Lu Zhiying had arrived at the Snow Moon Arena as well, drawn over by the commotion.

And it was not just them either.

Plenty of outer disciples had caught wind of the matter and came over to take a look.

In fact, Wang Qisheng only caught wind of this incident from some of the outer disciples who had arrived later, and were thus not rounded up by the inner disciples present.

“Give it up, Junior Martial Brother Wang. I am just here to spar with my juniors. There is nothing complicated about it,” Sun Minhao scoffed, completely ignoring Lu Zhiying’s random outburst. “Besides, even if I am bullying my juniors, what can you do about it? Do you intend to face all of us alone?”

“He is not alone!” Lu Zhiying shouted out again, only to be held back by Gu Qiansi this time.

It was not that Gu Qiansi did not want to stand up for Zhao Yunxiao.

Rather than that, she was probably the one who wanted to help Zhao Yunxiao the most right now.

But at the same time, she was also the one who knew exactly what Zhao Yunxiao would want them to do in this situation.

Stay out of it.

Otherwise, their entire group could get blacklisted by the inner disciples in the future.

Precisely because she understood Zhao Yunxiao so well, all she could do was pray that this did not leave any lasting problems on Zhao Yunxiao.

“Stay right here and don’t act recklessly,” Gu Qiansi whispered to Lu Zhiying. “I will be back quickly.”

“What do you mean act recklessly, Senior Martial Sister Gu? Senior Martial Brother Zhao is in trouble!” Lu Zhiying retorted indignantly. “And where are you going now?”

“Senior Martial Brother Wang is here now, so the situation should still be relatively under control,” Gu Qiansi explained. “Meanwhile, I will be going to find Junior Martial Sister Huang.”

“Huang... Senior Martial Sister Huang An?” Lu Zhiying immediately understood the reason why. “I will go with you!”

As someone who was considered one of the best physicians in the Medical Pavilion, it would definitely be for the best if Huang An could present to take a look at Zhao Yunxiao the moment this was over.

“No, stay here and watch. Things might be under control for now, but who knows what will happen next? If Senior Martial Brother Sun and the rest go overboard, that is when you have to step in and stop them,” Gu Qiansi said. “Remember, you won’t be able to beat them, so just do anything apart from fighting. Shout, scream, threaten them with the elders, do whatever you can.”

“Okay, understood!” Lu Zhiying nodded profusely.

As Gu Qiansi was hurrying off, another voice sounded out.

“The girl is right. What if he is not alone?”

Sun Minhao furrowed his brows as he turned towards the newcomer.

It was yet another inner disciple.

Jun Chuan recognised the newcomer immediately. Just like Wang Qisheng, it was a regular customer of his.

“You better think twice,” Sun Minhao was not intimidated regardless. “Are you intending to go against us for the sake of these outer disciples? With just the two of you?”

“What if you include me?” another young man called out.

Jun Chuan sighed. It was yet another one of his regular customers.

It was comforting to see that his regular customers were willing to support him without caring that they would offend another inner disciple in Sun Minhao, but it was meaningless.

“Hahaha, three of you want to fight us?” Sun Minhao laughed this time. “If you really want to, I don’t mind fulfilling your wishes right here at the Snow Moon Arena!”

Wang Qisheng and the other two inner disciples who had arrived immediately frowned.

Indeed, there was nothing they could do here.

Fighting outside of the stage was against the sect rules, while going on stage for a spar three against ten was nothing short of suicidal.

If they really accepted that, not to mention helping Jun Chuan, they would be the ones to be in trouble instead!

Unfortunately, they had rushed here immediately after hearing the news.

If they had known that Sun Minhao would be accompanied by this many inner disciples, they would have gathered their companions as well!

“I appreciate the thought, senior martial brothers. However, you don’t have to involve yourself in this,” Jun Chuan said. “Junior Martial Brother Zhao, sorry but I’d still have to implicate you.”

“As I said, one free item as compensation.”


“Stingy as always.”

“That’s rich, coming from you.”

“What a shit show. Come at me already. Let’s end this!” Sun Minhao roared.

Jun Chuan and Zhao Yunxiao did not need to be told twice, charging forward without hesitation.

But there was something slightly different about their approach this time.

Or rather, Jun Chuan’s was the same, but Zhao Yunxiao’s was different from before.

He no longer charged straight towards Sun Minhao, instead approaching in a zigzag motion. Not only did the zigzagging motion seemed to be completely random, even the speed continued to vary, making it much more difficult to predict where he would be next.

Difficult, but not impossible.

Left leg – forward kick to the abdomen: 96%


Once again, Jun Chuan was the first to arrive before Sun Minhao, and was similarly the first to be sent flying.

However, Zhao Yunxiao continued forward as though he did not even notice that.

Despite the terrible state of his body, his mind could not be more focused right now.

Cultivation level might be the most important thing that dictated the outcome of a fight, but by that statement alone, it also meant that cultivation level was not the only thing that mattered.

Apart from cultivation level, other factors could also influence the outcome of a fight, albeit to a smaller degree.

Even for someone with a lower cultivation level, there was always the possibility of coming out on top, no matter how slim it was.

And sometimes, it was worth trying for that slim possibility.

If Nie Hanchang could forge a mythical tier bow even with his nearly non-existent smithing skills, surely there was a chance that he could succeed here too?

By now, Sun Minhao’s attention was already fully on Zhao Yunxiao.

Right leg – arc kick to the torso: 89%

“Insolent,” Sun Minhao gritted his teeth and swept his right leg out without mercy.

Despite the varying direction and speed, he had absolutely no problem following Zhao Yunxiao’s movements.

The difference in cultivation level was simply too large!

Sun Minhao’s kick was the exact same move as before, albeit with a greater force and speed behind it this time.

It was an attack that even Jun Chuan would be unable to react to, much less Zhao Yunxiao.

Yet Zhao Yunxiao reacted nevertheless.

And faced with this same move, Zhao Yunxiao seemed to be adopting the same response as well.

[Xuanwu Fist Art – Invisible Snap]

Zhao Yunxiao’s fist struck out just as Sun Minhao started the motion for the kick.

Sun Minhao was initially surprised that Zhao Yunxiao was able to keep up with his movements, but snorted in disdain as soon as he saw Zhao Yunxiao’s fist reach for his leg.

Did he not learn anything from the previous exchanges that they had?

Seemed like in the end, he was just an outer disciple at the Essence Gathering realm.

Their levels were just too different from the get go!

Just as he was thinking that, Zhao Yunxiao seemed to have suddenly lost his footing while executing the complex zigzag approach, his body swaying slightly to the side as a result.

No adjustments to the kick: 94%

And with that, Zhao Yunxiao’s fist that had been on route to match Sun Minhao’s kick shifted a little as well, striking Sun Minhao’s leg from the side instead matching it head on.

Sun Minhao could not help but laugh in his heart.

To actually stumble on your own in a fight... how pathetic!

But because of that slight impact of the punch coming from the side, the direction of the kick was also altered slightly.


The swaying Zhao Yunxiao ducked as Sun Minhao’s kick swept across, barely passing over his head and causing his long hair to sway from the wind.

Same leg – downward axe kick: 93%

Lucky bastard!

Sun Minhao cursed and was about to follow up by striking down with the same leg when his eyes widened in astonishment.

Zhao Yunxiao, whom Sun Minhao thought had lost his footing earlier, was actually looking right at him with eyes filled with determination.

It was at this moment that Sun Minhao realised Zhao Yunxiao had never lost his footing.

It was all but an act to make Sun Minhao let down his guard!

Wide open: 99%

[Xuanwu Fist Art – Invisible Snap]


Silence fell upon the entire Snow Moon Arena – one that was born out of utter disbelief.

It was as though time had come to a standstill as Sun Minhao and Zhao Yunxiao stood there right before everyone’s eyes, within inches of each other on the stage.

Sun Minhao’s leg was raised in the air, fully poised to kick downwards and hammer Zhao Yunxiao straight into the ground.

However, it was Zhao Yunxiao’s outstretched fist that was the first to connect with Sun Minhao’s chin.

Nobody could believe it.

Not Jun Chuan.

Not the other outer disciples.

Not the inner disciples who had come to support Jun Chuan.

Not the inner disciples who had come with Sun Minhao.

And definitely not Sun Minhao himself.

Sun Minhao felt the corner of his lips twitch from a sense of disbelief and rage combined.

Zhao Yunxiao’s punch was weak – too weak to deal any damage to him through his essence energy guard.

It was not only due to the difference in their cultivation level, but also because Zhao Yunxiao was about spent by now.

No matter how he looked at it, against a weakling like Zhao Yunxiao, the only reason for this result had to be due to overconfidence on his part.

But that no longer mattered at this point, and neither did whether he actually received damage from Zhao Yunxiao’s punch or not.

If news got out that he could not even stop a mere Essence Gathering realm outer disciple from getting in close and landing a clean hit on him, he could effectively say goodbye to his reputation in the sect!

As he thought about that, a glint of murderous light flashed across Sun Minhao’s eyes.

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