Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Lack of Situational Awareness

The canteen was almost packed to the brim today. The number of disciples present far exceeded that on normal days.

And it was only natural as well.

With such a hot topic spreading throughout the outer sect, how could the various outer disciples resist gathering around to gossip with their peers?

In fact, it was not just the canteen either.

Most of the popular gathering areas in the Outer Grounds were crowded with people right now, all of them abuzz with chatter.

At this moment, Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi were sitting opposite each other in the canteen, their hearts pounding fast.

It was naturally not because they were nervous around each other.

It was also not because Zhao Yunxiao had overexerted himself after the smithing process, forcing himself to clean up the furnace room, and then forcing himself some more as he dove right into practice upon returning to his residence from the Forge.

He could not help it though.

To Zhao Yunxiao, it was comforting to watch Nie Hanchang get his lucky break, but it also reminded him that he had to work harder than anyone else.

As someone who possessed neither talent nor luck, this was the only thing he could do to help himself.

Otherwise, the only fate that awaited him was to fall behind everyone!

Should that really happen, and he ended up far weaker than anyone else, how would he be able to travel around the world without worrying for his own life?

Without the ability to do even that, what freedom was there to speak of then?

On second thought, he might have overexerted himself a little indeed due to the strong emotions that he was feeling today, but the main reason for his increased heart rate was still something else altogether.

Just like everyone else, Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi had also heard about the news about the new disciples’ formation of spiritual meridian roots.

They had always known that Lu Zhiying was talented.

Now that she had also managed to form a true spiritual meridian root, both of them were absolutely certain that becoming an inner disciple was only a matter of time for her now!

Therefore, they could not help but feel excited for this junior martial sister of theirs!

“Senior Martial Brother Zhao! Senior Martial Sister Gu! I’m back!”

A familiar cheerful voice greeted them from afar, and the two of them turned to see that beautiful figure skipping over towards them.

Seeing as to how her hair and robes were slightly dishevelled, it would appear that she just came over from her daily dance class too.

However, the two of them were not the only ones whose attention was drawn over by the arriving Lu Zhiying.

Thanks to the incident with Elder Mo at the cultivation lecture a few days ago, almost all outer disciples knew who Lu Zhiying was by now.

Therefore, just about everyone recognised her the moment she arrived.

Before Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi could even respond to her greeting, the canteen had already broken into an uproar.

“Congratulations, Junior Martial Sister Lu!”

“Congratulations on forming a true spiritual meridian root!”

“It must have been hard on you today. Welcome back!”

“I’ve always known that you had it in you. Congratulations, junior martial sister!”


Many of the disciples currently in the canteen crowded forward towards the approaching Lu Zhiying, bombarding her with all sorts of congratulatory messages.


Lu Zhiying was surprised by the sudden bombardment of greetings from the other disciples, but it only took her a moment to regain her bearings.

“Thank you, various senior martial brothers and sisters,” Lu Zhiying clasped her fists towards everyone respectfully. “I will have to rely on everyone’s care from now on.”

“You are too humble, Junior Martial Sister Lu. We are the ones who will have to rely on you in the future.”

“Are you here for dinner as well? Why don’t you join us?”

“How about Junior Martial Sister Lu join us instead? We had the chef prepare some special monster meat for us tonight. We will gladly share some with you!”

“No, join us instead! We just got some spiritual tea from the recent mission. We’d love to let you have a taste later!”


Initially, many still did not want to be too obvious about their intentions to befriend her.

After all, news about her forming a true spiritual meridian root had just spread. Suddenly approaching her now would make their intentions far too obvious.

That was on top of the fact that Lu Zhiying had looks that were close to perfect.

If they approached this too carelessly, they could even end up having their intentions mistaken as mere lust!

But once the first person extended an invitation to her, the rest immediately became afraid of falling behind. This opened a floodgate where just about every group in the canteen started extending their own invitations for her to join them for dinner.

It was as though Lu Zhiying was a precious treasure that everyone was competing for.

Watching this scene unfold before them, Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi could not help but let out a smile.

Indeed, this was how it was supposed to be.

With Lu Zhiying’s talent, it was almost a crime for her to be disregarded by the other outer disciples.

No, perhaps even the inner disciples should be taking her seriously.

She might have only joined the sect for a week, but it was about time that others realise just how amazing she truly was!

Over the past week, they had done their part to introduce her to the sect, helping her to understand the life of a common disciple of the Black Tortoise Sect.

Their job was finally completed now.

And as a phoenix among men, it was time for her to take flight.

Now that her name had resounded throughout the outer sect, it would be best for her to go around knowing different people and build her network.

This could be of some help to her when she eventually entered the inner sect!

But just as they were thinking that, Lu Zhiying looked in their direction and beamed brightly.

“Sorry, I already have an appointment with Senior Martial Brother Zhao and Senior Martial Sister Gu,” Lu Zhiying bowed apologetically to the other disciples before skipping past them towards Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi. “I’m back!”

“Welcome back,” Gu Qiansi smiled and patted her on the head. “Are you sure you don’t want to try having dinner with your other senior martial brothers and sisters instead?”

“Nope! Why would I want to do that when you guys are here?” Lu Zhiying answered without hesitation.

As for Zhao Yunxiao, he turned his attention towards the other outer disciples and saw the awkward expressions on their faces.

He clasped his fists towards them apologetically, and they immediately snapped out of the shock from the rejection to return the greeting.

Still, Zhao Yunxiao could feel the envious stares piercing into his back as he went over to sit down with Gu Qiansi and Lu Zhiying.

“You are amazing, Junior Martial Sister Lu!” Gu Qiansi praised as they finally sat down with their food. “You don’t know how happy your Senior Martial Brother Zhao was when we heard that you managed to form a true spiritual meridian root!”

“Speak for yourself,” Zhao Yunxiao rolled his eyes. “But regardless, congratulations indeed, Junior Martial Sister Lu. With this, becoming an inner disciple is only a matter of time!”

“Everyone has been saying that, but is a true spiritual meridian root really that big of a deal?” Lu Zhiying asked with food in her mouth. “Isn’t it all luck anyway?”

“How is it just luck?” Zhao Yunxiao disagreed. “Formation of the spiritual meridian root requires the individual to dig deep and draw upon their innate potential, enduring the physical and mental strain through the entire process. Innate potential, talent, mental fortitude, stamina, and determination – all of these come into play when forming the spiritual meridian root. The fact that you are able to form a true spiritual meridian root speaks loads about you as a person.”

“Really? But I just went through the motion and the spiritual meridian root naturally formed,” Lu Zhiying frowned. “I don’t remember any of that mental and physical strain that you speak of. Are you lying to me just because I am new, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?”

Zhao Yunxiao: “...”

Gu Qiansi: “...”

The spiritual meridian root just naturally formed?

She did not feel any strain whatsoever?

Does that mean she did not even try her best to form the best spiritual meridian root possible?

“Looks like you aren’t lying,” Lu Zhiying concluded after seeing the bitter expression on Zhao Yunxiao’s face. “So, what type of spiritual meridian roots do you have?”

“Regular spiritual meridian root...” Zhao Yunxiao felt the corner of his lips twitch.

“Same here...”

“Oh? Since there are three of us who formed true spiritual meridian roots this time, I thought it isn’t all that uncommon,” Lu Zhiying revealed a look of surprise. “I was pretty sure that both of you will have true spiritual meridian roots too!”

This time, even Gu Qiansi could not help but feel like her heart had been stabbed.

Zhao Yunxiao sighed inwardly as well.

He had naturally taken note of the names of the other two new disciples who formed a true spiritual meridian root alongside Lu Zhiying.

Moving forward, he had to make sure not to offend those two monsters in any way.

“So what sect job did you choose in the end?” Gu Qiansi decided to change the topic.

Zhao Yunxiao turned his attention towards Lu Zhiying upon hearing that.

The whole reason why he was bringing Lu Zhiying around over the past week was to show her the different sect jobs so that she would be able to make an informed decision.

Therefore, he could not help but feel curious about her choice.

“Herb Gardens,” Lu Zhiying answered nonchalantly.

Herb Gardens?

Both Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi could not help but be surprised.

The Lu Zhiying who craved adventure and excitement actually chose to work in the Herb Gardens?

“Why the Herb Gardens?” Gu Qiansi asked.

“This way, I will always have something in common with both of you!” Lu Zhiying said happily. “Oh, and I chose your garden plot too, Senior Martial Sister Gu!”

Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi exchanged glances, though it was obvious that they were feeling completely different emotions right now.

The former was shocked while the latter was comforted.

“Silly girl,” Gu Qiansi patted Lu Zhiying on the head. “I appreciate the thought, but haven’t you heard from your Senior Martial Brother Zhao that my garden plot is not the most ideal? It’s not too late to change garden plots now.”

“Nope!” Lu Zhiying was adamant. “Since I have helped with protecting it before, I can’t help but feel a sense of ownership and protectiveness towards that garden plot. And this way, Senior Martial Sister Gu will also be there if I ever need any help!”

“Haha, of course I will help you in anyway you need,” Gu Qiansi laughed. “But what do you mean by saying that you have helped with protecting it before?”

Zhao Yunxiao glared at Lu Zhiying.

“Oh! Perhaps not exactly protecting,” Lu Zhiying quickly corrected. “I meant previously when I helped you while Senior Martial Brother Zhao went home to sleep all by himself!”

“So that’s it,” Gu Qiansi smiled. “But don’t say that about your Senior Martial Brother Zhao. I was the one who asked him to leave first after all.”

“Still unhelpful,” Lu Zhiying shook her head in disapproval towards Zhao Yunxiao.

Zhao Yunxiao: “...”

This junior martial sister of his was starting to get a little too cheeky.

How could he not know that Lu Zhiying was referring to the time when she followed Zhao Yunxiao to hunt the nightspirit rats at night?

Since he made her promise not to tell Gu Qiansi about it, that chatterbox was probably still feeling indignant about it.

Still, he was surprised by Lu Zhiying’s choice of sect job.

Zhao Yunxiao was almost certain that Lu Zhiying would choose to work at the mines after seeing Nie Hanchang strike a jackpot, but it would appear that Lu Zhiying was still rational enough not to chase after such things after all.

Unfortunately, she just had to go and suffer together with Gu Qiansi at the same garden plot...

Thinking about Nie Hanchang, who knew how he was right now after being brought away by Tian Guiren?

As he was thinking that, the canteen suddenly broke into an uproar once more.

“Isn’t that Junior Martial Brother Bei?”

“Bei Pinzi, one of the three stars of the day?”

“It really is him!”

“Come, let’s go greet him!”

At this moment, Bei Pinzi was coming to the canteen to have his meal, accompanied by a few other outer disciples whom he had been hanging out with over the past week.

The moment he noticed everyone crowding over, Bei Pinzi puffed up his chest before continuing to walk forward in a more dignified manner.

He understood from his other companions that his name had already spread throughout the outer sect.

Since he was now a famous person in the outer sect, he naturally had to act the part!

If others wanted to suck up to him, he would just have to accept it out of respect for their efforts!

But just as the first greeting was about to be exchanged, someone dashed past Bei Pinzi to enter the canteen while shouting in excitement.

“Big news! Big news!”

His sudden actions immediately drew the attention of everyone, though Bei Pinzi could not help but frown as his grand entrance was disrupted.

“What’s the big news, senior martial brother? If you are talking about the results from the new disciples’ formation of spiritual meridian roots, then we have already heard it.”

“Hah, new disciples’ formation of spiritual meridian roots? Isn’t it just some true spiritual meridian roots? It’s not like someone managed to form a golden spiritual meridian root this year, so what’s the big deal about that?” the man scoffed.

Bei Pinzi’s face darkened, but he tried to keep his cool. “May I ask this senior martial brother what’s the big news that you speak of then?”

“Oh? I’ve never seen you around before. Are you a new disciple? Welcome to the sect.”

The man took a quick glance at Bei Pinzi and commented before turning back to face the crowds.

Bei Pinzi felt the corner of his lips twitch.

Did this person not know who the star of today was?

“Stop making us wait and say it already! What’s the news you speak of?”

People were finally starting to grow impatient.

“Don’t be shocked after hearing this,” the man said with a grin. “Earlier today, an outer disciple actually managed to forge a mythical tier weapon!”


The news shocked everyone present.

If this was truly the case, then the news about three new disciples forming true spiritual meridian roots was indeed insignificant in comparison!

“Are you certain?”

“Who is the outer disciple?”

Everyone started crowding over the man who brought the news, leaving Bei Pinzi standing awkwardly at the entrance.

As for the news bringer, he was about to elaborate when he spotted somone from the corner of his eyes.

“Speak of the devil. Here is the person who did it!” the man pointed towards the entrance.

Everyone’s gazes immediately turned towards the entrance, passing straight through the seemingly invisible Bei Pinzi to the person who was approaching from behind.

A deafening silence born of disbelief fell upon everyone as Nie Hanchang nonchalantly entered the canteen.

Nie Hanchang had never been known for his smithing skills, so now that he was pointed out as the one who had broken records in the smithing field, everyone could not help but be dumbfounded at the sudden revelation.

Seemingly oblivious to the stares coming from everyone present, Nie Hanchang walked past one person after another, finally stopping only when he arrived before Zhao Yunxiao.

“...Is anything wrong, Senior Martial Brother Nie?” Zhao Yunxiao asked awkwardly.

He had a bad feeling about what was to come.

Nie Hanchang stared at him for a few moments before speaking.

“Come with me. Let’s have a talk.”

Looking at the look of determination on Nie Hanchang’s face, as well as everyone’s attention focusing on the two of them, Zhao Yunxiao could not help but curse in his heart.

This was the textbook example of a complete lack of situational awareness!

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