Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Leaving the Origin Lake Sect

“All right, let’s stop here,” Hu Nan’s voice sounded across the courtyard, catching both of them by surprise.

Zhao Yunxiao and Zheng Biru looked over to see Hu Nan, Song Xiaoqiao, and Yu Hang standing together, watching them from a corner of the courtyard.

“Senior Martial Brother Hu, Senior Martial Sister Song,” the outer disciple duo quickly greeted.

“It is good to see that you are not neglecting your practice,” Hu Nan praised while walking over. “I’d hate to interrupt, but it is about time to leave. You can continue after we return to Purple Plum Mountain.”

Zhao Yunxiao looked up at the sky.

Indeed, the sun had completely risen by now, driving away every last bit of the night sky.

It was indeed time to leave.

“Thank you for your guidance, Senior Martial Brother Zheng,” Zhao Yunxiao bowed towards Zheng Biru.

“Likewise,” Zheng Biru returned the greeting.

“Go get ready, we will be leaving in around ten minutes,” Hu Nan said. “You too, Junior Martial Brother Yu.”

“Yes, Senior Martial Brother Hu!”

With that, the group went back to their assigned rooms to pack their things.

Ten minutes was not a long time.

Before they knew it, the group had already left the residence under He Luoxuan’s lead, arriving back at the main hall once more.

There, they met with Dan Juexing and the elders of the Origin Lake Sect. The various core disciples were waiting for them there as well.

While Dan Juexing and the elders were exchanging pleasantries with He Luoxuan, Chen Pingxi and the rest of the core disciples walked up to Zhao Yunxiao and the rest of the Black Tortoise Sect disciples.

“Farewell,” Chen Pingxi clasped her fists towards them. “I hope to see you again at Purple Plum Mountain in a few days.”

“Oh? Is Sister Chen coming this time?” Hu Nan revealed a look of surprise.

On the second day of every new year, the subordinate sects under the Black Tortoise Sect would each send an entourage to Purple Plum Mountain.

This was a way of paying their respects, as well as a time to offer their annual tributes to the Black Tortoise Sect.

As a faction that was subordinate to the Black Tortoise Sect, the Origin Lake Sect would naturally have to do so as well.

“That’s right, I have asked my master for permission to go along this time,” Chen Pingxi nodded. “I have gained a lot from your visit this time, and it is only right that I at least do this in return.”

“I see,” Hu Nan smiled helplessly. “I hope to see you in a few days then, Sister Chen.”

It was not uncommon for core disciples, or even prime disciples, to tag along with the annual entourage.

However, Hu Nan knew that the one truly responsible for Chen Pingxi’s gains was the Origin Lake Sect’s old general.

Therefore, he could not help but feel awkward upon seeing how grateful Chen Pingxi was.

“The rest of us wanted to go along as well, but Master said that we can’t have too many disciples going,” Qian Luming hurriedly added.

The other core disciples immediately nodded in agreement, many of them sneaking peeks at Zhao Yunxiao as they did.

None of them wanted to be portrayed as ungrateful after receiving benefits from He Luoxuan, especially not in front of a future core disciple of the Black Tortoise Sect!

“All right, we will be taking our leave then. Farewell, everyone!” He Luoxuan clasped his fists towards everyone.

“Farewell, Elder He!” everyone returned the greeting in unison.

With that, Ming Leishang personally led the way out for He Luoxuan’s entourage, slowly making their way past the various beautiful sights of the Origin Lake Sect territory before arriving once again at the Kilometre Stone Bridge.

As they made their way across the bridge, Zhao Yunxiao instinctively looked up at the stone arch towering overhead.

This was where he had first encountered Cha two days ago.

Back then, he had even mistaken Cha for a realistic-looking statue.

Who would have known that it was actually the guardian spirit of the sect, and would end up giving him so much trouble during his stay here?

But as opposed to when they first arrived, there was nothing atop the arch this time.

Zhao Yunxiao had fully expected to see Cha all coiled up atop the arch, so this actually made him feel slightly disappointed.

No, wait a minute!

Zhao Yunxiao quickly shook off those thoughts.

Why was he disappointed to not see Cha here?

If anything, he should be glad that Cha was not here to cause trouble for him up till the very end of the trip!

“You don’t have to send us any further, Elder Ming,” He Luoxuan said after they got to the other end of the bridge. “We will be flying back from here.”

“I understand. I look forward to the next time we meet then, Elder He,” Ming Leishang nodded.

He Luoxuan made a light wave with his hand and a fingernail-sized item flew out of his sleeves, landing on the ground not far away.

This small item then expanded rapidly, quickly turning into the ten storey high Crazy Winter Heavenly Palace.

“Let’s go,” He Luoxuan said, and the door to the Crazy Winter Heavenly Palace opened wide.

“Farewell, Elder Ming.”

The five disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect bade farewell to Ming Leishang before entering the tower as instructed.

He Luoxuan did not waste any more words either, merely giving Ming Leishang a final nod before disappearing into his heavenly palace.

With that, the Crazy Winter Heavenly Palace shot into the sky as it began its journey back towards Purple Plum Mountain.


“Well done, everyone,” He Luoxuan said as the disciples gathered before him in his room. “While there have been some unexpected situations, the trip has gone rather smoothly thanks to your efforts. So, all of you will be getting your deserved sect points.”

“Thank you, Elder He!” all of them answered in unison.

“You did especially well this time, Yunxiao,” He Luoxuan continued. “The run-in with the old general’s spirit was unexpected, but you handled matters well after that. The adjustments made to the lecture hall were great as well. Good job.”

“Thank you for the kind words,” Zhao Yunxiao bowed in gratitude.

“As for the rest of you, don’t feel too bad about what I said last night,” He Luoxuan added. “Three months will pass in the blink of an eye. Just make sure that you learn well from this incident and don’t repeat the same mistake.”

“Understood, Elder He.”

The trio naturally knew that the punishment was not a heavy one, so they had not felt too bad about it in the first place.

As for Song Xiaoqiao, she had not been part of the whole incident last night, so she naturally did not receive the same punishment.

“All right, if there’s nothing else, you are dismissed,” He Luoxuan concluded. “Go get some rest.”

With that, the disciples left for their assigned rooms in the Crazy Winter Heavenly Palace.

Back at the common room for outer disciples, Zhao Yunxiao lay down on his bed and closed his eyes, silently thinking back on what happened during the trip.

He thought that he had already made the necessary preparations beforehand, but this work trip still ended up being far more exhausting than he had expected.

Zhao Yunxiao could not help but think that, despite the huge benefits, perhaps he should not do such things too often after all.

Otherwise, he might not have the lifespan left to enjoy his gains.

But come to think of it, this work trip really should not have been this exhausting.

If not for that crazy serpent Cha, things would definitely have gone a lot more smoothly!

Looks like in the future, he would have to avoid joining any trips that would take him back to the Origin Lake Sect...

“Are you asleep, Junior Martial Brother Zhao?” Zheng Biru’s words caused Zhao Yunxiao to open his eyes once again.

“What is it, Senior Martial Brother Zheng?” Zhao Yunxiao sat up in his bed.

“I just wanted to ask if you have any important matters to attend to in the upcoming two weeks. Otherwise, would you be interested in going on a sect mission with my party?” Zheng Biru asked.

“A sect mission?” Zhao Yunxiao was surprised to hear that. “I don’t have anything particularly important after the New Year celebration, but may I know what the sect mission is about?”

“It’s a demon slaying mission,” Zheng Biru answered. “From the testimonials, we will be dealing with a demon estimated to possess strength at the Intermediate or Advanced Essence Physique realm.”

“Intermediate or Advanced Essence Physique realm...” Zhao Yunxiao rubbed his chin. “I’m definitely interested, but I would need more information before I can truly agree to it.”

A demon with strength at the Intermediate or Advanced Essence Physique realm was not an opponent that Zhao Yunxiao could handle on his own.

However, it would be a different matter altogether if he was part of a party.

As long as they were able to work well together, the eventual combat output of any party would be far greater than the sum of each individual member, making it possible for them to take down far stronger opponents.

Zhao Yunxiao knew that Zheng Biru was part of a party that frequently took up sect missions that involved slaying demons and monsters.

To them, this was probably just another regular sect mission – nothing to be worried about.

That was also one of the reasons why Zhao Yunxiao was more inclined towards agreeing.

If he was with a party as experienced as Zheng Biru’s, the danger level of the mission would surely be greatly reduced.

Yet even with all that considered, Zhao Yunxiao was still reluctant to agree to anything before finding out the finer details.

After all, it was always better to be safe than sorry!

“Fair enough,” Zheng Biru nodded. “Since you are agreeable to it, I will suggest this matter to my party leader. But I have to say that the final decision on whether to include you still lies with my party leader. If he decides not to invite you, there’s nothing that I can do either. But if he does agree to it, we will provide you with the relevant information for sure.”

“Understood,” Zhao Yunxiao agreed. “If it does turn out well, I will be relying on Senior Martial Brother Zheng for your guidance during the mission then.”

“Oh, I won’t be going on the mission though,” Zheng Biru said.

“What do you mean, Senior Martial Brother Zheng?” Zhao Yunxiao blinked blankly. “Didn’t you say that I will be joining your party?”

“That’s right, but I won’t be there,” Zheng Biru replied with a regretful sigh. “I got grounded for three months, remember? That is why I am asking you if you want to replace me on the mission.”

“R-Right...” Zhao Yunxiao forced an awkward smile.

Indeed, most sect missions were not mandatory, so this would not be considered an official reason for Zheng Biru to leave the sect.

“Haha, don’t worry about it,” Zheng Biru saw the awkward look on Zhao Yunxiao and gave him a light pat on the shoulder. “I will bring this matter up with my party leader then. We have planned to leave for the mission within five days. So if he does agree, we will probably let you know within three days.”

“Understood,” Zhao Yunxiao nodded. “Thank you for the opportunity, Senior Martial Brother Zheng.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Zheng Biru shook his head with a smile. “Have a good rest.”

“Have a good rest too,” Zhao Yunxiao answered.

Zheng Biru returned to his bed after saying that, leaving Zhao Yunxiao with more things to think about as he lay back down.

If he were to go on this mission five days later, that would mean he only had four days to settle everything he needed to do upon returning to Purple Plum Mountain.

He would really have to plan his time well then.

At the same time, Zheng Biru sat down on his own bed. He stole a glance at the resting Zhao Yunxiao, followed by another at Yu Hang who was already fast asleep.

Only after confirming that neither of them was paying attention to him did he start to secretly massage his arm.

Zheng Biru had been acting all nonchalant, but his arm had actually been throbbing in pain ever since blocking Zhao Yunxiao’s heavy punch during their spar earlier.

He hated to admit this, but from this alone, Zheng Biru could tell that Zhao Yunxiao’s mastery of the Xuanwu Fist Art was probably already far beyond his own!

After spending these two days with him, Zheng Biru had grown more and more curious about Zhao Yunxiao, who seemed to be full of mysteries and surprises.

In a way, him asking Zhao Yunxiao to replace him on this mission was also a way to test his capabilities.

And if they could discover a capable new member for their party through this, that would surely be for the best!

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