Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Liu Murou

“Are they your friends, Junior Martial Sister Liu?” the male disciple who seemed like the leader of the group asked.

“Erm... we crossed paths a few times as fellow outer disciples in the past, but we haven’t contacted each other since I entered the inner sect,” the female disciple named Liu Murou answered hesitantly.

“Oh, so you are just acquaintances,” the leader nodded in understanding before turning his attention back to Gu Qiansi.

By now, Gu Qiansi had realised from their reactions that something was wrong, and was quietly lowering her raised hand that she had been waving at the group.

“Are you outer disciples of the sect?” the leader asked in an imperious manner.

“Greetings, Senior Martial Brother Huo,” Zhao Yunxiao smoothly stepped in front of the confused Gu Qiansi and clasped his fists towards the leader of the group. “Your foresight is indeed as sharp as reputed, correctly identifying us as outer disciples of the sect with a single glance.”

Unlike Gu Qiansi and Lu Zhiying who had absolutely no idea who this person was, Zhao Yunxiao quickly recognised him as one of the most established inner disciples of the Black Tortoise Sect.

Huo Bubai.

His name literally meant undefeatable.

Such a domineering name only added to his stellar reputation, built up through numerous achievements that he had accumulated under his belt over the years.

Be it through subduing powerful demons or facing strong cultivators of opposing factions, Huo Bubai had repeatedly proven his superior combat prowess.

There was no doubt that he was one of the cornerstones of the Black Tortoise Sect’s inner sect, his fame even spreading beyond the Black Tortoise Sect to other factions.

While it was not exactly true that he had never lost before in his life, such occasions were few and far between, almost only happening when he was facing absolutely monstrous opponents.

However, anyone would have lost against such opponents anyway, so nobody thought any less of him just because of that.

Even among the inner disciples, few dared to face him in battle.

And right now, this famed inner disciple was standing before them, scanning them from head to toe with an expression that was less than friendly.

“I don’t know how the relationship is like between you and Junior Martial Sister Liu previously, and I honestly don’t care either,” Huo Bubai declared. “However, Junior Martial Sister Liu is now an inner disciple, so shouldn’t you lot be changing the way you address her? Don’t you think that it is no longer appropriate for you to address her by name?”

“That is our mistake, Senior Martial Brother Huo,” Zhao Yunxiao humbly agreed before clasping his fists towards Liu Murou who was standing behind Huo Bubai. “Our apologies for the transgression, Senior Martial Sister Liu.”

“...My apologies, Senior Martial Sister Liu,” Gu Qiansi hesitantly added.

“Don’t worry about it,” Liu Murou answered with an awkward smile.

“And you?” Huo Bubai turned towards Lu Zhiying who had been watching from the side.

“What about me?” Lu Zhiying responded with a question of her own.

Zhao Yunxiao felt his heart skip a beat.

He just knew that Lu Zhiying had not really been listening to them when they were going through all the written and unwritten rules of the sect just now!

“What else? Why are you not apologising as well?” Huo Bubai asked.

“Hmm? What am I supposed to apologise about?” Lu Zhiying tilted her head in confusion.

“Are you acting dumb or is this your idea of loyalty? To disassociate yourself from your comrades the moment they get into trouble?” Huo Bubai questioned. “The sect does not need disciples who abandon their comrades in times of need.”

“But I really don’t know what I should be apologising about,” Lu Zhiying blinked blankly. “Is it possible to enlighten me, Senior Martial Brother Huo?”

“Are you trying to be clever with me?” Huo Bubai furrowed his brows.

“Hmm, but I don’t quite understand what’s going on right now, so I doubt that’s considered being clever? I thought being clever means that you will understand most things, isn’t that right, Senior Martial Brother Huo?” Lu Zhiying asked innocently.

Huo Bubai narrowed his eyes upon hearing that.

“Let’s just leave it at that, Senior Martial Brother Huo,” Liu Murou interjected at this point. “We are running late, so let’s not waste our time on needless matters. I’m sure her comrades will let her know about her mistakes later.”

“That’s right, Senior Martial Brother Huo, let’s just ignore these people,” another female disciple added. “They are not worth your precious time.”

“You are too nice for your own good, Junior Martial Sister Liu,” Huo Bubai shook his head in disapproval. “I know that you just can’t bear to see your old comrades be punished.”

“Well, I have also been an outer disciple until not too long ago, so I guess I can kind of understand the hardships that they are currently going through,” Liu Murou let out a bitter smile. “Sometimes, one can end up losing sight of what’s important because of all the daily struggles.”

“Did you hear what your Senior Martial Sister Liu just said? That is true camaraderie, something that you are obviously sorely lacking, disrespectful brat!” Huo Bubai berated Lu Zhiying. “But since she has already spoken up for you, I shall pardon you today. Reflect on your mistakes and make sure not to repeat them in the future.”

“Understood, Senior Martial Brother Huo,” Zhao Yunxiao answered immediately.

“Understood, Senior Martial Brother Huo,” Gu Qiansi added promptly.

Lu Zhiying, however, chose to remain silent.

Thankfully, Huo Bubai no longer seemed to care as he turned to leave.

The rest of the group promptly followed his lead, immediately diving back into their conversation as if nothing happened earlier.

“Did you see the condition of her face? How pathetic!”

“Exactly! Aren’t they embarrassed to be going around the sect with her face all patched up like that?”

“Maybe it is exactly because she just got injured, that’s why she’s feeling so angry at everything right now!”

“Yeah, she probably got all those injuries from fighting some low-level opponents too. To be parading their weaknesses around like that, outer disciples these days really have no shame!”

“No wonder they don’t even have any idea about the concept of basic respect. You did the right thing to cut contact with them now that you are out of the outer sect, Junior Martial Sister Liu!”

“Haha, it’s not like I explicitly cut contact with them either. It’s just that we have always been on different paths from the start. But you are right, senior martial sister. It does seem like it is probably a good thing,” Liu Murou agreed.

“Of course it is! Hahaha, just imagine how you will end up if you actually hang out with those people! That will certainly be bad for you! Bad!”

The group did nothing to hide the content of their conversation as they walked away, speaking at a volume loud enough for Zhao Yunxiao’s group to hear everything that they were saying.

However, the three of them did not respond to the rude and contemptuous remarks, choosing to just stand there in silence as they watched the group of inner disciples leave.

“You should have learnt to let it go by now,” Zhao Yunxiao let out a helpless sigh after seeing that the group of disciples had gone far enough. “Murou lives in a different world from us now. If you truly mean well for her, you need to stop trying to associate with her or you will just be causing her trouble.”

“Yeah, I guess...” Gu Qiansi answered in a resigned manner, with a tinge of sadness evident in her voice.

“What is going on here? Just who is this Liu Murou?” Lu Zhiying asked with a frown.

In her opinion, there was definitely more than met the eye here.

She did not believe that her seniors were at fault at all, and apologising would be akin to admitting exactly that.

That was why she had refused to back down earlier even though she clearly understood that the other party were inner disciples.

“It’s nothing,” Gu Qiansi shook her head, obviously reluctant to dwell on this matter any longer.

“Are you treating me as an outsider now, Senior Martial Sister Gu?” Lu Zhiying asked unhappily.

Her words seemed to have shaken Gu Qiansi, who let out a helpless sigh.

“I guess I can tell you, but you have to promise not to think badly of Murou in any way,” Gu Qiansi said.

“I promise,” Lu Zhiying nodded.

Zhao Yunxiao rolled his eyes.

As if she really meant that.

“Well, there’s really nothing much to it as well,” Gu Qiansi started. “Murou, Zhao Yunxiao and I have known each other since young, and can be considered to have grown up together. We were really close back then too. In fact, a big part of the development of Lightwind Pavilion was thanks to her contributions. However, she got busier after being invited to join the inner sect last year, so we kind of drifted apart since then.”

“Got busier and drifted apart, eh?” Lu Zhiying echoed that part in a tone filled with scepticism. “Why does it seem to me that it is more like she just pretended not to know you after joining the inner sect?”

“That’s not it...” Gu Qiansi’s words trailed off as she spoke.

She wanted to disagree with Lu Zhiying, but she also knew deep down that Lu Zhiying was right.

“You can’t really blame Murou for that either,” Zhao Yunxiao cut in. “You have to understand that the inner sect is completely different from the outer sect. The inner sect is a much harsher environment where discrimination and segregation are rampant, and where people are divided into clear factions. In order to fit in better and maintain her status within her faction, Murou probably has no choice but to pretend as if she does not mix around with outer disciples like us since it could lower her status in her faction.”

He might not be a part of the inner sect, but Zhao Yunxiao had a much clearer understanding of the ongoings in the inner sect thanks to all the interactions he had with inner disciples through his different jobs.

“It’s that bad? Why would anyone want to enter the inner sect then?” Lu Zhiying asked.

“That’s not the way to look at it,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head. “In the end, the ultimate goal for all cultivators is to walk further on the cultivation path. How can a little bit of hardship deter you from seeking more opportunities? In fact, if you ever have the chance to enter the inner sect in the future, you don’t have to feel bad if you have to pretend as if you don’t know us too. That is just how the world works, and we will definitely understand your circumstances.”

Gu Qiansi could only smile bitterly when she heard that, because she clearly understood why Zhao Yunxiao said what he did.

At the rate that things were going, it would only be a matter of time before Lu Zhiying got invited to join the inner sect.

When that happened, Zhao Yunxiao did not want them to become a burden for the bright and talented Lu Zhiying.

While it would be a regretful outcome to have to lose another friend, Gu Qiansi agreed with this decision too.

Rather than stubbornly sticking to Lu Zhiying and becoming her shackles in the process, she would much rather Lu Zhiying leave them behind if it meant that she could realise her fullest potential that way.

“What are you talking about, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?” Lu Zhiying replied with a frown. “Even if I were to end up entering the inner sect before you two, there’s no way that I will pretend to not know you like she did! Actually, if that were to ever happen, I will definitely do my best to bring the two of you along with me!”

“Hahaha, we appreciate the thought, but don’t go making rash promises now,” Zhao Yunxiao laughed. “It might still be some time in the future, but when it does happen, do remember what I just said.”

“Bleah!” Lu Zhiying stuck her tongue out in protest, and the amused Gu Qiansi patted her on the head.

Gu Qiansi naturally knew that it was impossible for a newly joined inner disciple to bring other outer disciples along with her to the inner sect, but she appreciated the thought nevertheless.

Having cleared things up, the trio continued on their way to Zhao Yunxiao’s garden plot.

It was a long walk, but they arrived eventually.

At first glance, there were not many differences from Gu Qiansi’s garden plot.

Just like Gu Qiansi’s garden plot, Zhao Yunxiao’s was also fully fenced up.

The garden plot itself was similarly split into plot sections, allocated to individual disciples for them to take care of.

It was nearing noon by now.

Winter was coming to an end, but the air was still chilly and cold.

Thankfully, the blazing sun hung overhead, making it easier on the few disciples who were currently working on their individual plot sections.

Of course, as cultivators, they would have had no issues working in the thick of winter either.

It was just that in harsher weather conditions, they would have to expend more effort in maintaining the keeping their crops alive and healthy.

“Senior Martial Brother Lei, Senior Martial Brother Qing!” Zhao Yunxiao waved energetically as soon as they arrived.

“Junior Martial Brother Zhao?”

The two disciples heard their names and looked up in surprise.

But unlike the group from earlier that had responded to Gu Qiansi’s greeting with frowns, the two of them beamed when they saw Zhao Yunxiao.

In fact, upon seeing the wide smiles on their faces, some might even think that they look a little too happy for this to be just a simple greeting!

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